In many schools, students shouted the countdown together.



It feels like many people are celebrating the New Year together.

But this time is still far away from New Year’s Eve.

The momentum is amazing.

When everyone shouts "1".

The Roman numeral "1" did not appear on the screen.

Instead, it is a small black dot, like a bullet, shooting towards you from the deepest part of the screen.

Quickly dilate and then fill your pupil.


This sudden change surprised everyone and was beyond expectation.

Everyone is used to "1"

Suddenly a "one" came out, what's going on?

Since Su Chen's album has revealed very little information to the outside world, everyone only knows that there are twelve songs in it, eleven of which have been sung before, and only one new song.

Don't know the name of this album.

So everyone was a little confused when they saw this "one".

what happened?

But soon, the mystery was revealed.

The "one" began to move backwards, a 3D album image appeared, and then the "one" was pasted on the upper right corner of the album.

It turns out that "One" is the name of this album.

"Here I go, the name of this album is too interesting."

"Hahaha, don't you think it's more interesting for the album to come out? Everyone was counting down the time, and this album was announced by accident."

"Okay!! Give the operational planner a salary increase."

"I love it! One! It's very classy. But why is this album called One?"

"Then you don't have to ask about Su Daddy's first album."

“It’s not just that…there’s only one new song on the album!”

"11 previously sung songs, 1 new song...all of them are good."

"The founder of the new national style. The first person."

"You're still very arrogant, aren't you?! This album of mine is number one."

"Because of "Happy Breakup", I can only do it once~~~~The dog head saves his life."

Everyone is wondering why the album is titled One.

Fans were quickly snapping up the album.


Kuyun Music actually collapsed! Collapse! Collapse! !

I still remember that when Jay Chou released a new song, Penguin Music was also destroyed... He is still the first person in the Earth's system to this day.

And all of this actually happened on Su Chen's new album in Blue Star.

You can imagine how popular Su Chen is.

He has spent the past five years incognito.

But Qilin Talent has already accumulated quite a number of fans.

After his identity was exposed, these accumulated fans did not disperse, but continued to support Su Chen, and many new fans were added.

In addition, Su Chen is Shu Wan's husband, and almost all the fans Shu Wan has accumulated over the years have also become fans of Su Chen.

As a result, Su Chen's fan appeal is still higher than that of his wife Shu Wan.

The system collapsed.

Fans immediately became active on Weibo.

"Holy shit!!! Kuyun Music has been destroyed? Is this the first time in history?"

"Hahahaha! One!! The system collapsed in one second! I am the first Qu daddy to collapse the system."

"This one is of extraordinary significance."

"Now I'm just watching the mouse spinning around, spinning around. When can I turn it in?"

“I’m itching to wait!”

"This kind of waiting... only occurs when the campus network is busy with classes."

"I'm afraid that when I repost it, two words will appear! Sold out!!"

"Hahaha, you are worrying too much. This is a digital album. There is no issue of whether it is sold out or not. It is a matter of hearing it early or hearing it late."

"All right."

After a long wait, Kuyun Music finally resumed, and everyone began to enter the purchase interface of "One" one after another.

Only five minutes have passed.

"One" has sold one million copies.

Ten minutes, three million photos!

thirty minutes! Five million pictures!

This is definitely Kuyun Music’s fastest sales record of one million copies, and it is also the first album to sell five million copies.

Digital albums are different from traditional albums.

Traditional albums are either not bought or bought in their entirety. With digital albums, you can buy just one, or two.

Therefore, Kuyun Music has many songs with single sales of five million, eight million, or even tens of millions of times.

But the record for overall album package sales is 3.9 million copies.

This is still a record set by Shu Wan.

However, now the record of Queen Shu Wan has been surpassed by her husband's first album.

"Explosion!!!" The entire Kuyun Music company was boiling.

What is top-notch?

This is top notch!

He has never made his debut, yet he presses the King of Heaven and the Queen of Heaven to the ground and rubs him.

Sure enough, I can't afford to offend Qu Dad who can sing.

At this time, fans didn't care how many copies of the album had been sold, because they were too busy listening to the songs.

