Dad Academy

Chapter 2297 No gold content (please vote for me)

Everyone who followed Zhang Hui saw that Secretary Zhang, who was usually serious and dignified, was so amiable to a little girl. This was completely different from his usual image. The contrast almost made them shudder.

In their eyes, the fiery-tempered Secretary Zhang had restrained all his temper at this moment, and the corners of his smiling eyes were full of wrinkles. Even though he was nagged and complained by the little girl, he did not feel unhappy at all. Instead, he seemed to be happy with it. It could even be said that Secretary Zhang was... please? Well, it did look like he was trying to please, which made them exclaim in disbelief.

But on their faces, they didn't dare to show anything. Instead, they all looked at Xiaobai with kind smiles on their faces, as if Xiaobai was also their granddaughter.

Hearing Xiaobai's words "grandpa", these people all knew who the kid in front of them was. No wonder Secretary Zhang stopped the meeting and hurried here.

And when they understood what was going on, they were dumbfounded.

They thought there was some kind of emergency that required Secretary Zhang to personally take command on the spot. They thought about many situations, but they never expected that it would be such a scene.

However, they didn't find it strange to see Zhang Hui doting on Xiaobai so much. In fact, even if a child lost a fight and called his parents, Secretary Zhang would probably put down what he was doing without hesitation and rush over to help him. The little granddaughter supports me.

At this moment, Secretary Zhang is not a secretary, but an old man who has passed away from another generation.

Zhang Hui was still being complained by Xiaobai, but he smiled and kept nodding, as if you feel free to complain and I will lose if I refute even one word.

Until Zhang Tan couldn't stand it anymore and stopped Xiao Bai.

At this time, another little one jumped out, stood in front of Zhang Hui, raised his little head and shouted sweetly: "Grandpa~"

Zhang Hui was stunned for a moment, looking down at this little girl who was two sizes younger than Xiao Bai. Although he didn't know who she was, he still responded with a kind smile: "Hey, what's your name?"

Xiao Xiaobai said in a babyish voice: "My name is Xiao Xiaobai."

"Xiao Xiaobai?" Zhang Hui looked at Xiao Bai doubtfully.

Xiaobai hugged Xiaobai with one hand and explained: "This is my little niece, I am her little aunt~hahaha~~~~"

As she said this, she couldn't help but laugh out loud, as if it was such a great thing to be a little aunt.

Zhang Hui instantly remembered that Xiaobai had been to his house, but he was not at home at the time. Later, he heard Qin Huifang talk about it, saying that a mini version of Xiaobai came, and it was a pity that he didn't see it. At that time, he felt very sorry and wondered if we could meet again in the future.

Isn’t this what you have seen now? He smiled and touched Xiao Bai's little head. No matter how he looked, this little one looked like Xiao Bai. He had a trumpet and a mysterious nickname, so cute.

At the same time, Zhang Hui turned his eyes and landed on Xi'er, who was standing at Zhang Tan's feet, and said, "Xi'er, do you still know grandpa?"

Xi'er bared her teeth and said with a smile: "I know you are Grandpa Zhang. I have been to your house to play, hiahia~~~"

Yes, Xi'er has been to Zhang Hui's house several times. Although Zhang Hui is not at home most of the time, he came back from get off work once and saw Xi'er.

Zhang Hui actually still remembers it.

The few people who followed Zhang Hui were very knowledgeable. Seeing that the leader was enjoying his family, they did not disturb him. Instead, he called the police to take the fighters away quickly.

A middle-aged man in a white shirt whispered a few words into the ear of someone beside him, and that person led everyone away, along with Wang Dashan and others.

Wang Dashan didn't know who these people were, but any fool knew they must be big shots. He was a little nervous, worried that he wouldn't be severely punished, right?

He looked at Zhang Tan, who nodded towards him and gave him a reassuring look, which made him feel a lot more at ease.

Soon, only the middle-aged man in a white shirt and a capable young man were left around Zhang Hui. This young man Zhang Tan knew was Zhang Hui's secretary and bodyguard.

As for the middle-aged man in the white shirt, Zhang Tan didn't know him. However, the man took the initiative to greet Zhang Tan, introduced himself and said his name, but did not mention his position.

