Dad Academy

Chapter 1865 Who seems to be coming

Liuliu learned singing from Shi Baobao’s mother Li Yuxiao. Although she was joking and not serious, she learned how to sing after all!

And he learned it from the great singer Li Yuxiao. Doesn’t this mean he can get twice the result with half the effort?

If we take it seriously, her singing is still very good. At the very least, she has a lot of energy.

This is also one of her strengths.

But unfortunately, most of the time, she is not so serious.

The not-so-serious Shen Liuliu and Dayanyan sing just for fun, so I forgive her for her uninhibited love of freedom throughout her life.

Not only the little friends in Little Red Horse Academy can't stand it, but even the little sister Dudu who lives and dies together can't stand it. They have to wear headphones, otherwise they can't continue.

Luliu walked in front with a microphone, heading into the crowd.

Dudu pushed the mobile karaoke machine and followed closely. She had a small face and was extremely reluctant.

But friendship drives her forward.

"Teacher, teacher - come and take a look, Fat Liuliu is singing again!"

Some children went to complain to their teachers. Liuliu's singing was no longer just for self-entertainment, but had become noise pollution.

Xiao Lizi put down her shovel and rushed to the classroom. Among the team that reported Fat Liuliu, she had to be the first one to charge.

There were also clever children who spotted Zhu Xiaojing in the academy and immediately ran over to complain, saying, "Your porridge wrote an essay scolding you and your husband."

Zhu Xiaojing was originally smiling, but now she felt a little unhappy after hearing this.

But this little pudding couldn't explain why Luoliu was writing an essay to scold his parents.

She just heard about it and forgot about it.

But one thing that is certain is that Liliu scolded him very fiercely.

She couldn't remember it herself, so she brought other children over, and everyone pieced together the pieces together, roughly piecing together Liuliu's impromptu composition.

Zhu Xiaojing's face turned dark.


Zhu Xiaojing went to find Liuliu. Liuliu, who was singing affectionately, saw that she was coming. He pretended not to see her at first and continued to sing and wander around.

It wasn't until Zhu Xiaojing wanted to catch her that she quickly ran away and ran into the classroom, leaving the microphone and mobile karaoke machine with Dudu.

Dudu looked at the microphone, then at Zhu Xiaojing, and quickly said, "Mother Zhu, I didn't sing it~"

Zhu Xiaojing forced a smile and said, "I know it wasn't you who sang it. I'm going to find Liuliu."

She came to the classroom, but Liliu was not seen in the classroom either.

She didn't need to ask where Liliu had gone. The children in the classroom collectively brushed their hands and pointed to the stairs leading to the second floor.

Zhu Xiaojing was stunned for a moment, but thanked these little puddings who spoke uprightly.

She found the director, Aunt Huang, on the second floor, but Aunt Huang didn't see Liuliu either, and guessed that Liuliu had gone to Xiao Zhang's house on the third floor.

She and Zhu Xiaojing went up together and found Da Yanyan who had fled here at Zhang Tan's house.

Da Yanyan was very comfortable, nestled on the sofa and watching cartoons. On the left was Teacher Jiang and on the right was Boss Zhang. She was complaining in Balabala.

Mainly to complain to Teacher Jiang.

After all, it's useless to tell Boss Zhang. This big guy doesn't care about things. He can't even control Xiaobai. Why do you expect him to control Mother Zhu?

"Teacher Jiang, Boss Zhang."

Zhu Xiaojing greeted the two of them, Teacher Jiang nodded and smiled at her, and Luoliu snorted and turned his head away, not wanting to talk to Zhu's mother.

Aunt Huang acted as peacemaker: "Liuliu, your mother is here to see you. She cares about you and is worried that you won't be able to keep up with your studies."

Luoliu turned his head away stubbornly and remained silent.

However, as a child, she was quickly persuaded by the adults. After all, the adults here were trying to comfort her.

The most important thing is that Zhu's mother took the lead in apologizing to her, saying that she was sorry and shouldn't have said that she was not allowed to come to Little Red Horse.

Such words would hurt the child's heart.

Liuliu finally moved. When her mother said she was sorry, she said it didn't matter. Then she also said sorry to Zhu's mother. She shouldn't write essays about her parents in school. After all, her parents loved her.

She knew this.

"You can't help but let me come to Little Red Horse." Liuliu emphasized again and again.

Zhu Xiaojing: "Never say such words again."

Liuliu: "You can come even if you haven't finished your homework."

"No problem, come whenever you want."

"I want to come every day."

"Of course, no problem, we come every day."

"Haha 666~"

Da Yanyan finally smiled. The problem she was most worried about was solved. She was a strong little pomegranate again.

As for the daily homework, Teacher Jiang took the initiative and said that from now on, Liuliu could come to Xiaohongma to do her homework. She had to supervise Xiaobai and Xier's homework anyway, so it didn't matter if there was another Liuliu.

Doing homework together can also create a more learning atmosphere. Let's improve our academic performance together.

With Teacher Jiang taking the initiative to take over this matter, what else could Zhu Xiaojing be dissatisfied with.

The problem was solved satisfactorily and everyone was happy.

"Then I'm going to play."

Liuliu climbed off the sofa and prepared to go downstairs to play with her good friends.

Although there are cartoons to watch here, apart from her, there is no other child, which makes it a bit less interesting.

It's more interesting downstairs.

Teacher Jiang asked: "Have you finished your homework today?"

Liuliu's footsteps paused, her body froze, and then she continued to walk towards the door pretending to be nonchalant.

"No, Xiaobai and Xi'er didn't do it either, and Dudu didn't do it either - I'll go get them."

After saying that, he jogged for a while and quickly got away.

Seeing this, Zhu Xiaojing hesitated to speak. Teacher Jiang reassured her not to worry. She would go upstairs to call them to do their homework at 7:30. Now let them play for a while.

After Liliu left, Zhu Xiaojing and Aunt Huang also left together, accompanied by Teacher Jiang. She wanted to take a walk in the yard and chat with Lao Li.

Zhang Tan sat alone on the sofa, took out his cell phone and fiddled with it for a while, and found an elementary video on how to learn to drive.

This video is very practical and detailed. It is simply a fool-like teaching. People with a little experience may not like it, but it is very practical for many fool-like novices.

He forwarded the video to Tan Jiner.

Tan Jin'er was learning to drive during this period. She passed subject one but not subject two. She was very good at theory but found it a bit difficult to practice.

"Let me see~"

Tan Jin'er quickly replied to the message. She usually went to practice driving on weekends, and sometimes at night, as long as she had time.

"You can try it with my car." Zhang Tan replied.

"...Don't dare."

Tan Jin'er was scared. Zhang Tan's car was so big and luxurious. She didn't dare to use it to practice. What if it got scratched or bumped.

Zhang Tan chatted with her for a few words and suddenly heard a commotion outside the balcony.

The doors and windows of the balcony were not closed and were open. He walked over and stood on the balcony. When he looked down, he saw children gathering together, chattering and looking very excited.

He saw Xiaobai, Liuliu, Xier and others. As for other little puddings, such as the little plums, they stood on the second floor outside and watched curiously.

It seems like someone is coming.

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