Dad Academy

Chapter 427 Customs

It's late at night, and the moonlight shines in through the window.

Malanhua was lying on her back, with Lao Bai's loud snoring ringing in her ears. She turned over irritably, closed her eyes, and tried to get herself to sleep quickly, but the snoring in her ears was too loud, and it took too long to leave. After a long time, she was no longer used to it and could not fall asleep with the sound of snoring on her pillow.

On the other hand, on the small bed on the other side, Xiao Bai, a little melon, was sleeping soundly. If you listened carefully, between Lao Bai's snores, you could hear her faint breathing that seemed to exude a sweet smell, which made people feel at ease and relaxed. Hypnosis.

Malanhua couldn't bear it anymore, raised her feet, pushed against the bed above, and kicked her feet until Bai Jianping's snoring finally stopped.

It finally became quiet at night.

She closed her eyes, tired from traveling all day, and tiredness swept over her immediately. Just when she was about to fall asleep, the familiar and annoying snoring sounded again. It was different from the one before the interruption, this time there was no rhythm!

Malanhua repeated her old trick, kicking the bed board, but it didn't work this time. Bai Jianping's adaptability is extremely strong.

She could only get up, stand by the bed and push Bai Jianping awake, and said to him who was confused: "I'm so annoyed by my nagging~~"

He threatened Bai Jianping not to snore again, otherwise she would be rude. As for why he was rude, there were no details as described, but it would definitely not be a slap to death, maybe two slaps or multiple slaps.

Malanhua came to Xiaobai's bedside and looked at the melon child in the moonlight. He was sleeping soundly. When he put his little hand outside the quilt, she gently caught it and stuffed it back into the quilt.

"Are you leaving at any time?" Bai Jianping leaned on the pillow and half sat up. He planned to let Lao Ma sleep first, otherwise he couldn't guarantee not to snore.

"It'll take a few days." Malanhua said.

Bai Jianping: "Go early so that you can take care of Xiao Yang."

"If you give birth to a girl, it'd be better to look like Xiaobai."

"What do you think? A novice is not enough for you? Do you want a novice with a small account?"

"You know a hammer."

Bai Jianping kept talking and kept his mouth shut.

Bai Zhiqiang's wife Yang Yi is about to give birth. The due date is this month. Malanhua returns to Pujiang from her hometown and will go to Qicheng in a few days. She hasn't told Xiaobai yet. I don't know if she will cry.

Everyone can see today that Xiaobai is very happy, but she is not good at expressing it, or Xiaobai doesn't like to show her emotions too much. She keeps sad and happy things in her heart and shows them on her face, but it is difficult to express them. Say it with your mouth. She doesn't often say words like "I love you so much" or "I'm so sad", which is completely different from Xi'er.

"Old Bai~~" Ma Lanhua, who was lying on the bed again, shouted softly, "Please think of the name of the baby."

Speaking of this, Bai Jianping became energetic and said with a smile: "What's so exciting about this? My nickname is Xiao Bai Thi."

"Tsk~~ I want to ask you your name, please give me your name!"

"I want you to know your surname. Can Teacher Jiang teach you?"

The two of them chatted, gradually becoming more and more silent, and then gradually getting weaker. Bai Jianping fell asleep, but did not snore. There was a cooling-off period in the middle.

Malanhua was about to fall asleep, when suddenly her ears were filled with beeps. Suddenly, she woke up again. In the dark night, she pricked up her ears and listened, and the room was filled with the sounds of chicken crows.

There are so many crows coming? ? ? Malanhua had a question mark on her face, and her sleepiness disappeared without a trace.

Lao Bai's snoring also sounded.

At dawn the next day, there was a dog barking outside the window. Bai Jianping woke up. He knew that it was Xiaobai's good friends urging her to get up. Sure enough, he saw a little guy rolled up in the quilt on the small bed below, turning over and about to wake up.

Bai Jianping quietly got off the upper bunk and prepared to make breakfast.

On the first day that Lao Ma came back, he wanted to express his sincerity and make breakfast. In a few days, Lao Ma would leave again. When he arrived in Qicheng, he had to take care of pregnant women and newborns, and there were more and more tiring things to do.

But he found that the lower bunk was empty and no one was there. He left the bedroom and before approaching the kitchen, he heard noises coming from inside.

The light yellow light was on in the kitchen, and Lao Ma was busy wearing an apron, and the pot was steaming.

Bai Jianping's heart was like a pond after a rain, full of birds and flowers, full of life.


Zhang Tan got up very early as usual and went for a run in the yard.

It was foggy today and the yard was gray. After running around, my hair was wet.

