Dad: My identity as Qu Dad has been exposed by my daughter

Chapter 158 December, hurry up and show off (5000 words)

Shanhai Publishing House also released several previews of "The Little Prince" before its release.

The image paintings of characters such as the Little Prince, the Fox, and the Lamplighter have been released successively.

The preview of "The Little Prince" is partly for publicity, and partly the publisher also wants to see how many readers are willing to pay for the book.

Unexpectedly, I heard hundreds of responses.

Andersen's energy is stronger than Shanhai Publishing House imagined.

Originally they planned to print 5 million copies in batches.

But seeing that readers had such high expectations for this book, the publisher simply postponed the printing of several books and went all out to print 10 million copies of "The Little Prince."

And because the Asian Village project started moving forward in January, the publisher also discussed with Andersen to translate the book into Yamato.

Translation work is currently in progress.

Today is the day when "The Little Prince" is released simultaneously online and offline.

There was a long queue outside the bookstore early in the morning.

Shanhai Publishing House’s online bookstore is also waiting for many readers.

The reason why readers are so looking forward to it is that, on the one hand, Shanhai Publishing House's promotion is very exciting.

But the more important reason is that the author is Andersen, and the story of "The Little Prince and the Fox" told by Su Chen at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music has been liked by many people.

The well-known fairy tale writer Chen Guang has also been paying attention to "The Little Prince".

After all, Andersen's "Once Upon a Time" once abused his "Elf Forest".

After reading "Once Upon a Time", he liked it very much and learned a lot from it, giving him a new understanding of fairy tale creation.

He had always wanted to be friends with the mysterious Andersen.

But this guy is too mysterious.

I have no choice but to get a glimpse of him through his books.

Turning on the computer early, Chen Guang wanted to grab a copy of "The Little Prince" online, but when he wanted to open the detailed sales page of "The Little Prince", he couldn't open it.

Or the mouse keeps spinning in circles.

Or a 404 message appears on the screen after a long time.

Too many people are waiting.

The website is already overwhelmed.

"Let's go to the offline bookstore." He packed up and went out.

Then he saw the queue scene that he would never forget.

The team cannot be seen from beginning to end...

When will my sales be so popular?

He couldn't help but think so.

If you can't get it online, it's impossible to queue up. If you jump in line... you can definitely get in by discussing it with the readers as your own identity.

But he couldn't lose face.

I had no choice but to take a taxi and go straight to the headquarters of Shanhai Publishing House.

"Master Chen, why are you here? Sometimes you are not welcomed from afar, but sometimes you are not welcomed from afar." The editor-in-chief of Shanhai Publishing House greeted me personally.

Chen Guang got straight to the point, "I'm here to buy a copy of "The Little Prince". It's really not available online or in bookstores."

The editor-in-chief looked a little weird after hearing this.

"Master Chen, if you want the little prince to call me, I'll have someone send it directly to you. Why bother you to make the trip in person?"

"Come over and see it first." Chen Guang said.

Soon the editor-in-chief ordered someone to get a copy of "The Little Prince".

Originally, the editor-in-chief didn't want any money, but Chen Guang insisted on paying it. He said, "Andersen's book still needs money to support it."

The corner of the editor-in-chief's mouth twitched slightly.

Feelings: Are you a fan of Andersen's books?

After getting "The Little Prince" before the readers, Chen Guang felt a sense of joy that had not appeared in a long time.

I rushed home without stopping and started reading seriously.

Time passes minute by minute.

While Chen Guang was reading "The Little Prince", the time had quietly reached ten o'clock.

"The Little Prince" is on sale.

Readers in offline bookstores cheered and rushed into bookstores to snap up "The Little Prince."

The online bookstore sold out in one second.

Readers who purchased online have to wait for express delivery.

Readers who bought the book in offline bookstores immediately opened the plastic package after grabbing the book.

