Dad Academy

Chapter 294 Everyone’s concern (2/2)

Chapter 294 Everyone’s concern (22)

In the police station.

"What? You want to adopt Xiaomi?" The director was shocked after hearing Ding Jiamin's words.

Ding Jiamin said firmly: "Yes, I want to adopt Xiaomi. I don't want to send her to an orphanage."

The director's eyes widened, and he really couldn't understand her decision: "You are still so young, your personal problems have not been resolved, and you have a child by your side. What do you think?"

Ding Jiamin: "Director, your ideas are too backward. What age is it now?"

The director is a short but stocky middle-aged man. He wears a relatively casual outfit. He wears a black leather jacket. In autumn and winter, he basically relies on this black jacket to get through. Some places are shiny and it has not been washed for an unknown period of time.

"No, Jiamin, I'm thinking about you. I know that you pick up and drop off Xiaomi every day, carry her with you, and develop feelings for her. This is normal, but don't be impulsive. Adopting a child is not as simple as a slap on the head. You have to consider all aspects. If nothing else, let me ask you, how do you usually take care of Xiaomi? Do you have time? Your hometown is not in Pujiang. You live alone and go to work. What will Xiaomi do? Have you thought about this? "

Ding Jiamin said: "Just like now, she goes to kindergarten during the day, and after school she is either taken to the police station or dropped off at Little Red Horse Academy. I pick her up after get off work."

The director smiled.

Ding Jiamin was a little embarrassed. She also knew that her idea was not a good one and was very forced, but she couldn't think of anything better.

But no matter how bad it is, it won't be worse than the welfare home. At least she will be better than Xiaomi, and who knows about the welfare home. Rather than leaving it to strangers to take care of her and hoping that she will be lucky enough to meet a good person, she might as well do it herself. Although the conditions are a bit tough, she believes Xiaomi will be happy.

After nearly half a year of contact, she could feel Xiaomi's love and admiration for her. This little girl's dream is to be a police officer like her.

At the same time, she also developed a deep affection for Xiaomi. This little girl with a pitiful background but a sensible, well-behaved and strong character touched her heart.

When she was looking for Xiaomi's relatives at the police station, she felt anxious and worried about gains and losses. She not only hoped to find relatives so that Xiaomi could have a home to return to, but also didn't want Xiaomi to leave.

Xiaomi's aunt was unwilling to adopt her, so the police station decided to send Xiaomi to an orphanage. After Ding Jiamin learned the news, she was worried for a long time. She didn't sleep well last night and kept thinking about it. Finally, at dawn, she figured it out. .

She didn't want to let herself have regrets. Since the voice in her heart told her to do it bravely, then just do it.

It is always better to have done than to have missed.

In short, no matter what, she would not let Xiaomi go to the orphanage.

Seeing the determination on her face, the director continued: "Jiamin, there is another most important question. You do not meet the conditions for adoption. The adopter must be over 30 years old, and the age of the adopter and the adoptee must be The gap must be more than 40 years old, and you don’t meet both criteria.”

Of course Ding Jiamin knew this problem. She thought about many ways to solve it last night. Finally, after much deliberation, the only way and the best way was to adopt her in the name of her parents.


The crew of "The Hidden Corner".

"Teacher Zhang? Teacher Zhang???"


"Do you think this setting can be modified like this? Doesn't it conflict with the original text?"

Zhang Tan took the other party's plan, looked at it, and handed it back to the other party: "Okay."

"Thank you, Teacher Zhang. Then we will do it according to this."

The other party left quietly and carefully closed the door. Teacher Zhang was obviously absent-minded just now, and must have been thinking about the script.

Zhang Tan let out a sullen sigh, stood up and walked to the window to look at the scene outside. The sun was shining brightly on the ground, which was a bit dazzling. You could see the filming site not far away, but you could only see a corner, not the whole scene. Meng Ke happened to appear in the field of vision. This 9-year-old girl is a natural actress with great potential. Her role as Pu Pu is getting better and better.

With the contact, Zhang Tan learned about Meng Ke's growth experience. She was born in a wealthy family, her father was a businessman, and her mother was a university teacher. Meng Ke liked acting since she was a child, participating in various performances at school and appearing in stage plays. Her parents supported her very much and hired special teachers for her and sent her to professional training classes. ... step by step, very planned, and this is how I developed the little actor I am now.

Compared with her, the children in Little Red Horse Academy started slowly.

After thinking about it, Zhang Tan patted his head, sat back at his desk, put down his tea cup, thought for a while, entered the words "top three welfare homes in Pujiang" on the computer, and started to search for the best welfare homes in Pujiang.

He couldn't help Xiaomi much, he could only try his best to choose a good growing environment for her.

Huang Liangliang was also absent-minded. Miss Huang, who had always been careless, made several mistakes at work today. As soon as she stopped, she would think of her parents leading Xiaomi to find her, and then Xiaomi suddenly called her mother.

I really don’t know what my parents are thinking, Huang Berry thought to herself. At first, she disapproved of it. She felt that the two of them were very old and had adopted a 4-year-old child. How could they have so much energy to take care of them? But after thinking about it, she understood their decision. By the time she got off work, she No more rejection.

Xiaomi is very good, and it might be good to be a younger sister, of course, provided that her parents insist on adoption, then she won't say much.

In the evening, Ding Jiamin came to the entrance of the kindergarten and received Xiaomi after school. What made her happy was that Xiaomi was no longer alone this time. There were two little girls beside her. The three of them were talking and laughing, and Xiaomi smiled happily.


Ding Jiamin waved to her, and the two little girls next to Xiaomi looked at her enviously and marveled.

“Xiaomi’s sister is a policeman~~”

"I want to be a police officer when I grow up."

Xiaomi was very proud, waved goodbye to them, ran to Ding Jiamin, and extended his hand to her.


Ding Jiamin asked, receiving two gummy candies from Xiaomi's hand, which she gave to Xiaomi in the morning.

Xiaomi said with a smile that all the gummies were given to the children, but two were specially reserved for sister Xiao Min. They were so sweet.

Ding Jiamin put it in his mouth, chewed it, and said with a smile: "It's really sweet. Come on, let's go eat."

After dinner, Ding Jiamin sent Xiaomi to Little Red Horse Academy, but this time she did not send it away like before. Instead, she said hello to Lao Li and followed her in.

When Xiaomi saw this, she was very happy. She chirped like a little magpie and introduced everything about Little Red Horse Academy to her.

Ding Jiamin listened patiently until she saw Aunt Huang appear.

"Xiaomi, you go and play by yourself first, and I'll talk to the principal aunt about something."

Xiaomi was about to take Ding Jiamin to see the half-finished painting that she and Liuliu painted last night, but after hearing this, she said good-bye obediently, ran to the painting area by herself, and continued painting last night's painting.

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