A new song after the full album.

Of course, listen to the new song first.

As a result, the song "Xingqing" became the most played song in the entire album.

A certain villa.

Xie Lun and Huang Wenshan sat together.

"I'm going!! Has it broken five million? How long has it been?" Xie Lun felt bad when he saw the sales of "One".

Not to mention jealousy.

But I feel useless.

He has worked hard for so many years, but his best album only sold 2 million copies. When he debuted, he started with 5 million copies.

There is no harm without comparison.

"The debut is the peak." Huang Wenshan also said that he was trembling.

How can he be a behind-the-scenes music dad with this ability? He can become a superstar directly...

"Then my new album will definitely be a hit." Xie Lun was very depressed.

I specially picked an auspicious day to release the album, but I didn't expect to meet Su Chen, Cheng Yaojin...

Bad luck.

In this album, Huang Wenshan wrote four songs. The album's popularity also means that Huang Wenshan's popularity has been high.

The mood is definitely not very beautiful.

"Anyway, it's not the first time I've lost." Huang Wenshan said, "Su Chen is at the level of a god...relax. Come and listen to this guy's new song."

"Are you still in the mood to listen to music?" Xie Lun was not in the mood.

"It's like this, what else can we do? It's not that we are not good, it's just that we are unlucky and the opponent is too strong." Huang Wenshan said, "Let's learn from his new song. "One" is a very arrogant album title. I want to hear what tricks this one new song can do.”

"That's fine."

Huang Wenshan's home is well equipped.

Project the tablet directly onto the wall, then click play to enjoy "Stars and Clear".

"'Stars and Clear', the song title is a bit interesting. It seems to be linked with 'The Brightest Star in the Night Sky' to ensure the unity of the style of the entire album." Huang Wenshan said a few words briefly.

At this time the music has started.

Su Chen's voice reached my ears during the prelude.

This is not a formal performance, it gives people the feeling that they are singing a demo, yes, that's it, rehearsing...

"One step, two steps, three steps, four steps, looking at the sky, holding hands

Look at the stars, one, two, three and four connected in a line.”

The singing is not loud, but it feels cool.

This verse is repeated twice.

Judging from these two lyrics, this song should be a love song.

Xie Lun's ears immediately stood up when he heard the melody and singing, "What a unique style...Daddy Su can sing like this?"

Xie Lun couldn't say exactly how unique it was.

But the moment I heard the singing, I fell in love.

"One step, two steps, three steps, four steps... one, two, three, four... Is this guy holding his wife on the mountain and counting stars?" Huang Wenshan felt like he had eaten a wave of dog food.

Very simple lyrics.

But it vividly depicts the state of love between boys and girls.

Love, isn't it that simple?

"Wandering on the wind in the blue sky

A cloud fell in front of me

Knead it into your shape

Follow me with the wind

Eat the sorrow one bite at a time

Carrying you is like carrying sunshine

It's always sunny no matter where you go

Butterflies fly freely and flowers fill the sky

Each flower is fragrant because of you

Lead you and me around nature

Let’s face the wind and start spending every day together.”

The lyrics, composition, chorus writing, self-made guitar and chorus of the song "Stars and Clear" were all completed by Jay Chou himself. The chorus in the song was recorded in 21 tracks.

One person has to accomplish so much work, and it is not an exaggeration to call him omnipotent.

So it's not without reason that he's famous.

Have that kind of accumulation and ability.

The lyrics and melody match so perfectly that even Huang Wenshan was amazed, "The drum beats decorate the rhythm of the song very beautifully, and the melody and rhythm make the song reach a delicate balance..."

"It has personality, it's like a song written by a 25-year-old young man."

"The previous songs... didn't look like they were written by young people?" Xie Lun asked.

"Ahem... I mean, I'm at an age where I can't write this kind of song..." Huang Wenshan smiled awkwardly.

And indeed it is.

Jay Chou's songs in recent years have also tried to return to the simplicity and purity of "Simple Love", but "Confession Balloon" still lacks a bit of that "simple love" feeling.

It’s not that it’s bad.

But as you grow older, your style will really change slowly, and it will be difficult to get back to your original state...