Some people just sit down in the bookstore and start reading, some people run to the nearby coffee shop, some people get back in the car but are reluctant to start the car, some people wait for the subway to read, some people sit on the sofa at home...

And Chen Guang is definitely the first to finish watching "The Little Prince".

The book "The Little Prince" is not long.

Including the large color illustrations, the book is only about 100 pages.

And because it is a "children's literature short story", the text used is easy to understand, and it can be read quickly.

It tells the story of the little prince from the B-612 planet to the Blue Star from the perspective of a pilot, and then various stories he experienced on the way.

The little prince went to six planets and met kings, vain people, drunkards, businessmen, lamplighters, geographers, snakes, desert flowers, rose gardens, switchmen, foxes...

The story is not complicated.

But Chen Guang can appreciate the philosophy full of it.

Everyone the little prince meets seems to be a metaphor and a reflection.

It is a reflection and summary of life.

There is also biting irony.

The king likes to order everything, I order you to yawn, I order you to sit down, I order you to ask me questions... but in fact he can only order others to do what others want to do. He said he ruled over everything and ruled over the stars, but in reality he was alone.

Those who love vanity will always hear only words of praise.

Drunkards drink just to forget about being drunk all the time. So I fell into an endless cycle of drunkenness, dreams, and death. insensitive.

The businessman spent all day calculating how many stars he owned, but in fact he never owned any. He wanted many, many stars, but he didn't know what to do with them. He just wanted to keep them in the bank.

The lamplighter did his job step by step, which made people admire him and feel sad...

The geographer just sat at home, but he thought he had traveled through the sea and mountains and knew everything.

Chen Guang savored these stories and people carefully.

Although this is a fairy tale, it actually inspired him as an adult.

"This has gone beyond the scope of fairy tales." As he read deeper, Chen Guang liked it more and more.

Sometimes he stopped to savor, sometimes he stopped to think, and used a pen to outline, annotate, and write down his own feelings.

Finally, the little prince came to the seventh planet.

Blue Star.

There are 111 kings, 7,000 geographers, 900,000 merchants, 7.5 million drunkards, 311 million vain people, and 462,511 lamplighters are needed...

In Blue Star, the little prince met a snake, a desert flower with three petals, a rose manor, a fox...

When he met the fox, the whole book entered a climax.

It is also Chen Guang's favorite part.

This is also the story of the fox, the little prince and domestication that Su Chen mentioned before at Magic City University.

The fox said, if you want to be friends with me, then tame me.

The fox said:

"My life is monotonous. I catch chickens and people catch me. All chickens are exactly the same, and all people are exactly the same."

"So I am a little annoyed. But if you tame me, my life will be as bright as the sun. I am familiar with a different kind of footsteps. Other footsteps make me go underground. Your footsteps will call me out of my cave like music."

"Look! Do you see the wheat field over there? I don't eat bread. Wheat is useless to me. The wheat field doesn't whet my appetite at all. It's depressing."

"But you have golden hair."

"If you tame me, it will be wonderful! The golden wheat will remind me of you. I will like the sound of the wind blowing the wheat waves..."

Seeing this text, Chen Guang was almost suffocated by surprise.

If you tame me, I will like the sound of the wind blowing the wheat waves...

What a wonderful emotional experience.

He thought of many of his friends.

There was a friend who loved to eat noodles. He could eat three meals a day for a year and a half. So every time Chen Guang saw noodles and ate noodles, he would think of this friend.

Simple words and a simple story, but they moved him deeply.

It was not only this part of the article that moved and amazed him.

There were many sentences that he wanted to memorize immediately.

"If you fall in love with a flower on a star, then you will see all the stars blooming. How beautiful it is, countless flowers blooming in the sky, countless flowers you love."

"If you say you will come at four o'clock in the afternoon, I will start to feel very happy from three o'clock, and the closer the time is, the happier I will feel. At four o'clock, I will be restless. I have discovered the value of happiness, but if you come at any time, I don't know when I will be ready to welcome your mood."

