Dad: My identity as Qu Dad has been exposed by my daughter

Chapter 165: Shall we start to release the trump card now? (6000 words)

"General Order". read

It originated from the royal music of the Tang Dynasty and has been passed down for thousands of years.

There are different playing forms such as dulcimer, guzheng, and wind and percussion music.

It is often used as opening music in operas and as accompaniment to scenes such as formations.

The tune is majestic and majestic, just like thousands of troops surrounding the coach returning victoriously.

Therefore, upon hearing the three words "General's Order", the audience immediately became excited.

"It turned out to be the general's order!"

“I have a hunch that Su’s work this time will be another high-profile masterpiece!”

“The title of the song makes people’s blood boil.”

"Can one person sing the song of thousands of troops?"

"Hahaha, let's add some poetry recitation! Book for 99 points."

The audience is looking forward to it.

After all, Su Chen has never disappointed anyone.

Huang Zhan's hands couldn't help but clenched the armrest of the seat.

What a coincidence.

Su Chen actually also chose "General's Order".

He was very uneasy and nervous.

You have already lost once in the confrontation with Su Chen, will you lose again this time?

As the second-ranked Qudad, Huang Zhan is very confident in his own strength.

If someone else had chosen the same ancient song as him, he would not have frowned because he was confident enough to win.

But now he was facing Su Chen.

This created a new national style.

A creative genius with weird and changeable styles.

Suddenly Huang Zhan felt unsure.

"Old Huang, are you feeling unwell?" Li Zongsheng noticed something strange about Huang Zhan.

"No." Huang Zhan said.

"Then...why are your hands shaking?" Li Zongsheng asked.

But then Li Zongsheng thought of a possibility, "You won't be with..."

Huang Zhan nodded before he finished speaking.

"Fuck." Li Zongsheng exclaimed in his heart.

If he wasn't recording the show now, he would have to come out, but fortunately he held it in.

Su Chen and Huang Zhan actually chose the same ancient song.


Now it’s interesting.

Li Zongsheng actually became excited and looking forward to it.

The host Li Qing had already seen the song selection list. He was very surprised to know that Huang Zhan also chose "General's Order".

But as a CCTV host, his professionalism is still very good.

I was surprised.

But it didn't show on his face at all.

As if nothing happened, he asked: "Then who is the singer you chose this time?"

"Wang An." Su Chen spit out two words.

boom! ! !

As soon as his voice fell, the entire audience exploded.

The live broadcast room was filled with barrage instantly.

"Damn it! Daddy Su actually chose Wang An."

"Dad Su: I just want to go on stage and sing. If Wang Lala can't come on stage, that's great! I'll do it."

"Hahaha, Father Su is a bit cautious."

"Cheerleader Report!"

"Cheerleading +1"

"Cheerleading +1"

Suddenly the whole screen was filled with cheerleaders, and everyone could be a cheerleader. At this moment, it seemed that everyone became a fan of Wang An.

This may also be the reason why Wang An is not happy when he becomes famous.

I have become such a joke.

"I bet a pack of spicy strips, Lala Wang will fall into the toilet this time."

"I bet two packs that he has a cold today and his throat is not good."

"I bet you three! When he comes on stage, the power in the studio will be cut off."

"Damn it, I bet you three guarantees. The power in the studio is really cut off. Just wait and accept my forty-meter sword."

Everyone was joking like crazy.

Wang An was also feeling stressed at this moment.

Success and failure.

It depends on today!

You must save some face.

When the host Li Qing heard the name Wang An, the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up even more, although he did not say it.

But I must be secretly happy in my heart.

This Wang An can really increase the effect of the program.

Just don't let anything happen again.

Director Qi Song heard that Wang An was also very nervous, "Check the equipment to see if there is any problem... If there is a problem, replace it immediately."


"Everything is fine with the director."

"Where is Wang An? Is there anything wrong with Wang An's health?"

"No diarrhea today."

"Where's the throat?"

"It sounds normal to hear him speak."

"That's good...but don't make any mistakes." Qi Song concentrated on it.

