Dad: My identity as Qu Dad has been exposed by my daughter

Chapter 162: We are young, the glory of our ancestors (5000 words)


When everyone saw this word, they immediately thought of Su Chen's album called "One".

"This team name is very domineering."

"Use the name of Su's album as the team name, haha, we want to take the first place, no rebuttal."

"Yu Tianwang, you are very arrogant."

"I got so excited all of a sudden, I didn't expect Yu Tianwang to be so belligerent."

"One, I suddenly realized that "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky" and "Rice Fragrance" are both from the album "One". So this time the song selection... won't it also be from this album?"

"Su Dad: Do you look down on me? When did you use my work for the second time? I only know one kind of song: new song!"

"Hahaha, my Su Dad is domineering."

"I am looking forward to it more and more."

"Yu Tianwang: I have thought of the remaining three team names for you, called Er, San, and Si!"

The audience teased crazily.

Qin Lei, Lu Na, and Yuan Wenli also twitched their mouths slightly when they saw this team name.

"Teacher Yu is very ambitious." Luna said, "I hope we won't be defeated in one round."

This is on the show. The mentors are competitors. Anyway, they are stepping on each other like crazy. On the one hand, they have a good relationship and don't mind each other.

On the other hand, this is also the director's request.

Increase the effect of the show.

Afterwards, Luna and the other three mentors wrote down their team names one after another.

None of them is easy to deal with.

Luna: We don't have as much ambition as Teacher Yu. Recently, everyone is watching "The Investiture of the Gods", so we paid tribute to this novel and took the word "Investiture of the Gods".

Qin Lei: What a coincidence, did you see the Lei in my name? Three stones, and then our team has three groups. It just so happens that we like the Monkey King, so we are called "Dasheng"!

Yuan Wenli: The three of them are all flashy, and our team is a little more low-key and pragmatic, and the team name is "Champion".

After the four mentors announced the names of their teams.

The audience exploded instantly.

"Oh my god! Each of the four mentors is more ruthless than the other."

"It seems that Yu Tianwang is the most low-key one."

"Let's be a little more low-key and pragmatic. The team name is Champion... Do you call this low-key and pragmatic?"

"It's indeed quite pragmatic. Champion... What about being a god, a big win, haha, all fancy."

"Big Pig Hoof: Are you talking about me?"

"Sun Wukong enters the live broadcast room."

"Jiang Ziya enters the live broadcast room."

"I, Erlang Zhenjun, am here..."

The comments were dense.

Su Chen listened below, and his mouth twitched wildly. Before, he was worried that Yu Xueyou was too arrogant to be named "Yi".

Now I realize it.

It's too small!

It's too small!

Yu Tianwang is actually the smallest one...

After the four mentors announced the team names, the host read out the rules of the mentor group battle.

The program adopts a ranking points system.

There is no elimination.

The mentor group battle is divided into four phases, and four teams will appear on the stage in each phase, and then the ranking will be determined based on the audience vote.

Different rankings will get different points.

The first place gets four points, the second place gets three points, the third place gets two points, and the fourth place gets one point.

After the four episodes, the ranking is determined based on the number of points.

The team with the highest points advances to the championship team.

After the rules were read out, the four mentors began to draw lots on stage.

Yu Xueyou drew the number four.

"Teacher Yu, your number one is not effective. How come it's the last one?" Qin Lei found an opportunity to tease Yu Xueyou.

Yu Xueyou said, "The big guys usually appear last. Don't you understand? It's the big victory team. Look, didn't Tathagata appear last to suppress Sun Wukong?"

Yu Xueyou made a double entendre.

The four mentors were full of gunpowder.

Luna's Fengshen team drew the number one, Qin Lei was second, the champion team was third, and Yi was the last.

The drawing was completed.

The main show began.

Luna's Fengshen team was the first to appear.

Compared with Yu Xueyou's "Yi", the members of the Fengshen team are younger, one middle school team and two university teams.

The song they chose is also a vigorous work.

"The Sun".

Youth is like the sun.

Most of the members of the Fengshen Group are girls, with good height and pretty faces.

Hot thighs.

It is really like the sun.

"The Sun" is a passionate and positive song. It is Luo Qun's early work. It is quite a classic in Blue Star.

As soon as the song sounded, countless people fell into the memory of that good time.

"This is my favorite song!"

"I played the single on repeat for a whole summer."

"My senior year of high school... was all about this song."

