Dad Academy

Chapter 2086 Unexpected

In the crowd, Xiaobai finally found the little girl selling flowers.

Looking through the telescope, the little girl looked young, but when she saw her in person, she realized she was actually younger.

A tiny one.

Dressed very frugally.

There are still about half of the roses in the bamboo basket slung in my arm.

She would either stand on the side of the road and look eagerly at the passers-by, hoping that everyone would notice her and happen to want to buy roses.

Or just muster up the courage to step forward and ask weakly, "Do you want to buy flowers?" The other party will often look at her in surprise, then shake her head and walk away without stopping.

Or maybe he simply didn't hear her voice.

It seems that this kid is not very good at selling flowers. No wonder half of the flowers he sold all afternoon have not been sold.

"Old man, old man~"

Xiaobai came close to Old Man Zhang, pointed to the little girl selling flowers in front of him, and said happily: "I'll go find her there."


Before Zhang Tan finished speaking, Xiao Bai could not wait to step forward.

"Haha, you are here!"

The two children met face to face for the first time. The other party was very surprised when he saw Xiaobai's appearance, especially when he heard Xiaobai's words.

She looked at Xiaobai and made sure she didn't recognize him.

"I saw that you have been selling flowers here in the afternoon, and you haven't sold out all of your flowers yet?" Xiaobai said.

Zhang Tan also walked over and pinched Xiaobai's arm quietly, trying to remind her, but the melon boy squealed and stared at him, almost saying what he said.

Fortunately, Zhang Tan pulled her away in time.

The two of them came to the opposite side of the pedestrian street, separated from the crowd by the little girl selling flowers, Zhang Tan said: "Don't say that you use binoculars to look at people at home."

Xiaobai: "Why don't you say anything?"

Zhang Tan: "You are peeping. People will be unhappy if they hear this. No one likes being looked at through binoculars all afternoon."

"Xiwawa likes it. I use a telescope to look at her, and she even twerks and dances for me to see, hahaha~"

"... Xiwawa is someone you know well. This is different. She doesn't know you. If you let her know that you have been watching her with a telescope all afternoon, she may think you are a... bad person."

Zhang Tan almost said "pervert".

"I am not a bad guy."

"I know, of course you are not a bad person, neither of us are. But in order to prevent the little girl from misunderstanding us, you'd better not say anything about looking at her with a telescope, just say that we met on the street by chance."

"I want it~"

"Go ahead then."

While selling flowers, the little flower seller looked at Zhang Tan and Xiao Bai strangely. She saw the two of them muttering in strange ways. For the sake of safety, it was better to stay away.

She has met some strange people, and because she has a strong sense of safety, she has repeatedly saved the day.

At this moment, she naturally classified the Zhang family's father and daughter into the ranks of "unidentified people" and not "bad guys", so she didn't pick up the flower basket and run quickly.

The people coming and going here also gave her courage.

However, when she saw the two people approaching again, she was still timid and wanted to run away.

But Xiaobai had already arrived and laughed loudly: "What's your name?"

The little girl was stunned for a moment, thinking that the child in front of her was acting strange, so she ignored her and went elsewhere with the flower basket to continue selling her own flowers.

Xiaobai followed and asked, "Is your Huahualang for sale?"

The little girl didn't want to talk to her, but she asked how much the flowers cost, and she wanted to sell the flowers in the basket, so she replied: "10 yuan a flower."

Xiaobai turned around and looked at Old Man Zhang, who asked, "Little girl, how many more flowers do you have in your basket?"

The little girl said: "There are 15 more flowers."

Zhang Tan: "Then I want them all."

"You want them all?" the little girl asked in surprise.

"Yes, I want them all. The total is 150 yuan, right? I'll give it to you."

The little girl was not happy, but asked: "Why do you want so many flowers?"

Zhang Tan was stunned for a moment and said, "Of course I bought it because I needed it."

The little girl took a deep look at him, then lowered her head to look at the flowers in her basket, feeling entangled in her heart. When she finally raised her head, her eyes were firm, and she said to Zhang Tan, "I won't sell them to you."

Zhang Tan never expected this answer and asked in surprise: "Why? Why don't you sell it to me?"

The little girl said: "You bought it because you took pity on me. You actually don't need so many flowers."

"I need to."

"There are no girls around you. You don't have a girlfriend. You bought so many roses and you can't use them. You bought them out of pity for me. I won't sell them to you."

Zhang Tan couldn't help but look at the little girl carefully again. For the first time, he almost looked at her with the gaze of a peer, rather than looking down at her as an ignorant child.

These few words from the little girl just now made him sit up and take notice.

He thought that he and Xiaobai would encounter many unimaginable things when they came to find the little girl, but he did not expect that the other party would refuse to sell him the flowers, and for this reason.

Zhang Tan said: "It's true that I don't have a girlfriend, but I do need these flowers. I can give these flowers to people in need around me, not necessarily to my girlfriend."

The little girl thought for a while, felt that what he said made sense, and nodded.

Zhang Tan said, "Then are you willing to sell it to me?"

But the little girl continued to shake her head: "I won't sell them all to you, I can sell you one."

"Sell me one more flower~" Xiaobai said.

The little girl shook her head at her: "Do you want to buy it?"

"Buy, buy! Give it to me."

Xiaobai took a rose from the little girl's hand, and her old man paid for it.

"Sell me another flower~"

Xiaobai said again.

The little girl shook her head firmly and said it was just one flower, and she would never sell it again.

It would be disrespectful to her to continue to pester her to sell flowers, so Zhang Tan told Xiaobai to stop pestering others to sell flowers.

Xiaobai then gave up. She couldn't understand why this little girl was so stubborn.

"Are you eating?" Xiaobai thought of the food he brought.

As soon as she asked, Zhang Tan knew the answer.

"I had dinner, thank you, but I won't eat it," the little girl said.

She glanced at Xiao Bai and Zhang Tan, then walked away. After walking a few steps, she waved to them, blended into the crowd, and gradually disappeared.

Xiaobai wanted to follow, but was stopped by Zhang Tan.

Xiaobai couldn't figure out why this happened, so Zhang Tan took her home and explained to her along the way.

Xiaobai seemed to understand, but when she returned to Little Red Horse, all the melons that were supposed to come were here, and the yard was bustling. She suddenly felt that compared to the melons in Little Red Horse Academy, the little girl selling flowers on the street outside Even more pitiful.

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai, hahahaha, I..."

"Climb away, don't touch me. I'm so angry that I'm so angry..."


Da Yanyan came with great enthusiasm, but was extinguished by Xiao Bai with a splash of water and a sneer.

Everyone in Da Yanyan was dumbfounded. They didn't know how they had offended Xiaobai, a bastard like me.

But Xiaobai felt that Pangliuli's life was too moist.

Dayanyan watched Xiaobai go away, bared her teeth and claws at her back, muttering in her mouth, threw Xiaobai to the ground and stepped on her countless times.

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