Yu Lingchen stepped on the light and stood, looking very handsome.

White hair, smeared red lips, and bright eyeshadow made him a little more coquettish.

But at this moment, everyone has no time to pay attention to his coquettishness, but all show fear under his sharp eyes.

"As expected of the famous Baiyu Killing God, this cold and tyrannical aura is truly frightening!"

Yuan Fangzhou and other monarchs secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

The two Yin-Yang ancestors looked at Yu Lingchen calmly.

"Yu Lingchen, you secretly provoked the war between the Western Wilderness and the Thirty Kingdoms in the Western Region. It's a heinous crime. It's too late to look back now!"

"As long as you pull back from the precipice, I can give you a good way to die!"

Yu Lingchen sneered when he heard the words:

"Two immortals, just because they have lived a few more years, dare to command this commander like this?"

"This commander is going to break through the thirty countries in the western border today, take Yuan Fangzhou's head, and take away his queen, no one can stop him!"

His sharp and high-pitched voice exploded like thunder under the aura of the aura, and the eardrums of everyone present trembled.

The ancestors of Yin and Yang heard the words, and the muscles on his face were trembling with anger, and he scolded angrily:

"Evil, then you will die!"

"Broken Pulse Dragon Kill!"

The two of them were full of spiritual energy, and a huge black and white Tai Chi pattern appeared behind them again.

One after another fierce murderous aura condensed into an invisible dragon, circling behind them.


As they clapped their hands, the invisible dragon let out a roar, squeezing the thousands of miles of space ahead, rushing towards Yu Lingchen at an unattainable speed.

Yuan Fangzhou, the others, and many cultivators all shouted secretly: "This move is really too powerful!"

If the yin and yang ancestors killed the Tianlei dragon and lion just now, it was a small fight, then they are now showing their true strength.

There are several emperor-level monks in the Thirty Kingdoms of the Western Border. Even if they are far away, they feel that the pores are open all over their body, and there is a sense of fear locked by invisible murder.

It is conceivable that Yu Lingchen is under even greater pressure!

Unexpectedly, Yu Lingchen still showed disdain, and sneered sharply:

"You want to deal with this handsome just with these flower fists and embroidered legs?"

He raised his right hand, squeezed out an orchid finger, and flicked it at the invisible dragon.


A golden needle dragged a long red line and shot out suddenly, hitting the invisible dragon head-on with the momentum of thunder.

Bang! !

Then there was a loud noise, and the entire space of 100,000 miles was shaken violently.

Everyone was shocked to see that Yu Lingchen was able to defeat the tyranny of the ancestors of Yin and Yang with just one golden needle.

"This monster is really unfathomable!"

At this moment, Yuan Fangzhou and the others truly realized how strong Yu Lingchen was.

The complexion of the ancestors of Yin and Yang also became very ugly.

"I can't imagine that a rootless person would have such a good fortune. It seems that if this person is not eliminated, it will definitely become a big problem in the world!"

The two looked at each other, understood each other, and immediately activated the strongest true essence.

Bang bang!

Two terrifying spiritual pressures ripped apart thousands of miles of space, making a roar like an ancient beast.

"Tai Chi gives birth to two instruments, two instruments give birth to four images, and four images give birth to gossip!"

"The creation is infinite, the murderous intention is infinite!"

"Yin-yang good fortune, give me death!"

As the two of them performed the yin and yang fortune-telling skills of the top rank of the heavens, the light of the whole world suddenly dimmed.

In the air, there are countless immortals and gods lamenting and singing.

There are also countless top-level murderous intentions that fill a radius of 100,000 miles, making everyone feel connected.


Then the space shook.

The huge Tai Chi pattern split apart and turned into two rays of light that covered the sky and rushed towards Yu Lingchen.

All can see clearly.

In this white and black light, countless ferocious inscription formations are flashing, as if it is a huge killing formation with infinite murderous intentions.

"This move is really too powerful! It has the power to destroy the sky!"

Everyone roared wildly in their hearts.

Facing this move, Yu Lingchen's mocking eyes finally changed, replaced by a look of fear.

But that's all!

He roared in the face of the boundless murderous intent of the Yin-Yang ancestor: "Sunflower magic!"

Showing her hands, the red dress fluttered.


Immediately, tens of thousands of golden needles flew out of him dragging a long red thread.

"Death to me!"

With the push of his hands, all the golden needles pierced through the void and shot at the Yin-Yang ancestor with an incomparably fierce and extraordinary momentum.

bang bang bang bang...

Then there were countless explosions.

The golden needles pierced through the endless murderous intent unleashed by the ancestors of Yin and Yang layer by layer, and came to them almost in a blink of an eye.

puff! puff!

Before the ancestors of Yin and Yang could react, the golden needle pierced thousands of blood holes in them, spattering blood all over the sky.


Yu Lingchen's red dress turned, and with a twist of her hand, she took back all the golden needles.

At this time, the ancestors of Yin and Yang both screamed and fell heavily to the ground with blood stains all over the sky.