"At night, I like to listen to the stars, they are like 500 million little bells..."

"The stars shine so that everyone can find their own stars one day."

"When you really like someone, you will think a lot, and it will be easy to do stupid things and say stupid things."

"Forgetting friends is a sad thing. Not everyone has friends."

"You must always be responsible for what you have tamed. You must be responsible for your rose."

"All adults were once children, although only a few people remember."

The words spoken by the little prince or the fox hit the heart directly.

The Little Prince is so innocent and pure.

But adults have lost these precious and pure things.

They have even lost their imagination.

Chen Guang was very excited after reading "The Little Prince".

He felt that he had not finished reading a fairy tale, but had read through a person's life...

"This book is full of life wisdom." Chen Guang couldn't help but post this sentence on Weibo, with a photo of the book "The Little Prince" that he had finished reading.

He seemed to have touched something.

And it seemed that he had rediscovered himself.

He couldn't help but examine himself, and couldn't help but want to find the long-lost innocence and purity. He is a fairy tale writer, but he didn't know when he found that his eyes were no longer clear.

He began to reflect.

He began to look for a new way to write fairy tales.


it's not just children who need fairy tales,

but also a group of adults who have lost fairy tales.

Chen Guang's Weibo immediately attracted the attention of readers, and for a time, readers commented on his Weibo.

"Tears! Master Chen has praised this book."

"At first I just bought it for my daughter... I thought I would read it in advance so that I could answer my daughter's questions later. But now, I am immersed in it."

"It's the first time I fought with my child to read a book..."

"I love the Little Prince so much. I like many sentences in this book."

"Wow, I suggest you recite the whole book by heart."

"All adults were once children... This sentence really makes me cry!! We seem to have grown up and matured, but we seem to have become childish again. Childish to the point of not knowing who we are, what we want, or how to be happy... On the contrary, children know better than us."

"Is this really a fairy tale for children? Why do I feel like it was written for us adults?"

"Adults are the poor ones."

This sentence "Adults are the poor ones" aroused strong resonance among netizens and instantly became the comment with the most likes.

"The Little Prince" topped the Weibo hot search list as a fairy tale.

In the past, adults rarely found resonance in fairy tales.

But this time,

Netizens were completely broken by Andersen.

"Yes, adults are the pitiful ones, who have lost themselves, lost their dreams, and become zombies on the way to work to make money."

"Adults collapse in an instant! Now there is another sentence: Adults break down in an instant."

"I feel healed."

"The words of "The Little Prince" are so warm."

"We can grow up, but don't forget to keep a pure heart."

"If you tame it, you must be responsible for it! If you love someone, you must be responsible for him."

The classic quotes from "The Little Prince" are going viral on the Internet.

Some people put it on their WeChat signature.

Some people compiled it into a collection of classic quotes from the Little Prince.

Even in many university classes, teachers have recommended it.

"Although I know it's not appropriate to recommend you to read fairy tales, "The Little Prince", I suggest that everyone should read it."

"The Little Prince" has become a phenomenal fairy tale work.

Because its readers are so wide, they can be children, middle school students, college students, working people...

Different groups of people can always collide with different thoughts and experiences when reading.

Even major mainstream media are actively reporting on it.

Huaxia Daily: "We were all little princes"

CCTV News: "I like to listen to the stars, they are like 500 million little bells"

Each article is beautifully written.

Later, even the Ministry of Education sent a separate tweet.

"It is planned to include "The Little Prince" in the recommended reading list for primary and secondary school students!"

As soon as this news came out, the sales of "The Little Prince" increased sharply again.

"Andersen is a big name, it is recommended for primary and secondary school students."

"Let's guess how old Andersen is, and he can write such profound words."

"At least he must be in his thirties or forties."

"Even in his fifties or sixties, his insight into life is really amazing. He can't write it when he is too young because he doesn't have enough experience."

