Dad Academy

Chapter 2502 Show your transcript!

PS: Thank you everyone for your tips for Xiaomi and for adding more updates.

As soon as Zhang Tan came back, he listened to Xiaobai's story about Lu Zhong.

Zhang Tan remembered this kid Lu Zhong, and he was deeply impressed by the host of the party that day. He also saw him last night, but he didn't expect that he had run away from home.

"Fortunately, Wan Xiaohu and you kept him here, otherwise the consequences would have been disastrous." Zhang Tan said.

Xiaobai nodded and agreed again and again.

Suddenly, Zhang Tan asked: "Will the school results be released tomorrow? Do you want to go there at eight in the morning?"

Xiaobai said: "It doesn't matter if it's a little later."

"It's better not to be late and go on time."

In the evening, Liuliu, who had been having fun all day, finally showed up. This guy seemed to have completely forgotten about his results tomorrow, and he was still so happy.

It wasn't until Xiaobai reminded her that she had to go to school to get her report card tomorrow that she realized that the excitement on her face disappeared immediately.

Xiaobai laughed loudly and felt much more relaxed. Looking at Liuliu like this, she must have done poorly in the exam. Although the report card hasn't come out yet, she should feel it herself.

Seeing Xiaobai laughing at her, Liuliu immediately counterattacked: "I must have better grades than you."

"Hahahaha~~~" Xiaobai laughed, no longer paying attention to Liuliu, and Liuliu was no longer on the list of opponents.

The next day, Xiaobai and Xi'er went to school together. Zhang Tan sent them there. Xiaobai didn't show up this morning. She had to go to kindergarten in the morning accompanied by her father.

The school, which had been quiet for a day, became lively again. As soon as Xiaobai and Xi'er arrived, many people greeted them.

"Xiaobai Xiaobai, shall we go to Fujian together during the summer vacation?" Someone came over and invited Xiaobai to travel together during the summer vacation.

"Xiaobai Xiaobai, come with me to Qicheng."

"Are we going abroad? It's Australia, and it's winter there."

Xiaobai dismissed all these melons, then saw Xie Xiaoxu appeared and invited her to go out to play during the summer vacation.

"Let's go to Türkiye, it's fun there."

Xi'er asked: "What are the fun ones? Give me a chestnut."

Xie Xiaoxu began to draw the pie: "There are a lot of delicious food, a lot of delicious drinks, and there is the sea and sunshine..."

Xi'er said: "We also have sunshine at home."

Xie Xiaoxu choked for a moment and explained: "The sun has to be paired with the beach to be fun. There are beaches in Turkey, but we don't have them here. There are also a lot of delicious food there."

Xi'er said, "Let me give you a chestnut."

Xie Xiaoxu said: "Turkish barbecue is very famous. We can eat Turkish barbecue."

Xi'er asked: "Have you eaten it?"

Xie Xiaoxu shook his head and said he had never eaten it.

Xi'er said, "Give me a chestnut. Who has eaten it?"

Xie Xiaoxu said helplessly: "Xier, why do you like lifting chestnuts so much? Are you deliberately going against me?"

"hiahiahia~~~" Xi'er laughed, her smile was so sweet, how could she be deliberately going against him? She, Xi'er, is not that kind of person, and she is not a porridge.

"Then, for example, how can I go against you?"

Xie Xiaoxu looked at the sky and calculated with his fingers that today might not be an auspicious day. Forget it, let's not mention inviting Xiaobai to travel.

But after this incident, he felt a little uneasy. Everything seemed to be going wrong today, and he couldn't help but worry about the results of the final exam.

He returned to the classroom feeling anxious.

Teacher Wu Mei came soon, and the children who were playing around immediately looked over.

It's not because Teacher Wu Mei is so intimidating, but because the stack of certificates she brought is particularly eye-catching.

Everyone has been working hard for a whole semester just for a piece of paper to fly!

Teacher Wu Mei said with a smile: "The summer vacation has begun. What do you plan to do?"

Immediately some people said they were going to travel, some said they were going to grandma's house, and some said they were going to the countryside.

Teacher Wu Mei said with a smile: "Everyone's summer vacation planning is very exciting. In this way, when the class monitor and deputy class monitor make statistics, they will write down what everyone is going to do during the summer vacation and leave it to me."

Xiaobai and Liuliu were stunned, and then they thought that they were the squad leader (deputy squad leader).

Teacher Wu Mei said again: "Liuliu, come here first."