"My heart melted by it."

"Youth is so good."

"What a great start, they directly brought out Luo Qun's Fengshen work, it is indeed the Fengshen Group."

"Hahaha, the opening is on point."

After singing "The Sun", the audience was boiling.

This is a very old-fashioned work, but it is still not outdated now. Many audiences can sing it, so after they finished singing, there were even audiences who spontaneously sang it.

It's like a small concert.

Enter the voting stage.

The so-called voting of "Happy Choir" is actually scoring.

The audience can score it through the scoring device, from one star to five stars.

The audience in the live broadcast room can score after the team name.

In the end, the system will automatically calculate and give the score.

The audience scoring time is limited to 60 seconds.

The scoring interface will be locked after 60 seconds.

Because the program team has a mature anti-scoring system (don't argue, the author said it has one, so there is no cheating such as scoring.

The specific algorithm is very complicated, so I won't explain it in detail.

The 60-second scoring time countdown returns to zero.

The final score of the Conferred Gods Group: 2 points

2 points is already very high, after all, the voting audience base is large and the tastes are different.

"2 points! It's worthy of being the Conferred Gods Group. It's a great start."

"I remember that in last year's championship, the highest score was only 3 points, right?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, the Conferred Gods Group is very strong."

"The pressure on the three groups behind is high."

Qin Lei and Yuan Wenli both felt great pressure.

Yu Xueyou seemed relaxed and calm.

He has a killer in his hand.

After that, the Great Victory Group and the Champion Group appeared one after another, and their performances were also good.

Great Victory Group: 0 points

Championship Group: 1 point

The scores were all above 0, and the Great Victory Group was slightly weaker.

"Your big win is not good," Yuan Wenli said, "Have you lost your spirit after being suppressed for five hundred years?"

"Haha, Qin Lei, Qin Lei, look, your name is as heavy as three Five Finger Mountains, how can you escape?" Luna also teased.

"You are adding insult to injury." Qin Lei said.

"Yes, we are adding insult to injury. Who told you to be called Qin Sanshi? Throwing stones, and three stones... I guess he will be at the bottom." Luna stepped on Qin Lei madly anyway.

The audience laughed.

"Qin Lei is really miserable."

"The name is unlucky! Change it."

"Change it to Qin Sansheng!"

"It will be One soon. I am so excited."

"I have already posed."

"The final big boss is about to appear."

Under the attention of the crowd, the host announced: "Please invite the One Team to the stage!"

The audience burst into warm applause and shouts.

The Sunflower Choir, Jiangcheng University Group, and Northwest Research Group took the stage.

There were no desks this time.

It was obviously no longer an a cappella performance.

Teenagers, young people, and the elderly.

Unlike the uniforms of the other three teams.

Team One chose three types of clothing.

The Sunflower Choir wore white shirts and red scarves.

The Jiangcheng University team wore the most popular and fashionable black jackets and white shirts in youth school uniforms. Girls wore skirts and pants. It was very youthful and energetic.

The Northwest Research Team wore black dresses with red bow ties, which was both solemn and energetic.

Seeing three completely different outfits.

The audience exclaimed instantly.

"It turned out to be three kinds of clothing."

"So what is Yu Tianwang selling?"

"It's completely three styles. It just reflects the best style of the three age groups at the moment."

"So there will be three songs?"

"You are thinking nonsense."

The host was also surprised by this and asked Yu Xueyou: "Teacher Yu, your costumes are very special. What kind of work will your team bring next?"

"It was written by Su Chen, "Teenager"!" Yu Xueyou said.

The whole audience was boiling as soon as this was said.

"Ahhh!! It's really a work by Su Dad."

"Youth! Hahaha, is it okay for the elderly group to sing a song about youth?"

"I was wondering why the Northwest Research Group looked so young today. It turns out it was to match this song."


Su Chen chose the song "Youth" which was popular on Earth for a while.

But it's not the original version.

He referred to several versions and made some modifications and splicing, so that the song would have different flavors when sung by people of three ages.

After the host left the stage.

The lights changed.

Everyone at the scene fell silent.

The melody of "Youth" sounded.

The piano was played softly.

First, the Sunflower Choir sang in harmony:

"wu oh oh~~~"

"wu oh oh~~~"

Then the Jiangcheng University group joined in.

"wu oh oh~~~"

At this moment, the piano was clearly an accompaniment, but in this gentle humming sound, it completely became the background.