"Hand in hand, one step, two steps, three steps, four steps, looking at the sky

Look at the stars, one, two, three and four connected in a line

Make wishes silently back to back

See if you can hear the stars in the distance

Holding hands, one step, two steps, three steps, four steps, looking at the sky

Look at the stars, one, two, three and four connected in a line

Make wishes silently back to back

Look at the stars in the distance if you can hear them

It will come true”

The song reaches its climax.

Paired with the harmonies, this song sounds extremely comfortable.

Especially "one step, two steps, three steps, four steps" and "one, two, three, four", the lyrics are catchy and easy to remember. After listening to them once, you can't help but want to sing along.

Well, a little bit magical.

Su Chen still remembers watching "Charlotte's Trouble" when he was on Earth. On the "China Good Voice" program, a singer covered Charlotte's "Xingqing", and then Charlotte jumped up and said: "You can tamper with me as you please." The lyrics are superfluous, and the stars are one, two, three and four! Do you think you are a greedy snake?

Su Chen still remembers it till now.

There is a shadow.

Every time Su Chen hears these two lyrics, he will think of "Snake".

No solution.

The source of sin.

"Carrying you is like carrying sunshine

It's always sunny no matter where you go

Butterflies fly freely and flowers fill the sky

Each flower is fragrant because of you

Trying to make the sunset fly

Lead you and me around nature

Let’s face the wind and start spending every day together.”

The lyrics stir the nerves of the listener.

Carrying you is like carrying sunshine, it will be sunny no matter where you go...

People can't help but think of a boy riding a bicycle on a sunny afternoon, carrying his girlfriend, riding in the wind on a road lined with flowers...

There is laughter in the sunshine.

Has a floral scent.

She has long black hair that is blown up.

As mentioned before, the harmony of this song is a highlight.

The harmony completely reaches its peak in this section. Although the song was already 21 years ago. But even now it sounds timeless.

The rhythm, melody, and singing style can still beat many popular singers when used now.

In that era, the Internet was not as developed as it is now, there were no smart phones, no live broadcasts, and no short videos.

If you want to get ahead, you need two brushes.

Otherwise, the devil will spend money to buy your album.

Sing and sing!

At that time, it was really word of mouth. A told B, "Oh, this song is not bad.", and then B told C...

Who would be willing to share the song if it is not of good quality?

Things are different now. With various platforms, it is easier to obtain traffic. So in the competition for capital and interests, all kinds of ghosts and monsters come out to make a living, and they are doing well...

It’s all about making money and making music by the way.

Unlike previous singers who concentrated on music and made some money on the side...

The order of the two is different.

The results are naturally very different.

Therefore, there is no way for old songs from more than ten or twenty years ago to become popular nowadays. The music industry is not accepting the popular songs... I can only say that it is a bit sad.

"The harmony is amazing!" Xie Lun and Huang Wenshan were both amazed by the harmony part of "Xingqing".

After listening to the song, fans began to comment like crazy under the song.

"It sounds so good!!"

"The more I listen to it, the more I want to fall in love."

"One, two, three, and four connected in a line...these are the top sentences!! I can't get out."

"Me too, the song keeps spinning in my head."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu: Which boy will lead me one step, two steps, three steps, four steps up the mountain to count the stars one, two, three, four?"

"Are you still in the mood to count stars after going to the mountains? Isn't it good to fall asleep counting sheep?"

"Hahaha, "Star Clear", "Little Star Variations", "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky", Daddy Su really likes to write about stars."

"Everyone, go and listen to "Daoxiang". The official version has a surprise... the sound of insects."

There is no doubt that "One" is a hit.

On the first day, "Xingqing" topped the new song chart.

Then there are "Daoxiang" and "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky"...

One song after another hit the charts.

Until the top 12 of the new song chart!

They are all occupied by the songs in "One".

Not only that, the hot song chart also fell...

Then the music scene exploded!

""One"!!! This album is really arrogant! Are all the top 12 its shadow?"

"Kneel down!! It shouldn't be called "One", it should be called "One Thirteen""


"The music world has been suppressed like this with just one album, how can you still be around?"

