Dad: My identity as Qu Dad has been exposed by my daughter

Chapter 171: Life is as gorgeous as summer flowers (6000 words)

Speaking of ancient capitals, Su Chen feels that there are too many things to write about. Reading М

Compared to the Qinqiang that was stipulated in the previous issue.

The scope of the topic selection this time seems to be wider.

China has thousands of years of history, dynasties have changed, and there have been at least hundreds of cities that have served as national capitals.

At first, the country recognized the "Four Ancient Capitals", Xi'an, Nanjing, Luoyang, and Beijing.

And now there is an official statement of the "Ten Ancient Capitals".

Xi'an, Luoyang, Nanjing, Beijing, Kaifeng, Hangzhou, Anyang, Zhengzhou, Datong, Chengdu.

However, Su Chen thinks that expanding from the four ancient capitals to the ten ancient capitals is suspected of "tourism operation", so he is more accepting of the four ancient capitals.

Less is better.

Since the program rules stipulate that each person can present a maximum of three works, Su Chen believes that he should still be fully prepared.


Prepare enough!

Although only the best one is selected, who knows what tricks Li Zongsheng, Huang Zhan and Luo Qun will come up with.

However, Su Chen couldn't think of a better song for a while.

In his conception, Chang'an would be the best.

After all, it had witnessed the most glorious dynasties of China, with scholars and poets coming and going, poetry and wine, swords and knights, spring grass and trees in the city, and unparalleled prosperity...

But a song about Chang'an, well, Su Chen couldn't think of it for the time being.

Luoyang can think of two songs.

Beijing, the capital of Blue Star, can also think of one, two, three or four songs... Chinese style songs.

As for Nanjing, I can think of poems about Qinhuai.

Let's think about it slowly when we go back.

After hearing the theme, many thoughts flashed through Su Chen's mind, but how to choose this song is still worth pondering.

Su Chen was not in a hurry to decide.

After the episode of "National Style Ceremony" ended, Huang Wenshan seemed extremely relaxed. He said to Li Zongsheng and others, "Li Lao, Huang Lao, Luo Lao, I really feel bad for you. I was scratching my head when I wrote one song in each episode before, and now I have to write three songs. I really sympathize with you. I can finally have a good sleep, you guys stay up late slowly."

Huang Wenshan was really relaxed.

He kept his position as the new fifth brother.

And now he doesn't have to worry about writing songs anymore, it's really wonderful.

The glorious task of defeating Su Chen, the monster, is handed over to you.

I choose to lie down.

Watch the game!

However, before he was happy, Li Zongsheng said, "Xiao Huang, you know you can't enter the next round before the result is out?"

"Need I say more?" Huang Wenshan said, "The score can show a little clue, I can't beat it."

"What if you advance? You don't write a work, and you just give up?" Li Zongsheng said.

"It shouldn't happen, right?" Huang Wenshan really didn't have hope for his work.

"It's good for you to be free. You've been free recently anyway. So, you can be a loyal listener and spectator. When we write the work, you can give us some advice." Li Zongsheng smirked.

"Stay up late with us."

"Good idea." Luo Qun immediately agreed.

"It's settled." Huang Zhan also spoke immediately.

Huang Wenshan didn't even have a chance to speak.


As soon as he said the word "I", Li Zongsheng patted his shoulder and said, "Xiao Huang is such a good kid."

"I'll take care of your food, drink, defecation, urination and sleep for the next week." Li Zongsheng said meaningfully.

"Why... sleep?" Huang Wenshan caught the key words.

"Comrades! Of course, we sleep together." Huang Zhan joked.

Huang Wenshan was teased for a long time.

Afterwards, Li Zongsheng organized a dinner party and called Su Chen. These old men were very bad and kept pouring wine for Su Chen to test his opinion.

At the same time, he also hoped that Su Chen could talk about his creative skills.

"I don't have any tricks to writing songs." Su Chen said, "Just a trick of copying."

"Copying? How do you say that?" Li Zongsheng was very curious.

"Just copy other people's lyrics, copy other people's music..."

