Dad Academy

Chapter 2687 Dudu, you with thick eyebrows and big eyes






In the evening, the sun was about to set, but it was still reluctant to leave the valley, lying on the top of the mountain, revealing only half of its red face.

The Baijia Village in the valley became lively, and the mountain breeze sent away the heat of the day. People appeared in the fields. Some carried hoes and bamboo baskets, walking slowly on the ridges of the fields, some went home, and some just went out.

There was singing in the distance. It was hard to say how good it was, but the emotions were sincere and full of life.

Under the small bridge, the water of the small river splashed lightly, and the sound of the water rang from morning to night.

The children jumped into the water from the river bank one by one, screaming excitedly.

Zhang Tan was standing in the river up to his waist at this moment, watching Xiaobai take a run-up on the shore, and then jumped into the river without hesitation.

Behind her, Dudu accelerated like the wind and also dived into the water. Her body was seen like a swimming fish, sneaking in the water. When she came to Zhang Tan, she was fished out by Zhang Tan.

Behind Dudu, Liuliu also jumped down, and with a thud, she sank directly into the clear river water.

Zhang Tan took them to the river to bathe and play in the water. In addition to them, Bai Guagua and other children also came. They bathed in the river at night.

If you don’t play in the water in summer, can it still be called summer? !

"Guagua, how did you turn off the TV at home?" Xiao Xiaobai splashed in the water excitedly and asked Bai Guagua beside him.

When Bai Guagua heard this question, his face fell immediately. Everyone ran away, but the TV was still playing "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio". He was so scared that he didn't dare to go into the house to turn off the TV. He could only wait outside until the TV series was over, then he ran into the house quickly, turned off the TV and ran away.

"You can only play in the water here, and you are not allowed to run downstream!" Zhang Tan set a boundary for everyone. The water in this part of the stream is relatively shallow, even Xiao Xiaobai can't drown, and a large area is even more shallow, the river water just covers the smooth pebbles.

But more than ten meters downstream, there is a slow-flowing area with deeper water, and Zhang Tan does not allow them to go there.

"Boss Zhang, Boss Zhang, come here, I want to tell you a secret." Liuliu waved at Zhang Tan.


Zhang Tan walked over, but Liuliu splashed water on his face.

Not only Liuliu, but also Xiaobai, Dudu, and Xiaoxiaobai, the little fat rabbit, all splashed water on him as if they had agreed.

Zhang Tan was naturally unwilling to be outdone, and splashed water on them as well.

There was laughter and play in the stream.

Suddenly, Xiaomi exclaimed.

"Oh no, Guagua is peeing!"

Everyone was shocked to see Bai Guagua, the idiot, peeing in the river again. The key point was that this idiot was upstream of everyone.

Liuliu was furious: "Bai Guagua - you dare to pee! I'll pull you!"

This roar scared Bai Guagua so much that she couldn't pee anymore. Then she was caught by Liuliu and Dudu. The two of them almost lifted her up and pushed her to the shore, asking her to pee on the shore.

"Go away!!!" Bai Feng also shouted while standing in the river.

At this point, everyone disliked Bai Guagua.

"Hahaha~~~" Bai Guagua laughed, standing on the shore, facing the stream, and seemed to be going to pee in the stream again.

Bai Feng was closest to him, and this was simply peeing in his face.

How could he bear it? He was furious: "Bai Guagua, you idiot - I'll pull you down now!"

Bai Guagua pulled up his pants and turned to run, but Bai Feng still didn't intend to let him go. He pushed aside the water plants on the shore and was about to go ashore.

Suddenly, he felt something moving in the water grass on the shore, as if something was startled out. The next second, he saw a winding water mark quickly jumping out of the water grass, which scared him.

"Ah - Suo Lao Er - there is Suo Lao Er!!!"

Bai Feng screamed.

Everyone was startled by his cry, and looked at him, and then saw the water snake swimming in the water.

This water snake looked to be nearly one meter long. After jumping out of the water grass, it actually swam towards the center of the river. This scared the children who were playing in the water in the middle of the river and screamed. They hid, some ran to the shore, and some hid at Zhang Tan's feet.

Xiaobai immediately protected Xiao Xiaobai and slipped behind her old man, but she couldn't walk fast in the water.

Xiao Xiaobai's face turned pale with fear.

"Run, run, run~ There's a second fish——"

Xiaobai shouted. Although she was scared, she wasn't as scared as Xiaoxiaobai. After all, she was also a veteran. She had even caught a second fish in the bushes before.

Just as Xiaobai was running away, Liuliu's cry for help rang out behind her.

"Xiaobai! Xiaobai——Hurry up and save me, hurry up and save me——"

Xiaobai encouraged: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, you are also a second fish, you are a family."

"Good guy! You are a family." Liuliu was in a hurry.

Xiaobai was about to turn around and pull her, and the next moment she felt that she was pushed, and then Liuliu, the idiot, slipped past her smoothly and pushed her to the back.


Xiaobai was furious.

I didn't expect that fat Liuliu was so unrighteous!

