Dad Academy

Chapter 756 Little Zheng Zheng (1/2)

Chapter 756 Little Zheng Zheng (12)

In the evening, Zhang Tan unexpectedly saw little Zheng Zheng coming to the academy again. This little girl was wearing pigtails, jumping up and down, and she was in a great mood. Seeing Zhang Tan, she looked shy. She mustered up the courage to run over and gave him a lollipop, saying she would give him something to eat.

"You really want to eat it for me?"

Zhang Tan squatted in front of her with a smile. Little Zheng Zheng was only 3 years old. She was just like Xi'er when she first came to the school. However, she was much quieter than Xi'er and less timid. She was like a baby rabbit, and she would jump when there was wind. When she blows on the grass, she pricks up her little ears and looks around with her big watery eyes, which arouses others' desire for protection. Therefore, Xi'er, who has always wanted to be a sister, unsurprisingly becomes her guardian. The little group of girlfriends actually take good care of her. Xiaobai may seem to be annoying her on the surface, but in fact they will help her wherever they need to be helped. They will also occasionally "rob" some pomegranate snacks for her to let her grow up quickly, saying that she can't do this. Too small.

Little Zheng Zheng's face was shy and embarrassed, and her big watery eyes were even more watery. She felt like she was going to cry because of Boss Zhang at such a close distance.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Tan took the initiative to take a step back. Don't really make people cry. It would be terrible if people mistakenly thought that he made little Zheng Zhengchou cry.

Little Zheng Zheng nodded and replied like a mosquito, "Hmm~"

"Thank you, then I'll accept it."

My little wife’s thoughts cannot be wasted. A few days ago, Zhang Tan gave her a lollipop in order to make her happy. This was a gift in return, just like Tan Jiner gave him a tie and he gave her a scarf in return.

Little Zheng Zheng couldn't help but jump up and down. Suddenly she found that the lollipop was thrust into her hand again. She was stunned and looked at Boss Zhang and the lollipop. She was confused. Didn't she say she accepted it?

Zhang Tan said: "I will reward you now because you were brave and took the initiative to talk to me today."

The little daughter-in-law looked shy and lowered her head.

Zhang Tan: "Let's go play, Xiaobai and the others are painting."

Little Zheng Zheng skipped away, jumped a few steps and waved her little hand to him.

The little girl was in a good mood today. Before she came to the academy, she whispered to her mother, hoping that her mother and father would stop fighting. Her mother agreed, which made her very happy.

Although my daughter-in-law is young, she already understands a little bit.

At the gate of the academy, Xi'er ran in. Tan Jin'er shouted at her to run slowly and stop falling, but Xiao Zhuanfeng didn't listen. Hiahiahia laughed as she ran, the food box hanging on her chest dangling. Swinging around.

She hung up another food box today, maybe for a midnight snack.

"Boss Zhang~~~"

Xi'er ran past Zhang Tan without stopping for a moment. She ran hiahiah into the classroom to look for other children. Zhang Tan looked back and saw Liuliu and Dudu teaming up to stop her, staring at her eagerly. On the food box hanging on her chest.

"What's inside?"

"Hurry up and hand it over~ Humph!"

"hiahia, it's not for you to eat, it's for little Zheng Zheng."

Before she came, her sister specially made some meat dumplings and said she would take them to Little Red Horse to eat. If she sees little Zheng Zheng, remember to share them.

"I'm Xiao Zheng Zheng."

"I am also little Zheng Zheng."

The two bandits insisted that they were Xiao Zheng Zheng and wanted to eat meat dumplings. Hiahia thought it was funny and ran away quickly. They even turned around and shouted, "Come and catch me."

Then, not long after, she was caught by Dudu.

Dudu is really not good at running. It is estimated that only Xiaobai can be faster than her.

Fatty Liuliu caught up with him out of breath, laughing and Dudu holding Xi'er's hand as if holding a prisoner.

Xi'er was really miserable, her two little hands were held down, and the food box hanging on her chest was like a shackle. In the blink of an eye, she turned from a cute little girl to a little prisoner. She was so confused that when she was being escorted past Zhang Tan, she still looked up. I looked at him, still confused.


