Dad Academy

Chapter 2627 Do you love me more or Liuliu more?

Zhu Xiaojing saw the Guawazi headed by Liuliu falling into the sea one by one. Not only were their clothes wet, but their hair and face were also covered with water. Not only did these melon seeds not give up, they were jumping around in the sea water and shouting, which was simply provoking her.

She didn't want to take care of it at first, but she couldn't hold back her anger. Even if the other children could be left alone, she had to take care of her child. If she didn't give her child a few beatings, she would feel uncomfortable.

So she chased after her, but Dudu didn't notice it at first, but it was Dudu who felt murderous intent for the first time, and quickly reminded Liuliu to pay attention to safety.

"Liuliu, your mother is here to beat you, run away, you—"

Liuliu was groping in the sand at the bottom of the water when he suddenly heard Dudu's reminder. When he saw Zhu's mother chasing him, he was so frightened that he ran away.

"Don't come after me, don't come after me."

Zhu Xiaojing turned a deaf ear and chased Liuliu all the way.

All the children paid attention to them and put down what they were doing. Their heads turned from left to right, then from right to left, and finally settled on a certain point, which was the place where Liuliu suffered.

Liuliu was in trouble and was caught by her mother.

"Did you see it? This is the fate of disobedience." Zhang Tan started educating him in a timely manner.

Xiao Xiaobai was the stupidest and most naive person. Hearing this, he asked, "Why does Mother Zhu want to beat Liuliu?"

Everyone glanced at Zhang Tan.

Zhang Tan said to Xiao Xiaobai: "You call me Liuliu's mother, Zhu's mother. That's why Liuliu gets beaten. None of her beatings are in vain."

"What a scary duck~" Xiao Xiaobai was scared.

Zhang Tan continued to use the example of Liuliu being beaten as a vivid example, and said: "Disobedience is the consequences. Even if you run to the end of the world, you will be caught."

Everyone discussed the topic of why Liuliu was beaten. Zhang Tan was very good at seizing the opportunity. With Liuliu being beaten on the side, the children were more attentive to his alarmist words.

Suddenly, Liuliu, who was being beaten, shouted to this side: "Boss Zhang - you're a duck -"

Zhang Tan immediately stopped talking, waved his hand, and left. Anyway, he had already said what he needed to say, so he would not make Liuliu unhappy.

"Let's go, let's go~" Xiaobai also shouted, leading the children to pick up shells.

Xiao Xiaobai took three steps and turned back: "But, but, little aunt, I will stay to see Liuliu."

Xiaobai said: "Don't worry about Liliu, she will be fine."

Xiao Xiaobai said oh, and then said: "But I want to see Liuliu get beaten."

Xiaobai immediately let go of her little hand: "Then you go."

She was just talking and didn't believe that Xiao Xiaobai dared to go and watch Luliu get beaten without her company.

But she underestimated the courage of her little niece. Without saying a word, the little guy immediately ran around and watched Luoliu being beaten.

Xiaobai froze on the spot and thought for a while. Ignoring Xiaobai, He Xier and the others continued to search for shells. After all, she now cared more about shells than pomegranates.

"hiahia, I picked up another one. Look, it's blue here."

Xi'er touched a shell half the size of her palm from the sea water, and everyone gathered around it.

Xi'er gave this shell to Dudu and made a wish: "In the future, we will build a shell house and put a lot of shells in it, okay Dudu?"

Dudu agreed very much and echoed: "You can also use shells to make many things, such as safety hats."

Xi'er was overjoyed and thought that the hat made of shells must be the most beautiful in the world, safe and beautiful.

"I picked one up too."

At this time, Cheng Cheng, who was groping in the sea with her trouser legs rolled up, said happily. She stretched out her hand from the blue sea and found a small pure white shell in the palm of her hand.

Although it is not big, it is also very beautiful.

While everyone was picking up shells, they gradually got farther away from the durian. The atmosphere here was peaceful, and everyone was immersed in the surprise of picking up the shells. The sea breeze blew, and from time to time the screams of the durian were heard.

When everyone heard the screams, they would turn their heads and look over there, and saw Liliu lying on the beach being beaten. There was also a little kid watching the show standing next to her. Standing so close, I was really worried about Zhu’s mother. He slapped her down, accidentally injuring the little one, and slapped her into the sea.

After a while, when everyone was concentrating on picking up shells, they suddenly saw Xiao Xiaobai walking over with Liliu in his arms.

"Liuliu, are you okay?" Dudu asked.

"Liuliu, do you want me to treat you?" Xi'er asked, her doctor-parent heart bursting out again.

Liuliu waved her hands quickly: "No, no, I'm just about to die, it's not a big deal."

Everyone: "..."

Liuliu did look like she was dying. If it wasn't for Xiaoxiaobai's support, she would have fallen down immediately and never been able to get up again.

"Liuliu, did your mother really beat you?" Xi'er asked with concern.

Liuliu said bitterly: "She was very cruel. Every blow hit me in the heart. It hurts me to death. If you don't come to see me, are you my good friends?"

At this point, Xiao Xiaobai couldn't help but straighten his back and said loudly: "Liuliu, I am your good friend, and I have been staying with you."

Liuliu touched her little head and praised, "Good boy, you will have a bright future in the future. I will never forget your contribution today."

But Xiaobai said: "Liuliu, it hurts you, why don't you cry?"

Liuliu was stunned for a moment, as if she had never thought about this problem. Why didn't she think about crying when she was beaten? She only thought about screaming.

She thought about it and found a plausible excuse for herself: "I am a strong little pomegranate duck, how can I cry, no! I can't cry! I have to be strong, even if I am beaten to death, I can't cry!!!"

Xiao Xiaobai looked at her with admiration, which made Liuliu even more proud. She made a plausible speech, thinking that her friends would give her a thumbs up for her courage, but she didn't expect that when she finished speaking, she glanced around and found that only Xiao Xiaobai, the silly child, was looking at her admiringly. The other friends had already left, and picking up shells was obviously more important.

"Wait for me--"

Liuliu limped over, and Xiao Xiaobai followed closely, supporting her with all his strength.

"No-head" and "Unhappy" really showed their true feelings in times of trouble, and there was a sense of sharing the same fate.

"Liuli, this is for you." Dudu took out a conch from his trouser pocket. The conch looked as big as Xiao Xiaobai's fist, well preserved, and very beautiful.

Liuliu was overjoyed, with stars in her eyes: "Give it to me?"

Dudu shook his head and said: "Not for your mother, but for you."

Liuliu laughed, took the conch, put it in her mouth and blew it, making a dull buzzing sound.

"Ah, so salty duck——"

Liuliu grinned.

Dudu laughed: "Because the sea water is salty."

At this time, Xiaobai also waved and called Xiaoxiaobai over, and gave her a small shell.

Xiaoxiaobai held it in her palm and said happily: "Thank you, little aunt, I love you, little aunt~"

Xiaobai asked: "Do you love me more or Liuliu more?"

Just as Xiaoxiaobai was about to speak, she felt a warm gaze coming from behind her, which made her unable to say the words.


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