Dad Academy

Chapter 437 Xiao Hu

"Xiao Hu wet the bed again, hahaha~~~"

Several children ran in from the yard, pointing at the sheets drying in the sun and laughing, making Hu Jiehao's face turn red.

The children gathered around him and laughed, joking that he wet the bed again. His mother heard the noise and ran out of the house, chasing her friends away.

"There's nothing to be shy about. Children can wet the bed." Mom comforted the dejected Xiao Hu.

As soon as he finished speaking, a voice came from outside the yard, "Hahaha, other children don't wet the bed, but Xiao Hu wets the bed!!! Hahaha~~"

The few little boys who were driven away did not go far, but jumped around outside the wall and looked inside.

"Xiao Liuzi, you were beaten for stealing your father's money, we all know it!"

"Yuanyuan, you don't dare to go to the toilet at night, and you want your sister to accompany you. Are you ashamed? You still say that you are a man!"

The mother revealed the embarrassing things about the little boys one by one. The little boys tried to deny it and ran away with a guilty conscience.

Hu Jiehao asked his mother curiously: "Did Xiao Liuzi really steal his father's money?"

"Stealing it, I heard what his mother said."

"What about Yuanyuan? He really doesn't dare to go to the toilet?"

"He is very timid. He is afraid of ghosts."

Hu Jiehao's confidence has recovered somewhat.

Mom gathered up the sheets and took him to the roof.

"If you're shy, let's dry the sheets on the roof so no one else can see."


"Help mom, hold on to that end."

The sheets were still wet, so Hu Jiehao helped his mother and dried them on the clothes rack.

Hu Jiehao swore that he would never wet the bed again.

Mom believed him and said that the map he drew on the sheets last night looked like a dog park, and she took him to the dog park today.

There were many small goldfish for sale outside the dog park. He liked them very much and begged his mother to buy three of them. The smaller one is him, the one with the tail like a butterfly is mom, and the biggest one is dad.

He looked at the three little goldfish in the fish tank with surprise and felt that they were a family, like his home.

He was only looking at the little goldfish and didn't notice the car approaching. His mother stood in front of him and lay on the ground, with a lot of blood flowing out from under her body.

He didn't remember what happened after that. He only remembered that he held the goldfish bowl tightly in his arms, not daring to relax for a moment.

It wasn't until his father came that he realized he was in the hospital, where his mother was undergoing surgery.

He and his father sat in the cold corridor, his father hugged him tightly, he couldn't see his father's face, and they didn't speak.

When he saw his mother again, she was lying on the hospital bed, smiling and touching his head, and told him to take good care of the little goldfish.

His family seems to be back to the past. The family of three is talking and laughing. His father will tell him stories and his mother will sing to him. The only difference is that it was at home before and now it is in the hospital.

He thought his family would get better and better, oh never mind, not better and better, just the same as before.

But one day, he suddenly saw his father crying, and the smile on his mother's face disappeared.

He didn't know what happened until a long time later, someone told him that his mother was seriously ill and it was an incurable disease, and he would become a child without a mother.

He didn't believe it, his mother hadn't taken him to the dog park yet.

He came to the hospital to see his mother every day holding the little goldfish in his arms. Her mother didn't speak, and he didn't speak either, so they focused on looking at the little goldfish.

Later, my father said that I had to talk to my mother more, and that I could say anything, as long as I talked.

So he started telling stories to his mother, singing songs to her, and telling her how the little goldfish was doing today.

His mother accompanied him to watch the little goldfish, watching them swim in the water. The whole morning passed in the blink of an eye.

He left the kindergarten and went to see doctors everywhere with his parents. He went to many different hospitals, but the strange thing was that their wards were all the same, their beds were also the same, even the doctors and nurses looked the same, and their corridors were all the same. It was very long and cold, and there seemed to be no end. He dreamed several times that he was running and running in the corridor, as if something scary was chasing him.

He ran and ran in the dimly lit corridor, holding a little goldfish with a butterfly tail in his hand. He couldn't breathe. He just felt that the little goldfish in his hand was so heavy, like a mother picked up from a hospital bed.

It's dying, he thought desperately.

"There is water here, come quickly."

Jiang Bin, who was running ahead, asked him to follow him quickly.

Hu Jiehao seemed to see a glimmer of hope. Unprecedented energy burst out of his little body. His speed was even faster than Jiang Bin. He turned on the faucet and put the little goldfish with butterfly tail in the pond.

"Get out of the way." Jiang Bin shouted and put the other two little goldfish into the pool.

They watched the water in the pool rise slowly, covering the bulging bellies of the little goldfish, covering their beautiful tails, and covering their backs. The small goldfish was breathing heavily with its mouth open, and the big one was slightly breathing. It was a little late, but it started to breathe, and it swung its tail slightly and swam slowly in the pool.

They swam to the little goldfish of the swallowtail butterfly and circled her, as if calling her to wake up.

"Your hands are bleeding." Jiang Bin said.

Only then did Hu Jiehao realize that his finger was bleeding. It had been cut by broken glass, but he didn't feel any pain at all.

"You're lying, you look so hurt." Jiang Bin exposed his lie.

"...I killed my little goldfish."

I heard from Jiang Bin that Xiao Hu's goldfish tank was broken and the little goldfish almost died. Xiao Bai jumped anxiously, but he didn't see Xiao Hu for two days in a row. He didn't come to Little Red Horse or go home. The door was locked and no one was there.

That night, Ma Lanhua took Xiaobai home from Little Red Horse. Xiaobai immediately ran to the next door to look at it, expecting Xiaohu to come back.

But no, the door was still locked, and it was dark inside without any light.

He must be very sad, Xiaobai thought to himself, feeling sad in his heart.

"Auntie, there's still no one here."

"Don't worry, I've already asked the landlord grandma. They haven't checked out and they will definitely come back. All you have to do now is wait patiently."

"I want to find him."

"Looking for it?"

"Go look for it at night, with my little flashlight."

"Don't worry, let's go home first. Auntie has something to tell you."

Xiao Hu, who Xiao Bai had longed for, was now in the alley of Huangjiacun, following his father closely with small steps, happily holding a fragrant cake.

He chose the cake for his mother. There was a little girl in a red dress on the cake. The cake seller said it was made of chocolate. He felt that the little girl looked like his mother, and his mother was still a little girl. He once caught his mother watching "Paw Patrol" and she was smiling silly. He was very angry at the time. He was afraid of dogs, but his mother secretly watched dog cartoons. He thought his mother was a traitor.

The little goldfish is held by the father. The original goldfish bowl is broken, but now it has been replaced with a resin one, so there is no need to worry about falling.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you~~"

Xiao Hu sang Happy Birthday in a low voice as he walked. After finishing one song, he looked at his father with a raised face. His father praised him for singing well and said he would sing it to his mother tomorrow.

Xiao Hu was happy and in a good mood. There was the sound of a dog barking in the alley ahead. He paused in his steps and looked ahead nervously, not daring to move forward.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here." Hu Mingkai comforted him.

Xiao Hu smiled sheepishly, took small steps again, followed closely behind his father, and stared nervously ahead with his big eyes, where a lonely street lamp stood in the dark alley, spreading a piece of light yellow. Light, there are many little bugs flying around in the light.

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