After Chen Yilin got up and washed up, she checked the messages on her phone.

"There is breakfast in the incubator, and Yiyi's milk has been heated up."

Chen Yilin came to the kitchen and saw the breakfast in the incubator and couldn't help but smile.

After taking out the milk, she went back to feed her daughter.

When Ye Ruoyi saw her mother coming, her face didn't look very good.

Yesterday, Ye Kai and Chen Yilin were busy chatting with the guests.

Let Ye Ruoyi lie on the bed alone.

Chen Yilin held Ye Ruoyi in her arms and teased her gently.

After a long time, Ye Ruoyi slowly smiled.

Soon she started to chew the milk bottle.

When it was noon, no one in the room got up.

And Ye Ruoyi had fallen asleep in her bed.

Chen Yilin gently opened the door of their room.

A strong smell of alcohol came to her face.

Chen Yilin frowned and walked to the window, opened the window for ventilation.

As the window opened, the cold air from the air conditioner in the room was blown out of the room with the wind.

The people who were originally covered with quilts began to sweat.

Huang Qianlan sat up slowly because of the heat, and saw the dazzling sun outside the window.

He couldn't help but frowned and picked up the mobile phone beside him.

One o'clock in the afternoon.


Huang Qianlan shouted loudly.

Chen Yilin, who was sitting outside and looking at her mobile phone, was startled by Huang Qianlan's shout.

He rushed into the room in a hurry.

"Qian, what's wrong?"

Chen Yilin asked worriedly.

Huang Qianlan said anxiously, "I missed work today."

Chen Yilin rolled her eyes at Huang Qianlan.

"It's the weekend today, aren't you in the administrative class?"


Huang Qianlan picked up her mobile phone and checked it again.


Huang Qianlan covered her chest and said, "You scared me. I must not have slept soberly. I'll sleep a little longer."

"It's noon now. Are you still sleeping?" Chen Yilin asked.

Huang Qianlan waved her hand gently, "Sleep a little longer. My head hurts a little."

"Then I'll eat your breakfast."

"Don't! I'll get up now."

After that, Huang Qianlan slowly got up from the bed.

The other people were also awakened by Huang Qianlan's voice and slowly walked out of the room.

Because they slept too deeply, their hairstyles became weird.

When they saw each other's appearance, they couldn't help laughing.

"What kind of Shamatte hairstyle is this?"

"You are so embarrassed to laugh at me! Look at your cockscomb head."

At this time, Chen Yilin carefully took out a large bowl of porridge from the incubator.

Sun Manzi turned his head and looked at Chen Yilin.

"Is this made by the senior?"

Ye Kai's cooking skills yesterday really opened her eyes.

She was naturally very happy to be able to eat the chef's meal again after waking up today.

Chen Yilin nodded gently.

After putting the porridge on the dining table, Chen Yilin blew gently on her hand.

Sun Manzi sat down at her seat.

When she saw that it was white porridge, her face changed.

"Where is my big meal? Why did it become white porridge?"

Chen Yilin said with a smile, "Don't have a big meal, drink some porridge to nourish your stomach."

After that, Chen Yilin went back to the room and took out a few side dishes.

Lin Kemeng looked around and asked.

"Where is the senior?"

Chen Yilin said, "He went out early in the morning, saying that he had something to do."

No one felt anything strange, after all, Ye Kai was famous in the school for staying in the laboratory before.

Last night, Ye Kai also told them that the project would continue.

Then it is even more impossible to stay at home most of the time.

"This dish is really delicious!"

Sun Manzi said excitedly, pointing at one of the dishes.

The other people looked at Sun Manzi.

"You ate alone first! I want to eat too, make room for me."

Although it was white porridge, the side dishes were particularly delicious.

Several people drank the whole bowl of porridge like a whirlwind.

"These two meals are so satisfying."

Everyone sighed, and even their heads didn't hurt so much after drinking the porridge.

Otherwise, when they just got up, their heads still hurt a little.

After eating and drinking, several people began to compete to hold Ye Ruoyi.

Ye Ruoyi, who was still sleeping, was awakened by several people around her.

She started crying loudly.

Several people who had no experience in parenting were all stunned and didn't know what to do.

Chen Yilin was anxiousShe hurried over and picked up Ye Ruoyi.

At the same time, she gently patted Ye Ruoyi's back, and slowly Ye Ruoyi stopped crying.

"Is this the power of a mother?"

"I envy you, I also want to coax my child like this."

"Then why don't you hurry up and find a boyfriend?"

"Why should I be anxious if you are not anxious?"

After coaxing Ye Ruoyi to be quiet, Chen Yilin looked at a few people and said.

"Try to be gentle in your movements and voices, and don't hold her."

After that, Chen Yilin put her daughter in the crib.

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