Dad Academy

Chapter 1390 Riding a white horse

Tan Jin'er was stunned for a few moments. It was really rare to hear Xiaobai call Boss Zhang daddy.

But I couldn't hear it anymore because Xiaobai called "Old Man".

She wasn't in the mood to pay attention to what Xiaobai was shouting. Her mind was focused on the big pendulum in the sky. She was sweating for Boss Zhang, and at the same time she was glad that she didn't go up. It was really scary.

Standing in the distance before, the impact was not so strong. Now standing under the big pendulum, I felt particularly insignificant. If she were in the sky, Xiaobai and Xi'er might have heard her screams. Voice.

"It's so scary, so scary~~~"

Tan Xier's child was jumping up and down, excited. I don't know whether he was excited or scared.

Xiaobai clenched her fists and kept her head raised, staring at her old man, worried about his safety.

One person is floating in the sky, and three people are remembering on the ground.

Zhang Tan didn't know this. He only felt that he was messy in the wind, and he was stuck in the feeling of weightlessness. He must have screamed, but he was drowned in the screams of the girls next to him.

After finally getting through it, when the machine stopped, Zhang Tan took a deep breath, ruffled his hair, pretended to be calm and stood up, walked out of the fence, and said to the three Xiaobais waiting outside: "This is a bit interesting."

"Are you afraid? Old man."

"Did you call me godfather?"

Tan Xier's children even circled around him, looking at his pants.

Zhang Tan told them that he was not afraid. This was still very interesting. It was a pity that they did not go up. They missed this village and did not have this shop.

These words made Xiaobai and Xi'er feel regretful and felt that maybe they should really go up.

They are just here to play. If they don’t want to play, then why are they here?

Zhang Tan praised them for their ambition, pointed to the Yunxiao Express speeding in the air in the distance, and said, "Let's go play with that."

Xi'er looked up and could hear the screams of the people on the express train from so far away.

Her face turned a little pale, but she couldn't give in. She looked at Xiaobai, who said yes, and she followed suit.

The two children were very upset.

Tan Jin'er reminded them that they must think about it and don't want to force it.

"Don't force yourself."

"We don't force it."

Both children expressed their courage, and Tan Jin'er took them to the Yunxiao Express to let them experience the horror of the express train.

Just as an express train passed overhead, with a whoosh, the express train roared away, and then people's screams came.

The two children were so frightened that their faces turned pale.


Xi'er also followed suit and said shovel.

"Do you still want to sit down?" Tan Jin'er asked them.

Xi'er wanted to shake her head, but Xiaobai didn't say anything, so she endured it.

Just at this time, the Yunxiao Express that had gone away came back and was climbing. When it reached the top, the express dropped almost ninety degrees, and the people on the car almost screamed.

The two children below heard it and screamed in fright.



Then with a swish, the mice scurried away one by one, holding their heads.

A few minutes later, they sat on the carousel, flying up and down leisurely, feeling very uncomfortable.

This is still suitable for them.

"Tick, tick, tick, drive, drive, drive~~~~"

The kid Tan Xier was particularly excited when he got on the horse. His whole body was full of fun, as if he was riding a real horse, and he was even flattering.

Xiaobai was right next to her, riding a little white horse. He thought she was noisy, so he said, "Xiba, please don't beep, can't you be quiet?"

Xi'er: "Then you also beep, beep, beep."

"You are noisy."

"I rode a little white horse, hiahia~~"

Xi'er was riding a little white horse.

She fell in love with this little white horse at first sight, for no other reason than because she wanted to ride it.

Although both horses are small white horses, their postures are different. Xiaobai's white horse has its hooves flying, its tail is flying, and it is running wildly.

Xi'er's little white horse was also in a running posture, but its head was held high and it was neighing.

"My little white horse is barking, and I want to bark too."

Xi'er argued that just because her little white horse looked like it was screaming, she couldn't stop.

Xiaobai was speechless and only sent three words to Xi'er:


"Hmph, I want to scream too."

Xi'er started riding wildly, and the little friend became a little angry and irritable.

Her sister stood outside the fence and reminded her not to be impulsive and to calm down Xi'er.

The merry-go-round ended and Xiaobai and Xi'er got off the white horse. Xiaobai asked to change horses and not sit next to Xi'er because he thought she was too noisy and a dangerous person.

She climbed onto a little red horse in the distance, but the staff took her down again and told her that the game was over and she had to get out.


Neither of the two children had enough fun. Compared to the scary big pendulum in the sky and the Sky Express, the carousel was more suitable for little ladies like them.

So I decided to play another round.

Zhang Tan persuaded Tan Jin'er to go too.

The three little girls lined up again to enter. Xi'er was the first to grab the little white horse and called her sister to come and ride the other little white horse next to her.

"Have a good ride, Xiaobai."

Xiaobai in the distance immediately threatened: "Xiwawa, be careful because your brain is too broad to give you two bags."

Xi'er immediately lowered her voice and called her sister to get on the horse.

And Xiaobai was already riding on the little red horse.

She felt that this little red horse was very similar to the one on the Little Red Horse Academy sign, and she must ride it.

The music started playing and the merry-go-round began to spin. Not to mention, Tan Jiner was particularly suitable for riding the merry-go-round and her temperament matched well.

When the rounds were over, the two children asked to play again, and Zhang Tan reminded them that there were many things to play outside, not just the merry-go-round.

Xiaobai listened to the old man's suggestion, but Xi'er insisted on playing again because she hadn't had enough of riding the little white horse.

"I don't even know how to yell at you! Hi baby!" Xiaobai warned Xi'er, asking her to be honest, be good, and not make trouble.

Why are you riding a little white horse? Isn't this taking advantage of her? It's unbearable to take advantage of me once and have to come again several times!

Xi'er was driven away by Xiao Bai, muttering and dissatisfied, but due to Xiao Bai's intimidation, she did not dare to resist, so she could only leave complaining.

Bumper cars.

This game can be played by four people.

Zhang Tan takes one, and Jin'er takes another.

"Sister, come on, hit your godfather~~~"

The child Tan Xier went a little dark. She even shouted loudly and ordered her sister to hit Xiaobai and Zhang Tan.

Not to mention, they cooperate very well. After all, they ride a small electric car all year round on West Chang'an Street and Huangjia Village. Practice makes perfect.

But Zhang Tan is also an experienced driver and is not that easy to deal with. The two cars are just playing and bumping into each other. It is impossible for the car to overturn.

Until another bumper car came and hit the two of them, so the four of them rushed out and chased them.

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