Cute Baby Conference!

Hearing this name, Xuanzhu and the others' big eyes flashed with surprise.

"Dad, what kind of convention is this?" Xuanzhu asked hurriedly.

Lin Xuan said with a smile: "This is a grand event held by countless nobles and tyrants in Canglong Continent for the children. The purpose is to compete for the cutest, most talented and most likable children!"

With the holy book of extreme Taoism, Lin Xuan can easily get the information about the Mengbao Conference at his fingertips.

"The Adorable Baby Conference was originally co-founded by nobles from five states, including Linzhou, Quanzhou, Gunzhou, Xuanzhou, and Yunzhou, in China.

"It has been very popular since the beginning, and has won the favor of countless parents. Later, it spread its influence to the whole continent, attracting countless people to participate!"

"So, only at this kind of conference can you see countless cute boys and girls!"

Hearing Lin Xuan's description, Tang Yu and Tang Chengjian both showed admiration.

"Difu is really well-informed and knows everything about the Adorable Baby Conference!"

Xuanzhu and the others became even more excited.

The little girls hurriedly pulled Lin Xuan: "Then let's go take a look!"

"Okay!" Lin Xuan held the little babies with a doting face.

Then the little girls took Tang Ying again and boarded the jade chariot of the blue-winged bird with him.

"Difu, let's lead the way!"

Tang Yu and Tang Chengjian boarded a sky-covering lark together, and took the blue-winged bird jade chariot all the way to the venue of the Mengbao Conference...

Located in the Yunquan Basin in the center of the five states, including Linzhou, Jeonju, Gunzhou, Xuanzhou, and Yunzhou, the venue of the five states.

Come to the edge of Yunquan Basin.

Lin Xuan looked through the porthole of the jade chariot and saw that the square below was full of people.


The crowds swarming like tides not only filled the square, but also spread to the surrounding mountains.

At a glance, there are thousands of people.

It can be said that it is in full swing, and its popularity has reached the extreme!

Because the venue was too crowded, Lin Xuan parked the blue-winged bird jade carriage on the edge of the Yunquan Basin.

Then he walked out of the jade carriage and prepared to bring five little girls directly into the venue.

At this time, a mysterious light flashed in front of him.

Wei Changtian, the head of the Wei family, the largest family in the prefecture, and Li Juntian, Han Xinyuan, Wu Chen, and Yang Xu, the leaders of the top forces in the four prefectures, including Linzhou, Gunzhou, Xuanzhou, and Yunzhou, appeared together in front of Lin Xuan.

Wei Changtian bowed with excitement on the ground: "Wei Changtian pays respects to the emperor!"

Li Juntian and others also bowed and bowed to the ground with great admiration and admiration.

"Linzhou Li Juntian, meet the emperor!"

"Gunzhou Han Xinyuan, meet the emperor!"

"Xuanzhou Wu Chen, meet the emperor!"

"Yang Xu from Yunzhou, meet the emperor!"


Lin Xuan later learned that they came to see him specially because they noticed their blue-winged bird and jade chariot.

Wei Changtian was an acquaintance of Lin Xuan, and the other four came here because they wanted to show their presence in front of Lin Xuan.

After everyone salutes.

Wei Changtian said: "The emperor is above, we have already reserved the largest viewing pavilion at the Wuzhou venue, please come to the emperor!"

"Okay." Lin Xuan nodded casually.

Then, led by Wei Changtian and the others, they headed to the Tianzihao Viewing Pavilion.

Looking down at the venue below.

Lin Xuan saw countless parents holding their children, huddled beside the stage in the center of the venue.

It seems that they all can't wait to send their children to the stage to show their style.

At this time, the atmosphere in the venue gradually climbed to its peak.

There are even more clamorous discussions about who can win the title of "The World's Adorable Baby" at this conference.

"This conference is unprecedentedly grand. It seems that parents in this world all want their children to show their style!"

"Of course! This kind of event is held by the nobles. Who are the nobles who are not among the nobles? Naturally want to win such a glorious title!"

