Dad Academy

Chapter 2340 Security Ambassador

In the evening, the moon had just risen in the night sky, and the cool breeze was blowing in the Little Red Horse Academy, making the leaves rustle.

Children began to arrive in the academy one after another. Xi'er came out of the house with a bulging belly and strolled in the yard.

Xiao Xiaobai followed her, also with a bulging belly, stroking her belly in circles as she walked, her expression and movements imitating Xi'er.

Xiao Bai finally came out, smiled when he saw the two people, and sat next to Lao Li.

Lao Li glanced at her and asked, "Would you like a drink?"

Xiaobai glanced at the teapot that was bubbling, and felt very happy: "Then have a drink~"

Lao Li picked up the teapot, took out a small teacup, poured her a cup, and told her not to drink it yet, as it was too hot.

He is no longer worried that Xiaobai will smash his teapot and teacup. Xiaobai is no longer a stupid and ignorant child, and he knows the severity.

Xiaobai no longer thought that he was drinking mulberry leaves, and he was not as stupid and brainless as before.

"I'll blow it."

Xiaobai blew into the tea cup, but soon realized that there was no need to do this, because the night breeze would cool the tea faster than her blowing.

"What are they two doing?" Lao Li looked at Xi'er and Xiao Xiaobai who were walking in the yard. They were one big and one small, and their behavior and movements were similar.

Xiaobai smiled secretly: "They are full and want to take a walk."

Hearing this, Lao Li chuckled and concentrated on drinking tea and listening to the radio. Recently, he suddenly became interested and kept listening to the biography of Yue Fei on the radio.

Reading consumes his eyes and makes him sore after reading for a while, so he usually prefers to listen.

Xiaobai sat aside and listened for a while, but she didn't understand much. Just as she was about to leave, she saw Cheng Cheng being sent by her father. Then he walked directly to her and sat down next to Lao Li.

Lao Li didn't take it seriously and just did his own thing.

Cheng Cheng bared his teeth at Xiaobai and said, "I'm listening to a story, it sounds good."

Xiaobai opened his mouth wide, unable to understand that Cheng Cheng would actually like to listen to Yue Fei's biography!

Isn't she delicious in "Cardcaptor Sakura"?

Even if you don't watch "Cardcaptor Sakura", you can still watch Xi'er's favorite "Dora the Adventures" or "Windmill and Fake Sophistication".

But Xiaobai had to admire Cheng Cheng. Yue Feizhuan could understand it, but she couldn't. After listening for a while, she no longer knew what he was talking about.

Because it’s a very old-school kind of storytelling.

I heard from Lao Li that this storyteller passed away more than ten years ago, so this is at least a storyteller from more than ten years ago.

Xiaobai sat aside to accompany Cheng Cheng and Lao Li. She originally wanted to talk to Cheng Cheng, but Cheng Cheng listened to the book very seriously, which made her embarrassed to disturb Cheng Cheng.

Sitting downwind, she couldn't help but sniff and smell the fragrance of Cheng Cheng. It smelled so good.

Xiaobai couldn't help but take a few more puffs. Cheng Cheng was indeed a little cantaloupe, I really wanted to take a bite.

"Hahahaha what are you listening to? Li Baibao, serve me tea——"

When Liuli came, before anyone arrived, she asked Lao Li to serve her tea.

Lao Li glanced at her angrily: "You poured all the tea I poured for you yesterday without even taking a sip. You thought my tea was bitter."

Liuliu explained seriously: "Today I am a little older than yesterday, so I can endure hardships more. Give me tea quickly. I have to endure hardships. Only through hardship can I succeed."

Lao Li was amused by her. This little guy was smart and clever, but he didn't use it in serious matters and was very clear-headed in his sophistry.

"Then pour you a small cup. If you don't finish it, I won't give it to you next time."

Liuliu ignored him, but moved closer to Cheng Cheng, took a deep breath, and said intoxicatedly: "Smells, it smells so good~~ Come on, I can endure hardship now."

