Dad Academy

Chapter 1869 No Hope (please vote)

Zhang Tan drove Xiaobai and Xi'er to the school gate. He and Tan Jin'er told them to go to school well and watched them enter the school before driving away.

Tan Jin'er's driving school is quite far away from here. After all, this is the city center, and no driving school has enough money to open here.

Tan Jin'er usually takes the subway there, but even so, a trip takes forty or fifty minutes.

At this time, the traffic flow is at its peak and congestion begins to occur on the road.

An ambulance roared past the bus lane.

At the same time, in the school, Xiaobai and Xi'er passed by the school gate and were walking to the classroom.

Although they are not in the same grade, they are next to each other and very close.

Xi'er was carrying her schoolbag and chattering to Xiaobai, not knowing what she was talking about.

Xiaobai said nothing, and a beautiful day began, but she had to face Xiwawa's nagging.

Suddenly they saw three people, two men and one woman, conducting interviews outdoors.

One of the older men was being interviewed by another young woman.

The other man was carrying a camera.

"It's about interviewing celebrities." Xi'er stopped and said.

She is familiar with this, hiahia.

There were many elementary school students going to school around who were stopping to watch.

"That's not a star, that's our principal."

Their principal is a fat man with a very humorous smile.

Xiaobai had to give a speech as a student representative at the beginning of the school year, so he had dealt with the principal and got to know him.

"Oh~" Xi'er looked at the big fat man with envy, "When the little red pony gets bigger in the future, can I be the principal? hiahia~"

Xiaobai glanced at her, this little pudding has a lot of wishes, but what should the principal and aunt do?

"Come on, come on, go to the classroom, it's time for class."

Xiaobai urged Xier to stop reading and go to school quickly.

Xi'er was reluctant to leave, and trotted to catch up with Xiao Bai, asking why the principal's belly was so big and whether it was because he had eaten too much.

She was wondering whether to talk to her sister, regard the principal as a negative example, and ask her sister to write off the meal she owed.

Xi'er looked back one last time, as if she wanted to remember the principal's belly deeply in her mind. Suddenly, she let out a sigh and stood still again.

"Hurry up, Xiba, class is about to begin, and we are going to be late." Xiaobai urged from the front. She not only had to go to school by herself, but also urged Xiba not to be late for class.

"It's Liuliu, Xiaobai. Look, Liuliu went for the interview." Xi'er said from behind.


Xiaobai stopped and turned around to see that the principal who had just been interviewed had stepped aside, and his original position had been given to Pang Liuliu.

"What is Fat Liliu doing?" Xiaobai asked doubtfully.

Xi'er said: "She is being interviewed, Xiaobai, let's go over and have a look."

After saying that, without waiting for Xiaobai's consent, he had already run away to become a member of the public.

Xiaobai hesitated for a moment, but in the end his curiosity overcame his enthusiasm for class.

She also ran over, and as soon as she got closer, she heard the female reporter asking Luoliu questions.

This is an education column of a TV station. Today I am randomly interviewing teachers and students of the school. I have just interviewed the principal.

The interview was a success. The principal was very talkative and humorous, and introduced them to the basic situation and work plan of the school.

After that, the reporter randomly interviewed the students. He happened to see Liuliu passing by and stopped him.

When the principal looked at Liuliu, he felt familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was.

He stood aside and listened with a smile. As a child, he was not worried about what tricks might be revealed during the interview, not to mention that he was there to tell the truth.

"Do you like the start of school?" the female reporter asked.

Liuliu was a little absent-minded and listless. He just yawned. This was because he had not completely vented his anger after getting up.

"Is there going to be class?" Liuliu didn't answer the question. She was a little worried that she would be late for class? She has been watched closely by Mama Zhu recently. If she is late for class and the teacher tells Mama Zhu, her bear drinks for the day will be gone.

The female reporter smiled and said: "There is still time, don't be in a hurry, and it doesn't matter if you are a few minutes late for class. We will explain it to the teacher. Children, are you afraid of the start of school?"

Liuliu looked at her and said expressionlessly: "Whatever."

"...What do you expect from this school?"



"have no idea."

"Do you have any new wishes for the new semester?"