"Brother Su, you are really a joker." Huang Zhan and others certainly didn't believe it, "I think you read a lot of books... Writing songs is as simple as copying books, right? Old Li, we still have to read more books, otherwise we will be old and ugly, how can we survive?"

The atmosphere between the five people was very good.

At the same time, "A Bridge of Fate" and the live version of Li Zongsheng and others' works have been put on the Kuyun Music platform by the "National Style Ceremony" program team.

Although it is a live version, in order to prevent data brushing, the song is set to charge.

You can buy one song for three yuan.

All the income belongs to the corresponding lyricist and composer.

In this way, it is possible to brush data on a small scale, but if you want to brush millions of plays and purchases, you have to spend a lot of money.

The authenticity of the data is further guaranteed.

Five songs are online, giving the same promotion resources.

The next time is to run the data for each of us, wait for the program to start next week, and come to a conclusion.

Let's not talk about it for now.


As "National Style Ceremony" enters a white-hot state.

The serialization of "Investiture of the Gods" also ushered in the finale.

Daji was captured, King Zhou burned himself, and Jiang Ziya returned to the country to be deified.

Nezha, Yang Jian, Lei Zhenzi and others became saints in the flesh.

The Great Zhou era began, and King Wu enfeoffed the princes of various countries...

When seeing the finale, readers were full of reluctance.

"It's not fun! Compared with Journey to the West, the world view is gradually unfolding, but it's still short and weak!"

"Only 100 chapters??? Big pig's hoof! I've never seen a shorter one than yours."

"With such a grand structure, will you die if you write a few hundred more chapters?"

"Ahhh!!! Extra chapters! Extra chapters please!"

"Don't expect a classic like "The Legend of Wukong" to be a big pig's hoof."

The book review section of "The Investiture of the Gods" has been completely blown up.

A group of unsatisfied people are asking for satisfaction.

"Big pig's can make it longer!"

"I want more."

"Pig pig pig, give it to me."

"Give me the extra chapter."

At the same time, just like the completion of previous works, "The Investiture of the Gods" ushered in the "completion reward", and the rewards were densely packed.

"Take it! Breakup fee! No thanks!"

"You've worked hard day and night."

"Bye bye, the next one will be better. So what's the next one? Please tell me!"

Su Chen did not respond.

He buried his head and began to write the extra chapter "Nezha".

Of course, this "Nezha" was originally a spin-off of "The Legend of Wukong", and Su Chen used it here.

Because the Blue Star Village plan is being promoted, Su Chen has been getting more and more things to do recently. On the one hand, Zhang Ding begged him to support the company's singers more, and he had to deal with them one by one.

On the other hand, as the behind-the-scenes boss of many companies, the promotion of the Blue Star Village plan is bound to affect the company's later operations, long-term strategic planning, market expansion, and the upcoming competition.

So when he was writing and drawing comics, he would receive calls from Yang Fan, Duo Yu and others from time to time.

He, the boss, still needs to make the final decision on major issues.

For example, some small game companies have been struggling because of the impact of the Blue Star Village plan.

This is not an opportunity for them.

But a huge pressure.

In order to survive, they could only sell the company with hatred in the end. Yang Fan negotiated with several good small companies and is currently going through the acquisition process.

Starlight Pictures also re-arranged according to Su Chen's ideas.

The animation department that originally belonged to Chenxi Group was incorporated into the business segment of Starlight Pictures, and the business structure was adjusted.

At the same time, some small animation studios were acquired.

Reorganized into the "Xingguang Manying" studio.

Specialized in animation.

Su Chen decided to show his skills in the animation industry.

Starting from Chinese animation.

All these jobs made Su Chen's writing very difficult, so until the third episode of the "Happy Choir" mentor battle came, the extra "Nezha" was not uploaded in time.

Readers were anxious.

"So there is or is not a side story?"

"It didn't end... I guess there is."

"The big pig's hoof is like a snail!"

"After all, it's fat and slow, there's nothing I can do."

The talking pig's elbow was imagined by readers as a big fat man.

And everyone thinks so.

