Dad Academy

Chapter 2553: Really Smells Good

"Grandma, this is the money left from buying vegetables, count it."

After meeting up with Teacher Jiang, Xiaobai showed the vegetables she bought to Grandma, and Xier returned the remaining change to Grandma.

Teacher Jiang did not take it, but asked: "How much money is left?"

Xier counted and said there were still ten yuan.

Teacher Jiang said: "If there are still ten yuan left, don't give it to Grandma, buy something to eat."

Xiao Xiaobai was immediately shocked when he heard it, and looked at Xier and the money in Xier's hand.

Xier was stunned and asked Grandma: "Don't you want it?"

Teacher Jiang said: "Buy food, I remember when I came here, didn't I see someone selling candied haws on the roadside? It seems to be three strings for ten yuan, do you want to go and have a look?"

Xiao Xiaobai was so excited when she heard it that gravity could no longer hold her down. She said excitedly: "Sister Xier, buy the watermelon just now, it's delicious."

Xiaobai reminded her to hold the chicken well, not to jump around, and not to lose it again, and then said to Xier: "Let's buy some candied haws. Don't you like to eat that, Xier? Let's eat that."

Xier said that she would buy some watermelon, "Xiao Xiaobai wants to eat watermelon."

Xiaobai immediately called Xiao Xiaobai to her and asked her: "Tell me, do you like to eat candied haws or watermelon?"

"I like to eat..."

Xiao Xiaobai didn't think about it, and just as she was about to say it, her aunt held her head down and said to her: "Think about it first."

No matter how stupid Xiao Xiaobai was, she knew what her aunt meant.

"I want to eat candied haws. Candied haws are sweet and delicious."

So the three of them left the market and bought three strings of candied haws on the way home.

Little Tan Xier just licked it and squinted her eyes because of the sweetness.

Xiaobai presented the candied haws to her grandmother, and the other two children also presented their own.

Although it was summer, there was a through wind in the alleys of Huangjia Village, and the shadows of the buildings on both sides also brought a cool breeze.

When a group of people passed by the pancake shop, Xiaobai ran to show off the candied haws, and Xiaoxiaobai followed suit, and the two were almost beaten by Malanhua.

"Ah--Xiaoxiaobai, your chicken has pooped." Xier exclaimed, and she looked at Malanhua in shock, "Aunt Ma, look at your feet."


Malanhua looked down and saw a pile of chicken shit on her feet.

There was a big hen wandering around at her feet, and Xiaoxiaobai was standing next to her with a rope. Xiaoxiaobai looked silly and cute, and didn't know that he had caused a big disaster.


Xiaobai discovered this scene and quietly ran away, running out of the pancake shop. Xiaoxiaobai was still stupidly motionless, and continued to show off the candied haws in front of his grandmother.

The next moment, Malanhua's angry voice rang out in the store.

"Xiao Xiaobai - take care of your chicken!!! -"

Then there was a roar, Xier took the opportunity to slip out, hid aside with Xiaobai, and worried about Xiao Xiaobai in the store.

The two discussed that if Xiao Xiaobai was really beaten and cried, they would run in to save him.

After a while, a chicken came out, and behind it, Xiao Xiaobai followed on a leash. Xiao Xiaobai had a sad face, looking like she was about to cry, but she didn't dare to cry.

The string of candied haws in her hand that she was reluctant to eat was already half gone. There were still eight when she went in just now, but now there were only four left, and the fourth one was bitten.

"It's too much, it's really too much~~" Xiao Xiaobai ran to her aunt to complain. She was not only scolded because of the chicken's poop, but also lost more than half of the candied haws.


She showed her candied haws to her aunt and Xier to gain sympathy.

The candied haws looked like they were destroyed, like wild boars coming down the mountain and gnawing at the vegetable garden.

What hurt Xiao Xiaobai the most was the candied haws she lost. She couldn't bear to eat them herself, and kept licking them. As a result, grandma ate four of hers in one bite! She also bit the fifth one!!

"Who told you to show off?" Xiao Bai gloated over the misfortune, and was not sad about her niece's experience. On the contrary, she wanted to laugh in her heart.

Xiao Xiaobai muttered, saying that her aunt went to show off first, and she followed.

"Why doesn't my aunt eat my aunt's, baby is bitter." Xiao Xiaobai pouted and acted miserable.

Xiao Bai laughed and said secretly: "Don't you see what kind of pot I am, my aunt!!!"

Xiao Xiaobai's eyes were full of admiration, but Xi'er on the side said: "Xiao Bai ran fast."

Xiao Bai broke down instantly, glared at Xi'er, and angrily dragged Xiao Xiaobai home.

Behind them, Malanhua wiped the chicken shit off her shoes and shouted at them: "Want to run away? Come to the store to work!"

Xiaobai ran away without looking back.

Xier saw this and followed Xiaobai without caring about anything.

Xiaoxiaobai had just suffered a big loss and became smart. Seeing that the two older children had run away, she dared not stay and ran away quickly. However, the big hen refused to leave and seemed to be deliberately against her. When she ran forward, the big hen ran backward, which made her jump with anger.

When Xiaoxiaobai finally led the chicken back to the little red horse and handed it to her grandmother smoothly, she deliberately panted to make herself look very tired and hard-working.

Then grandma asked her why she was so tired, and she started to talk about all the pain in her heart, such as her aunt snatched the candied haws from her, the big hen ran away against her, and her aunt and sister Xier ran away.

After listening, Teacher Jiang comforted Xiao Xiaobai and promised to buy her another string of candied haws in the afternoon. Then she called Xiaobai to her side and taught this first-time aunt how to leave a three-year-old child in the alley and run away by herself. What if something happened?

Xiao Xiaobai nodded repeatedly while listening, and whispered to Xier, who the three-year-old child was.

"You!" Xier said bluntly, and Xiao Xiaobai looked cute.

Xiaobai realized his mistake and apologized to Xiao Xiaobai in person.

Xiao Xiaobai took the initiative to step forward, hugged his aunt, and said confidently: "Robin is strong."

Xiaobai praised her for being amazing and said that she would definitely surpass him in the future.

Xiao Xiaobai really believed it, and immediately ran to the yard excitedly to report the good news to Li Baibai.

Xiaobai could hear Xiao Xiaobai's voice even when standing under the eaves, saying to Xier: "Little kid has to grow up, and he still has to endure more hardships, not just praise."

Xier was surprised: "Xiaobai, do you want to hit Xiao Xiaobai?"

Xiaobai was speechless.

In the morning, Teacher Jiang stewed the chicken. When the chicken was killed, the three children ran away and disappeared. They could not be found in the yard. I don't know where they hid.

Xiao Xiaobai even cried for the big hen. After all, this was a good chicken she picked out from thousands of big hens, and she brought it back from the vegetable market step by step. Every step has a story, and every step is full of feelings.

She couldn't bear to let it go.

"It smells so good——"

The chicken was stewed in the pot, and the three people appeared out of thin air, wandering around in the kitchen. Xiao Xiaobai smelled the fragrance in the kitchen and was intoxicated.

Teacher Jiang smiled and said, "I'll serve you some chicken soup in a little while. Xiaobai, call your dad and ask him if he's coming home for lunch. Then tell him that we have a delicious chicken stew at home."

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