This scene made everyone in the Thirty Western Countries feel numb in their scalps, chills in their backs, and frantically twitch their hearts.

"Yu Lingchen has severely damaged the Yin-Yang Patriarch with one move, and his strength has grown too fast!"

"The golden needles flying all over the sky just now are definitely a holy-level technique, and Yu Lingchen is now at least a quasi-sacred level of cultivation. It's really terrifying!"

Among the Thirty Western Countries, there were also people who had fought against Yu Lingchen five years ago.

However, five years ago, Yu Lingchen was still in the Emperor Realm.

Now he can repel the two ancestors of Yin and Yang with one move. This kind of cultivation is definitely above the quasi-sage!

This made everyone present in the Thirty Western Countries feel deep fear and fear.

Seeing that his morale had plummeted, Yuan Fangzhou hurriedly roared:

"What are you still doing? Shoot him for me!"

This war started because of Yu Lingchen, and Yu Lingchen tricked the Queen into a marriage ||

Therefore, in Yuan Fangzhou's eyes, Yu Lingchen was his absolute mortal enemy.

Even if he defeated the ancestors of Yin and Yang, he had to fight with all his strength.

Otherwise, not only himself, but also the Thirty Countries in the Western Regions will suffer annihilation!

Hearing his order, the Thirty Western Kingdoms dispatched a total of more than 30,000 archers from the Venerable Realm, all of them pulled the bows and arrows, and concentrated their firepower towards Yu Lingchen.

Facing the rain of arrows in the sky, Yu Lingchen's white hair fluttered and he laughed wildly:

"This commander is invincible, you shrimp soldiers and crab generals still dare to take action?"

A wave of both hands.

"Sunflower magic!"


Tens of thousands of golden needles burst out again, descending like rain, hitting all the arrows head-on.

After a frantic explosion.

These golden needles penetrated the rain of arrows unscathed, piercing more than 30,000 archers in the blink of an eye.


As more than 30,000 archers fell to the ground with a bang, the audience burst into a huge exclamation.

The millions of people in the Thirty Countries in the Western Region gasped in a breath of cold air and retreated a dozen steps under Yu Lingchen's aura.

Yuan Fangzhou and other monarchs looked at this scene with trembling eyes, and couldn't help but sigh:

"The trend is over!"

Before they could react, golden light flashed again in the air.

Yu Lingchen released thirty golden needles, and they landed in front of Yuan Fangzhou and other monarchs like lightning.

Then thread the needle and thread around their necks.

Yu Lingchen pulled with his hand, and suddenly all the monarchs sank, and he was suddenly pulled to their knees on the ground.

"Hahaha!" Yu Lingchen grinned a few times, "You monarchs are now in the hands of this commander, and the Thirty Kingdoms of the Western Border are already under the commander's feet!"

With a trembling voice, Yuan Fangzhou said, "Yu Lingchen, you have brought disaster to many countries, and you have harmed countless living beings. You must not die!"


Yu Lingchen put away his smile and looked down at Yuan Fangzhou with a grim face, "You still dare to be stubborn now? Tell me where Wan'er is, or I will cut your neck!"

When he pulled his right hand, one of the strings suddenly tightened, causing Yuan Fangzhou's veins to burst, his face flushed.

Yuan Fangzhou gritted his teeth and said, "You... don't deserve... call her that!"

The Wan'er in Yu Lingchen's mouth was Yuan Fangzhou's empress Shangguan Wan.

That year, Yu Lingchen pretended to be a eunuch and sneaked into the palace. Because he coveted Shangguan Wan's beauty, he secretly took love medicine from her teacup.

After a thousand miles, a total of Chanjuan.

He also threatened Shangguanwan and the reputation of the royal family, forcing Shangguanwan to obey him and continue to have sex with him.

After being discovered by Yuan Fangzhou, Shangguan Wan was so ashamed that she wanted to hang herself several times.

Although Yuan Fangzhou did not forgive Shangguan Wan, in his opinion, Yu Lingchen was unforgivable, and he did not deserve to call his former queen that way.

"I'm not worthy?" Yu Lingchen's face was almost twisted to the extreme, and he shouted with red eyes, "I just ask you where she is, I don't need you to judge me!"

After escaping from Langya Kingdom, Yu Lingchen went back to find Shangguan Wan, but Shangguan Wan was like evaporated from the world.

So Yu Lingchen frantically wanted to know where Shangguan Wan was, whether she was alive or dead.

Yuan Fangzhou gritted his teeth and said, "I... don't know!"

Yu Lingchen gritted his teeth and clucked: "It doesn't matter if you don't say anything, I'll cut off your neck right now, and then go to Langya country to dig three feet, and I will definitely find her!"

With a little force on his hand, the needle and thread cut a bloodstain on Yuan Fangzhou's neck.


At this moment, a clear voice suddenly came from a distance.

Yu Lingchen's expression changed greatly, and he quickly raised his head to look.

I saw long smoke.

A thin figure wearing a gray robe walked towards Yu Lingchen quickly.

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