Dad Academy

Chapter 2718: The consequences of following the wrong person

PS: Make up for last night.

After dinner, Xiaobai did not go to the yard to enjoy the cool and watch the stars as usual.

Now that a wall has been built around the yard, the sense of security has greatly increased. You can even sleep in the yard at night without worrying about wild animals running out of the forest behind the house.

Once, a wild giant panda came into the backyard.

Xiaobai took Zhang Tan into the room and asked Zhang Lao to help her review the short film.

Xiaomi and others also gathered around and watched Zhang Tan work.

"You have to be serious, godfather, don't be lazy, do it well." Xier reminded.

Zhang Tan glanced at this Xier and said, "Look at what you said, can I be lazy when I work? Your business is my business, and besides, I am the male lead in this movie."

"Hahahaha male lead!"

Xiaobai laughed, thinking that her old man was joking. It was only a few shots, and he was the male lead!


Xiao Xiaobai also laughed while holding her rice bowl. She was good at creating an atmosphere. She didn't know when she came in again. She was just driven out by her aunt, who said she was not allowed to come in until she finished her meal.

Zhang Tan angrily scolded the aunt and nephew: "Am I not the male lead? Am I wrong? In your entire short film, besides me, which other male actor has more shots than me? I'm not competing with you for the female lead!"

Xiaobai laughed and wanted to hit her old man again, but Cheng Cheng came up and said something in her ear.

Xiaobai stopped laughing immediately, because what her old man said was actually right. He was indeed the man with the most shots in the whole short film, so it was not wrong to say that he was the male lead.

The other male actors were all extras, and they didn't even show their faces. How could they compete with him for the position of the male lead?

So, Xiaobai looked down at Xiaoxiaobai, "Why did you come in again? Who let you in? Get out, you haven't finished eating Mangmang!"

Poor Xiaoxiaobai was used as cannon fodder again. She was driven out without dignity and was very humiliated.

This made Xiaoxiaobai very unhappy. She stood at the door and loudly denounced that a three-year-old child should not be treated like this!

But she could only be furious because no one in the room could afford to offend her.

Seeing that she was furious, Tan Jiner went to comfort her, took her away, and tempted her with a bottle of Little Bear Drink.

I don't know if Liuliu has a sharp ear, she actually strolled out, followed Xiaoxiaobai, put one hand on Xiaoxiaobai's shoulder, and said to Tan Jiner with a smile: "Sister Jiner, give me two bottles too."

Xiaoxiaobai was shocked. She suffered such a great injustice and only got one bottle. Liuliu did nothing, but she asked for two bottles. Is there any justice in this world?

Tan Jiner said, "We just finished dinner. Don't drink the Little Bear drink anymore. Drink it tomorrow."

Liuli said confidently, "I'm not drinking it for myself. I'm drinking it for Boss Zhang. He works so hard to help us edit the film. I have to show my appreciation."

Xiao Xiaobai interrupted, "Then use your own Little Bear to show your appreciation."

Liuli lowered her head and looked down at her, "Don't talk."

Xiao Xiaobai muttered, very dissatisfied with Liuliu's attitude towards her.

Tan Jiner said, "Boss Zhang doesn't drink Little Bear. If you really want to show your appreciation, just pour him a glass of water."

Liuli was shocked and widened her eyes, "This is too rude. It's our business whether to give it or not, and it's his business whether to drink it or not. We have to show our appreciation."

Xiao Xiaobai didn't understand, but felt that it was very powerful, so she nodded repeatedly as if thinking about something.

She didn't have to go against Liuliu. Her position could change at any time. It didn't matter who was right, but only her mood and whether she was clear-headed at the moment.

When she was sober, she was like a little spirit, and when she was confused, she was just a fool. She was very happy to be used as a gun.

Tan Jiner felt that what Liuliu said made sense, and seeing her eager eyes, she softened her heart and gave her a bottle of Little Bear Drink, telling her to give it to Boss Zhang and not to cheat herself.

Liuliu was really thoughtful. She took the Little Bear Drink and went to the room to give it to Zhang Tan.

She had to do this. Although she deliberately closed the door so that Tan Jiner could not see it, Xiao Xiaobai, the tail follower, followed her. If she wanted to cheat Xiao Xiaobai, the tail follower would definitely yell.

In her heart, she beat Xiao Xiaobai a thousand times. Liuliu had to give the Little Bear Drink to Zhang Tan, and specially opened the door so that Tan Jiner could see this scene.

