Dad Academy

Chapter 2430 Given by Night Owl Beard

Under Xiaobai's questioning, Tian Xiaoya finally revealed that the gift she had carefully prepared was a pair of small socks.

Little socks again? !

Xiaobai and the others couldn't help but look at each other. With quick eyes and quick hands, Xiaobai dragged Robin Bai away who was about to speak.

This night, Tian Xiaoya lost the little socks that he wanted to give to Xiao Weiwei and became the focus of the conversation. Every child who heard the news had to run to ask Tian Xiaoya. Nothing more than curiosity! curious! Still curious! ! !

Although everyone got a positive answer after asking and would comfort Tian Xiaoya, this was equivalent to applying medicine to others after uncovering the scars, so Tian Xiaoya would cry every time someone asked. Later, Xiaobai sent Xiaoxiao and Dudu to guard this melon. As long as he saw someone coming to ask, they would be kicked away before they could ask.

Liliu volunteered to protect it, but did not get everyone's consent. Although her role as a guardian is definitely very good, and one person can take on the role of Xiaoxiao and Dudu, because she can really look down and deal with the little friends fiercely, but she herself is a little trouble, she must He was pretending to be a public servant for his own benefit, and he asked Tian Xiaoya to cry after getting to the bottom of it.

It was late at night, the moon hung quietly in the night sky, and the evening wind picked up, making the leaves rustle.

It was quiet in Little Red Horse Academy. Most of the children had been picked up, and the remaining few went to sleep in the dormitory on the second floor, waiting for their father or mother.

Tian Xiaoya is also among them.

She has been staying at Little Red Horse a lot recently, and her mother usually doesn't come to pick her up until about one o'clock in the morning. Every time, she thinks she was picked up by her mother in a dream.

This time she climbed into her little bed as usual, opened her little quilt, and suddenly found a pair of brand new socks under the quilt.

Before she could digest the surprise, she found another pair under the small pillow, and then another pair under the quilt at the end of the bed.

Xiaobai came to sleep with her as usual, and Tian Xiaoya showed her three pairs of little socks in surprise.

Xiaobai was stunned, triple double? She smiled and said, "It must have been given to you by Night Owl Beard."

"Night owl beard? I like night owl beard."

"Then lie down and close your eyes. The Night Owl Beard will come to you when you fall asleep."

Tian Xiaoya was overjoyed. She held three pairs of socks in her arms and laughed non-stop. She really thought they were sent to her by Night Owl Beard.

Teacher Xiao Yuan heard the laughter and looked over. Xiao Bai quickly signaled Tian Xiaoya to close her mouth and stop laughing.

"You will disturb other little friends."

Tian Xiaoya covered her little mouth, nodded, then let go of her hands and whispered: "Xiaobai, will my little yellow flower be squashed by me?"

There is a small yellow flower in her hair.

"Xiao Xiaobai gave it to me!" Tian Xiaoya said proudly.

She cried so hard that in order to comfort her, Xiao Xiaobai gave her his precious little yellow flower to make her feel better quickly.

"Then take it off and put it next to the pillow."

Tian Xiaoya happily picked off the small yellow flower and carefully placed it next to the pillow, as if it was her baby.

Tian Xiaoya cried very hard tonight. This was also physical work, so she fell asleep not long after lying down.

At almost one o'clock in the morning, her mother finally got off work and came to pick her up and take her home.

The little guy slept in a daze, unable to tell the difference between east, west, north and south, and he let himself be held by others.

But when he took her down from the crib, the little guy suddenly burst into gear, and three pairs of socks fell off his body.

Madoka-sensei picked it up, stuffed it in her pocket, and handed her to her mother.

When I got home, it was almost two o'clock in the morning.

Tian Xiaoya woke up in the second half, and the night breeze blew away her sleepiness.

She lay in her mother's arms and talked. When she got home, her mother was washing. She followed behind her, holding three pairs of little socks in her hand, and happily told her mother their origins.

It was only after lying in bed with her mother that she started crying again.

Because she remembered why her little yellow flower was missing!

Could it have been lost on the road?

She burst into tears.

Her mother gave her a large bouquet of artificial sunflower flowers at home, and she fell asleep holding it.

the next day.

Ring ring ring~~~~~

The elementary school bell rang, and the quiet campus immediately became noisy.

Tan Jin'er stood waiting outside the school. Normally she would meet Zhu Xiaojing, Ding Jiamin and others, but today none of them came, so she was alone.

Today she was responsible for picking up these children, taking them directly to have dinner, and then sending them to Little Red Horse Academy.

As people flowed toward the school gate, Tan Jin'er didn't see Xiaobai and the others, so she guessed that these little guys would wait until the last to leave the school.

Based on her many experiences, Xiaobai and the others either rushed out as soon as the bell rang, or they waited until the end, when everyone was almost gone, before Shanshan showed up.

Tan Jin'er called Xi'er. Xi'er on the other side of the phone seemed very busy. She said hello several times and said she would be out soon.

But after waiting for more than ten minutes, Tan Jin'er saw them gathering together from a distance, slowly walking towards the school gate.

With them were two classmates, a boy and a girl. Tan Jin'er recognized that one was Xie Xiaoxu, who could write songs, and the other was Wang Qianqian, whose mother cooked delicious food.

"Why did you stay in there for so long?" Tan Jin'er asked.

Xi'er said quickly: "It's Liuliu who said that her mother didn't come today and they should play for a while before leaving."

Liliu: "..."

He was betrayed by this child without warning. It was really hard to guard against.

Xie Xiaoxu's father and Wang Qianqian's father received them and waved goodbye to Xiaobai and others.

"Let's go, let's go back. What do you want to eat tonight?" Tan Jin'er asked.

Speaking of this, Liuliu became energetic and she suggested eating fried chicken.

However, this proposal was rejected by Dudu and Xiaomi. They agreed that eating fried chicken at night was unhealthy.

Although Liliu repeatedly assured that it was absolutely healthy, Dudu and Xiaomi still couldn't be convinced.

"Then I won't eat, I won't eat anything!" Liuliu got angry.

Xiaobai said calmly: "Let's order a grilled sausage for Duliu. Do you want to eat it?"

"Eat, eat, eat!"

"hiahiahia, didn't you say you wouldn't eat anything?"

"Xi'er, sooner or later I will be pissed off by you!"


Dudu asked: "Xier, what do you want to eat?"

Xi'er thought for a while and said, "I want to eat glutinous rice balls, dumplings, and sesame paste. I will eat whatever you want."

"Where's Cheng Cheng?" Dudu asked again.

Cheng Cheng said: "I also want to eat glutinous rice balls."

Everyone murmured and discussed for a while, and finally decided to go to a snack bar, so that everyone's tastes could be satisfied. Some ate glutinous rice balls, some ate grilled sausages, and Xiaobai also wanted to eat spicy rabbit meat.

After dinner, Liliu, Xi'er and Xiaobai went to the mall to buy socks as a birthday gift for Xiao Weiwei.

What they bought yesterday was gone and they quietly gave it to Tian Xiaoya.

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