Dad Academy

Chapter 1871 Uncle Principal, you are so handsome

The principal was directly shocked by what Liliu said and was speechless for a moment.

He looked at this little fat girl, she looked very smart, her eyes were particularly smart, she was indeed a smart little girl.

It was completely different from the interview that day. It was really boring that day.

The principal thought to himself, if you were so good at talking, why didn't you say it then and then said that there was no hope for the school.

However, on this point, he and Liliu were on the same page.

He was also dissatisfied with the exposed interview, which he believed would damage the school's image.

Of course he doesn't care about Liliu's image. This little chubby girl is entirely to blame for herself.

But he cares about the school's image.

So he said he would think about it and asked Liuliu to go back and wait for the news.

This is a polite word, usually just to send the person away. As for whether he will really give it a try, who knows.

In the world of adults, everyone knows this.

But Liliu didn't understand these words. She thought the principal really wanted to give it a try, so she enthusiastically wanted to exchange phone numbers with the principal.

"You still have a phone?" The principal was a little surprised.

"There is a duck - there are many big stars on my phone! Do you want it?" Liuliu asked, she could betray anyone's privacy if she was generous.

The principal hesitated and refused. So what if I got the phone number of a big star? I could call him and chat at night and say he was a friend?

"Come on, uncle principal, what's your phone number?"

Liuliu enthusiastically asked for the principal's phone number. The principal felt a little strange. After finishing, he looked at Liuliu's two little followers and asked Liuliu: "Are these your classmates?"

Liuliu nodded and enthusiastically introduced Dudu and Xi'er to the principal.

"Do you have any business with me?"

The principal just asked this question casually, and it was a joke. But what he didn't expect was that one of the children actually nodded and said he had something to do with him.

"What's the matter?" The principal looked at the little girl who looked very happy and always smiling.

Xi'er hiahia smiled and applied to take a photo of the principal.

Are you my fan? The principal thought to himself, what kind of ill intentions could a child have? He wanted to take a photo, probably out of admiration. After all, he is the principal. He is in charge of thousands of teachers and students. He has a high position, is respected by others, and has a very high social status. In the eyes of the students, In the center are big peaches and plums that cover up the sky and the sun.

He readily agreed, sat on his big desk, faced Xi'er with a smile, and let her take pictures.

Xi'er raised her little wrist and pointed her smart phone watch at the principal to take pictures.

When Liliu and Dudu saw this, they also raised their wrists and took pictures of the principal with the same watches.

The principal suddenly felt like a star. Although the paparazzi in front of him were a little smaller, mosquitoes were still fleshy no matter how small they were.

He should just practice in advance.

He smiled in front of his face, making himself look dignified and majestic, kind and mysterious, showing the best and least normal side of himself.

The three children clicked at him.

"Are you ready?" the principal asked.

"Uncle, please stand up again and take pictures." Xi'er said.

The little guy can even command the poses. After hearing this, the principal followed the instructions and stood in front of the wall-full of bookshelves. He raised his head, lifted his chest, and shrunk his abdomen, showing his best posture.

This wall-full of bookshelves has finally come to use, 365 days a year, just for this moment.

Xi'er slapped him again.

"Are you ready?" the principal asked.

Xi'er looked at the photos in her watch, nodded with satisfaction, nodded, and made a humming sound, much like the director of the photo studio a while ago.

"Uncle principal, please take two more steps." Xi'er said again.

The principal was already a little impatient and planned to end it after taking two steps.

Liuliu immediately said: "Uncle principal, you are so handsome. You are a handsome guy."


Xi'er looked at Liuliu in surprise, opened her small mouth, and wanted to tell the truth. However, the next second, a pair of kind and compassionate little hands appeared and covered her small mouth, covering her hurtful truth. go back.

The office was in full swing, and the principal put on various poses that he thought were handsome, mature, and manly, trying his best to show off his successful manly side.

Just at this moment, the ajar office door was pushed open. The dean was about to come in when he suddenly saw the scene in the room and was stunned.

What kind of scene is this?

The three little girls held up their watches and slapped the principal.

The principal was very happy.

"This... I'll come back later."

The dean hurriedly exited. Although he didn't understand what he was doing, his intuition told him that the principal would feel ashamed.

In the office, Xi'er was still making requests to the principal's grandfather, asking if he could take pictures with his hands on his hips and his belly raised.

When the principal heard this, he immediately said he would stop filming.

He already felt ashamed now, having been broken by the dean just now.

This is because the principal is usually an approachable and humorous person, otherwise he would not agree to the requests of Xi'er and others.

The principal rejected Xi'er and others and sent them out of the room.

When they went out, Liuliu was still muttering about how the principal was chasing people away and why he just let them go like this. It was really rude.

The principal was speechless for a while and saw the dean of students waiting at the end of the corridor, so Quan Dang didn't hear Liuliu's murmur.

If he knew what little classmate Tan Xi'er did that night, he would be so angry that he would explode on the spot.

"Sister, look, this is our principal. Look at his belly. It's so big, but he is not a girl. He is a boy. There is no baby in his belly, only rice! He eats three bowls of rice every meal, and his belly becomes... You’re so old, sister, do you think I’ll end up like this if I eat three bowls of rice?”

Xi'er asked the principal's grandfather to apply to have all the food she owed be crossed out and written off in one go.

If you don’t want your sister to become a pregnant woman, then don’t let her eat three bowls of rice at a time.

Tan Jiner did not respond to her application, but was very interested in her photos.

"Where are you from?" she asked.

"hiahia, I asked the principal's grandpa to take the photo. The principal's grandpa's belly is bigger than in the photo, it's so big-"

Xi'er spread her hands with all her strength and said that the principal's belly was so big, it was really huge.

"You specifically went to find the principal's grandpa to take photos?" Tan Jin'er asked in surprise.

Xi'er nodded.

Tan Jin'er was speechless.

"How did you do that? Wouldn't the principal's grandfather be angry if he knew you were teasing him about his big belly?"

"Sister, let's not tell others. I know that you know, and don't let the third person know."

"But don't Liliu and Dudu know?"

"I know you know that Liliu knows that Dudu knows, but don't let the 12345th person know."

"Xiaobai, why don't you tell me?"

"I know you know that Liliu knows that Dudu knows that Xiaobai also knows. Don't let the sixth person know."

"Didn't your godfather tell you?"

"...Ouch, you are so annoying."

Little classmate Tan Xi'er turned around and turned her back to Tan Jin'er, leaving her with a small back look that said, "I'm annoyed by you."

Tan Jin'er smiled and said, "I want to tell you something happy. Do you want to know it?"

The back immediately closed up, and little classmate Tan Xier smiled brightly and nodded repeatedly.

"What is it?"

"My sister passed her exam."

She passed subject two.

Junior classmate Tan Xier was smiling from ear to ear, praising her sister repeatedly, praising her as only a fairy in the sky could be so powerful, and clamoring to cook herself and make dumplings for her sister, completely forgetting her own business.

Until when she went to bed at night, she was lying on the bed. In a daze, she suddenly sat up. Her sister had not yet agreed to exempt her from the meal! ! !

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