Dad Academy

Chapter 1937 You have to make the decision for me

Yu Xiaoqian took a deep breath and finally finished reading Xi'er's autumn outing diary, which was a full four pages.

The weight is really a lot, but it would be better if you squeeze it a little and compress some water. For example, delete those hahaha that can be seen everywhere, and delete those smiley faces that pop up from time to time. It should be a very good article. Autumn travel diary.

But the faults do not outweigh the merits. Overall, this is a relatively good autumn outing diary. Children like Tan Xier have a talent for writing, but they just need to practice more and be tempered into steel, especially for children with a lot of moisture.

Teacher Yu Xiaoqian put down Xi'er's homework, subconsciously raised her eyes, glanced at Xi'er's seat, and happened to meet Xi'er's eyes again.

Xi'er grinned at her warmly and gave her a thumbs up again.

Yu Xiaoqian almost laughed. Why does this little pudding always give her a thumbs up?

She couldn't help but think of the last paragraph of Xi'er's composition.

"Teacher Xiao Yu said that the big camphor tree is more than a thousand years old. It's really amazing. How did she know that? Teacher Xiao Yu is so knowledgeable. I want to be a girl like her when I grow up. I envy the big camphor tree so much. , I also want to live to be a thousand years old. If I ride my sister’s motorcycle and wear a helmet, if I don’t ride in the car driven by my sister, I will definitely be able to live to be a thousand years old, hahahahahaha..."

It seems that Xi'er admires me, Yu Xiaoqian said to her heart.

She picked up another homework book, opened it and saw it was beeping.

(PS: I won’t write Dudu’s composition, lest you say I’m bad at word count, although I’m not, and I think Dudu’s composition is the most interesting)

After spending one class, Yu Xiaoqian finally finished correcting all the autumn outing diaries.

There were still ten minutes before get out of class ended, so she handed out the homework books one by one, and whoever was called would pick them up.

They all received their own homework books, ah no, Xi'er raised her little hand and reported that Cheng Cheng's homework books had not been received yet.

The person involved was unhurried, but her little best friend was very concerned about it.

Teacher Yu Xiaoqian said: "Yes, I will give Cheng Cheng's homework book to her later."

Then, she said to the whole class of children: "Cheng Cheng's autumn outing diary is very good. I will read it to everyone."

As she said that, she looked at Cheng Cheng, thought for a while, and asked Cheng Cheng if he wanted to read it himself.

But Cheng Chengfeng shook his head lightly and expressed no interest.

"I just wrote it casually."

Yu Xiaoqian: "..."

Good guy, she was tricked!

"Then let me read it," she said.

The students pricked up their ears one by one, especially the children Tan Xier and Zhao Chendu. The two of them were equipped with antenna radars and were operating at full power.

"The beautiful and harvestful autumn is here again. Autumn is charming. The wild geese return south, the maple leaves are like fire, and the fruits are abundant. The golden sun hangs above the head, and the sun is warm on the body. My father and I went for an autumn outing... My My friends, Xiaobai and Liuliu from the second grade, performed the role of White Snake and Her Husband and Sister with Xier. It was so funny that I even laughed...

As soon as Teacher Yu's reading ended, two warm applauses rang out immediately. It was Xi'er and Dudu who were clapping their hands with enthusiasm. .

The students in the class also applauded.

"I want to tell your mother~" Xi'er told Cheng Cheng to announce the good news.

Dudu nodded and wanted to ask Cheng Cheng to borrow the diary. After school, she wanted to read it to her parents and study by herself at the same time.

The bell rang for the end of get out of class, and Xi'er and the other two walked out of the classroom. Cheng Cheng was praised by his classmates all the way.

The three of them came to the second grade and were about to find Xiaobai and others, but found that Xiaobai and the others had already left the classroom and were walking on the playground.

They chased after him, and Xi'er saw at a glance that Liuliu's expression was wrong, and he was bitter.

"What's wrong with you, Liliu?" Xi'er asked.

Luoliu didn't speak. She looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle. She didn't speak, and her movements were frozen. Only the wind was blowing her bangs, and her bangs swayed, and her forehead felt a little itchy.

Dudu reached out and touched Liuliu's forehead. He didn't have a fever.

Luoliu slapped her little hand away and said dissatisfied: "What are you doing?"

Xiaobai secretly said: "Teacher Wu criticized Liuliu's autumn outing diary."

Cheng Cheng and Dudu both looked over, and Xi'er asked, "What's going on?"

Xiaobai said: "Teacher Wu said, Liuliu, your diary is too watery."

"hiahiahia~~~" Xi'er laughed.

Liuliu glared at her dissatisfiedly, but she was still not a good friend, so she actually smiled.

Xiaomi said at this time: "But Teacher Wu also praised Liuliu."

"What's going on?" Xi'er asked again.

Xiaomi: "Teacher Wu said, Liliu, you have so many friends. You will definitely be able to make friends from all over the world in the future."

After staying for a while, Liuliu asked her: "Xier, why don't you laugh?"

"You're going to glare at me."


Don’t laugh when you should laugh, laugh extra loudly when you shouldn’t laugh.

Shen Liuliu and Da Yanyan were criticized by Teacher Wu. They were very shocked and felt listless and listless in class.

In math class, she raised her hand and asked to go to the bathroom.

When the math teacher saw it was her, he was sure.

Liuliu took her homework book and left the classroom. Instead of going to the bathroom, she rushed to another teaching building and found the principal's office.

When the principal saw it was her, he regretted that he shouldn't have said please come in, but should have kept silent, making Luliu think there was no one in the office.

But Da Yanyan has already come in, so he can't chase people away.

This is Da Yanyan, and I will still count on her to be my spokesperson in the future.

"What's the matter, Liliu?" The principal looked like a chubby and kind grandfather.

"Look at my composition." Liuliu handed the homework book to the principal.

The principal didn't know why, so he opened it and looked at it.

"Did you write it? It's pretty good."

When Liuliu heard this, she immediately became energetic and began to smile uncontrollably on her face. The principal even said that her composition was very good.

Liliu, bala, bala, complained to Teacher Wu Mei.

The principal could only quickly change his mind and said that the composition was well written, but there were also many areas for improvement.

He guided Liliu's composition writing on the spot with great care and sincerity.

Finally got rid of Liliu.

"Uncle Principal, you have to make the decision for me~" Liuliu stood at the door and said worriedly.

"Yes, yes, I will definitely talk to Teacher Wu. Go quickly and don't delay your studies." The principal waved his hand and urged Luoliu to go back to class.

Luliu left, then came again, and the principal was stunned.

"666, do you really want me to leave quickly?" Liuliu asked.

Principal: "No, forget it. I'll take you back to the classroom."

The principal personally sent Liliu back to the classroom. Under the eyes of the math teacher in amazement, he returned to his seat and sat down.

The math teacher thought her class was difficult to listen to, so she went to complain to the principal.

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