Liuliu pointed at herself in surprise, and Teacher Wu Mei said: "Yes, it's you. Why are you hesitating? Come here quickly. If it's too late, you'll be gone."

Liuliu realized it was a good thing and hurriedly ran to the podium. Teacher Wu Mei took out a certificate from the bottom of the stack, handed it to her hand, and said: "I will give you a certificate first." , you have participated in many cultural activities this semester, and I am hereby commended.”

I am very happy and call 666.

She happily took the certificate, unfolded it, and saw three large golden characters written on it: Good Child.

Liliu, who had a bright face just now, immediately darkened, and his expression changed so quickly that it was hard for anyone to react.

"Good boy, good boy - give me a good boy. I'm already a big man, but give me a good boy! You might as well give me a good man!"

Liuliu yelled, very dissatisfied that Teacher Wu gave her such a certificate.

I promised to give her a guaranteed certificate before, but I can't be so perfunctory. She is already quite old, how can I give her back to a good child? ? ?

When Xiaobai heard this, he sat down and laughed, and even ran over to look at it, gloating about his misfortune.

Teacher Wu Mei went over to take a look and said in surprise: "Eh? Why is it this one? Isn't it right?"

She flipped through the stack of certificates she brought and soon found something wrong.

"I took the wrong one. This should be the certificate for Teacher Xiao Wu's class. Sorry, Liuliu, give me the certificate first and I'll go change it."

She hurried away with the certificate and went directly to find Teacher Wu Qianqian.

Teacher Wu Qianqian also found that she and Teacher Wu Mei took the wrong certificate and was about to come to her. The two exchanged certificates and went back to their respective classrooms after confirmation.

Liuliu finally got her guaranteed certificate. This time it was not a good child, but an "Art Star".

"6666 Duck me - I'm an Art Star! Hahaha~~~~" Liuliu was overjoyed. Although she was not a three-good student, Art Star was also very nice.

She showed off to Xiaobai, but she didn't expect that Teacher Wu Mei would call Xiaobai next and also gave her an "Art Star" certificate.

Xiaobai and Liuliu, who returned to their seats with the certificate, looked at each other. Both of them had light in their eyes. This round was a tie.

Teacher Wu Mei began to announce the results, but she did not read the report card, but asked everyone to go up and get their own report card and test paper.

If some children do not want others to know their results, then after getting the report card, they can just keep it by themselves, and no one will know.

"Xiaobai~" Teacher Wu Mei read.

Xiaobai hurried to get it. The report card was a small piece of paper sandwiched between the test papers.

After Xiaobai got it, she quickly glanced at the report card and returned to her seat calmly.

As soon as she sat down, Liuliu came over and asked: "Xiaobai, how many points did you get?"

Xiaobai: →_→

"Show me, hahaha, are you not as high as me?" Liuliu's eyes turned quickly.

"How is it possible! I just don't want to hit you."

"Then hit me quickly, Xiaobai, hit me quickly, I like being hit by you~" Liuliu said meanly.

Xiaobai started to grind his teeth and said, "Then when you get the report card, we'll look at it together."


Liuli agreed readily, because she had nothing to lose anyway.

At this time, Teacher Wu read Xiaomi's name.

Xiaomi came back with the report card and test paper, and Xiaobai and Liuliu immediately came over to see the score.

Xiaomi was not as cunning as them, she showed her report card very readily, and saw that she got 100 points in Chinese and 100 points in mathematics.

The monitor and her deputy monitor immediately showed an expression of envy and jealousy. It would be great if they got this score, and they could walk around in a swagger this summer vacation.

"Liuli~" Teacher Wu read.

Liuliu was startled, afraid that Xiaobai would run to grab her report card, so she quickly got up and ran to get the report card.

Teacher Wu Mei looked at her meaningfully, gave her the report card and test paper, and continued to read the next person's name.

Liuliu took a quick look at the report card with a nervous mood, and then her eyebrows were immediately overjoyed. She came like a rat and went back like a goose. It can be seen that she was not satisfied with her grades, but quite satisfied.

"Liuli, show me quickly." Xiaobai couldn't wait to see Liuliu's grades.

Liuliu was about to show her report card to blind Xiaobai's eyes, but she changed her mind and immediately put it away, saying: "If I show you, you won't show me yours. Let's take them out together."

Xiaobai thought about it, she didn't believe that Liuliu's grades could be better than hers, so she readily agreed.

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