Zhang Tan said thank you and didn't drink it.

Liuliu was overjoyed, thinking that since Boss Zhang didn't drink it, it was hers, right?

Who knew that a hand stretched out from the side and intercepted the Little Bear Drink.

"If you don't drink, I will."

It's Xiaobai!

Liuliu was furious and said, "How dare you! You dare to steal Liuliu's little bear!"

Xiaobai turned around and looked at Liuliu in surprise: "Wife, how can you talk?"

Liuliu was furious: "Wife, wife, you are the wife!"

Xiaobai was not angry, but also smiled: "Wife, wife, wife~"

Liuliu was furious, and when she saw Xiaobai unscrew the little bear drink and drink a few sips, she was even more furious. In her heart, she had beaten Xiaobai thousands of times.

But in reality, she could only obey.

Fortunately, Xiaobai didn't mean to provoke her. After drinking two sips, he returned the little bear drink to her: "The rest of the wife drinks."

"Don't yell!"

Liuli was a little embarrassed, but her hands were honest. She took the Little Bear drink, but her face was full of joy.

Suddenly, she saw Xiao Xiaobai appearing at her feet. This follower was looking at her expectantly and flatteringly, grinning.

Liuli rolled her eyes and said, "Call me mom... call me auntie, and I'll give you a drink."

She originally wanted Xiao Xiaobai to call her mom, but she thought that if she dared to ask, Xiaobai would definitely beat her to death.

Not only Xiaobai, but Boss Zhang would probably beat her to death. As for Xiaomi, Dudu and the others, there was no need to be afraid, because they couldn't beat her.


Xiao Xiaobai did not hesitate. For a drink, it was nothing to lower her status a little.

However, she not only lowered her status, but also Xiaobai's status.

Xiaobai said angrily: "You fool! You shouted whatever Liuliu told you to shout! Is your head full of Little Bear Drink?"

Xiao Xiaobai didn't care about that. She shook her head happily, took two sips of Little Bear Drink, and then Liuliu took the Little Bear Drink away by force.

Liuliu shook the bottle and felt that only half of the bottle was left. She couldn't give it to others anymore. She had to think about herself and leave a sip.

"Liuliu, won't you give me a sip?"

Dudu asked. Liuliu felt annoyed instantly, but for the sake of friendship, she still offered Little Bear Drink.

The key is to give it to Dudu, and Xiaomi, Chengcheng and Xier can't help but give it to them.

Liuliu worked hard to get Little Bear Drink, but when it reached her mouth, there were only two sips left.

She drank it with tears in her eyes. It tasted really good.

Zhang Tan has already started editing. Fortunately, this short film is not complicated, otherwise he can't handle it and has to ask professionals from the film company to do it.

The children standing behind him did nothing but stand behind him. At first, they would watch him edit quietly and modestly, but gradually, they began to talk more, pointing fingers and teaching Zhang Tan how to do it.

"Don't cut it here, keep it! I look so beautiful!" Liuliu shouted, very unhappy that Boss Zhang wanted to cut a certain shot of her.

"Keep it here too." Xiaobai also expressed his opinion.

Zhang Tan was overwhelmed, a group of children chattering in his ears, making him irritated.

He lowered his head and asked Xiao Xiaobai who was standing by the bed: "What do you think?"


Xiao Xiaobai was confused. Her uncle asked this question so suddenly, and she was not mentally prepared.

However, Xiao Xiaobai was very happy. Being asked about work by an adult so seriously, she instantly felt that she was a big child and could not let her uncle down!

So she also pretended to think seriously, and just when Zhang Tan was about to give up on her impatiently, she spoke quickly.

"Cut! Cut them all!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was an uproar in the room. This little guy was a ruthless person, too ruthless, he actually wanted to cut all their shots, not giving them any face.

So, Xiao Xiaobai was passed by a large score of 1:6 and expelled from the room.

This made the little girl very sad, she sat down at the door, with a sad face! She followed the wrong person! Uncle can't make the decision for her!

Zhang Tan was busy from seven o'clock in the evening until eleven o'clock, and only then did he edit the short film into a first draft, and at this time, the children had already fallen asleep.

They were busy all day today, all physical work, and they were almost exhausted. They didn't last long in the evening, and they all went to bed at half past eight.

And Xiao Xiaobai was even more outrageous. She sat down at the door and was sad. She was hurt and hurt, and she fell asleep on the ground... Too sleepy.

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