"Such a comfortable voice."

"I kneeled down as soon as it started."

"It's crisp."

"It sounds so good."

"If there wasn't a piano sound, I would have thought they wanted a cappella vocal accompaniment again."

"I was carried away by the humming sound..."

After the beautiful harmony.

The college students of Jiangcheng University troupe sang first with smiles on their faces.

"Change your life

Make yourself happy

Give up your obsession

The weather will be good

Every time you walk by

It's a harvest

What are you waiting for to make the right choice

Let the past

Let it go

Don't care if it's a joke or a lie

The road is under your feet

It's not complicated

Just remember that you are you"

The brisk singing came from the mouths of the university group members, and the harmony was completed by the Sunflower Choir and the Northwest Research Group.

It gives people an extreme enjoyment.

"wu oh oh~~~"

"wu oh oh~~~"

"I am still the boy I was before

Not a single bit changed

Time is just a test

The faith planted in my heart has not diminished at all"

When the song enters the climax of section A, the youthful vitality of the college group bursts out, and the youthfulness is overwhelming.

The Jiangcheng University group has been singing until here.

The Sunflower and Northwest Research Group are responsible for the harmony.

Finally, the Sunflower Choir started to sing, which was a perfect match.

"The boy in front of me

is still the same face as before

No matter how many difficulties and dangers there are, I will not retreat"

After the Sunflower Choir, the Northwest Research Group took over the baton and completed the last part.

"Say never never give up

Like a fire"

The cooperation of the three teams is perfect, and the voices of three different age groups make this song burst out with completely different feelings.

Light rhythm.

The power like sunshine emanates from the song.

Teenagers, young people, and the elderly, three age groups performed this song together, and listening to it makes people cry instantly.

"Is this singing with life? So touching."

"The three groups on the same stage give people a feeling of time flying."

"I am still the boy I used to be... The seniors of the scientific research group were also boys."

"I am back to my youth in my dreams."

"It's like seeing a person's youth, youth and old age at the same time... I want to cry."

"The faces of the grandparents of the scientific research group are full of smiles. They are old, but they still feel young, with a young heart and a young heart."

"Flowers may bloom again, but people will never be young again... Thinking about it, I feel..."

"I hope you will be away for half your life and still be a boy when you return."

"It's very exciting."

The audience at the scene and the audience in the live broadcast room were all moved by the singing.

And the most touching thing is that three generations sang a song about youth at the same time.

"Wu oh oh~~~"

Team One sang in harmony.

It collided with a beautiful sense of layering.

Soon the song entered the B section.

Under Su Chen's adaptation, the B section is completely different from the A section.

Section A sings about individuals.

Section B sings about the country and the family.

The theme has quietly changed.

"The magnificent poem of 1921 begins

Self-improvement will surely create miracles

Every setback is a harvest

Going forward courageously is my choice"

After the song enters section B, the Northwest Research Group leads the singing, opening the magnificent chapter of history.

The audience was surprised to hear this section.

"Why did the lyrics change? It's completely different from before."

"Yes, before it was about a person returning and still young... Now it seems... sublimated!"

"1921? Is this a song about the country?"

"It seems so."

"Led by the Northwest Research Group, it suddenly feels like listening to a historical old man telling a story."

Everyone discussed.

At this time, the university group closely connected.

"Yesterday's growth is all imprints

All achievements are worth remembering

The future is imminent and dreams are sure to be expected

We ride the wind and waves together"

"Wu oh oh~~~"

"Wu oh oh~~~"

The members of the three groups all shook their bodies slightly and snapped their fingers.

Extremely enjoyable.

Extremely coordinated.

At the climax of section B, the three groups, teenagers, young people, and the elderly, sang together for the first time.

"I am still the boy I used to be

My original intention has never changed

A hundred years is just a test

The goal of a better life is constantly being achieved

This century boy

The mission is always in my heart

No matter how many difficulties and dangers are ahead, I will never retreat

Say never never give up

Like a fire"

The moment the chorus sang.

On the big screen behind the stage, a bright five-star red flag appeared!

Afterwards, the five stars of the five-star red flag kept flashing pictures of great men who sacrificed their lives and made contributions to the country in the past hundred years in China.

They gathered in the stars.

Light up the whole of China.

Then, scenes unfolded one after another.

Countless soldiers with simple equipment were charging on the cruel battlefield!