"I am more and more curious about what kind of person Andersen is."

Andersen has once again become the focus of discussion.

But after discussing it over and over again, the mysterious veil of Andersen has never been unveiled.

Su Chen also browses the discussions of netizens when he is free.

Many people actually said that they listened to "Rice Fragrance" while watching "The Little Prince" because both are related to childhood, and the two together will feel better.

Some people also say that "The Little Prince" and "Stars in the Night Sky" are the best match.

Because Andersen wrote at the end: "Since I live on one of the stars, since I laugh on one of the stars, when you look up at the sky at night, it seems that all the stars are laughing to you. You, you will have stars that can laugh."

"So is this a dream linkage between Su Dad and Andersen?"


Su Xiaoxi has also been obsessed with "The Little Prince" recently.

She likes the little prince and foxes.

She doesn't like the king who has to "give orders" for everything.

"Dad, is there really a planet B-612?" Su Xiaoxi asked curiously.

"It should be." Su Chen said with a smile.

"Then how do you find the little prince?"

"Grow up happily and you will meet your own little prince." Su Chen quietly changed a concept.

But Su Xiaoxi didn't understand that meaning, she just bulged her eyes and said, "Dad, can you take me to the mountain to see the stars? I want to see the little prince's planet."

"Okay, Dad will bring a telescope, maybe we can see the meteor shower." Su Chen hugged Su Xiaoxi in his arms.

Su Chen didn't just say it, but immediately placed an order to buy entry-level astronomical equipment.

Let alone his daughter wanting to see the stars.

Even if it's picking stars, Su Chen will think of a way.


The popularity of "The Little Prince" has greatly improved Andersen's status among fairy tale writers.

Even in the writer circle.

Andersen is often placed by authors on an equal footing with the fairy tale master Chen Guangping.

Gradually, he was also called a fairy tale master.

At the same time, the "fairy tale model" of "The Little Prince" that targets both children and adults began to rise, and fairy tale writers gradually explored a new creation model for fairy tales.

Fairy tales.

Not just for children.

Perhaps, adults who have been beaten to pieces by reality also need fairy tales to heal and find their pure original intentions.

Su Chen did not continue to focus on "The Little Prince".

The works to be presented in the next issue of "National Style Ceremony" have not been selected yet.

He has to be busy choosing the songs.

Theme: National Color!

[White, Green, Black, Red, and Yellow]

It must also be national style.

Su Chen went through the lyrics of all the classic Chinese style songs in his mind, and then selected the songs that met the requirements.

A total of three songs were selected.

"Hua Tian Cuo", "Hair Like Snow", "Blue and White Porcelain".

"Hua Tian Cuo" has two lyrics, "A Dream in the Red Mansion", "The Greenery Covered by Snow".

"Hair Like Snow": "You frowned, crying for the beauty who could not be called back, even though the history has turned to ashes"

"Blue and White Porcelain": "The sky is blue and waiting for the rain, and I am waiting for you", "The white and blue koi leaps at the bottom of the bowl"

All three songs are good.

But "Blue and White Porcelain" is definitely a big move-level work, after all, it is the ceiling of Chinese style, and the big move has to be saved for later.

Su Chen is actually very entangled.

Because there may not be a topic that can use "Blue and White Porcelain" later...

Use it or not?

After thinking it over again and again, Su Chen finally decided not to use this song for the time being.

As for "Hua Tian Cuo" and "Hair Like Snow", Su Chen also quickly came to a conclusion. If November was not arrogant, why not hurry up and be arrogant in December?

This is it!

The second main song of "November's Arrogance"...

?? The first update is here. I was delayed by something and updated late. Sorry.

? Daily requests for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets and rewards. Yesterday, it was on the bestseller list, and Qidian's new book was the bestseller! The fifth bestseller in the city! All bestsellers 18! ! I can only say that the readers are awesome. I kowtow to you and thank you. Thank you for your support.



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