Dad Academy

Chapter 1396 Smells like mother


It wasn't until after one o'clock in the morning that all the children in the academy left, ten minutes after the closing time of the academy.

Finally, the father who came over apologized to Peng Yi.

Oh no, there is a child in the academy who is fast asleep on her bed.

Peng Yi returned to the dormitory. Fortunately, Xiao Lizi was still sleeping soundly, but his arms were exposed from the quilt again.

The air conditioner was on and the room was a little cold. Peng Yi helped Xiao Lizi cover the quilt again and lay down.

As soon as she lay down, she was hugged by Xiao Lizi.

I thought Little Plum was awake, but found that the child still had his eyes closed, breathing evenly, and was still asleep.

The little guy was very sensitive. She sensed it as soon as she lay down and hugged him immediately.

Peng Yi did not move, letting Xiao Lizi hold her, and turned off the light. The night spread in the dormitory, and Xiao Lizi, who was holding her, suddenly murmured softly.

Peng Yi didn't hear clearly.

Immediately, Xiao Lizi murmured again, and this time she heard clearly that it was her mother who was calling.

Peng Yi felt sorry for Little Lizi and held her in her arms. She would be her mother for one night and let her have a sweet dream.

Peng Yi was very tired and fell asleep soon.

The next day, she was woken up by a rustling sound. When she opened her eyes, she saw Xiao Lizi sitting against the wall with a doll in his arms. His hair was messy. He had already woken up and looked at him with a confused look on his face. Her eyes were blurry.

"You just woke up? Why don't you sleep a little longer?"

When Xiao Lizi heard the voice, his eyes gradually focused, fell on Peng Yi's face, and said cutely: "*\u0026%¥ # Not mom~"

Peng Yi: "..."

"It turns out it's not mom~"

The child's face was full of disappointment. She had a dream last night, dreaming of sleeping with her mother and lying in her arms.

Peng Yi said in surprise: "So you dreamed about your mother. Your mother must have talked to you."

Little Lizi immediately became energetic, with stars in her eyes. Balabala told Peng Yi what her mother said to her in the dream and what she led her to do.

But as he talked, Xiao Lizi's face fell down and he was about to cry.

"Where is my mother? Why is my mother missing?"

The dream was so beautiful, but when she woke up, there was only emptiness. Little Plum was so sad that she wanted to cry.

Peng Yi comforted her, "If you have anything to say to your mother, you can write it down and send it to her. She can see it no matter where she is."

"Really?" Xiao Lizi asked seriously.

"It's true, for our relatives who have left us forever, we can all write letters to them and send them out. One day they will receive them, see the letters we wrote, and know how much we miss them. "

Little Plum was in high spirits and immediately threatened to write many letters to her mother every day, but she soon encountered difficulties.

"But I can't write." Xiao Lizi said frustratedly.

"It's okay, isn't Little Plum learning? You can learn and write at the same time. As you write more and more words, mom will also know from it that her little Plum knows more and more words. The more powerful and sensible she becomes, the happier and gratified she will be."

Little Lizi thought what Teacher Xiao Yizi said was great. She was in high spirits and wanted to write a letter to her mother immediately.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Xiaobai tentatively called out in a low voice outside the door: "Xiao Lizi, Xiao Lizi, are you there??"

"I'm here~Xiaobai~"

Xiao Lizi responded enthusiastically, put on clothes and shoes, and hurried to open the door. Outside the door stood Xiao Bai and Xi'er.

"Ha, Xiao Lizi is really here." Xiao Bai said.

Xi'er looked inside and said with a smile, "Teacher Xiao Yizi is here."

Peng Yi had put on her clothes and was making the bed, asking them why they got up so early.

Xiaobai said: "My old man is already running in the yard."

ah? Peng Yi went to the window to look outside, and sure enough she saw a figure running in circles in the yard. When she got closer, she saw it was Boss Zhang.

The boss gets up so early, but she, the teacher, gets up even later.

Peng Yi couldn't help but speed up her movements, tidied up the dormitory briefly, and called Xiao Lizi over to comb her hair.

Seeing that Xiaobai's hair was not taken care of, he called Xiaobai over.

As for Xi'er, her hair has been combed for a long time. It's a bun. Her sister combed it for her.

"I don't need to tie my hair, I'm a watermelon head."

Xiaobai looked at herself in the mirror and admired her cute appearance. Undoubtedly, the watermelon head was the finishing touch, which raised her cuteness and temperament by several levels.

Very stinky.

Xiaobai's watermelon hair really didn't need much care. Peng Yi just combed her hair a few times to make it smooth.

She also combed Little Lizi's hair, which was braided into sky-high horns, symbolizing the unyielding spirit of a child who will always fight against the evil forces Shen Liuliu and Da Yanyan! Never compromise!

After combing her hair, Xiao Lizi was immediately taken to play in the yard by Xiao Bai and Xi'er, leaving Peng Yi alone in the dormitory.

She packed her things and prepared to go home.

But before that, she had to hand over Xiao Lizi.

A message from her father Li Xin has been sent. This man did not spend the night with Xiao Lizi for the first time, and he could not hide his anxiety.

Peng Yi called back.

Li Xin said: "Thank you for your hard work, Teacher Peng. Did Xiao Lizi stay up all night? I'm so sorry..."

Peng Yi listened to what he said a lot, and wondered why this man didn't ask her about her situation first, and just said a lot in one breath, which was so long-winded.

"Xiao Lizi went to bed last night and went to bed at eleven o'clock."

"...went to bed at eleven o'clock? Did you fall asleep? Or were you just rolling around on the bed?"

Li Xin didn't believe it. He knew his little plum very well. It was extremely difficult to get her to sleep at night, let alone fall asleep in the middle of the night.

But Peng Yi said with certainty: "She fell asleep at eleven o'clock, watching cartoons and falling asleep."

Li Xin was pleasantly surprised and understood every detail. Little did he know that the reason why Little Plum fell asleep so early last night was entirely because she liked the smell of the quilt, which was like her mother's, which gave her a huge sense of security.

The two chatted on the phone for a while, and Li Xin rushed over immediately, ready to pick up Xiao Lizi.

At this time, Xiao Lizi was chasing Zhang Tan in the yard, laughing and playing.

Xiao Bai bent down to pick leaves under the tree, while Xi'er stood under the parrot's cage, holding her little head high, holding some nuts in her hand, and kept calling the parrot to come down and eat.

The parrot is so anxious, if you are sincere, just send it up!

If I could have gone down, I would have gone down long ago, and you don’t have to worry about it!

Peng Yi went out and came to the yard. She said hello to Zhang Tan, who was running. She also walked in the yard and breathed in the fresh morning air.

Not long after, Li Xin's figure appeared at the door of the yard. With sharp eyes, little Li Zi rushed over immediately, calling daddy.

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