Dad Academy

Chapter 2090 What a coincidence

Xiaobai and Xier ran out of the house one after another. The little orange cat was lying on the sofa playing with a ball of yarn. When he saw the two little owners suddenly running away, he quickly picked up the ball of yarn, jumped off the sofa vigorously, and ran after him. After leaving the house, he walked quickly down the stairs and soon caught up with a little fake horse.

The little fake horse lowered his head and saw that he was being overtaken by a kitten. He couldn't help but step on the engine, increase the horsepower, and run forward with all his strength.

Xiaobai, who was running ahead, had already rushed out of the yard, rushed towards the big iron gate, grabbed the iron gate with both hands, and smiled at the little girl who happened to be passing by the gate: "Hello~~Hello~~~~ What a coincidence. Acridine, hahahaha~~~"

The little girl was the one who sold flowers yesterday. Today she was still carrying a bamboo basket with some beautiful roses in it. As she passed by, she poked her head around and saw Xiaobai leaning on the iron gate to say hello to her.

"Hello, what a coincidence~"

The little flower seller smiled and said, she really thought she met Xiaobai by chance.

"Are you going to sell flowers?" Xiaobai asked.


The little girl nodded, looked inside, and asked, "Why are the children inside gone?"

Xiaobai told her that this place is only open at night and there are no children during the day.

He said there were no children, but in a blink of an eye a child ran out happily: "hiahiahia~~~Hello, hello, lost Huahua~~~"

It was Xi'er who arrived late. The little flower seller smiled at her as a greeting. After all, she was not familiar with Xi'er.

"Are you going to sell flowers? I just saw you in the telescope." As soon as Xi'er finished speaking, a small hand covered her small mouth and dragged her back.

The little flower seller looked at them doubtfully, what kind of telescope? She didn't understand.

At this time, the little orange cat leisurely slipped out of the gap under the big iron door and circled around her feet, sniffing here and there, full of curiosity about her.

The little girl squatted down and looked at the little orange cat who was curious about her with joy. She also liked the little orange cat very much, it was fluffy and cute.

The little orange cat meowed, turned its head, and went back into the door. It circled at the feet of Xiaobai and Xi'er, meowed at them, then went out again, stood outside the door and barked at them, That means asking them to come out and play together.

This makes Xiaobai and Xi'er envious. Why can the little orange cat come and go freely, but they have to be locked inside and cannot come out?

Xi'er immediately grabbed the iron door, shook it with all her strength, and shouted: "Let me out, let me out, hiahiahia~~~"

It was originally meant to be a misfortune, but when she smiled, it suddenly changed, making people no longer think she was miserable.

Unlike Xi'er who played with everything, Xiaobai went directly to Lao Li and asked Li to let them go out and play.

Lao Li said: "It's okay to let you go out, but only if your father agrees."

"My old man is not at home."

"I have to get his permission before I can let you out. This is a rule. I'm a beater and I can't let you out on my own initiative."

"My old man is not at home~"

"I'm just a worker. I do what I'm told. Without permission, there's nothing I can do."

Lao Li spoke in an official tone, and Xiao Bai was so careless that he was his opponent. He was confused and completely manipulated.

But Xiaobai knew that this guy Li Weibao was fooling her.

She left angrily, murmuring with Xi'er, and glancing at Lao Li from time to time.

Lao Li had a premonition that he might be in trouble, so he couldn't help but brace himself.

At this time, the little girl passing by waved to Xiaobai and Xi'er. She was going to sell flowers.

"Wait for us." Xiaobai said, and then ran to the classroom with Xi'er. After a while, the two of them hurried out with something in their hands.

Xi'er was carrying a first aid kit in her hand, and Xiaobai was carrying a bamboo pole on his shoulder.

Under the watchful eye of Lao Li, they walked straight to the edge of the grove. They saw Xiaobai holding up the bamboo pole high. Lao Li looked in the direction of the bamboo pole and saw a parrot there!

"Hey, hey, what do you want to do?" Lao Li asked quickly.

Xiaobai kept moving his hands, turning his head and laughing at him: "The bird is so noisy that we can't sleep. I want to knock it down, kill it, and make it into a stick bird."

"What bird?"

"Bangbang bird!"

Lao Li understood that Xiaobai was taking revenge on him! Moreover, the revenge not only does not last overnight, but also does not last more than ten minutes. It is really a matter of grievance.

He looked at Xi'er, who had a tigerish face and said proactively: "I will testify for Xiaobai! The parrot disturbed our sleep. We couldn't sleep well, and our health was not good. Xiaobai is about to die! Because I am a doctor."

Typical dog-legged demeanor and demeanor.

Lao Li quickly asked Xiao Bai to show mercy. The parrot was almost frightened to death, huddled up and shivered.

You really can't offend any of the children here.

Moreover, it did not offend anyone today, it was wronged.

"If you want me to let the birds go, you can let us go out to play." Xiaobai made no secret of his purpose and made such a blatant threat.

Lao Li had no choice but to ask Teacher Jiang. After hearing the cause and effect, Teacher Jiang allowed them to go out, but told them that they must come back before 10:30 and wear their watches, which have a positioning function.

The two of them made their vows, beat gongs and drums, and went out. The little girl selling flowers had not gone far, so they quickly chased after her.

"Hahaha, here we come."


Xiaobai and Xi'er caught up with the little girl, and after repeated negotiations, they got the little girl's consent to accompany them to sell flowers.

After all, she was a little girl. With her friends by her side, she felt much better. She walked with a breeze. The three of them talked and laughed along the way, like three little best friends going shopping.

After crossing the overpass, Xi'er lay down in front of the railing, stood on tiptoe slightly, looked at the busy traffic under the bridge, and was amazed.

Xiaobai stood beside her and said, "Are there many cars?"

Xi'er nodded and said: "With so many cars, everyone who drives must wear a helmet, so we can sell a lot of helmets. We sell helmets, don't sell flowers, hiahiahia~~~"

Xiaobai said: "It's cold in winter, wouldn't it be better to sell matches?"

"hiahiah~~Liuliu said, we can also sell missiles, hiahia~~"


The two discussed this inappropriate topic enthusiastically. When the little girl heard this, she held the bamboo basket tightly and waited until they had laughed enough before saying, "I only sell flowers."

Then walk to West Chang'an Street.

Xiaobai followed up and said, "Don't be afraid of selling flowers. We are not bad people."

"We're just a little naughty, hiahia~"

The little girl came to the bar street where she used to stay, where she used to sell flowers.

There is a lot of traffic here, people coming and going, but not many people are willing to buy flowers, even if Xiaobai and Xi'er help and shout, it is useless.

"This is not the way." Xiaobai said.

Xi'er nodded: "Yes, Xiaobai, I have to find a way."

"Then think of a way."

"hiahia, we still sell helmets."

This melon boy's true colors were immediately revealed.

Xiaobai ignored her, and the little girl handed them the water glass hanging in front of her neck to drink.

"I'm not thirsty~" Xiaobai said.

"Xiao Bai is not thirsty and neither am I."

In fact, Xi'er was thirsty.

Xiaobai thought for a while, and after observing the surroundings for a while, he thought that he should move his position and not sell flowers here. The abortions here are not those who know how to buy flowers.

"We should go to the place where clothes are sold. People there can buy flowers." Xiaobai said.

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