"I heard that the crown prince of Daluo Kingdom was born with red hair and blue eyes. He looks amazing, like the son of the gods, and he is very talented in both literary and martial arts. I think he has the most hope of winning this title!"

"No, no, no! I just got the exact news that the daughter of Nangong Yingyue of the Southern Desolate Great Sect's South Shrine, and the princess Duan Muyan of the Xueying Immortal Kingdom of the Northern Desolate will be attending this conference. When they appear, all the other children have to attend. Stand aside!"

"Hey! Even Fairy Baihua and Fairy Mingzhu are here, so who can compete with them among the children in this world?"


When it comes to the two titles Baihua Fairy and Mingzhu Fairy, countless people present showed their admiration.

Baihua Fairy Nangong Yingyue was born in Nanshengong, the top sect in the Southern Wilderness.

It has its own unique fragrance and attracts countless butterflies to surround it.

The vision she had when she was born was so amazing that it quickly spread all over the country, surprising countless people.

Now that she has grown to six years old, she has an extraordinary beauty and a strong talent for writing and martial arts.

It can be said that she is a beautiful girl who is loved and looked forward to by thousands of people.

On the other hand, the Pearl Fairy Duan Muyan didn't give in too much.

She is also six years old.

She was born with the brilliance of pearls. Apart from her extraordinary talent in literary and martial arts, every year she grew older, the pearls around her became more and more splendid.

Now that she is six years old, she is like a perfect little fairy in a fairy light, making countless people fall under her light.

Everyone felt strongly that as long as they appeared, all the children today would be reduced to foils!

And just in anticipation.

A strange floral fragrance descended from the sky, attracting the attention of countless people.

I saw a huge ruby ​​boat with a length and width of 10,000 feet breaking through the clouds and hovering over the venue.

Then a bright golden light fell, revealing the figure of a family of three.

It was the palace master Nangong Po, his wife Liu Qing, and his daughter Nangong Yingyue from the Southern Desolate Palace!

Everyone saw that Nangong Yingyue was wearing a dazzling flower dress today, with beautiful butterflies lingering around her body, which was really dazzling.

"Fairy Hundred Flowers is indeed well-deserved. She has such aura at such a young age, and she will definitely show the unparalleled demeanor in the world in the future!"

Seeing that Nangong Yingyue was so outstanding, everyone present was amazed.

And those children who were clamoring to be the most adorable baby in the world all showed their expressions of amazement and admiration.

It can be said that as soon as Nangong Yingyue appeared on the stage, she showed her winning style.


At this time, another bright golden light fell from the sky.

Everyone looked up and saw a golden snow eagle that was as big as a ruby ​​boat spreading its wings in Jiutian.

On its back, three figures stood impressively.

As if one of the girls was soaked in a dazzling white light, a dazzling white halo kept flashing around her body.

"The Fairy Pearl of Xue Ying Immortal Kingdom has also arrived!"

"As expected of the Pearl Fairy, this fairy light is so dazzling and dazzling that one dare not look directly at it!"

In the amazement of everyone, Duan Chun, King of Xue Ying Immortal Kingdom, brought his wife Jian Xilan and Pearl Fairy Duan Muyan to the venue.

As soon as they landed, Duan Chun and Nangong Po couldn't help but look at each other.

Each other's eyes were cold, and they hummed heavily in their hearts! a sound.

A thick atmosphere of hatred permeated between the two of them.

With all their appearances, the time for the official start of this cute baby conference has come.

The host of the conference was a young man in a green robe named Wang Yang.

He flew to the center of the stage, looked around the audience and said:

"This cute baby conference is fortunate to be attended by all of you, and the scale has become the largest in history!"

"With so many outstanding children attending, I believe this conference will be exciting and full of highlights!"

"As for who can win the final victory and become a new generation of 'world cute treasures', please wait and see!"

Then, he talked about the rules of the competition for this conference.

It is also very simple to say.

It is for the children to appear on the stage separately to show their literary talent and martial arts cultivation, and then the ten judges on the side of the venue will score.

10 points are out of 10, and the person with the highest total score is the final winner of the conference.

After finishing the rules, Wang Yang shouted excitedly:

"Not much to say, the conference starts now!"

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