Otherwise, who would be called a "pig's elbow", right?

The third episode of the "Happy Choir" mentor battle is about to start.

Because of the last episode, Wutong's participation made the audience look forward to it.

"So will Wutong make a move again in this episode?"

"I hope Wutong makes a move, and then gets beaten by Su Dad! Hahaha!"

"The draw in the last episode was really unsatisfying! This doesn't fit Su Dad's invincible personality at all... Well, so this episode needs a villain!"

"Su Dad: So in your mind, I am the template of the protagonist."

"Major fans: Isn't it? I miss you so much when I don't see you pretending to be cool for a day."

The popularity of this live broadcast room is higher than the previous one.

After all, many people come here for the reputation.

Lin Xi, Huang Wenshan and others are also paying attention.

Wutong is their peer, and they also want to see how much this guy who ran away ten years ago has grown up to now.

Wutong looked at the dense barrage on TV at home, smiled bitterly and shook his head, "How dare I PK with the guy who writes poetry?"

This is naturally his self-mockery.

In fact, Su Chen's strength has aroused his competitive spirit.

If there is a chance, he will naturally compete with Su Chen for the ranking.

But not now.

A real battle.

Let's put it after the implementation of the Blue Star Village plan.

What he needs to do now is to observe, research, and then come up with a bunch of big bombs.

This is the only way to the world stage.

"Sister Na, what song did Wutong write for you in this episode? Spoiler?" Yuan Wenli asked.

"Wutong's songwriting price is not cheap... How can I ask him to write often? My wallet can't bear it." Lu Nachuan couldn't help but speak.

She responded in a humorous way.

Soon it was time to draw lots.

Yu Xueyou drew the fourth lot this time.

The God-making Team, the Champion Team, and the Great Victory Team performed before the One Team.

All three teams performed very well.

And the most eye-catching performance this time was Qin Lei's Great Victory Team, which scored the highest, 60 points.

Lu Na's God-making Team had Wutong's help in the last episode and tied with the One Team.

But this time without Wutong's original work, it seemed a little bit lame.

After a long wait, the audience finally waited for the moment when the One Team came on stage.

"No one can compete in this episode, Team One is guaranteed to be the first."

"Hahaha, in the world of lyrics and music, besides Su Dad, there are only others."

"Dude, you've made Su Dad proud."

"Li Zongsheng: Do you think I don't exist?"

The fans were all laughing.

When Team One came on stage, the host asked mentor Yu Xueyou, "Teacher Yu, is your team bringing Teacher Su Chen's new work again this time?"

"That shouldn't be hard to guess." Yu Xueyou replied.

"What's the name of this work?" the host asked.

"It's a bit of a coincidence," Yu Xueyou said, "Teacher Su also wrote a song about summer flowers recently, "Live Like Summer Flowers."

As Yu Xueyou said the song title.

The four words "Live Like Summer Flowers" instantly appeared on the big screen behind the stage.

The audience was instantly excited.

"'Born Like Summer Flowers'? Oh my god! Is this Su Dad's response to 'Summer Flowers'?"

"Hahaha, Su Dad is so tough. You have 'Summer Flowers', okay, then I'll write 'Born Like Summer Flowers'"

"Su Dad: Tie? I don't accept it! Let's compete with you for 'Born Like Summer Flowers'!"

"You quietly sang 'Summer Flowers', and I quietly sang 'Born Like Summer Flowers'"

"Is Su Dad declaring war?"

"Interesting! Interesting! Let's fight."

When Wutong saw this in the show, his breath was slightly choked.

"Born Like Summer Flowers", this is too obvious.

I tried to test it in the last episode, and it was indeed a bit of gunpowder, but your 'Born Like Summer Flowers' is simply a start of war.

"Young people really have a strong desire to win." Wutong sighed.

If someone else sang 'Born Like Summer Flowers', he would immediately write 'Born Like Summer Flowers 2' without hesitation, and he had to suppress your arrogance.

But this person is Su Chen.

Wutong thought it was better to play it safe.

If they still couldn't beat them after writing "Born Like Summer Flowers 2", it would be a laughing stock.

