Chapter 428 The license plate was shot~

Seeing her nervous look, Qin Lang smiled and said, "Shihan, don't be nervous, don't worry, I have counted."

"Come here to play with the babies, Ke Xin has called you several times."

Su Shihan, who was nervously photographing the license plate, heard this, and then noticed that Ke Xin had been calling Mama, so she hurried to the mat and teased the little guy.

"Ke Xin~ You're thinking about Mama, don't you?"

Ke Xin held her hand with a happy smile on her face.

Looking at the baby's innocent and cute smiling face, Su Shihan felt that her inner tension was finally relieved.

"Xuanxuan, Yutong, Kexin, you three heartless little guys, why aren't you nervous at all? Today is a big day for our family to take license plates. Whether our new cars can get license plates depends on today. "

Of course, the little ones have no way to answer their mother's words, but Qin Lang on the side said: "Because the babies are very confident in their father, I know that my father will definitely make it!"

When Su Shihan heard this, he chuckled and said, "I also have confidence in you, but I'm still a little nervous, just like the college entrance examination, wanting to take a license plate in Zhonghai is really no less than a thousand troops crossing a single-plank bridge. ."

"I know, but who is your husband, you know, I said it can be done, it's definitely no problem." Qin Lang winked handsomely.

Su Shihan was so fascinated by him that he pursed his lips and smiled, and said, "Okay, then the matter of the driving license will be left to Dad, and Mama will play with you!"

The three little guys seemed to be having a lot of fun today, and they laughed more than usual while playing with their toys.

Su Shihan looked at the babies and said, "It seems that the little guys feel it too. Our family will definitely get the license plate shot today, so I'm very happy."

At 11:29, Qin Lang landed in Zhonghai Guopai again. At this time, it was very difficult to enter the system. However, Qin Lang stuck on the stopwatch and entered the system at 45 minutes, and then increased the price at 52 seconds. Once, at 57 seconds, the price was increased for the second time. After the two price increases were over, he put the phone aside.

After eleven thirty, Su Shihan kept following Qin Lang's phone.

"Qin Lang, will you know the result immediately after the card auction is over?"

Qin Lang nodded, "Almost, but the system should be delayed within a few minutes, and the text message should take a while."

Su Shihan pursed her lips lightly, her beautiful eyes staring at his phone.

At 11:03, Qin Lang's cell phone rang, the sound of a text message.

Qin Lang knew that he would definitely be able to take a picture of the license plate today, so he didn't need to read this text message at all, he just gave the phone to Su Shihan.

Su Shihan turned on Qin Lang's mobile phone with anxiety and anticipation in her heart. The moment she saw the text message, she cheered happily.

"Great, Qin Lang, we really caught it!"

As she said that, she immediately hugged Qin Lang excitedly, her happy body trembling.

The three little guys on the side saw that their parents suddenly hugged each other. They also became excited and climbed over. Yutong and Kexin tried to keep their parents, and Xuan Xuan wanted to pull Qin Lang's clothes and climb up. , but in the end he didn't stand up, and the whole person fell into his father's arms.

The family hugged together, Qin Lang was like a big tree, his strong arms protected his wife and surrounded the babies. Seeing the excited Su Shihan and the excited screaming babies, he also had a smile on his face.

"That's great, Qin Lang, let's hurry up and tell my parents the good news. They must also be very concerned about the result of today's card auction!"

Qin Lang nodded. The last time Su Yongsheng and Fang Yaxian accompanied them to buy a new car, they told them that they must not forget to take the license plate this month, and also told Su Shihan to remember to tell them the result.

As for Qin's father and Qin's mother, he must be looking forward to the result of this license auction, especially Qin's father.

When he went home last time, he mentioned about buying a car, but was finally stopped by Qin's mother.

At that time, he told Dad Qin that he would give Qin Dad the BMW to drive after he bought a new car. Dad Qin was very excited at that time. That day, Dad Qin knew that he had bought a new car and was very happy.

This time the auction is successful, and the BMW can be sent directly to my hometown for my father to drive.

Su Shihan was responsible for sending a message to Su Yongsheng and Fang Yaxian to inform him of the good news, while Qin Lang called Dad Qin directly.

In recent days, his parents are almost inseparable, and the two stay in the factory every day, so tell his father the good news, and his mother must know it too.

On Su Shihan's side, as soon as her message was sent, Fang Yaxian's video was sent, and Qin Lang put down his phone when he heard the sound.

"Hey, Shihan, Qin Lang, have you photographed the license plate?" Fang Yaxian asked excitedly.

Today is the weekend, Su Yongsheng did not go to work, and he also appeared in the camera at this time.

Su Shihan nodded excitedly and said, "I got it, Mom and Dad, Qin Lang has calculated the time and transaction amount, we got it in one shot!"

"That's great, so that your new car can go directly to the license plate of Zhong Shanghai. When the time limit for the temporary license plate expires within one month, you will have already changed to a new license plate, and then you will not be exempted from any time. Driving in the urban area is restricted." Fang Yaxian said happily.

Su Yongsheng asked, "Qin Lang, what is the final transaction price?"

"89900." Qin Lang said.

Su Yongsheng nodded, his face unable to hide his joy: "Yes, this price is very suitable, a little lower than the average transaction price."

Fang Yaxian was really happy when she heard the price.

"Qin Lang is really amazing. He won Zhong Hai's license plate for less than 90,000 yuan!"

"By the way, have you told your in-laws about this good news? They must also be very concerned about your license plate photo shoot today. My dad and I have been nervous at home this morning. I don't know how things are going on your side. Now After hearing the news from your side, your father and I are finally relieved."

Qin Lang said: "I was about to call my dad just now, and just happened to send your video, so I didn't call first, I plan to talk to them later."

Fang Yaxian said: "Then go and call your father-in-law and mother-in-law. It's enough for us to know the news. They must be very concerned about this matter, so hurry up and tell them the good news!"

Qin Lang nodded, took his mobile phone and called Dad Qin.

The phone rang, and Dad Qin answered directly.

"Hey, son, did you get the result of taking the license plate?" After the phone was connected, Dad Qin excitedly asked about it.

They also knew that today was the day of the license plate photo shoot. They had been thinking about it all morning, but they didn't dare to call and ask, for fear of delaying Qin Lang's license plate photo shoot.

After 11 o'clock now, the old couple wanted to call and ask, but because they didn't know the result, they didn't dare to call directly. Now that the son's call came, they knew it must be this matter.

The voice of Qin's mother came from the side, and it was also the license plate.

Qin Lang said: "Dad, the license plate was photographed, and the transaction price was 89900."

When Dad Qin heard it, he laughed happily.

"Great, wife, did you hear that? My son got Zhong Hai's license plate!"

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