So under the "eyes of all the people", Wang An finally took the stage.

The lights are in place.

Fortunately the light is not very bright.

Otherwise, everyone would definitely see Wang An's legs shaking slightly at this moment.

Not that I was nervous.

But he himself was afraid that something ominous would suddenly come.

For example, the overhead light suddenly fell down, the microphone suddenly went silent, such as...

"What are you thinking about?" Wang An immediately stopped these bad thoughts, "This is the CCTV stage! How could there be a stage accident!"

Putting aside these messy thoughts, he came to the center of the stage.

"Hello everyone, I am Wang An." Wang An said, "I bring you Teacher Su Chen's "General's Order"."

His voice fell and he nodded to the music teacher.

Then the prelude of "General's Order" sounded.

The big gong opens the show.

Use the suona to play the main melody.

As soon as the music started playing, there was a sense of majesty and magnificence as when the ancient armies set off for battle.

"The main instrument is suona??"

"The DNA moves."

"After "囍", Daddy Su finally took action on Suona again."

"Last time I received the underworld...this time I won't be receiving the army of the underworld, right?"

"Hahaha, the Yin soldiers took advantage of the passage, and the living people retreated!"

"Why do you have such a rich imagination? The wind and percussion music of "General's Order" itself uses suona as the main melody..."

"Well, we thought too much."

Suona is one of Su Chen's "famous scenes". As soon as the suona sounds, everyone thinks of "囍", and when they think of "囍", the breath of the underworld is instantly filled.

The intro is short.

The kind of short that is short and weak.

After a while, as if the tape recorder was out of power, Wang An's voice finally penetrated the microphone and rang throughout the audience.

"I know what's wrong with right

I know what the general said may not be right.

I know right or wrong, I can tell it myself

Please be quiet. Please be quiet.

I know what's wrong with right

I know the moon in foreign countries is not rounder

I know yo yo yo

not my language

Please be quiet please be quiet”

Classical opening, popular singing style.

Yo yo yo is very Hip Hop.

The fusion of Chinese and Western styles creates a different kind of spark.

The singing is sonorous and powerful.


The pacing is outstanding.

Wang An's performance was very stable this time. After Su Chen's training, his singing skills improved rapidly.

And after being called "Wang Lala" by netizens, the stubbornness in his bones has also come up. The more you tease me, the more I will conquer you with my strength.

Therefore, he practices hard every day, ponders, and seeks progress and breakthroughs in singing skills.

So as soon as he opened his mouth, he stunned the audience.

"Can Wang An still be so cool?"

"It sounds very touching. It breaks through my understanding of Wang An."

"Hip-hop Wang An is online."

"Don't mention hee... As soon as I hear hee, I think of diarrhea... and then I have diarrhea..."

"Damn it, man, you are poisonous. The smell overflowed from the screen."

"Wang Laxi~~~~"

"What a genius!!! I just laughed to death in the barrage."

"Wang An: You can't get past this joke, right?"

But Wang An is now completely immersed in singing.

He had no time to care about the audience's reaction.

There is no barrage to be seen.

Standing on the stage, he just wanted to sing this song well, not to let Su Chen down, and at the same time prove his strength to the audience.

I am not Wang Lala!

I didn’t become famous by relying on “not being popular”.

I also have excellent strength.

It's just a bit of bad luck.

In this state of mind, his current performance is even better than when he was rehearsing in private, which is an extraordinary performance.

"I'm a soldier, I'm nervous

On the battlefield, desperately listening to who is giving the orders

The general was so drunk that he couldn't tell his direction.

He listens to all the Westerners chanting sutras

Different skin colors speak different words

The same rhythm has different melodies

You have to explain your own culture yourself

We have to support our own stage.”

Wang An's singing style remained consistent with the previous ones, and there was no such situation as in Su Chen's previous works where he sang an opera tune or other musical forms.

So after being amazed by Wang An's singing skills.

Everyone's attention fell on the lyrics of this song.

"I'll go! These lyrics are awesome! I feel like Daddy Su is being sarcastic."