"...No wishes? Don't you have any wishes at all? Do you have any small wishes?"


"Is there any hope or anything?"


When the principal saw this, he immediately said: "You go to class first."

If he continued to ask questions, the overall level of the school's students would be greatly reduced. It was in vain that he had been bragging for so long, saying that the quality of the students here was very high.

When Liuliu heard that she could finally leave, she glanced at them helplessly and walked slowly to the classroom.

The look in his eyes seemed to say, you guys are really boring. If you catch me, you will ask me such a thing.

As soon as Liliu left, the principal immediately said to the reporter: "I will find some students for you to interview. Can you delete the one just now?"

The reporter smiled and said it was very cute.

Ring ring ring——

The school bell rang.

Xiaobai and Xier ran very fast and entered the classroom with the bell ringing, but Liuliu fell behind and was extremely anxious.

"Wait for me duck—wait for me—Xiaobai, wait for me! Xi'er—you also wait for me duck—"

Seeing that Da Yanyan couldn't catch up with Xiao Bai, she actually chased Xi'er away.

I bet she can't compete with the second graders, so she just wants to compete with the first graders.

Liuliu was stopped by Teacher Yu at the door of the first-grade classroom.

"Liuliu, this is the first grade classroom. You are in the second grade, over there."

Yu Xiaoqian pointed to the second grade classroom.

Liuliu said: "Teacher Yu, then you go with me. Tell Teacher Wu that I went to the wrong classroom, so I can't be considered late."

Yu Xiaoqian laughed, but because she was Da Yanyan, she still accompanied her there, handed her over to Teacher Wu Mei, and said a few nice words.

Wu Mei didn't count her being late.

Liuliu sat back in his seat and winked at Xiaobai and Xiaomi with a proud look.

The classes in the morning were two Chinese classes, one math class, and one physical education class. After the two Chinese classes, the bell rang, and the quiet school suddenly became noisy and lively.

The principal was strolling outside the classroom corridor with a big belly. He had just dismissed the two reporters.

He found Teacher Wu Mei who was leaving get out of class with the courseware and asked if there was a fat little girl in their class.


Several figures suddenly appeared in Teacher Wu Mei's mind, and she didn't know which one the principal was referring to.

The principal added: "It's quite cute."

Teacher Wu Mei instantly narrowed down the list. The fattest and cutest one should be the deputy squad leader Shen Liuliu.

"Is it a pomegranate?"

"I don't know her name."

Wu Mei looked at the playground outside, her eyes locked on Liliu's figure, and she pointed it out to the principal.

The principal immediately recognized him as the one who had been interviewed in the morning and said he had no hope of coming to this school, and he immediately became energetic.

"Yes, that's her. What's her name? How's her academic performance?"

Wu Mei didn't know why the principal was asking these questions, but she instinctively wanted to protect her students and said, "Her name is Shen Liuliu. She is the deputy monitor of our class. She is optimistic, lively, positive, and willing to help others. Everyone likes her very much."

Not a word was mentioned about studying.

When the principal heard about it, he realized that he had so many advantages, but the problem was that he was helpful and didn't realize it. How could he be optimistic and positive with such a lifeless answer in the morning?

But Teacher Wu Mei caught Liuliu, praised him, and revealed Liuliu's identity.

"Liuliu is a big Yanyan. She has been nominated for Best New Actor. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is the most famous student in our school."

When the principal heard this, was there still such a thing? !

"Not Bai Chunhua?"

"Liuliu and Bai Chunhua are little sisters, Bai Chunhua plays Xu Xian, and Liuliu plays White Snake..."

When the principal heard about White Snake, he was suddenly enlightened. He said that Liliu looked familiar to him. It turned out to be White Snake. He had indeed seen it on TV.

"Teacher Wu must take good care of such good students. If they have any difficulties or problems, they can mention them to the school. We must let them grow up happily and thrive in school. Their words are better for the school than TV propaganda. They are The golden signboard of the school..."

He was in a good mood. He didn't expect that there would be so many hidden dragons and tigers in the school.

However, this good mood only lasted for less than a day. When I got home in the evening, the principal went crazy. Someone forwarded a video to him. It was the interview with Liliu that morning.

Asking for a monthly ticket

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