Deep in the Warcraft Mountains.

The Eight Desolate Demon Sect is located in the encirclement of eight mountain peaks.

On the periphery of these eight peaks, is the huge "Eight Desolate Demon Fire Array".

When this mysterious formation was cracked.

The light in the center of the eight peaks was obviously much brighter, reflecting the original appearance of the Eight Desolate Demon Sect.

at this time.

In the deepest part of this sect, there is a huge dark red palace.

On the ground of the palace were seven huge Heaven-devouring Demon Dragons.

They are intertwined with each other, occupying the ground.

It's unstoppable, it's terrifying.

And on the high platform at the farthest point of the palace.

There was a slender figure crawling on the ground, looking in awe at a huge ancient devil lying on the stone bed.

"Our Eight Wilderness Demon Sect is one of the top ten beast-fighting sects in the Demon Realm, and it is glorious."

"It has been more than 35,000 years since the glory faded."

"Finally, God pays me, let me find this ancient magic Kun in the secret palace of the sect!"

The Eight Desolate Demon Sect's Sect Master Bao Yi had a hint of excitement in his eyes.

"The monsters are dispatched today, as long as enough demon souls are harvested, the magic kun can be resurrected immediately."

"By that time, big brother, you will definitely be impressed by me!"

Saying that, Bao Yi stood up with a look of determination.

Back then, he and his elder brother, Bao Xuyun, were the two prides of the Southern Region of the Demon Realm and enjoyed the world's acclaim.

Later, in the same stage competition with Bao Xuyun, he lost his position as the Demon Lord of the Southern Regions.

So disheartened, he took over the Eight Desolate Demon Sect and became a generation of suzerain.

Although his relationship with Bao Xuyun did not collapse.

But to say that he has no idea about Bao Xuyun in his heart, it would be absolutely false.

Over the years, Bao Yi has been holding his breath, trying to prove himself to Bao Xuyun.

Now his chance has finally come!

If he can revive the ancient Mo Kun, he will have the opportunity to become Mo Kun's orc master.

Drive the Demon Kun to devour everything in the world and frantically help him increase his cultivation.

You know, Kun, to devour evolution.

They are an existence that is more terrifying than the Heaven Swallowing Demon Dragon, and can even be said to be the ancestors of the Heaven Swallowing Demon Dragon.

Bao Yi is confident enough that with the Demon Kun in front of him, he can definitely claim the No. 1 position in the Demon Realm!


At this time, a guardian walked in: "Our sect's formation has been broken, and a peerless powerhouse has broken in, and the situation is not optimistic!"

"How could this be?" Bao Yi was shocked.

He originally thought that the Dharma Protector brought good news, but he didn't expect it to be a huge bad news.

"Do you know who that peerless powerhouse is?"

"It's unknown at the moment! Because none of our people dare to get too close!"


Bao Yi gritted his teeth angrily, and took a deep look at Mo Kun's back.

He took out his magic sword.

"Order all the disciples of this sect to summon all the magical beasts in the mountains!"

Since it is a peerless powerhouse, Bao Yi decided to use the greatest strength to deal with it.

And even if the more than one million monsters sent out today were all killed, he could still have his disciples summon at least one million monsters.

He has absolute confidence, and with his Emperor Realm cultivation base and millions of magical beasts, he will be able to solve any intruding enemy!


Surrounded by seven heaven-devouring dragons, Bao Yi led a group of Dharma-protecting disciples outside the sect.

Look up.

I saw a handsome man in white, holding four cute little girls, looking at him calmly.

"This man is full of fairy energy, rare in the world, and he has quadruplets by his side..."

"He is the man of Queen Xuan Bing!"

After thinking about it carefully, Bao Yi's eyes trembled.

Based on the fact that Wan Mo Nation and Wu Sheng Nation were attacked by monsters, it was too easy for him to guess Lin Xuan's identity.

Thinking of this, Bao Yi immediately shouted: "Order the monsters in the whole mountain range, kill them for me!"

Roar! ! !

When the disciples of the Eight Desolate Demon Sect used the beast-controlling technique.

Boundless demonic energy rose into the sky and enveloped the entire Demonic Beast Mountains.

Driven by this magical energy, all the monsters in the monster mountain range.

Whether it was walking on the ground, flying in the sky, or swimming in the water, they all madly gathered towards the Eight Desolate Demon Sect.

The momentum is like a mountain, as if the end of the world is coming.

In less than three breaths of time, millions of demonic beasts have flooded the surroundings of the Eight Desolate Demon Sect.

Under their gaze, everyone only felt a chill in their hearts, and their scalps were slightly numb.

"Kill me!"

Violent orders.

However, these beasts suddenly seemed to have been tapped, and they all stayed where they were, motionless.


Seeing this, Bao Yi and the disciples of the Eight Desolate Demon Sect were stunned.

On the other hand, Mu Youqing, Xiao Yeran, Qiyou Mojun and others all had a look of stunned expressions on their faces.

This must be the cousin-in-law and the emperor who controlled these monsters!

Lin Xuan smiled slightly, and raised his slender and beautiful hand gently: "Go."

Roar! ! !

In an instant, millions of magical beasts all roared and rushed towards Bao Yi and the others like crazy.

All of a sudden, more than 60,000 people from the Eight Desolate Demon Sect were shocked.

"My God, these monsters attacked us!"

"This, this... they are going to go against the water!"

When the army of monsters rushed into the crowd of disciples of the Eight Desolate Demon Sect, the situation instantly turned into chaos.

"Cousin-in-law, that sect master is also an emperor, why don't you let me meet him!"

Mu Youqing had just risen to the emperor realm, and his swordsmanship had reached the fourth level. It was really an itchy time.