“Many people worship foreigners, and endlessly diss our own culture and music… Then everything others say is good, but our own says it is low.”

"He listens to all the Westerners reciting sutras...Daddy Su is really brave."

"Now is the moment when the Blue Star Village project is about to be promoted, so what does Su mean by writing this song? To warn musicians to promote our own music and protect our own music?"

"Probably. But I think it's more ironic. Recently, I've seen many actors, singers and songwriters who went abroad to develop their careers return to China... They used to go abroad when our motherland was not popular, but now our motherland is strong. They’re back to enjoy the benefits.”

"Yes, I hate this kind of people too. I used to think that the moon abroad was far away, but now I think the moon is the moon in my hometown... Haha, how ironic."

Fans heard different flavors from the lyrics.

A thousand listeners, a thousand understandings.

This is normal.

A large flat in Kyoto.

Wutong, a songwriter who had returned from Yamato, felt panicked when he heard this section.

He felt like the song was singing about him.

When he left China for Yamato ten years ago, he believed that developing in Yamato was indeed better than staying in China.

He even thought about immigrating to America in the future.

To pursue the freedom of beauty.

He didn't shy away from this.

You can say it openly.

But it was only after he actually went to Yamato that he realized that he was still Chinese at heart, with Chinese blood flowing through his veins.

China is his hometown.

It's his homeland.

No matter how fragrant a foreign country is, it is just a foreign country after all.

Haven't you been to America in the past ten years? The reason why he did not return to China was also because of his friendship with his teacher.

But now it's finally back.

But hearing these lyrics, he still felt very ashamed.

After all, I had thought about that before.

"I hope that in the next ten years, I can devote myself to the cause of the motherland..." Wutong still has feelings for his family and country.

Blue Star Village plan advances.

Will open a new chapter in Chinese history.

He hopes this time.

He will not be absent again.

He wants to witness the next decade in person.

"The general chases fashion and his whole body is covered with Bling Bling

He learns to chant like a Westerner and forgets his own name

They keep saying check out

I want to tell him to get out

I am a soldier but I am optimistic and know my fate

In your world, I learn to say ABCD

In my land, I am sorry, please speak Chinese"

The combination of Chinese and English in the lyrics makes this song sound special, very special.

And the lyrics are written very firmly.

Very domineering!

There used to be many people who worship foreigners, and there are still many people who worship foreigners now.

After going abroad for a while, they think they are great returnees and are superior to others.

If you don't add one or two English words when speaking, it's like you can't speak fluently.

The strong directional lyrics instantly ignited the audience.

"Isn't this exciting?"

"Haha, I think of my cousin, who studied undergraduate at the best university in China, and then insisted on going abroad for further studies... He just left his parents at home and didn't care about them!! He hasn't come back yet. It's better not to study."

"He's ungrateful."

"Hahaha!! This time, Su Dad scolded him! It feels great!"

"Lyrics with attitude!"

"I don't mind going out to learn some excellent culture from others! But after drinking some foreign ink, they start to disgust their own country. Such people should be dragged out and hung on the city gate."

"By releasing this song at a critical time, Su Dad wants to scold some people and wake some people up."

"My Su Dad is tough! I like it!"

"It turns out that scolding people can be so nice."

"Hahaha, it's fancy."

"I just like this kind of fancy, what's wrong?"

The lyrics are a change from the style of Su Chen's previous Chinese style songs.

It's refreshing.

At the same time, after listening to it, they can't help but fall into thinking and reflection.

Li Zongsheng, Huang Zhan and others couldn't help but nod slightly.

Huang Wenshan thought of a friend named Wutong from ten years ago... That guy has been out for ten years, I heard he is doing well, the Blue Star Village plan is advancing, and I don't know if he will become an opponent again.

He still remembers what the guy said when they parted: "Go out! Never come back!"

Everyone was still young at that time.

Huang Wenshan even had this thought, go out, and never come back!

So cool.

But he couldn't leave everything in China, so he stayed.

The song also entered the interlude at this time.

The suona sounded.

Became the main melody.

