Emperor Beixuan!

Hearing this title, all the demons who were arrested were shocked.

A man who deserves to be the Empress Xuanbing, he is truly unparalleled in style, his methods are sky-high, and his aura is unparalleled!

With the power of one person, he will break through the undead magic city.

A sword slashed thousands of people, like gods and demons.

It's so shocking, so admirable!

The undead demons were also shocked when they learned of Lin Xuan's identity.

Many people from the undead demon race with a long life span.

Over the years, he has followed the Demon Mountain and appeared in the Demon Realm from time to time. Naturally, he could hear some rumors about Empress Xuanbing.

As far as the people of the Demon Race are concerned, the Empress Xuanbing is cold and strong, and her methods are tough and domineering.

Such a temperament is very in line with the taste of the demons for the strong.

Therefore, the name of Empress Xuanbing, Donghuang Ziyou, has long been spread among the undead demons.

So, who can become her man is naturally a topic that everyone is talking about.

Now Lin Xuan appeared and let the people of the undead demons see it with their own eyes.

As a man of the Empress, how powerful and domineering is, and how powerful!

"It turns out that he is the man of Queen Xuan Bing, everyone should quickly use the strongest force, and be sure to kill with one blow!"

After learning Lin Xuan's identity, the undead demons did not dare to relax at all.

Under the protection of thousands of miles of magic fog, they all frantically improved their strength.

In just a few breaths of effort, thousands of undead demon races madly rose to at least three levels.

Among them, there are hundreds of quasi-emperor realm powerhouses.

For a time, the whole city was filled with demonic fog, and the murderous aura was overwhelming.

This scene.

Not only Lan Yuanqi and the others, but Qiyou Demon Lord and the others outside the city were also terrified.

"The undead demons are supported by endless magic fog, which can stimulate the inextinguishable black lotus in the body to the greatest extent."

"Indestructible Hei Lian can maximize the potential of their bodies, and may even cross several levels in a row. This is really terrifying!"

"Judging from the concentration of the magic fog, there are at least a hundred quasi-emperor-level powerhouses in the city. No wonder the emperor didn't let us go there!"

Everyone was talking and panicking.

Inadvertently, he was frightened by the terrifying strength of the undead demons and trembled in his heart.


At this moment, a sword light exploded.

The dazzling rays of light tore apart the layers of magic fog, shining brightly in Kyushu!

Lin Xuan mobilized the real essence of the Great Sacred Realm and stimulated the power of tens of billions of idols.

With one sword down, there is an aura of annihilation.

Tens of thousands of undead demons with wings on their backs were directly reduced by one-tenth of the number under his sword.

"My God, Emperor Beixuan has really gone crazy!"

"God Jiuli is on top, this man is so terrifying!"

boom! !

Just in the shock of the undead demon clan.

Lin Xuan mobilized the power of the Five Elements Divine Thunder, and another sword fell.

Thunder light up!

Jian Guangxiao!

Three thousand undead demons turned to ashes!

This scene directly turned all the undead demons into petrification.

Who would have thought that Lin Xuan would be so cruel.

The Qiyou Demon Lord and others outside the city in the distance were even more drooling. They were glad that although they were demons, they tried their best to please Lin Xuan.

Otherwise, it would be really unfortunate to stand on the opposite side of Lin Xuan!

At this time, Lin Xuan's sword energy had already cut off the column of blood spurting from Lan Yuanqi and the others, allowing them to be freed.

And the black magic fog shrouded in the sky for thousands of miles, as if in a daze, never again fell a lightning bolt.

call! ! !

In the city of immortality, a vision suddenly appeared at this moment.

An incomparably thick magic light soared into the sky, madly absorbing the magic fog in all directions.

An aura resembling an ancient demon god instantly enveloped the area for hundreds of miles.

Countless black and ferocious skulls appeared in the air, making it look like an extremely demonic prison within a hundred miles.

When the boundless magic fog gathered into a single figure, the entire undead city was boiling.

"It's the city owner!"

"The city lord finally appeared, great!"

The undead demons who were about to be overwhelmed by Lin Xuan couldn't help cheering loudly at this moment.

And their city lord is the most powerful person in the whole family except the patron saint.

Outside the city far away.

Qiyou Demon Lord and the others looked at the figure shrouded in demonic mist in the sky with trembling eyes.

"It is rumored that the city lord of the undead demon clan is the only old demon of the orthodox bloodline left by the Jiuli demon clan."

"And the bloodline of the Jiuli Demon Race has a very terrifying feature, that is, the technique of leapfrog instant kill!"

"The city lord in front of me, judging from his breath, has already surpassed the emperor's realm for a long time. Using the inextinguishable black lotus and his own bloodline's leapfrog ability to kill, his power is terrifying!"

Qiyou Demon Lord's words made Mo Xie Demon Lord and others nod again and again, deeply agreeing.


At this moment, a bright sword light flashed.

It directly penetrated the body of the undead demon city lord and blew him into gas.


Demon Lord Qiyou, Demon Lord Moye and the others looked at each other for a moment and were speechless.

Well, no matter how strong the undead city lord is, he is nothing but a cannon fodder for Emperor Fu!

At this time, in the undead demon city, thousands of undead demon clan were dumbfounded and stunned.

As soon as the city lord appeared, he was killed by Emperor Beixuan with a sword?

Isn't this a joke?

Is an ancient demon so worthless?

At this moment, in the eyes of the undead demons, Lin Xuan is the real demon, and he is also a big demon!

Thinking of this, all the undead demons hurriedly knelt on the ground and raised their hands to the sky.

"Guardian, my clan is facing a crisis of extinction, I pray for you to come!"


At this moment, countless black magic fog rushed into the sky from the body of the undead demons.

Each of their chests shone with the light of a black lotus flower.

Like fireflies, they converged into a river, illuminating the black magic fog that was thousands of miles high in the sky.


At this time, the cloud of magic fog that had been silent for a long time burst out with a terrible thunder.

Hundreds of millions of black lightnings roamed in the clouds, as if hundreds of millions of dragons roared.

Looking around, the sky with a radius of 50,000 miles was dark and extremely depressing.

At this time, the magic fog finally dissipated, and a huge inextinguishable black lotus appeared.

"The Patronus has appeared!"

The undead demons were all excited when they saw this.

I saw the lotus bloom.

A purple-black sound and shadow slowly walked out of the lotus platform and was suspended above the sky.

He was surrounded by billions of demon dragons, looking down at the earth, exuding the breath and majesty of ancient demons.

"It's the ancient demon of the Great Holy Land!"

"Oh my god, as expected of the patron saint of the undead demons, this is too strong!"

This time, Demon Lord Qiyou and the others couldn't help but tremble all over their bodies.

Mu Youqing couldn't help but tremble in her beautiful eyes, showing a bit of horror:

"This is the first time I've seen an ancient demon in the Great Holy Land. It's really strong!"

Xuanzhu poked Mu Youqing with her small hand: "Don't worry, Auntie, my father is the most powerful boy!"

Xuanxi, Xuanhan, and Xuanyou all pointed their heads straight: "Mmmmmmm!"

Mu Youqing smiled: "Yes, your father is the most powerful!"

Even in the face of such a powerful ancient demon, she still had no doubts about Lin Xuan.

And Qiyou Demon Lord and the others, when they heard this, they also put away their fears and nodded secretly.

That's right, in the face of such a powerful ancient demon, Difu is still calm.

This obviously shows that he doesn't take this ancient demon seriously at all!

Thanks to the free 100, the starting point book friend Ai Yi Guding for the 100 reward! ! ! !

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