Dad Academy

Chapter 167: Divide the Apple (5/5, please subscribe)

Chapter 167: Divide the Apple (55 please subscribe)

After seeing off Zhang Tan, Wang Zhen returned to the office and prepared to take a lunch break. There was a high-level meeting in the afternoon and she needed to recharge her batteries.

She suddenly thought of what Zhang Tan had said at the meeting this morning, that "Unlucky Bear" was highly praised on the Internet. She took out her phone and searched for related content, and sure enough, there were quite a few.

"This bear is so cute, but so unlucky~haha~"

"Why am I so happy watching other people suffer misfortune?"

"That's so funny. I really do have a dark constitution."

"Why does this bear look so familiar? I seem to have seen it somewhere."

"Upstairs, this is the mascot of Pujiang TV. This animation is jointly produced by Pujiang TV and the studio."

"It's great, but each episode is too short."

"The content is very good, but why are the data so poor? I haven't seen any publicity."

"Increase publicity and this drama will become popular."

"It can't be popular. The updates are too slow. Only tentacle monsters can be popular in this world."

As she watched, she felt relaxed and fell asleep. She dropped her phone on the sofa and almost hit her face.

In the afternoon, Wang Zhen woke up full of energy. She washed her face, put on makeup, and went to the senior management to attend the station director's office meeting. All attendees were channel directors and above.

"Zhen seems to be in good spirits."

A man with gray hair, a plump figure, medium height, about 50 years old said with a smile.

This is Xiao Hong, deputy director of Pujiang TV Station.

A middle-aged man came in outside the door and answered with a smile: "We are young people after all, Mr. Xiao. We are older and can't compare with them, haha."

Xiao Hong smiled and chatted with the other party, and then asked Wang Zhen about the situation of "Unlucky Bear". He learned that the ratings were very poor, and he kindly gave some suggestions.

After finishing the chat, Wang Zhen returned to her seat and sat down with a smile on her face and cursed the smiling tiger in her heart.

The station director arrived and the meeting began. According to the meeting procedures, matters were reported one by one. While listening to the latest market ratings, the station director asked about "Unlucky Bear", and Wang Zhen answered according to the script.

"The cause has been found, and a systematic plan has been implemented. It is being implemented. There will definitely be a big improvement next week..."

Xiao Hong, who was sitting under the stage director, smiled and listened to the whole process without making a sound.

When he reaches his position, he never attacks easily, but once he does, he must be 80% sure to defeat the enemy to death.

Now that the young Director Wang can still jump, let her jump a few times. Only with enough patience can you hunt the biggest prey.

But what disappointed him was that in the following period, "Unlucky Bear" really improved a lot. On the TV station, the ratings were finally not at the bottom. The effect was more obvious on the Internet, and the number of broadcasts increased significantly.

West Chang'an Street is crowded with people, and the white-collar workers in the CBD area are getting off work.

Malanhua's small white pancake and fruit stall has one of the best business hours of the day, and it is so busy that it can't stop.


A police car stopped and Xiaobai happily got out of the car with a small schoolbag on his back and ran over.

Behind her was Xiaomi who was running behind her.

"Auntie, let me help you." Xiaobai stood on the small stool skillfully and started doing his old job - greeting the passing brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts to buy pancakes and fruits.

She is the flagship of the stall.

"Come on Xiaomi, stand here." Xiaobai asked Xiaomi to stand on another small stool.

"Officer Ding, don't worry. Give me the millet and come to my house for dinner later." Malanhua said to Ding Jiamin who was driving.

"That's my trouble."

"No trouble, no trouble."

Ding Jiamin said hello to Xiaobai Xiaomi and drove away.

The two children were bathing in the sunset, greeting people cheerfully, and stayed busy until the rush hour was over, and the stall truck closed its stall and went home.

"Auntie, have you seen Boss Zhang? His claws haven't gotten off work yet?" Xiaobai asked. In the past, they often met Zhang Tan driving to get off work, and would say hello to them when passing by the stall.

"Boss Zhang is so busy." Ma Lanhua said, "How did you feel in the kindergarten today?"

Xiaobai and Xiaomi chattered and told her.

Since Xiaobai also went to Xiaohongqi Kindergarten, Xiaomi has become much more cheerful.

The little sisters now go to and from school together. In the morning, Xiaobai came to Midnight Academy and took Ding Jiamin's police car to the kindergarten with Xiaomi. After school in the afternoon, they took them back together.

Malanhua thanked Ding Jiamin for often bringing Xiaomi home and having dinner together.

At home, Bai Jianping hasn't come back yet.

Although working on the set is not as tiring as on the construction site, there is a lot of overtime work, and they have to follow the crew when filming night scenes.

Xiaobai and Xiaomi were sitting on the sofa watching TV, and Ma Lanhua was cooking in the kitchen.

After dinner, Xiaobai and Xiaomi went to Xiaohongma, while Malanhua still ran a stall and could make one order at a time in the evening.

"Gua WaZi? Is Gua WaZi here?" Xiaobai shouted habitually as soon as he entered the school.

In the past, she was always the first one to arrive, and even though she yelled hard, she couldn't call out a single melon boy, so she could only call out Boss Zhang. But now, when she yells, several of them immediately run out of the classroom.

A melon boy in front shouted happily: "hiahiahia~~~is Xiaobai~~my sister!"

The pretty boy's face darkened, he pinched the little carrot-headed face and pulled it to both sides.

This little carrot head was a bit shorter than her, and bullying her was like bullying a little chicken.

"Ah~~ah~~~~Xiaobai, don't hit your sister~~ah!"

