Dad Academy

Chapter 1385 The pancakes made by my aunt are the most delicious in the world

At seven-thirty in the morning, the sun was already shining brightly, and West Chang'an Street was extremely noisy, but the cicadas were chirping in the Little Red Horse Academy and the breeze was very pleasant.

"Old man, hurry up~~~I'm going to be late."

As the voice fell, Xiaobai's figure ran out of the building. She was carrying her schoolbag and looked anxious.

Classes start at eight o'clock in elementary school, but early self-study begins at seven-fifty. Xiaobai was later than usual today and didn't leave home until seven-thirty.

Worried that she would be late, she hurried downstairs and called her old man to hurry up.

Zhang Tan strode out, rummaged around in his pockets, and said, "If you have time, don't panic. Take a photo first and send it to Moments."

"Have a hammer~~" Xiaobai was dissatisfied. What time of day was this, and he still posted it on WeChat Moments!

However, Zhang Tan did not take out his mobile phone from his clothes, but took out his car keys.

"Fortunately, I have it with me."

He was teasing Xiaobai. He was not looking for his cell phone to take pictures, but for his car keys.

"Next time, don't stay up in the middle of the night. Look at you, you can't wake up even after the alarm clock rings several times." Zhang Tan took the opportunity to educate the child Bai Chunhua.

Last night, she stayed up in the middle of the night and messed around, causing her to be unable to get up this morning.

Xiaobai heard this and muttered in a low voice: "It's Xiao Lizi who said she didn't sleep at night to have fun, Gua Wazi, I can't believe her!"

Zhang Tan: "Xiao Lizi goes to kindergarten. If you want to go, you can go. It doesn't matter if you don't. You go to elementary school."

"What's the difference?"

"The difference is big, she doesn't have to take a test, you have to take a test."


While the father and daughter were talking, a woman walked in outside the academy gate. Zhang Tan saw her and said with some surprise: "Jiang Rong, why are you so early?"

The visitor was Jiang Rong. She greeted Xiaobai first and then replied to Zhang Tan: "We have a weekly meeting today. You won't forget it. I haven't had breakfast yet. I heard that Xiaobai's aunt is in Huang." There is a pancake and fruit shop opened in my village, and I am going to have breakfast there."

When Xiaobai heard this, he immediately introduced enthusiastically, "There, there! You go out, go to the right, keep walking, you will be there in ten minutes. My aunt's pancake and fruit shop is there, she always stands at the door Well, her face is so big and her butt is even bigger. You will recognize her. The pancakes made by my aunt are the most delicious pancakes in the world. My old man and I eat them every day. You If you eat my aunt's pancake fruit, you will be more beautiful and your skin will be white..."

Good guy, there were so many bala bala, Zhang Tan was stunned when he heard it. Moreover, this little guy had no intention of stopping and was soliciting customers for her aunt's pancake and fruit shop with great enthusiasm.

Zhang Tana had to interrupt: "Xiao Bai, you're going to be late. Let's leave quickly."

"Oh haha~"

Xiaobai then remembered that time waits for no one.

Before leaving, she was still worried and said to Jiang Rong: "Just go this way, Sister Jiang, go this way, keep walking, and you will see~~ Go quickly, my aunt is waiting for you."

Jiang Rong smiled and promised to go right away, good guy, are your aunt waiting for me? Did she know I was coming? At a young age, he is very good at soliciting customers.

"Stop talking, hurry up, hurry up." Zhang Tan urged, Xiao Bai was really going to be late.

After the two left, Jiang Rong went to the studio first, put down her bag, and then went out. She chatted for a few words with Lao Li, who was walking over after breakfast. After going out, she went to the right and looked for Malanhua's pancake and fruit shop.

Indeed, as Xiaobai said, after walking for less than ten minutes, I saw Malanhua's pancake and fruit shop.