Huang Wenshan and Lin Xi twitched their lips when they saw the song title, "Su Chen is a troublemaker. But I like it."

"Isn't the smell of gunpowder coming?" Li Zongsheng was thinking about the works needed for the next issue of "National Style Ceremony" while watching the show.

I have been writing songs all the time recently.

Only watching the show can relax me.

Luna's smile was unnatural when she heard the song title.

Su Chen is really "revengeful".

She thought so in her heart.

At this time, the audience gradually quieted down and waited for the performance of the One Team.

The big screen behind the stage showed bright sunshine and surging ocean.

However, there was no accompaniment.

Because this time the One Team will perform this song through a cappella vocal melody.

When Pu Shu produced the song "Born Like Summer Flowers", he added a lot of harmony music, so it can be said that it is very suitable for chorus performance.

The song starts without lyrics.

Instead, it is humming.

This humming has become the "material" of natural a cappella.

"Si-wa-la-chu-mu, Si-wa-la-chu-mu"

"Oh-wa-la-yi-ye, eh-wa-la-yi-ya"

The One Team started with a perfect synthesis.

Their harmony is full of layers.

Just like the flowers on the tree.

The layers are scattered.

In the blazing sun, they are in various shapes and colors.

This song is choreographed by Jacky Yu, mainly through simple hand dance movements to show the posture of summer flowers swaying in the wind.

As soon as the song sounded.

The hands of the One Team began to dance, swaying softly, and with the singing, it gave people a different visual and auditory enjoyment.

"Wow!! This harmony is so beautiful."

"Acapella YYDS"

"Awei's daily death~awsl"

"Without accompaniment, it's very clean, isn't it??? This "Summer Flower" is cleaner than the previous "Summer Flower."

"I also found it. The beginning makes me want to go out and enjoy the wind and sun. Summer is so nice."

"I miss summer. I miss the cicadas in summer and the quietness of summer afternoons."

"Yes, it sounds like a quiet feeling, just like summer, a hot afternoon, lying lazily on a recliner, listening to the wind and cicadas outside the window."

The layered harmony calms the listener's hot heart at once.

This is also the charm of "Born Like Summer Flowers".

No lyrics are needed.

Just hum a few words and you can beat a lot of traffic.

This is Pu Shu!

Simple Pu Shu.

A musician who concentrates on playing music.

No fancy tricks.

Only let the works speak.

After the perfect harmony opening, the Sunflower members finally sang the lyrics first.

"I don't know how long I have been sleeping in the darkness

I don't know how hard it is to open my eyes

I came from afar and you happened to be there too

I am obsessed with the world and I am wild for her"

The singing voice is very clean.

The melody of the harmony is very soothing.

The charm of the chorus is that it has no instrumental accompaniment, but it can surpass instrumental accompaniment.

That kind of primitive purity.

Just like the green trees and flowers in the mountains, the breeze and birds singing, and the clear springs flowing.

No impurities.

It makes people bathe in it.

Close your eyes and enjoy.

Return to the most beautiful sound of nature, the most primitive sound, the purest sound.


Simple again.

If it is so simple that there is no lyrics, it will definitely be as soul-stirring as "The Last of the Mohicans".

The way is simple.

Then there is no need to sing by yourself, no need to compose lyrics and music by yourself, the world is a moving music in itself...

When the Sunflower Choir sang, the Jiangcheng University Choir and the Northwest Research Choir were responsible for the harmony.

Then the baton was passed to the Jiangcheng University Choir.

The other two choirs were responsible for the harmony.

The division of labor was very clear.

"I am this dazzling moment

I am the instant flame that crosses the horizon

I come to see you regardless of everything

I will extinguish and never come back

I am here

Right here

As brief as a flash of light

As gorgeous as a summer flower"

The clean singing voice makes people enjoy it, but it also easily gets into the listener's heart.

The lyrics and melody are so moving.

I am this dazzling moment, I am that instant flame, as brief as a flash of light, as brilliant as a summer flower.

At first we all thought that a lifetime was so long.