Xi'er called Xiaobai to uphold justice. Xiaobai was busy drawing and had no time for a while, but the cute justice police officer Mi Jiatong came and scolded Liuliu and Dudu, scolding their souls!

Dudu's soul was still clean, so he let go in shame, and stood by Comrade Mi Jiatong's side, deciding to change his ways.

But Liliu refused to let go. She was hopeless and a bad child.

Dudu was ashamed to be with her.

Everyone was ashamed to be in her company and scolded her.

Liuliu laughed and walked away. After walking away, her smile disappeared instantly, and she muttered angrily, what a fool, what a little friend! You can't afford to play like a duck. I'm a strong little pomegranate and I won't cry.

Xi'er waved to little Zheng Zheng and invited her to eat meat dumplings.

After a little grunting, my mouth watered, and I leaned over eagerly and said weakly, can I give it to little Zheng Zheng if she can't finish it? She is not a bad child, she just likes to eat as she grows up.

And in order to really eat it, she promised little Zheng Zheng and Xi'er that next time she would tie up her dolls and let them play with them.

Just as Xi'er was about to speak, little Zheng Zheng couldn't wait to hand the meat dumpling she just took a bite to Dudu.

Dudu caught it and swallowed it into his mouth in one bite. His cheeks were stuffed full. Madam, it’s so delicious! He happily jumped around in a circle around little Zheng Zheng, making little Zheng Zheng giggle.

In ancient times, there was Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit, but now there is Zhao Chendu devouring meat dumplings.

Seeing this, Liliu in the distance felt so heartbroken that it was hard to breathe. He had to hold on to the wall to prevent himself from dying of a broken heart. Later, holding on to the wall didn't work. He hurriedly found his first aid kit and gave himself an injection. Good point.

At around 11 o'clock in the evening, Little Red Horse Academy fell into silence. Most of the children had been picked up. Only a few were sleeping in the dormitories on the second floor. There were also people in the classroom on the first floor. Zhang Tan was sitting on a chair telling a picture book story. , sitting in front of him were Xiaobai and Xiao Zhengzheng, the two were leaning against each other, Xiaobai was dozing off, and Xiao Zheng was leaning on Xiao Zheng to keep him from falling down.

Little Zheng Zheng's eyes were bright and energetic, and the story was so good that she was not sleepy at all, which made Zhang Tan, who originally wanted to hypnotize her, miserable.

But the little girl looked at him with such admiration that he couldn't bear to take her to sleep, so he could only tell stories one after another.

Xiaobai couldn't keep his eyes open. He raised his head with difficulty, glanced at him, and yawned. He was very irritable. Boss Zhang even told his wife a story late at night! She's going to die from sleep!

Fortunately, after a while, Pan Xiangyi's voice came from outside the classroom, and she finally came to pick up little Zheng Zheng.

Xiao Zhengzheng jumped off the chair and ran over smartly. Zhang Tan secretly breathed a sigh of relief and picked up the half-asleep Xiaobai.

"Sleep peacefully. We'll go home right away. Little Zheng Zheng's mother is already here."

Upon hearing this, Xiaobai tilted his head, fell into his arms, and really fell asleep.

In fact, she wanted to sleep a long time ago, but she persisted until now just to accompany little Zheng Zheng.

Zhang Tan walked over, and little Zheng Zheng was happily telling her mother that the stories told by Boss Zhang were really nice. She had listened to many of them.

Zhang Tan said to his heart, little girl, you are so spirited, I was almost defeated by you.

Pan Xiangyi thanked him. She looked very unhappy and her eyes were bloodshot. Yes, her husband was arrested and she must have been frightened. She must have had a very painful day.

"You are not in good spirits. Take a good rest. The most important thing is your body." Zhang Tan advised.

Regarding Zheng Youmin, he may know more than Pan Xiangyi now. However, today is only the first day, many things are still in the understanding and verification stage, and Zhang Tan cannot promise anything to Pan Xiangyi.

Even if she promised, she would probably be dubious.

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