Liuliu, who had surpassed Xiaobai, did not forget to encourage: "Don't be afraid, Xiaobai! You can do it!!! That's your wife behind you——"

Xiaobai was furious: "Madam, madam! You are my wife, and you are also the second-hand duck - call this second-hand son back -"

Liuliu said without looking back: "Fuck you~~~"

Xiaobai gritted her teeth angrily, but before she could settle the score with Liuliu, Suo Laoer had already swam in her direction at a very fast speed.

Xiaobai was furious, bent down to pick up the pebbles in the river, and threw them at the water snake swimming by. While smashing them, he cursed: "I'm not afraid of the thousand-year-old Shuo Er, but I will be afraid of you, the Shuo Er." Zaizai?”

After a few rocks fell down, the water snake really turned a corner. It seemed that it was planning to bypass Xiaobai and cross the river so that it could swim to the other side.

But Xiaobai was already furious. When the water snake swam past her, she yanked into the water, grabbed Suo Er's tail, swung it twice in the air, and shouted: "Invincible Hot Wheels—— Ahhh——”.

Then he threw the unfortunate shuttlecock far away.

After Shuo Laoer fell into the water, he was confused for a long time. After spinning twice, he figured out the direction and quickly swam towards the water plants on the other side of the bank.

Suo Laoer's crisis was resolved, but the river became quiet.

No matter whether they were on the shore or in the river, everyone stood still and stared at Xiaobai with their mouths open.

Everyone was shocked.

That's Shuo's second child.

Everyone was frightened by the news, and Shuo Laoer was just thrown away by Xiaobai! ! !

Like throwing a toy!

"You, you, you, Xiaobai, you are so awesome--" Luoliu was dumbfounded, stuttering, and unconsciously used the honorific.

Xiao Xiaobai's eyes are full of little stars, and every moment the little stars are filled with the majestic figure of her little aunt.

Xiaobai didn't notice everyone's strangeness. After she threw the shuttlecock away, she breathed a big sigh of relief, clapped her little hands, washed them in the river, and then said to her friends: "It's okay, don't worry." It’s over, don’t be afraid anymore, you, Suo Lao Er Jing, come here for me——”

Xiaobai pointed at Liuliu and wanted to settle the score with her.

Liuliu smiled awkwardly: "Xiaobai, if you have something to say, please tell me. We just shared the joys and sorrows together!"

Xiaobai sneered and asked Liuliu to settle the score she had just been set up against.

"Don't mess around, you old man is here, we have something to talk about, just listen to my quibbles -"

As soon as she finished speaking, Liuliu realized that something was wrong. She had said the wrong thing and was about to change her words. The next second, she felt her world spinning and she fell into the river.

Damn it!

She took another bite from Xiaohuahua's flower arrangement and was so angry!

"Help duck—help duck—Xiao Xiaobai, please save your good friend, my duck—"

Liuliu was very good at finding people to call for help, and she actually placed her hope on Xiaoxiaobai.

Xiao Xiaobai told her through actions that a wallflower like herself was simply unreliable.

She poured water on the pomegranate excitedly.

In the end, it was Zhang Tan who gave Luoliu a hand.

In order to protect herself, Liuli agreed to Xiaobai's condition.

Five minutes later, the sun had completely set, leaving only the clouds on the top of the mountain still red.

Birds chirping in the forest come and go, and cicadas sing far away in the wind.

"Go home, go home, stop playing in the water." Zhang Tan urged.

The children still wanted to play in the water, but Zhang Tan rushed them to the shore one by one.

"Liuliu, stop playing, come ashore quickly, go home and change clothes." Zhang Tan urged Liuliu, who was last.

Liliu: "Hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss~~~~"

Zhang Tan: "..."

On the way home, the friends were all praising Xiaobai for how powerful and brave he was just now. He dared to grab the cock with his bare hands and throw it so far.

Xiao Xiaobai seemed to hear everyone praising him. He was proud of his little aunt's bravery and pride. He held his head high and walked with a figure-eight stride, which was extremely majestic.

Xi'er suddenly asked Liuliu: "Liuliu, you were so close just now, are you afraid?"

Dalulous: "His hissing ~ hissing ~ hissing ~~~~ Herom ~~~~"

Xi'er looked confused and asked her curiously what she was doing.

Liliu: "His! Hiss! Hiss!"

Dudu also came over curiously. First he touched Liuliu's forehead and found that she had no fever. He asked her what was wrong? Talk.

“Hiss, hiss, hiss~~~hiss~~~hiss——”

Liuliu stuck out his tongue and hissed.

She could only hiss but not speak.

Xiao Xiaobai hiahia smiled, "My aunt told her to hiss, she is not allowed to speak."

Everyone looked at Xiaobai in confusion.

Xiaobai secretly smiled, this was the condition for Liuliu to save his life. He couldn't talk tonight, so he could only hiss like the old man.

The unbearable Liliu even agreed to this condition.

The more the durian hissed, the more Xiao Xiaobai talked around her, asking questions, talking nonsense, just to hear the durian hiss, and then put her hands on her hips, hiahia laughed, and put the durian Half angry.

Moreover, Xiao Xiaobai is not the most irritating one.

The most irritating thing is the one person Liliu never expected.


Dudu actually added insult to injury, obviously trying to talk to her on purpose!

I really didn’t expect that Dudu, a child with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would betray the revolutionary friendship!

PS: It’s the end of the month, I’m sending Liuliu here to ask for monthly tickets, hissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss thing)

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