As she said this, she was about to pick up the teacup and drink tea, but Lao Li stopped her, saying that it was too hot to drink, and asked her to wait for a while.

Luliu wanted to find an excuse to suck Cheng Cheng, but Cheng Cheng pushed her away, despising her for being so naughty.

There are more and more children in the yard, gathering together in twos and threes, playing and playing.

Two of them were actually wearing pink helmets, and the weather was not too hot.

Xi'er and Xiao Xiaobai were in front of the two children, studying their pink helmets.

Xi'er didn't expect that some children in Little Red Horse Academy also wore pink helmets, which were the same style as hers.

This made her happy.

Unexpectedly, she, Tan Xi'er, could one day lead a fashion trend.

"Haha, why are you wearing pink helmets too?"

As soon as Xiaomi arrived at Little Red Horse, she was attracted by these two children wearing pink helmets. They came to watch and eat melon.


One of the little ones wearing a pink helmet smiled proudly. This was Tian Xiaoya.

"Safety first~" Tian Xiaoya said in a sweet voice, looking serious.

Dude dusk~~~

"Ouch, Liuliu, why are you knocking my brains out~"

Tian Xiaoya hugged her little head and Guazi, staring angrily at Liuliu who didn't know when she appeared behind her.

Just now Luoliu knocked twice on her pink helmet.

"It's hard." Liuliu said.

"Hmph! Safety first~" Tian Xiaoya put some distance between her and Luliu to prevent her from being hit on the head again by Luliu.

"Aren't you hot?" Liuliu asked.

Tian Xiaoya shook her head and wiped the sweat from the tip of her nose.

Liuliu looked at her like she was a little fool, "You are sweating and you still say it's not hot. Are you stupid? You are still wearing a helmet on such a hot day. You will suffer from heat stroke. Take it off quickly."

Tian Xiaoya refused. She just received this pink helmet today. It is extremely rare. So she should show it off. There are still many children from Little Red Horse Academy who have not come yet.

"Then I'll plant you in a sand pit." Luoliu threatened.

Tian Xiaoya was so frightened that she ran away with her head in her arms.

After Ding Jiamin delivered the millet in the evening, she did not leave immediately. Instead, she stood in the yard chatting with Teacher Xiaoliu.

Their eyes also fell on Tian Xiaoya’s pink helmet. Teacher Xiao Liu joked: “Actually, the traffic police department can ask Xi’er to be a publicity ambassador. Look at her, wearing it once at the concert has inspired so many people. People’s safety awareness is comparable to tens of millions invested in publicity and education.”

Ding Jiamin smiled and said, "I think it's okay too. This wave of publicity is spot on."

They were joking, but they never expected that the relevant departments would actually contact Little Red Horse Music Company the next day. When they asked the other party, it turned out to be the Pujiang Traffic Police Department, saying that they wanted to cooperate with the child Tan Xier and asked her to be a publicity person. Ambassador, if you don’t promote anything else, just promote the need to wear a helmet when riding an electric bike.

But before they can cooperate, they need to meet and chat with the child Tan Xier.

Zhang Tan was notified of this matter immediately, and then Zhang Tan contacted Tan Jin'er. After discussing with her, Tan Jin'er asked Xi'er for her opinion, and then made an appointment with the traffic police department on the time and place. The next day, Zhang Tan took Tan Jin'er with him. The little sisters went to Little Red Horse Music Company and talked with the people from the traffic police department.

Xi'er has no dream of becoming famous. Whether it's singing or acting, she always finds it fun. She can do it with her friends or her sister, and that's enough.

This time it was said that she wanted to promote the need to wear a helmet when riding an electric bicycle. She agreed without hesitation at all.

She worries about people riding motorcycles without helmets. When she is riding her sister's e-mule on the road and sees someone without a helmet, she can't help but remind them.

Even though Tan Jin'er repeatedly told her not to meddle in other people's business.

But I just can't control myself and want to meddle in my own business.

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