I am not as attractive as the dishes on the table.

Aunt Liu said, "There is still chicken soup in the pot. I haven't put salt in it yet. You can feed some to the young lady."

Hearing this, Ye Kai put down the bowl and chopsticks in his hand and came to the casserole.

After gently skimming off the oil film of the chicken soup, he gently scooped up a spoonful of clear soup.

Although Ye Ruoyi can drink some soup now, it is only in clear soup, and she tries not to touch the oil.

After making the soup, Ye Kai walked back to Chen Yilin.

Ye Kai scooped up a spoonful of chicken soup, scooped a spoonful gently with a spoon, blew it for a long time with his mouth, and then gently tested the temperature with his lips. After confirming that it would not burn her, he brought it to Ye Ruoyi's mouth.

Seeing the chicken soup handed over by her father, Ye Ruoyi opened her mouth and drank it gently.

After taking a sip, Ye Ruoyi seemed to have discovered a new world.

He held the entire spoon in his mouth at once.

Chen Yilin gently patted Ye Ruoyi's back and said, "Baby, it's gone, spit it out quickly."

Ye Kai took a long time to take the spoon out of Ye Ruoyi's mouth.

Looking at the spoon that had been licked clean by Yiyi, everyone couldn't help laughing.

Ye Ruoyi, who was standing aside, saw that her parents were laughing, and she laughed too.

Ye Kai scooped a few more spoonfuls of chicken soup and fed it to Ye Ruoyi.

When it was almost half the amount of milk Ye Ruoyi usually drank, Ye Kai stopped feeding.

Ye Ruoyi had already eaten and drunk enough and began to feel drowsy.

Ye Ruoyi nodded dazedly, then lay on Chen Yilin's shoulder and fell asleep soon.


Li Cheng slowly walked to Ye Lin's side.


Ye Lin slowly took off his glasses, leaned back in the chair and squinted his eyes.

"How is Yilin's business going?"

Li Cheng took out the documents in his hand and said.

"It has been found out that Wang Tianli, the tomb sweeper in Nanshan, is the mother of the young lady."

Ye Lin was silent for a long time before slowly opening his eyes.

"Have you told Yilin about this?"

Li Cheng hurriedly shook his head and said, "Not yet."

Ye Lin nodded, "Then tell her the news tomorrow. I guess she is also very anxious."

Li Cheng said with some entanglement.

"Master, I did something privately and didn't tell you before."

Ye Lin looked at Li Cheng curiously and asked.

"What can make you so nervous?"

"I took the young lady's mother to the manor as a servant." Li Cheng looked at Ye Lin nervously.

Ye Lin waved his hand gently and said.

"Okay, it's better than asking the in-laws to sweep the floor in the cemetery. Take good care of her. If Yilin recognizes her mother, we will talk about it again."

Li Cheng nodded gently.

"What about Chen Tao? How is he now?"

"He's gone crazy."

Li Cheng replied.

Ye Lin nodded gently.


The next morning.

Ye Kai had just gotten up from the bed, and Chen Yilin was still asleep.

Ye Kai tiptoed out of the room.

When Ye Kai came to the living room, he didn't see Aunt Liu, who was preparing breakfast as usual.

He couldn't help but feel a little curious, and just wanted to take out his mobile phone to ask Aunt Liu if something happened.

The doorbell rang.

"Didn't you bring your keys?" Ye Kai said softly.

After opening the door, he found that it was Uncle Li standing at the door.

Ye Kai was stunned for a moment and asked, "Uncle Li, where is Aunt Liu?"

Li Cheng scratched his head and said, "She went to the East Market to buy vegetables today, and she probably hasn't come yet."

"Uncle Li, come in." Ye Kai was just about to invite Li Cheng in.

Li Cheng waved his hand hurriedly and said, "I just took some things for Yilin."

After that, he took out a file from his bag and handed it to Ye Kai.

Ye Kai looked at the file bag and asked curiously.

"What is this?"

Li Cheng explained with a smile, "This is some things Yilin asked me to check. Please pass it to her."

Ye Kai was about to ask something else, but Li Cheng bowed lightly and left.

Ye Kai closed the door with the file and returned to the sofa.

Looking at the file in his hand, although he was a little curious, it was his wife's thing to check after all, and it was still a bit bad to open it by himself.

Chen Yilin also staggered out of the room.

"Husband, who came just now."

Ye Kai handed the file in his hand to Chen Yilin, "Uncle Li just came and said it was something you asked her to check."

Chen Yilin woke up immediately, and hurriedly picked up the file and sat next to Ye Kai.

After opening the file bag, there was a lot ofSeveral documents.

Chen Yilin pulled out one of them, and the content on it was Wang Tianli's detailed information.

Including age and address, everything was clear.

Chen Yilin read it carefully.

Seeing Chen Yilin busy, Ye Kai walked into the kitchen and started preparing breakfast for Chen Yilin.

After Chen Yilin read it once, she closed the file.

She pulled out another file from the folder.

"Paternity Test Report"

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