"Uncle, come and sit at home." Zhang Tan invited.

Xiaobai also sent out an invitation, asking Zhang Hui to go to Little Red Horse Academy, saying it was so lively there.

Zhang Hui said hello with a smile, and then Xiaobai took his hand and walked towards the little red horse.

Zhang Tan followed behind and held Xi'er, while Xiao Xiaobai ran a few steps quickly and caught up with his little aunt. He took the initiative to hold her hand, and then asked in a low voice: "Little aunt, what do you do as a great grandfather?" ?”

Xiaobai said angrily: "As an official, you work overtime every day! I don't even know what to say."

In Xiaobai's impression, her uncle really worked overtime every day. Whenever she went to the municipal party committee compound, she could only see her uncle during dinner at night, but almost never during the day.

She and her old man are two extremes. She even asked her uncle to find a job for her old man to avoid becoming a street kid.

It's just that those were the thoughts when she was younger. At that time, Xiaobai really thought that her old man was a street kid. She no longer thinks so. She is sensible and already knows the nature of the old man's work.

Xiao Xiaobai opened his mouth wide and looked up at Zhang Hui in surprise. Seeing that Zhang Hui noticed him, he quickly bared his teeth and showed an obvious fake smile.

Actually, Xiao Xiaobai didn’t quite understand the concept of being an official. He only thought that it might be similar to squad leaders like Dudu and Xiaomi, but he might not have as many people in charge as Dudu and Xiaomi.

The group arrived at Little Red Horse Academy soon. Zhang Tan called Aunt Huang and Lao Li in advance, so the gate of the academy was open at the moment, and Lao Li and Aunt Huang were waiting in the yard.

Although Zhang Hui has been to Little Red Horse and knows Lao Li and Aunt Huang, and is even familiar with them, he still needs to show the due respect.

There are no children in the yard, they have all gone to the classroom, and Teacher Xiaoliu and the others are taking care of them.

"Lao Li~" Zhang Hui took the initiative to greet Lao Li, and Lao Li also smiled and greeted: "Hello, Secretary Zhang~"

Then, Zhang Hui looked at Aunt Huang, "Hello Shaofen, long time no see."

Aunt Huang's full name is Huang Shaofen. She is about the same age as Zhang Hui, just a few years younger. They have known each other since they were young and have known each other for decades.

"Hello, Secretary Zhang." Aunt Huang's response was more official.

Zhang Tan invited Zhang Hui to sit at home. Teacher Jiang had already quickly tidied up the house.

Zhang Hui respected Teacher Jiang very much and called her Teacher Jiang.

Also coming to the house were the middle-aged man in the white shirt and Zhang Hui's secretary. Aunt Huang also came, but Lao Li did not come and still stayed at his post.

As soon as Xiaobai got home, he immediately ran to his room and soon came out with a golden trophy in his arms. He showed it to Zhang Hui like a treasure: "Grandpa, look, this is the award I won for singing last time." , golden, all made of gold, haven’t you seen it?”

Zhang Hui really didn't see it. He took it in his hand and it was quite heavy. He couldn't help but ask: "Is it really made of gold?"

Xiaobai said loudly: "It goes without saying that if it's not made of gold, why is it made of gold?! Can you still give me a fake one?!"

Zhang Hui quickly explained: "I didn't mean that. I meant that if it's not made of gold, it doesn't deserve to be given to Xiaobai."

Xiaobai nodded: "If it matters, Grandpa can talk, hahaha~"

Xi'er on the side opened her mouth, and finally couldn't help but interjected: "This is my trophy~hiahia~~"

Xiaobai didn't feel embarrassed at all and said, "Haha, I also have one like this, but I gave it to someone else."

Yes, she gave her trophy to the Dada band, but the Dada band was wise and didn't ask for it. Instead, they put the trophy in the music company and displayed it in a glass cabinet as a historical honor.

Seeing that his aunt and Xi'er both had trophies to show off, Xiaobai hurried to the room, and soon ran out with something in his arms, which was a small crocodile doll.

"Look at my little crocodile~hiahia~~~"

This little eye-catching bag is quite cute, and it’s a little thing that I can show off without the slightest bit of gold content.

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