"Impossible! It's impossible for my brother to die!"

Ye Zhao heard the words, his emotions collapsed instantly, he rushed forward frantically, and stepped into the mass grave with one foot.


Feeling the hard and smooth skull under her feet, she squatted down and touched it with her hands.

"Why are they all human bones?"

"Why are they all human bones?"

"Has everyone been killed?"

"My brother can't possibly die! He definitely won't die!"

Ye Zhao groped frantically in the mass grave, and his emotions became more and more broken down.


Just when she was completely insane, the black cloth covering her eyes was twisted into powder by two terrifying black lights.

Qiyou Demon Lord and the others were shocked to see that Ye Zhao's eyes instantly turned black, and two strong black lights bloomed.

And this time.

Heaven and earth change.

The storm is rising!

The boundless demonic fog, like a rushing river and sea, gathered in Ye Zhao's eyes.

Even Mojun Qiyou and the others felt that the magic in their bodies was being pulled by a huge force.

If you want to get out of your body, shoot at Ye Zhao.

"What's going on? Why is she taking our power?"

"Hey! Could it be that her eyes are Mo Tiantong, one of the legendary ten god-level physiques?!"

"It does look alike!"

Qiyou Demon Lord and others swallowed wildly, terrified for a while.

They could not have imagined that Ye Zhao's eyes were actually Demon Tiantong with a legendary physique.

And this magic pupil can madly absorb all the magic energy between heaven and earth and convert it into its own power.

If you can't resist Mo Tiantong, you will definitely be drained of the real energy from your whole body, and you will die violently on the spot!

"If I had known that this girl was so terrifying, I wouldn't let her come here. Just help her find her brother!"

Qiyou Demon Lord and the others regretted it for a while.

It is clear.

After Ye Zhao confirmed that his younger brother was dead, his emotions collapsed to the extreme before he activated Mo Tiantong.

With her current ability, it is obvious that she cannot control the power released by Mo Tiantong.

As for Qiyou Demon Monarch and the others, although their cultivations were strong, they still had no way to deal with such a god-level physique.

After all, this physique is extremely rare.

And Ye Zhao was brought by Lin Xuan after all, and they couldn't kill her directly.

"How to do?"

Demon Lord Qiyou and Demon Lord Moye looked at each other without saying a word, unable to do anything.


At this time, a mysterious seal flew from the sky behind and landed on Ye Zhao.

Ye Zhao seemed to be bound by a divine power.

The small body shrank suddenly, and Mo Tiantong instantly converged.

"God, finally saved!"

"It must have been Difu who rescued us!"

Qiyou Mojun and others quickly turned to look, and saw Lin Xuan walking slowly.

Lin Xuan stepped forward, looked at Ye Zhao lightly, and said:

"With your current ability, you still can't control Mo Tiantong, so I will seal it."

"Now you can use your eyes normally, and the seal of the Demon Sky Eye will be gradually unsealed as your cultivation level increases until you can fully control the Demon Sky Eye."

If Ye Zhao hadn't activated Mo Tian Tong, Lin Xuan would not have noticed that she had this god-level physique.

Since he happened to be met by Lin Xuan, he would not let this physique become a scourge.

"Thank you Difu!"

Ye Zhao hurriedly knelt down to thank him when he heard the words.

The reason why she was blindfolded was because she was afraid that her demonic eyes would be activated and hurt innocent people.

When she broke out as a child, she was fortunate to meet a certain demon powerhouse and help her figure out a way to cover her eyes with a black cloth.

But the strong man's method is obviously a temporary solution.

Alright now, Lin Xuan took action to seal her demonic eyes, allowing her to use her eyes normally.

This made Ye Zhao excited for a while, and felt that it was the great luck of his life to meet Lin Xuan in this life!

"elder sister!"

Just then, a weak voice came.

Ye Zhao turned around and saw that it was his younger brother Ye Xiaofan who had climbed out of the pile of bones.

The Ye Xiaofan in front of him is no longer the high-spirited demon genius of the past.

Terribly thin, almost like a zombie.

However, this did not prevent Ye Zhao from recognizing him.

"younger brother!"

Ye Zhao was overjoyed, and hurried forward to hug him: "Sister knows you won't die!"

Ye Xiaofan choked and said, "The undead demons want to spare my true essence and blood to sacrifice to the ancient demons. Fortunately, I have a magic art that hides my cultivation, and I have escaped by pretending to be dead."

"For so many years, I have been hiding in mass graves with the last shred of skill, waiting for you to come to me!"

"Woooooo...now you're finally here!"

Ye Zhao also burst into tears, with a happy smile on her face, she nodded and pulled Ye Xiaofan to kneel to Lin Xuan:

"These are all thanks to Difu's help! You and I kowtow to Difu to thank you!"

The siblings then kowtowed to Lin Xuan with pious expressions on their faces.

Lin Xuan nodded slightly, then looked at Qiyou Demon Lord and said:

"This sister and brother can meet again after such a catastrophe, and they can be regarded as people with certain luck."

Qiyou Demon Lord immediately understood what Lin Xuan meant:

"What the emperor said is! When you go back, you must choose your talents and treat them well!"

Ye Zhao sister and brother both showed great gratitude after hearing this.

They have a premonition that from today onwards, their destiny will undergo earth-shaking changes!

Lin Xuan nodded, then turned around and walked out.

He just caught a sneak attack, and now he is going to have a good "chat" with the other party.

Seeing Lin Xuan approaching, Mo Feng's heart shrank suddenly.

An irresistible sense of fear enveloped him in an instant.

Lin Xuan's extremely handsome face, in his eyes at this moment, is more majestic and terrifying than the ancient demon gods!

"Tell me, who are you? What is your intention to sneak up on my daughters?"

Lin Xuan looked down at Mo Feng and asked lightly.

Qiyou Demon Lord, Mo Xie Demon Lord and others also stared at Mo Feng.

They saw that Mofeng was also a member of the Mozu.

I just can't think of which daring Demon Race would dare to attack the emperor's daughters.

Mo Feng was silent, wanting to forcibly run the real essence, shattering his internal organs, the extraordinary meridians and eight meridians.

Because he had promised the Demon Lord of the Southern Region that once he was caught, he would never betray the Demon Lord of the Southern Region.

However, he found that every cell in his body seemed to be controlled by Lin Xuan.

In addition to being able to speak, the body does not listen to his commands at all!

"If you want to resist or commit suicide to escape, I advise you to avoid it."

Lin Xuan's eyes burst with golden light, and a terrifying thought force was about to invade Mo Feng's mind.

The magic wind suddenly turned pale.

This man's spiritual sense is so powerful that he is perverted. If he invades the sea of ​​consciousness, he will definitely be worse than death!

Aware of Lin Xuan's motives, Mo Feng was so frightened that his whole body became cold, and he said quickly:

"The little one's name is Mo Feng, who belongs to the Demon Lord of the Southern Region. He asked me to sneak attack on you, Emperor!"

Hearing what he said, Demon Lord Qiyou and the others couldn't help but let out sarcastic laughter.

"Oh, sneak attack on the emperor? You are too confident!"

"The Demon Lord of the Southern Territory is also considered a generation of overlords. I didn't expect to do such a ridiculous thing!"

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