Dad Academy

Chapter 1762 The Great Demon King Zhao Chendu

"Let's go, let's go play, Xiaobai, Xiaobai, let's go~"

Xi'er and others wanted to go downstairs to play with the children, but Xiaobai was reluctant.

She was worried about leaving her old man and Li Xiaoxiao alone together.

But after thinking about it carefully, she was even more worried about the melons downstairs. She heard that Xiao Du was beaten again and was crying. She didn't know which melon was responsible for the cruelty. She wanted to seek justice.

Dudu fell at the back, and before leaving, he reluctantly said to Li Xiaoxiao: "I am the elder sister——"

She was very worried about Li Xiaoxiao's novel that she was Liuliu's younger sister, and she had corrected her several times.

"Dudu, my sister, come on -"

Luliu had already changed her shoes and was standing outside the door waving to her.

Liuliu was really happy tonight. She drank chicken soup, ate chicken drumsticks, and fish heads with chopped peppers. Little Bear drank a lot of drinks and gained the upper hand in the battle between sisters.

After the children left, Zhang Tan and Li Xiaoxiao chatted about business.

Li Xiaoxiao is here to report on the progress of the investigation into Jiang Ping.

"Evidence is hard to find. It's almost impossible. Our people can't get into their company. Now we can only start with their employees to see if we can find one or two people who are willing to talk to us." Li Xiaoxiao said.

Zhang Tan nodded and said: "As expected, this matter will definitely not go smoothly, and it will be difficult to solve it quickly. If you want to find someone, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack. You still have to be targeted, such as the human resources department. They should be responsible for the employee recruitment. People who clock out and are in charge of personnel files or finance may be able to check payroll records.”

Li Xiaoxiao: "Yes, we are looking for financial and personnel personnel in a targeted manner. If we want to make a breakthrough, we have to pay some price. I mean money."

Zhang Tan: "That's what it should be. Just check it and calculate the general ledger together when the time comes."

The two chatted for a while. Overall, Jiang Ping's case was difficult to handle and no breakthrough could be found.

Zhang Tan had already prepared himself mentally, so he was not too anxious.

"By the way, Zhang Tan, tell me truthfully, who is this Jiang Ping? Why do you want to investigate this?" Li Xiaoxiao asked.

She sensed something, but wasn't sure.

Zhang Tan thought for a moment and said truthfully: "Teacher Jiang's son is Jiang Ping."

"...Sure enough." Li Xiaoxiao understood instantly, "Don't worry, Zhang Tan. I will do my best on this case, but it will take a little longer. I can't rush it."

"Understood, just go ahead and do it. Just tell me what you want me to do."

The next day, Li Xiaoxiao came to the law firm.

This law firm was opened by Zhan Tianwei. After Li Xiaoxiao came back from abroad, he had been working with Zhan Tianwei as an assistant, and later he handled cases independently.

She had her own office, and as soon as she sat down, two young lawyers, a man and a woman, knocked on the door.

"Sister Li~" one of the boys greeted.

Li Xiaoxiao glanced at the other party and said, "Come in, I'm looking for you."

The two sat down across the desk, and the man said: "Sister Li, let me report the progress of the case to you."

"Say it."

Li Xiaoxiao organized the documents in his briefcase.

The two people in front of them are two trainee lawyers from the firm. The male is Qiu Daobang and the female is Su Jiaxuan, who are responsible for investigating Jiang Ping's case.

"Xiao Su, please speak first." Qiu Daobang said.

"Okay, let me first talk about the situation here, Sister Li, it's like this..."

After the two briefly reported the progress of the investigation, Li Xiaoxiao pondered for a moment and said: "I talked to the client last night. This case is very important. From now on, you will all report the progress to me tomorrow. I will tell you today Let’s go together and then come back for a meeting to discuss the case.”

Qiu Daobang and Su Jiaxuan looked at each other and nodded.

"Sister Li, who is the client? We want to talk to him and find some clues." Su Jiaxuan said.

It is a necessary step for lawyers and clients to meet and discuss the case. However, until now, they still don’t know who the client is, let alone have an in-depth chat with the other party.

"If you want to know anything, you can ask me first. If I can't answer, I'll ask the client." Li Xiaoxiao said.

When Su Jiaxuan heard this, he thought that the client was still very mysterious.


"Come on~ Come on - Dudu, come on -"

"Sister, please come on -"

The "girlfriends who just want to play and don't want to work" are all here. Today is Dudu's day to participate in the skateboarding competition. Everyone comes to cheer her on.

Dudu also brought the red ribbon he usually wore, but instead of tying it on his forehead, it tied it to Xi'er's pink helmet, and then put the pink helmet on Xi'er's head.

Xi'er has replaced Dudu's usual role and is working hard to cheer up. He is a qualified novice in the atmosphere group.

Today's competition is an internal competition of this training class. The first place in each age group is selected and then represents this training class to participate in the district competition.

So, today is actually an internal tryout.

A total of more than a dozen children in Dudu's five-year-old group signed up to participate, and then divided into girls and boys, six people signed up for Dudu's girl group.

"Come on, Dudu - Dudu, you have to come on, competition is second, friendship is first -" Xi'er was shouting hard, Xiaobai glanced at her, held her shoulders, and asked her to stop jumping. Now Dudu Dudu hadn't started the game yet, and she was shouting so loudly that Dudu and her coach couldn't hear clearly.

Dudu's coach is a dark-skinned man in his 30s, and he is explaining some precautions to Dudu.

Xiaobai leaned over to listen, and only heard the coach saying: "Don't be nervous, Dudu, as long as you compete according to your usual training, then there will definitely be no problem."

Dudu had a sullen face and nodded, indicating that he understood.

"Dudu, what are you afraid of?" Xiaobai asked coldly.

Both the coach and Dudu looked at Xiaobai.

Dudu said: "I'm not afraid of anything."

"Then don't be nervous and just smile."


Dudu bared his teeth and smiled, and the coach also smiled and said: "Yes, that's the way it is. Relax and don't be nervous. It's okay."

Dudu nodded: "Yes, it's okay. I'm the best, and the other children are also great."

The little girlfriends gathered around Dudu to cheer her up.

The coach found that the encouragement from Dudu's children was much more effective than him. Dudu was obviously relaxed a lot, but his fighting spirit was not reduced at all and his fighting spirit was high.

In the coach's opinion, as long as Dudu performs normally, there will be no problem at all.

The little girls competing against her were no match for Dudu. Even if Dudu was thrown into the boys group, Dudu could easily handle them.

He even felt that Dudu could leapfrog the challenge.

The Dudu competition is about to begin.

Liuliu hugged Dudu and kissed her hard, giving her motivation and love.

Dudu went to the competition with love, and her heroic appearance made Xi'er envious.

With an order, the 5-year-old girls group started. Dudu took the lead from the start, and this lead continued to expand and was maintained all the way. When he crossed the finish line, Dudu was five or six meters ahead of the second place. Far.

Just like that, Dudu didn't blush or breath.

Winning is so easy.

When the second and third place girls crossed the finish line, seeing Dudu's relaxed look, their eyes turned red, their mouths tightened, and they both burst into tears.

This big devil is so bullying!

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