Although the store is not big, it is easy to find. It is in a great location at an intersection. At the same time, the people in front of the store are so nice that there is a queue. Many of them are taking selfies with their mobile phones while queuing.

It has become a place where Internet celebrities check in.

Ever since Li Yuxiao posted a video recommending a pancake and fruit shop, the business here has skyrocketed. Coupled with its location, backed by the bustling West Chang'an Street, Malanhua's business is booming.

"Excuse me, are you waiting in line?" Two girls came over and asked Jiang Rong.

"Well, I'm waiting in line." Jiang Rong quickly stood up, and the two girls stood behind her, chatting about this pancake and fruit shop.

Jiang Rong listened to what they said and learned that Malanhua's store was now very famous, and many people came here.

Pancake fruit is not a delicacy, but it attracts so many people. Celebrity attraction is an important factor.

Because of Zhang Tan, Malanhua's shop never lacks stars to check in. Not to mention anything else, several crews are currently filming new dramas. All he needs to say casually is that any of the actors and stars in these crews can't help but For his sake, no matter how far away he is, he still has to make a special trip to eat a set of pancakes and fruits, take a few sets back, check in, take photos and post them online.

After following this set of procedures, the popularity of Malanhua's store has increased significantly.

Jiang Rong stood in the queue, raised her head, and looked past the crowd to the small shop. She saw three people busy in the shop, and one of them was Malanhua.

These three people are all women, their hands and feet are so quick that they barely have a chance to look up.

The long queue made Jiang Rong estimate the time. She thought she would be able to buy it as soon as she arrived, and she would have to wait a few minutes at most. However, looking at the size of the team and the speed of making pancakes, she estimated that it would take at least 20 minutes.

Fortunately, Jiang Rong arrived early, otherwise she would be late for the weekly meeting in the morning.

The screenwriters of the film and television studio have a weekly meeting at the Little Red Horse. The screenwriters, who rarely see each other, will use this opportunity to understand each other's work progress.

This was a requirement Zhang Tan made last month. Because Zhao Lin was bullied by a starlet on the set, he felt it was necessary for everyone to get together regularly to talk about work. At the same time, he also took this opportunity to get to know each other. Project progress.

He is the hands-off shopkeeper, but it is impossible to ignore it completely. When it comes to big or urgent matters, he has to be there.

When it was Jiang Rong's turn, Ma Lanhua was busy making pancakes for another person and didn't notice her.

Jiang Rong didn't remind her, she quietly took her set of pancakes and fruits and left.

Walking back in the alley, she smelled the aroma wafting from the pancakes. She originally planned to eat them when she got to Little Red Horse, but her appetite was aroused and she couldn't help it anymore, so she opened the package and the aroma was so fragrant that she licked it hard. I took a bite and it tasted great.

The portion of pancakes and fruits is very big. Jiang Rong usually doesn’t eat much for breakfast. I thought I wouldn’t be able to finish this set of pancakes and fruits, but when I walked to the door of Little Red Horse, I suddenly found that the pancakes and fruits in my hand were gone and I had finished eating.

Just such a short time!

"It's so delicious. No wonder the business is so good. It's not all because of the celebrities checking in." Jiang Rong said, took out a tissue, wiped her hands, and walked into the Little Red Horse.

Lao Li invited her over to drink tea.

"Ma Lanhua's pancakes are delicious, right? Come and have a cup of strong tea. It tastes even better."

"It's really good. Aunt Ma's craftsmanship is so good. I don't get tired of eating a set of pancakes and fruits every day." Jiang Rong said, picking up the tea that Lao Li poured for her, blowing on it, and sipping gently. After one sip, the taste of pancake fruit in your mouth has not yet dissipated, and the aroma of tea has spread in your mouth. The feeling is warm, fragrant, and energetic.

Jiang Rong couldn't help but sigh: "Xiao Bai is right. The pancakes made by her aunt are the most delicious pancakes in the world. At least, they are the most delicious ones I have ever tasted."

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