The singers complained incessantly.

Shu Wan, Su Chen, what do you two want to do?

"One" The popularity was beyond Su Chen's expectation.

I didn't want to be the first, but I accidentally became the first...

Although he is not a king, his statistics beat them all.

After listening to "Xingqing", Shu Wan became confused because she remembered the song her husband sang in bed that night: "When babies are born, one, two, three, or four will form a nest~"

At that time, she thought it was just her husband singing casually.

But now after listening to "Xingqing", she was completely addicted. Every time she heard the "Stars" part, all she could think of was one, two, three or four getting together~~~~


This man is so annoying! !

Then every time she saw Su Xiaoxi, she would also think: one, two, three, four...

Just like Su Xiaoxi knows the clone technique.

"One" was a huge success.

Although Su Chen did not announce his debut, fans consciously regarded the release of this album as Su Chen's debut album.

At the same time, because of the album "One".

Su Chen's fan group also officially gave itself a name: Yi Zhongren.

Take the meaning of the person you like.

Therefore, in many of Su Chen’s singing videos, the song comment area can be seen everywhere:

"Reported by Yi Zhongren."

"Are you a fool?"

"I'm sorry, I'm from the first class... and have nothing to do with the second class."

On the other side, Spring Festival Gala director Zhou Ming received "Thousands of Mountains and Waters" sent by Su Chen, and at the same time, Wulao's works were also sent to him one after another.

Finally, after repeated consideration, Zhou Ming adopted Su Chen's work.

Li Zongsheng, Luo Qun, Huang Zhan and others received a tactful rejection letter.

"This is the first time in my life that my manuscript has been rejected." Li Zongsheng felt a little sad.

"Me too." Luo Qun took a sip of wine.

"None of the five of us have beaten that guy Su Chen." Huang Zhan was obviously a little depressed.

Huang Wenshan was even more depressed, "It's easy for you to have your manuscript rejected...none of the four songs I wrote for Xie Lun came out! They were all suppressed by Su Chen's "One"."

Then the five people were silent.

Although he didn't speak anymore, he was working hard in his heart to gain some face in the "National Style Ceremony".

As time goes by, the most popular contest in the early stage of "National Style Ceremony" has ended.

The eight immortals of the "Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea" segment have finally been decided.

Su Chen, Wu Lao.

They deservedly became the heavyweights among the eight immortals.

The other two, one is the "Xiao Shiyilang" who had emerged before, and the other is the well-deserved dark horse contestant, which no one expected, the singer-songwriter Tao Dong!!

Speaking of Tao Dong, fans are not unfamiliar.

Although he is not as famous as Xie Lun and Zhang Ye.

He is not a king.

But he is known as a little king.

All the songs he sang were created by himself and he is talented.

Although he is a creative singer, everyone usually only regards him as a singer, and does not associate him with Qu Die at all.

And this time, competing on the same stage with many Qu Die, everyone guessed that they suddenly realized that they were used to listening to Tao Dong singing, and completely ignored that he was also a talented songwriter.

"National Style Ceremony" is about to enter the "Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea" segment.

What is the Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea?

Of course, the eight immortals will show their magical powers to compete for the top spot... Pah! ! Compete for you... Win or lose! !

And when it comes to the Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea segment.

The competition system has been changed.

In the Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea segment, because the eight lyricists and composers have been fixed.

Therefore, the lyrics and music are no longer free creation.

Instead, the program team specifies the theme in each episode.

The lyricists and composers create according to the specified theme.

The theme of the first episode of the Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea segment has been determined and announced:

Flowers! !

Flowers have a very high cultural status in Chinese culture.

Peony, chrysanthemum, plum blossom...

In foreign countries, each flower has its flower language.

In China,

Each flower has its spirit and integrity, and has its charm and poetry.

"What song should I choose?" Su Chen fell into deep thought.


PS: The second update is here, 5,000 words, and 2,000 words are still owed.

?? Still asking for votes as usual. Recommendation votes, monthly votes, rewards. From the first place in the best-selling new book, I dropped to the second place. Brother Meng, can you help me get back to the first place?



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