Dad Academy

Chapter 1776 Star Chasing

Zhang Tan still doesn't have the same momentum as Xiao Bai.

If Mr. Xiaobai comes and just sits here without talking or doing anything, others will be able to tell that this kid is not simple, and maybe there is an iron-clad connection behind it.

But Zhang Tan couldn't.

He sat here without saying a word, making people think he was his younger brother.

The trouble Liu Yu encountered was the kind that human resources companies often encounter. The employees sent out could not get their wages and had to appoint the company to advance the payment first, and then the company would recover the fees from the employer.

Among them, there is a relatively large risk, and it may become a bad debt.

"If the company advanced the payment, wouldn't the risk be borne by the company?" Zhang Tan asked.

Liu Yu said yes.

"Many of them are young people or older people. They have worked for several months without being paid, and their lives have become difficult. If our company can still survive, let's advance the payment first. What can we do?" Liu Yu said.

Zhang Tan couldn't help but look at him with admiration.

Of course, what Liu Yu didn't say was that he had no choice but to do this. If he dared not pay in advance, the dispatch workers would come to the company to cause trouble, and normal business operations would not be possible.

But no matter what the reason is, Liu Yu's move is indeed a good deed.

Zhang Tan asked: "Which department has jurisdiction over this matter?"

Liu Yu glanced at him, a little confused, and said, "It's usually the labor administration department."

"Okay, just wait for me and I'll make a call."

Zhang Tan did not avoid Liu Yu, but called someone from the labor administration department in front of him, announcing his identity and explaining his purpose.

In less than five minutes, the call was over, and Zhang Tan told Liu Yu that the matter would be resolved soon.

Liu Yu was stunned when he saw it, and thought to himself that this was not a liar, and they teamed up to deceive him? He made a phone call in front of me, pretending to be the head of a government department, and then told him in a cool way that the matter would be resolved soon! If you can solve it, then solve it on the spot. It will be solved soon. How long do I have to wait? How do I know if you are a liar?

When Zhang Tan saw him like this, he thought he must have shocked Liu Yu. Didn't Li Xiaoxiao say that Liu Yu would have to see their energy before he could decide whether to help us? You should be able to judge now.

What he never expected was that what Liu Yu and Mr. Liu were thinking about now was to drive these two cheaters out immediately. At the same time, he was glad that he had not rashly agreed to Li Xiaoxiao before, otherwise he would have been deceived.

He also lamented that today's scammers are really hard to detect, and they have done more and more homework, and they even used Jiang Ping's case to deceive him.

Although they don’t know what they want to defraud, the ultimate goal is definitely money.

"You guys go out first——"

Just when Liu Yu was about to say that you should go out first, his cell phone on his desk rang. When he saw it, it turned out to be the relevant leader who had visited the Labor Administration Department many times but had always been turned away and never met!

His expression changed, and he glanced at Zhang Tan and Li Xiaoxiao. To be on the safe side, he changed his words to: "Sit down for a moment while I answer the phone."

Zhang Tan made a please gesture and listened to Liu Yu's respectful voice on the phone.

Within a few minutes, Liu Yu finished the call. He was smiling, and the creases at the corners of his eyes were like chrysanthemums.

Seeing Zhang Tan and Li Xiaoxiao standing looking at the scenery outside the window, they quickly stood up and said, "Hey, Mr. Zhang, please sit down and I'll make tea for you."

He finally realized that Mr. Zhang in front of him was indeed a powerful person. He didn't know if he could take down Jiang Ping's company, but at least it was not bad. After all, the top leader just now was very polite to Mr. Zhang. It can be seen that Mr. Zhang’s background is still above that.

The three of them exchanged pleasantries again and then got down to business.

Liu Yu was the former HR manager of the company, and all the employees of the company passed through his hands. He knew about Jiang Ping. After all, Jiang Ping died suddenly while working. It was such a big event that he was naturally deeply impressed.

"To prove that Jiang Ping is an employee of the company, the labor contract is the most direct evidence. However, we all know that Jiang Ping did not sign a labor contract with the company at the time. But it doesn't matter, there is no such thing. There are also attendance records, employee rosters, and salary tables. , salary flow, employee certificates, etc.," Liu Yu said.

Li Xiaoxiao asked: "Do you still have these?"

Liu Yu said proudly: "There should be. After I was fired, I collected a lot of evidence. I should have backed up several years of salary sheets, attendance records, and employee rosters."

Upon hearing this, both Zhang Tan and Li Xiaoxiao were overjoyed. They had been busy for so long and finally had a turning point.


In a conference room at Pentium Technology Company, Jiang Rong and the character director were narrating a play for the young actors.

For a general crew, the drama is about everyone sitting together, chatting, getting to know each other, and the symbolism is greater than the reality.

But on the crew of "Little Actor: The Legend of White Snake", this won't work. It must be real. Otherwise, when filming starts, the young actors may not know what to play.

Jiang Rong has prepared a ppt for this purpose and is using the ppt to demonstrate it. It has pictures, text, and animation, otherwise children would not be able to understand it.

At this moment, Jiang Rong was explaining the story of the script to the young actors. When it came to the appearance of Bai Niangzi and Xiao Qing, she specially prepared two photos of the parties on the ppt and said: "Children, this is Bai Niangzi and Xiao Qing. Xiaoqing, they are played by Shen Liuliu and Tan Xier. Can these two children stand up and let everyone get to know each other?"

"Stand up~ stand up!"

"Stand up quickly."

Xiaobai and Xi'er urged Liliu to stand up and not be in a daze.

Seeing Liliu and Xi'er getting up, the young actors in the conference room were chattering and whispering to each other. They didn't know what they were talking about. The response was so enthusiastic.

"Liuliu, I know her, she is my idol!" A little boy said enthusiastically, while casting an adoring look at Liuliu.

"I like Liliu too, and I want to learn from Liliu."

Another little girl stood up and enthusiastically expressed her love for durian.

"I especially like Baobao Zhan played by Luoliu. I'm so touched."

The third little girl stood up with enthusiasm and enthusiasm. If it weren't for the conference table, she would have pounced on Liuliu and hung her on him.

"Can we take a photo with Liuliu?" A little boy made a more practical request.

"Good duck - I will grant whatever wishes the children have, 666~" Luoliu had already raised his tail.

"Liuliu, please sign your name for me."

"Liuliu, please tell me a few words."

Seeing that the script seminar was about to turn into a star-chasing convention, Jiang Rong quickly called a stop.

"Xiao Bai, maintain order." Jiang Rong has appointed Xiao Bai as the squad leader, responsible for discipline.

"Sit down, sit down, Luoliu! Don't make any noise and listen to the class! We are still in class!"

To capture the little thief, capture the little king first, so Xiaobai specializes in taking care of the durians. Once he has the durians under his control, the other star-chasing melons will have to stop one by one.

Liuliu glanced at her and snorted coldly, thinking that Xiaobai was jealous of her many fans. Then, she was almost beaten by Xiaobai, so she quickly sat down obediently, comforted the children, and came back to chat after class.

Chapter 2 will be late. Don’t wait any longer. Get up and read it again tomorrow morning.

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