A strong Chinese national atmosphere came to the face, forming a strong contrast and contrast with the Hip Hop style.

If Su Chen's previous works have achieved a good unity of Chinese and Western elements.

Then this song makes people feel a certain opposition and competition between the cultural elements of both sides.

The two are intertwined.

It's like fighting in a ring, fighting for victory or defeat.

"I know I have a kind of feeling towards us

I know I dare to charge towards us

I know towards the proud dragon

I know what the general said may not be right

I know I can tell right from wrong

Please be quiet, please be quiet

I know what is right and wrong

I know the moon in foreign countries is not rounder

I know yo yo yo

It's not my language

Please be quiet, please be quiet"

The song ends here.

In Kenji Wu's original MV, the last scene is Kenji Wu kicking over an old-fashioned TV.

The picture on the TV is exactly a foreign moon.

The TV fell to the ground.

There was a bang and it exploded.

The flames from the explosion covered the entire screen.

The whole song is over.

This is a work from 2006, but this song is still not outdated now, and the directionality of the lyrics still has a strong ironic meaning for the present.

Fortunately, the global crisis in 2020 made many Chinese people see that China is the most reliable country and nation in the world.

It broke everyone's expectations and fantasies about the foreign world.

This situation can be better reversed.

This song seems to be just singing music, but it also points to all aspects of society.

It's a wake-up call.

After Wang An finished singing, the audience burst into warm applause.

"Good! Good! Well sung!"

"Sorry, please speak Chinese in my land! So domineering! Blow it up."

"We have to explain our own culture, and we have our own stage to support... Our Chinese music! It must have China's own style and soul!"

"It makes my blood boil."

"Su Dad's lyrics this time are really too abusive."

"Hahaha, Su Ma Ma is online."

And Li Zongsheng and others not only heard the deep meaning of the lyrics, but also heard that the composition and arrangement of this song are not simple.

Hip-hop Chinese style.

This has been presented in the previous "By the Plum Blossoms", which is not new.

What is really refreshing is that there are dance elements in the style.

Hip-hop, Chinese style, dance music!

"It really gives people surprises every time." Li Zongsheng said.

Huang Zhan and Luo Qun also nodded.

But they did not speak.

Luo Qun thought the idea of ​​the song was good, but it felt a bit too harsh... the satire was a bit too harsh.

The lyrics were a change from Su Chen's previous style of being subtle and elegant.



Such directness can easily cause discomfort to some people.

After listening to the song, Wutong lit a cigarette.

Standing in front of the window and looking at the moon outside for a long time.

I don’t know why, but I feel uncomfortable... Maybe it’s the lyrics! Too direct! So he admitted that the song was good, but he didn’t like it after listening to it.

“Sure enough, he is still young.” He sighed.

He remembered that he had written a lot of sarcastic works when he was young, and he was also unhappy with many things at that time.

But as he got older.

The spiciness and anger of his youth gradually subsided.

Because he did make many enemies because of this.

He was scolded badly.

As mentioned earlier, with the advancement of the Blue Star Village plan, many Chinese who had worked abroad before returned to China in order to seize the opportunity.

At this time, the live broadcast room of "National Style Ceremony" also gathered a lot of "returnees".

Well, I don’t mean to belittle the returnees, please don’t take it personally...

They felt uncomfortable after listening to Su Chen’s "General’s Order".

After all.

Who wants to be the one being scolded?

Not to mention hitting the pain point directly.

Most people in the barrage were scolding.

Fearing being attacked by the group, these people did not dare to express their true thoughts in the barrage, but just scolded secretly at home after listening.

"Haha, Qu Dad, the pattern is as small as your little finger?"

"It's 2021, and it's the Blue Star Village Plan! You are still singing this kind of song, aren't you asking for scolding?"


"You can only write two songs, damn it!"


"The songs you write are not very good. They are far behind those of foreign songwriters."

"Rubbish music."

These scoldings certainly did not appear in the barrage or the comment area, but they did hit the pain points of many people.

It made people unhappy.

So much so that when Li Qing hosted the audience voting.