It was still early, so when I got home, I decided to make breakfast by myself. I went to the refrigerator to check the ingredients. There were eggs and leftover bread. I found half a pack of white sugar and milk.

Just right, you can make Hong Kong style toast.

Cut the bread into thick slices, pour the milk over it, and after it is absorbed, scoop a spoonful of sugar and sprinkle it evenly on top.

Crack another egg, pour the egg liquid on the bread, and fry it in the pan. While frying, pour some more egg liquid.

In a few minutes, it was out of the pan and the toast was ready.

The milk-filled bread is soft, tender, refreshing and smooth, with a buttery texture. When you bite into it, the soft milk will overflow, moistening the teeth, and is warm and delicious. It is not as sinful as the egg yolk butter in a tea restaurant, so you don’t have to worry about gaining weight. .

Zhang Tan ate three large slices in one breath, packed the remaining two slices, put them in his bag, and took them to the set.

When he arrived at the film and television studio, he saw Zhang Yuyan walking there. Zhang Tan asked him to get in the car and go to the set together.

Pujiang Film and Television City is very big. It takes more than ten minutes to walk from the entrance to the "The Silent Truth" crew.

Zhang Yuyan lives in a hotel arranged by the crew. He has no car and no agent, so he relies entirely on himself.

"Didn't you sleep well?" Zhang Tan noticed that he had dark circles under his eyes.

Zhang Yuyan said awkwardly: "I couldn't sleep last night."

Some powerful crew members, directors or other production staff will severely reprimand without mercy if they see an actor not sleeping well, resulting in listlessness, dark circles under the eyes, yawning, or having a cold or illness.

Once he joins the crew, the actor's body is not only his own, but also the property of the crew. He cannot cause physical problems or delay the filming progress because of his unprofessionalism.

Zhang Tan smiled and said, "It's okay, don't be nervous, I'll just ask."

"Thank you, thank you~" Zhang Yuyan said gratefully.

Zhang Tan said while driving: "Don't put too much pressure, you can do it. Believe in yourself and believe in our vision."

During this period of time, Zhang Yuyan has faced tremendous pressure from public opinion.

Because "The Hidden Corner" is so popular, it has attracted a large number of loyal viewers. These people are also the natural audience of "The Silent Truth" and are particularly concerned about the filming progress of this drama. Ever since they learned that the starring role is Zhang Yuyan, a little-known drama actor, they have never stopped questioning him.

In particular, there are many talented actors in the same crew, such as the second male supporting actor Wang Han, who holds the title of Emperor of the Difference, which further highlights Zhang Yuyan's lack of qualifications.

"Thank you, I will cope with the pressure." Zhang Yuyan said gratefully.

The car arrived at the set and when Zhang Yuyan got out of the car, Zhang Tan said again: "If you have any questions, you are welcome to come to me."


Zhang Yuyan watched Zhang Tan go away, feeling grateful and admiring at the same time. He is a junior who cannot be distinguished by his appearance. He is young but extremely capable. He has produced several popular TV series and is highly regarded by the studio.

He didn't have a particularly deep feeling about it at first, but he felt deeply after joining the crew.

Not to mention the crew, directors and producers, all respected Zhang Tan very much, and the actors together, including Wang Han and Su Lan, all listened to his words. Even in terms of the acting skills they were good at, Zhang Tan was When Sigh points out some details, they will accept it with an open mind, which is not easy.

After Zhang Yuyan was invited by Zhang Tan to Pujiang for an audition, he checked Zhang Tan's resume, especially his performance in college. After all, they were alumni.

The most common response I got was that Zhang Tan was a Neptune when he was in college, with average work ability and mediocre performance.

Some people are tied up in the exam-oriented education system and are not outstanding by those standards, but once they are out of these systems, they seem to be like a fish in water and rise to the sky like a dragon.

Obviously, the Zhang Tan in front of him was such a person.

When Zhang Tan returned to the office, he saw a pot of hot tea on the desk, which Wu Zhensheng should have brewed.

Wu Zhensheng came earlier and had already gone to the set. It was obvious that he cherished this opportunity and worked very meticulously and responsibly, arriving earlier than Zhang Tan almost every day.

Zhang Tan put down his bag and was about to go find Su Lan and give her the toast he made, when suddenly his sweetheart appeared in front of him.

"Is there no one there?" Su Lan poked her head at the door.

Zhang Tan waved and smiled: "Come in quickly, didn't you see that I am such a big person?"

Su Lan stuck out her tongue and said, "Have you had breakfast? I brought some for you, you can try it."

She put a beautifully wrapped small box on the table, opened it and saw that it was... she didn't recognize it.