Scholars and students in the prime of their youth at Kyoto Keihoku University, dressed in long gowns, spoke loudly, thinking and running for the suffering motherland!

At the founding ceremony, the great man stood on the high platform and solemnly declared! The Chinese nation has stood up!

In the northwest Gobi Desert! A mushroom cloud rises proudly.

Ignition! China's own rocket takes off! The bright tail flame illuminates China's future.

In the Olympic arena, the hard-working Olympic athletes won one Olympic gold medal after another.

2008! Congratulations from all countries!

Time moves forward quickly, high-rise buildings rise from the ground, and small fishing villages become metropolises.

The green train travels through time and space and becomes a high-speed train.

Fighter planes soar in the sky.

The people on the earth laugh!

One hundred years!

This century boy is really in his prime, and his original intention has not changed!

"Exploring the moon and the sky, 5G leads the world

Technological innovation keeps pace with the times and never lets go

A new journey begins in 2021

We are together without forgetting our original aspirations

Past achievements are the basis

We will win new battles together in the new era

The future is coming and it is more worth looking forward to

We must forge ahead together"

The second half of the song is an adaptation of the "Centennial Edition", and Su Chen spliced ​​the original version with it, making the theme of the whole song broader.

From individuals to countries to nations.

The video played on the big screen was also carefully selected and edited with Jacky Yu.

After the song was sung.

The audience stood up, their eyes filled with enthusiasm.

The live broadcast room was filled with bullet comments, like a river and sea.

"Tears!! This is my young China!"

"My blood is boiling, and my blood is burning."

"A century of changes! From gunpowder smoke to prosperity! Generations of young people have sacrificed their lives for the prosperity of the country! How great are the young people of our country! How great is my young China!"

"I cried after listening to it."

"We have become stronger! Our China has become stronger!"


"We young people! We should inherit the glory of our ancestors! Take on the responsibility of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!"

"Grandparents of the Northwest Research Group, although your faces are old, your original intentions have not changed! You are the most beautiful young people! Love you!"

Many people shed tears.

A century of glory, a century of hardship, there are difficulties and challenges, but more are young people who have continued to write the magnificent poems of the motherland.

This country.

This nation!

It was generations of young people who built, revitalized, and strengthened it with blood and sweat!

It was their step by step to complete the century-long Long March.

It was their brick by brick to build a towering building.

Today, the economy is booming and technology is leading the way.

It is a feat accomplished by generations of young people.

Everyone thought that the performance of the First Team was over.

However, the melody of the song was still melodious.

On the big screen behind the stage.

One by one, the screen was filled with dragon-flying and phoenix-dancing, staggered brush calligraphy.

The young members of the Sunflower Choir took the lead in chanting with the music.

Sunflower Choir: "If the youth are wise, the country will be wise; if the youth are rich, the country will be rich; if the youth are strong, the country will be strong; if the youth are independent, the country will be independent!"

Jiangcheng University Choir: "If the youth are free, the country will be free; if the youth are progressive, the country will be progressive!"

Northwest Research Group: "If the youth are better than Europe, the country will be better than Europe; if the youth are more powerful than the earth, the country will be more powerful than the earth!"

The parallel sentences are magnificent.

Three generations!

Two sentences for one generation!

It makes people feel excited.

The voices changed from immature to majestic.

It was as if the Sunflower Choir grew up to youth and then slowly became old in this magnificent poem!

Blood boiling.

Tears welling up in the eyes.

After that, the three groups chanted together:

"The red sun rises, its path is bright. The river flows out of the underground stream, pouring into the ocean. The latent dragon soars into the abyss, its scales and claws flying. The young tiger roars in the valley, and all beasts are frightened. The eagle tests its wings, and the wind and dust flutter. The exotic flowers are born, shining brightly. The dry generals are sharpened, and they have their edges. The sky is blue, and the earth is yellow. Even if there are thousands of years, there are eight wildernesses. The future is like the sea, and the future is long. Beautiful is my young China, and it will never grow old with the sky! Magnificent are my Chinese youth, and they will have no borders with the country!"

Young China!

Chinese youth!

Like a tidal wave, it instantly ignites the whole audience.


PS: I will update one chapter today. I don’t know if there will be any follow-up. I received a call this morning, a relative passed away, so I have to go back to my hometown. I can't say whether I can write the second chapter. If it's not finished by 10 pm, you don't have to wait. The missing words will be made up later.

??Young man, I'm interested in your recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, and rewards, so hand them all over.



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