When I was in elementary school, I counted the days to live. Why is this day so long? It feels like a year is so long. Every day I dream of growing up quickly, from a little kid to an adult.

In this way, my parents can't control me.

But time is very slow, and I have to look forward to the stars and the moon to look forward to the New Year.

When we started boarding school in junior high school, we began to count time week by week. At that time, we felt that a week went by quickly, but a month was very long.

Then slowly, we began to feel that a year was very short, four years were very short, ten years were very short...

Life is short.

When I was young, I hoped that time would go faster.

When I grew up, I hoped that it would go slower, even slower, because my parents were getting older at a speed visible to the naked eye.

We were also losing our youth at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"I cried for no reason when I heard this."

"Yeah, life is so short... When I was 20, I thought I was only 20! Then I was 25 in the blink of an eye, and I was 30 in the blink of an eye."

"Why is time going faster and faster?"

"I don't know... I used to want the New Year to come quickly so that I could get lucky money and grow another year older. I would also show off to my dad that I grew up and taller. But now... I don't even want to celebrate my birthday. Because every time I celebrate my birthday, I feel like I am being slowly stolen by the old man of time."

"Life is so short and precious! So you must live brilliantly."

"Yes!! You must live happily! Live the way you want. Cherish every moment of the present."

"This song is a waste of paper."

The song, like a summer breeze, blew into the secret corners of everyone's heart.

Touching everyone.

Good music works have such charm.

No need to sing and dance rap, or basketball. No intense strong rhythm.

No need to mobilize your dopamine.

But it can break your defense, make you burst into tears, make you feel something, and make you cherish something.

"What a beautiful and regretful world this is

We just hugged each other, laughed, and shed tears

I came from afar to meet you

I was obsessed with the world and I was wild for her"

The world is brilliant alone.

This world is worth it.

But it is full of so many regrets.

Let us cry, let us laugh. Let us cheer, and let us cry.

Do you remember the person who made you willing to travel thousands of miles to see him?

Do you remember the person you traveled thousands of miles but couldn't see?

Who were you crazy about?

What were you crazy about?

Have you ever shed your blood?

Have you ever tried to bloom?

"It's worth the trip

It's worth the trip

As short as a flash

Blooming in front of you

I am this dazzling moment

I am the instant flame across the horizon

I love you regardless of everything

I will extinguish and never come back

A spring road

A thorn road

As short as a flash

As gorgeous as a summer flower

This is a world where you can't stay for too long"

All a cappella.

The constantly changing harmony makes this song both tear-jerking and touching.

There is happiness and sadness.

But more of it is the vigorous vitality filled between the lines and in the song!

After listening to it, it makes people want to love this world well.

Live well.

Treat the sunshine and rain, flowers and fragrance of every day well.

It is the light of life.

It is the sweet spring of the soul.

It is the comfort of the soul.

The performance of the First Team ended.

Many people at the scene held tissues and kept wiping their tears. They cried with emotion, cried for life, and cried with joy for the beauty of every day!

"Living Like Summer Flowers" was once used as the promotional song for "Dying to Survive".

You can imagine how much energy this song is full of.

The host also wiped away tears for a long time before slowly going on stage.

She praised the song.

"You are singing with your life, singing a song with life," the host said, "No, it should be a song of life."

"Every word of the lyrics is written into my heart."

"Every note echoes in my soul."


"Teacher Su Chen, can you tell me why you wrote this song? Where did your creative inspiration come from?"

Finally, the host turned his eyes to Su Chen.

Everyone also became concerned.

Because fans speculated that this was a response to the song "Summer Flowers".

However, Su Chen gave them an unexpected answer.

"I wrote this song because I hope that everyone..."

"Live like the splendor of summer flowers, and die like the tranquility of autumn leaves!"

As soon as this was said.

The whole network went crazy!

??6000 words, I will pay it back slowly, and I will pay more when I am in good condition. If I am not in good condition, I will pay one or two thousand.

?I like this song very much, and I like Pu Shu very much. I wish my readers: Live like the splendid summer flowers! No regrets in this life. It is worth the trip.



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