"You are my sister! You are only 4 years old!"

"I am 8 years old! I am 8 years old! Xiaobai, you are only 4 years old!"

"Gua Wa Zi, Gua Xi Xi, Han Haner~~~"

Xiao Dou Ding was a little reckless and fought back not to be outdone: "Gua Wa Zi, Gua Xi Xi, Han Haner~~~"

Xiaobai was speechless to her, "Just hit her, it's not in line with her style." She doesn't bully the weak, she only fights against stronger kids like Luo Zikang.

The little Doudin in front of me is a newcomer to Little Red Horse Academy. He is a typical melon kid, naive and very reckless.

Her name is Tan Xi'er, she is only 4 years old, but she always can't remember. Today she is 5 years old, tomorrow she is 6 years old, the day after tomorrow she is 8 years old, or she is 1 year old again. Anyway, she can't figure out how old she is, she thought. You are as old as you are. If you want to be a sister, you are 8 years old. If you want to be a younger sister, you are 1 year old.

"Crawl away, don't touch me!"

Xiaobai let Tan Xier go, there was nothing he could do to her.

She went to find Boss Zhang, but Tan Xier followed behind her and couldn't drive her away: "Get away, get away, don't follow me, I'm annoying you to death~~"

Tan Xier still followed unhurriedly: "Xiaobai, where are you going? Come play with me."

Xiaobai: "You ask me to get rid of the thiophene."

Tan Xi'er: "Liuliu also said, Xi'er, crawl away and don't touch me."


Tan Xi'er can't do anything to fan the flames and can't be driven away. It's like a plaster on a dog's skin.

Boss Zhang was not at home, so Xiaobai dragged Tan Xier by his tail and went to dig sand in the sandpit with other children to play house.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Zhang Tan came back.

"Come on, one for each, everyone has a share."

He gave out big red apples to the children in the academy and bought them with his own money, costing 5 yuan each! Salary has been paid.

"Thank you, Boss Zhang."

"Boss Zhang is a good boss."

"Boss Zhang was transformed from Apple."

"My mother likes Boss Zhang very much."

"My grandma likes Boss Zhang very much."

"My grandpa likes Boss Zhang very much."

"My daddy likes Boss Zhang very much."

"My daddy was washed away by the water."

The child was so cute. He happily hugged the red apple and thanked Boss Zhang.

Little white-collar worker.

Tan Xier took it.

Xiaomi got it.

Cheng Cheng took it.

Liuliu arrived late and was at the end of the queue. She wanted to jump in line, but Luo Zikang pulled her out by the collar.

Jiang Bin took control of the audience and educated Luo Zikang and Liuliu.

"Boss Zhang, please leave one for me~~~嘤嘤嘤~~"

Liuliu was at the back of the queue, constantly sticking out her little head to look around. She was very worried that Boss Zhang didn't have that many red apples. What if they were all gone when it was her turn.

"Liuliu, my sister, look, my red apple is so big, hiahiahia~~~"

Tan Xier sticks to Liliu, chewing and biting the apple while showing off and inciting hatred.

"You are so pitiful Ya Xi'er." Liuliu and Tan Xi'er are the same age, and they are at odds with each other, "Your front teeth are missing, hahahaha~~~"

Liuliu laughed at Tan Xier for losing his front teeth.

Tan Xi'er quickly covered her little mouth, snorted, and walked away arrogantly, muttering "You little melon."

When there were still 6 people in the team, Luoliu kept hopping and asking loudly if there were any more people. She was there soon.

Finally it got to her.

Luoliu looked at the empty bamboo basket, his face fell, his emotions were collapsing rapidly, tears welled up in his eyes, a thunderstorm was about to hit.

"Boss Zhang, I don't like you anymore~~~~" Luoliu was saying harsh words. Don't blame her for her collapse. When there were still more than a dozen people in line, she kept reminding Boss Zhang to leave one for her. , I must keep one, but in the end, it was gone! She's been waiting in line for so long! ! !

She held her little head up, ready to cry to the sky. Just as she let out a cry, she suddenly felt her hand heavy and pinched it. It was so big. She lowered her head and saw, Huh? A big apple, ha~~

Tears flowed down from her big eyes. She looked at Boss Zhang. Who hit her with an apple? She didn't know whether to cry or not.

Zhang Tan: "We have worked hard and made great achievements. I want to make good use of you. Oh no, I will repay you well. I specially left the biggest one for you."


There was only thunder but no rain. The dark clouds in the sky suddenly dispersed, and the sun shone brightly. It was such a good weather.

Liuliu laughed loudly, thanked Boss Zhang, and skipped away, running to show off to Luo Zikang, to Xiaobai, to Tan Xi'er who had no front teeth, and to show off to the whole world.

"this is yours?"

"Ahaha, mine, Luoliu's."

Xiaobai looked at Liuliu's big apple, and then at her own little apple. It was her turn to squeak... Why did Boss Zhang give Liliu such a big apple! (╯°Д°)╯︵┻━┻Turning the table!

There is no way, and Zhang Tan can't help it. The biggest apple king must give it to durian. Today's red apple set meal is only available because of his durian.

After all, Liuliu really made a great contribution. Not only did he help him conquer Su Lan, but he also used Liuliu's name to write a letter of thanks to Su Lan. The most important thing is that in the future, There are many other uses for pomegranates.

Her role is unparalleled, she must be bribed and become one of her own.

PS: The first chapter of the update will be added for the alliance leader, you go away. There will be another 5 updates tomorrow. Can I be louder and ask for votes? ?

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