Qiyou Demon Lord said: "Emperor, the Eight Desolate Demon Sect's Sect Master has the Heaven Swallowing Demon Dragon to help, so I will help the princess to deal with his Heaven Swallowing Demon Dragon!"

There was excitement in his eyes.

The one that swallowed the sky just now was taken away by Mu Youqing, and now there are seven in one breath, and he feels that he has made a lot of money.

Xiao Yeran, Ancestor Xueli, and the others were not willing to stand by, and they all wanted to fight against the Eight Desolate Demon Sect.


Lin Xuan didn't want Xuanzhu and the others to see such a large-scale killing war.

And he felt that Mu Youqing and Qiyou Demon Lord were enough to deal with all the current opponents.

So he nodded and led them back to the back.

Mu Youqing then excitedly condensed the Dao Sword, and shouted: "Kill!"

She immediately killed Bao Yi right in front of her.

Violent Yi immediately mobilized all his true essence and drove seven Heaven-devouring dragons to kill Mu Youqing.

"Don't want to hurt a single hair of the princess!"

Qiyou Demon Lord came with boundless demonic energy, holding a sword to shatter the void.

He and Mu Youqing left and right, separating Bao Yi from his Heaven-devouring Demon Dragon.

Afterwards, Mu Youqing burst out with unparalleled and powerful sword energy, and frantically launched an attack on Bao Yi.

Bao Yi could never have imagined that this beautiful girl would fight so sharply and madly.

In the blink of an eye, a thousand moves are over!

Bao Yi had more than ten scars on his body, and the most thrilling one was that he was almost split in half by Mu Youqing.

"This woman seems to be the little follower sister of Emperor Beixuan Tian's husband, and she is actually so strong."

"I really can't imagine how terrifying it would be if Emperor Beixuan took action!"

Violent teeth rattled.

He has a strong hunch in his heart, that is, the Eight Desolate Demon Sect is going to be less fortunate today.


"Since I can't use other demon souls to wake up Mo Kun, then I can only fuse my own demon soul with it!"

Bao Yi squeezed his fist tightly.

"I can run away!"

"But if I run away today, I will never be able to lift my head up!"

"Since I am destined to overcome this difficulty, then I will become a magic kun and devour you!"

"Devouring you, Emperor Beixuan!"

Thinking of this, he immediately pierced his heart with a sword.

At the same time, he gathered the true essence of his whole body, performed the art of beast-fighting, and forcibly used his own soul to sign a soul contract with Mo Kun!

Then Bao Yi's body dissipated into the air.


At this time, the entire Eight Desolate Demon Sect trembled frantically, and an earth-shattering roar sounded from the ground.


Soon, the buildings shattered and the earth ripped apart.

A black light shot up into the sky, crushing all the dust and stones in the range into powder.

With an indescribable magical energy enveloped in a radius of a hundred miles.

A black magic kun with a length of 10,000 zhang rushed to the sky, looking down at everyone and the monsters below.

When it opened its big mouth, everything on the ground rushed towards its mouth frantically, unavoidable!

Countless trees, dust and stones are spinning in the air!

Countless monsters rose from the ground!

There are also countless disciples of the Eight Wilderness Demon Sect, rushing into the sky with the terrifying whirlwind!

Mu Youqing, Qiyou Demon Lord, and Xiao Yeran all felt that their bodies were bound by a terrifying suction at this moment.

Even as an emperor, he is powerless to resist!

"Oh my god, this thing's cultivation base is much higher than that of the Emperor Realm! It's too strong, too strong!" Mu Youqing turned pale, biting her silver teeth to resist the magic Kun's suction.

However, she felt that the spiritual power in her body was rapidly being consumed, and I am afraid that she could not hold the five breaths at all!

Qiyou Demon Lord also gritted his teeth: "Faced with this terrifying beast, my Qiqiaoxin is completely useless, it's going to be bad!"

Once swallowed by Mo Kun, he becomes Mo Kun's belly Chinese food.

Even if he could die seven times, he would just keep reincarnating in the Demon Kun's belly.

Mu Youqing and Qiyou Demon Lord are still like this, not to mention Xiao Yeran and others whose cultivation is lower than them.

at this time.

Under the rule of the magic Kun's terrifying suction, everyone felt a sense of apocalyptic fear.

And just when the mountains and rivers flew up and the jungle subverted.

A white figure appeared in Mu Youqing's field of vision.

Lin Xuan stood in front of Xuanzhu and the others, blocking the terrifying suction of the magic Kun, and stood still.

Then, he saw that his left hand led out the Slaughtering Spirit Pagoda, and his right hand led out four quasi-immortal swords.

With a flick of a finger, a mysterious Five Elements Divine Thunder and Thunder Jue flew high into the sky.

In the blink of an eye, a multicolored thundercloud with a radius of thousands of miles appeared in the air.

Then, it was divided into four groups like lightning, and the thunder light fell, attached to the four quasi-immortal swords.


Lin Xuan pointed with his right hand, and the immortal sword was 100,000 miles across!

Boom! ! !

The indescribable tyrannical sword energy ripped apart the void and shattered the sky.

He mercilessly blew the magic Kun that covered the sky into powder.

Then Lin Xuan sacrificed the Slaughtering Pagoda to the sky.

The door of the Slaughtering Spirit Pagoda opened wide, and with a sharp breath, he sucked the soul of Bao Yi attached to Mo Kun's body into the tower.


Lin Xuan moved his fingers, and the four quasi-immortal swords and the Soul Killing Pagoda returned to him at the same time.

The whole process is like flowing clouds and flowing water, unrestrained and freehand, and it doesn't look like a battle that destroys the world at all.

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