Dad Academy

Chapter 2079 Participate in the live broadcast event

"What are you doing?"

Zhang Tan came out of the study because he heard something moving in the living room. When he came out, he saw Xiaobai, Xi'er, Dudu, Xiaomi, Cheng Cheng and others lining up to brush their teeth.

Luoliu's eyes rolled around, and he stood against the wall dejectedly.

Xi'er had just finished brushing her teeth and saw her godfather coming. She immediately complained angrily: "It's Luoliu. Luoliu gave us sandwich biscuits. It's poisonous. Ah~ I almost died."

Liuliu glanced at the other friends and saw that no one was helping Xi'er. She immediately became timid and said plausibly: "I didn't poison, the toothpaste is not poisonous, and you won't get sick if you eat it! Xi'er, don't mess around. explain."

Xi'er stared at her angrily.

Luoliu stuck out his tongue at her, slightly~ He really looked like he deserved a beating.

Fortunately, the Xi'er she was facing, if it were Xiaobai, he would knock her down in a matter of minutes with his flower arranging legs.

If it's Cheng Cheng, then Liuliu should be careful, there may be various minor accidents in the next week.

If it were Xiaomi, take her away immediately.

Dudu, emmm~ They are sisters.

Zhang Tan asked: "Toothpaste in sandwich biscuits?"

"Yeah~" Xi'er nodded.

"Hahaha, Boss Zhang, do you want to eat? It's delicious."

Liuliu pretended to take out the sandwich biscuits from her trouser pocket for Zhang Tan to eat. In fact, there were no more sandwich biscuits in her trouser pocket. She was just teasing Zhang Tan.

"I won't eat if I don't want to. Eat more yourself." Zhang Tan said.

Luoliu laughed.

But after a while she stopped laughing, because Xiaobai came over to interrogate her after brushing his teeth.

Cheng Cheng suggested planting the durians in the sandpit.

Everyone agreed, even Xi'er raised her hand to pass.

Liuliu quickly begged for mercy.

"Let me go, let me go. I'm a good boy. I'm just a little playful. I'm just joking with you. I'll eat the toothpaste too. It's delicious. It won't kill anyone. You can't really play with it." Damn it? Boss Zhang, Boss Zhang! Please save me, look at your little girl, she bullies me..."

Zhang Tan watched Liuliu being escorted downstairs by everyone and passed by him. Under Liuliu's loud cry for help and crazy eyes, he could not remain indifferent, so he said:

"Xi'er, is your sister here?"

"Here we are, playing."


Liuliu was escorted to the entrance. She tried her best to look back, her face full of shock, Boss Zhang, this is Boss Zhang! ! She called out so miserably, but in the end Boss Zhang didn't help her, so he even started talking about something else! ! !

She thought Boss Zhang was speaking out to help her!

Zhang Tan gave Liliu an "I can't help it" look and asked her to be happy.

If he mistakenly ate a sandwich biscuit with toothpaste squeezed into it, he would also go crazy, maybe even more violent than his best friends.

It was late at night, and the humidity outside the house was much heavier.

A hole was dug in the sand pit, but no pomegranate was seen in it.

The door to the classroom was pushed open, and two figures, one large and one small, walked out one after the other.

"It's cold outside, put on your gloves and hat quickly."

"It's already worn, sister, look."

"Wear it more tightly."

"I can't see with my eyes."

"Pull your hat up a little."

"Go home~"

"Slow down, don't run."

Little Xi'er jumped to the door of the compound, lay down at the window, and said to Lao Li inside: "Li Baibao, I'm going home. When will you get off work?"

"I want you to go home and be safe after twelve o'clock, and walk faster, it's so cold outside."

"It's cold, hiss, my nose is about to runny."

"Put on your scarf and hat."

"Okay, bye Li Weibao!"


Lao Li watched the Tan sisters leave. He didn't look back until they were no longer visible, and then made a scratch on his notebook to indicate that Tan Xi'er had gone home.

Before going to bed, Tan Jin'er told Xi'er something.

"My godfather asked us if we wanted to participate in a live show to talk about our song."

"Which song?"

"Big girl."

"Oh, what show?"

"Music show, talking about songs."

"hiahia, I don't know either."

"Then if you don't know, should we go or not?"

"Listen to my sister."

"My sister thinks that since we are not singers or celebrities, we should not participate in this event."

"Xi'er feels the same way."

"However, your godfather told us about this event. The organizer of the event is also your godfather's company. Therefore, I think we should not reject your godfather. We must help him."

"Give your godfather some face."

"Yes, give your godfather some face."

"Then shall we go or not?"

"going or not?"

"Go, okay?"

"Then go."

The next day, Tan Jin'er replied to Zhang Tan and told them their plans.

Although they were not used to the feeling of being in front of the camera, Tan Jin'er felt that she could not help Zhang Tan at all. This time, Zhang Tan took the initiative to ask. Although it was an inquiry and he specifically emphasized that it was up to them to make the decision, they still felt that You should agree.

This live broadcast event is officially organized by the Little Red Horse Galloping APP. They want to invite Tan Jin'er, Xi'er, Xiaobai and Dada bands to participate because their two recent songs are so popular.

There were many invitations received, not just this one, but Zhang Tan blocked them all. This time it was a request from his own app. Zhang Tan considered it for a moment and then handed over the decision to Tan Jiner and the others. .

In addition to Tan Jin'er and Xi'er participating, Xiaobai also agreed to participate.

Xiaobai doesn't have so many ideas. She is not afraid of live broadcast cameras and can participate if she wants to.

"If you are free in the afternoon, we will go to the company together and communicate with the program team about the event arrangements." Zhang Tan said.


Tan Jin'er brought Xi'er over in the afternoon, and Zhang Tan took Xiaobai to the company. The Dada band was also waiting at the company.

"Don't be nervous during the live broadcast, just follow me."

Xiaobai told Xi'er all the way, she was worried that Xi'er wouldn't be able to adapt to the live broadcast.

Tan Jiner was also listening to Xiaobai's instructions. She was actually beating the drum in her heart. She had never participated in a live broadcast event. She would be lying if she said she wasn't nervous. She didn't know what the host was going to talk to them during the live broadcast. I heard that it will be live broadcast for an hour, but there is not much to say.

One hour of live broadcast is the result of Zhang Tan cutting off half of the time. The plan submitted at the beginning was to live broadcast for at least two hours.

There were three heads of the program team, all of whom were already waiting in the conference room. Zhang Tan brought Xiaobai and others over. After everyone sat down, they began to communicate.

The people from the program team explained the specific content of the event to Tan Jin'er and others. It was actually very simple, just chatting, talking about songs, and talking about daily life.

After that, Zhang Tan spoke, focusing on three points.

"First, the tipping function is not enabled for this live broadcast, all are closed. Second, this live broadcast is dominated by the Dada band, and they take up half of the time. Third, there is no singing during the live broadcast."

Everyone on the program team recorded in their notebooks.

"Okay, no problem."

Tan Jin'er looked at Zhang Tan gratefully. The second and third points were all for their sake. In this case, her pressure would be much less.

Just one chapter tonight, I was delayed because of something else tonight, sorry

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