Su Chen's "General's Order" scored only 90 points.

Compared with Luo Qun's 90 points at the beginning, it was more than a little bit worse.

The audience exploded immediately.

"Fuck! What's going on? Who gave a low score!"

"Do I need to ask? Whoever got scolded the most is the one."

"Hehe... I don't know why I ran away and why I came back. Who are you trying to disgust by giving a low score?"

"That's one thing. I think this song is indeed a little bit worse than Luo Qun's."

"I feel that, too. It's a little bit lame."

"Dad Su's later years are not auspicious."

"90 points, no chance of being in the Five Masters."

"Ahhh! Don't do that."

"I like this song very much."

"Me too."

No one expected this result.

Su Chen seemed calm.

He had expected that the lyrics would cause discomfort to some people, but he still chose to present this song.

Because he felt it was necessary to let everyone realize that our Chinese culture is excellent in the context of the great changes in this era.

The moon in our China is still round.

The world in the future is big.

There will be many temptations in the future.

But don't forget:

You are Chinese!

We must have the ambition of the Chinese people!

We must have the backbone of the Chinese people!

We must also let China have enough confidence in the future!

Only in this way can we open up a wider sea of ​​stars.

Su Chen did not make any comments on such a result.

Losing is losing.

Be open and honest.

After Su Chen, Huang Zhan's adaptation of the ancient song "General's Order" "Dragon Soul" was presented.

"Dragon Soul" is magnificent and has a clear theme.

It still starts with a big drum.

It creates a fierce scene of battlefield confrontation.

But he used the guqin as the main instrument.

The sound of the guqin is like the roar of a dragon and a tiger.

The spirit of killing and the spirit of arrogance coexist.

It ignited the whole audience.

Comparing the two adaptations of the ancient song "General's Order", "Dragon Soul" is at least one level higher.

Successfully scored a high score of 92.

The following three games are even more exciting.

Huang Wenshan: 93

Xiao Shiyilang: 89

Li Zongsheng: 96

Li Zongsheng topped the list again with 96, taking back the first place he lost from Su Chen in the previous episode, proving to everyone again that he, Li Zongsheng, the number one of the Laoji Qu Dad, is not so easy to be abolished.

"Oh my god! Did everyone cheat in this episode?"

"I guess it's because of too much pressure, everyone started to give their all."

"So Su Dad is at the bottom?"

"Ahhh! I can't accept it."

"Since the show started, Su Dad has been winning all the way, and has never been so upset."

"Don't be eliminated."

"I still want to witness Su Dad's five gods."

"What are you panicking about? The last two people at the bottom of the ranking will have a PK next, and who will go and who will stay is still uncertain."

The fans were boiling.

Although there is no chance of resurrection in the competition system, the final PK between the last two also ensures fairness.

Otherwise, it would be a bit too cruel if the last one was directly eliminated.

Xiao Shiyilang became nervous.

This time he actually confronted Su Chen head-on.

He had a hunch that he would enter the PK competition this time, but his imaginary enemy had always been Huang Wenshan.

However, he did not expect that.

He actually faced Su Chen!

This monster!

Although "General's Order" was a little bit lame, his intuition told him that what Su Chen was about to present next was definitely a masterpiece.

There was no lottery for the PK between Xiao Shiyilang and Su Chen.

Instead, Xiao Shiyilang presented his work first according to the ranking order.

Xiao Shiyilang's second work was adapted from the ancient song "Neon Feathered Clothes Song", which was gorgeous and beautiful.

Listening to the song, you can still see the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

Final score: 93

The score was the same as Huang Wenshan.

It can be said to be a very good performance.

It was Su Chen's turn to go on stage again. The host Li Qing asked: "Teacher Su Chen, which ancient song did you choose for this second work?"

"General's Order" Su Chen spit out three words.

Hmm? ?

Everyone in the audience was stunned for a moment.

Then it exploded.

"Fuck! Is Su Dad just starting to play the trump card now?"


?? 6,000 words delivered, and 4,000 words are still owed.

? Daily request for votes, daily request for rewards.



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