"Steamed buns with eggs, haha, you haven't seen it before, right?" Su Lan said proudly.

Zhang Tan: "Is this your unique skill?"

Su Lan nodded proudly: "I invented it myself. It's delicious. You can try it."

He handed Zhang Tan a pair of chopsticks.

Zhang Tan even held his hands and chopsticks.

Su Lan stared at him in fright, took her hand away, and whispered, "Don't move."

Zhang Tan didn't take it seriously. He picked up his chopsticks and tasted a piece. It was an egg. He tasted another piece. This time it was a steamed bun.

"How about it?"

"It tastes great."

"of course."

"It's such a big plate, do you want to come with me?"

"I've eaten."

"Eat some more."

"...I can't eat anymore."

"Oh, by the way, I also brought you breakfast, you can try it."

"Huh? You did it?"

"Of course, what I give you must be made by myself."

"It looks delicious. What is this? A sandwich?"

"No, it's toast."

"Toast? It's like a sandwich. What's the difference?"

"The ones with legs are sandwiches, the ones without legs are toast."


"If it has ham, it's a sandwich. If it doesn't, it's toast."


Yang Zhu looked expressionlessly outside the door, giving a break to the two people inside. Although he was on guard and thought he had done a good job of psychological preparation, he still almost choked to death from this slap of dog food.

I really want to turn around and leave. Can Sister Su Su laugh a little louder inside? No wonder she got up so early today. She thought she was preparing a diet meal for lunch, but she didn't know it was for Teacher Zhang.

Alas, she wasn't even full.

Their conversation was still ringing in her ears. She wanted not to listen and plugged her ears, but just thinking about it, she was still quite gossipy. How could a person who reports entertainment industry gossip every day not gossip?

"Have a taste."

It was Teacher Zhang’s voice.

"Uh huh huh huh??"

What is Sister Susu doing? Was...forcibly kissed?

"I've been doing this for a long time, just for you."

"I didn't say I wouldn't eat it...well, it's delicious, fragrant and tastes good."



Standing at the door, Yang Zhu seemed to smell the fragrance and sniffed. She had to admit that it was great to have a boyfriend.

She saw Wu Zhensheng coming here from a distance without moving. The words reached the house: "Sister Su Su, Wu Zhensheng is here."

The cheerful atmosphere inside seemed to have stagnated. After a while, Su Lan's voice came out: "I know."

He waited left and right, but no one came out. Yang Zhu was anxious, thinking that he would not kiss her, right?

She had to remind her again: "Wu Zhensheng is really here, he will be here soon."

Zhang Tan responded: "Yang Zhu, you can go play, there is no need to stay here."

"Oh okay, huh? What?"

"Go and do your work. There is no need to stay here."

Yang Zhu hesitated for a moment, thinking what did Teacher Zhang and Sister Su Su want to do? Wu Zhensheng is here! ! ! They are going to be caught secretly dating.

But since the parties involved are not in a hurry, why should she, a mediocre person, be anxious?

She left and said hello to Wu Zhensheng who passed by.

"Zhen Sheng is here. I'm telling a play for Su Lan. By the way, have you seen Zhang Yuyan? He didn't have a good rest last night and is not in good condition. How about you go and review the lines with him?"

Wu Zhensheng is not surprised. It is normal for screenwriters to tell actors a lot. For example, he narrated plays for many actors in his last project, and actors often came into his office all day long, but it was different from here.

Here, the actors came to him and Zhang Tan to discuss the script lines in a serious manner.

In his last project, many actors or actors' agents came to him. Instead of seriously discussing the script, they asked him to add lines and scenes before finishing three sentences. Some even directly said that it should be changed in this way.

He knows that this is actually the norm in the industry, although it is not normal.

But this is the case for many actors, especially famous actors, who blatantly change scripts, and directors and producers dare not say anything.

Fortunately, these bad habits do not exist on the crew of "The Silent Truth", which is why he is particularly serious and responsible. He cherishes such opportunities and such an environment. This is what a screenwriter dreams of.

Wu Zhensheng said: "I met him just now and had a book review with him."

Not only did he not leave, but he curiously asked Su Lan if she had any doubts, and he could answer them.

Zhang Tan glanced at him, "What do you mean, you don't give me a chance to show off in front of my girlfriend?"

He doesn't blame Wu Zhensheng. It's not that people don't have the eyesight, but it's hard for outsiders to think that they would hook up... Well, no, they were lovers who finally got married and got together.

PS: The two chapters are combined into one. It's Christmas Eve. I wish lovers will get married eventually. Those who don't have lovers, that is, dogs, go to bed early. You can have everything in your dreams.

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