Dad: My identity as Qu Dad has been exposed by my daughter

Chapter 177: Invincible East released (5000 words)

After the First Team won the championship, Su Chen returned to Chengdu with the Sunflower Choir. Bar Book 69 New

Together with the Sunflower Choir, they brought the trophy to Mother Yao's grave.

Mother Yao's last wish was fulfilled.

They stayed in front of the grave for a long time and said a lot of things. It was not until the sky gradually darkened that Su Chen left with the members of the Sunflower Choir.

This time, no member of the Sunflower Choir cried.

They said, "Mother Yao doesn't like us to cry."

"We will work harder, get more trophies, make greater achievements, and help more people."

These little guys, at a young age, have big ambitions.

Because they have been warmed by others.

So they are more willing to warm others.

Love will be passed on.

Warmth will be passed on.

One by one, our motherland and our nation will surely become better and stronger.

"Happy Choir" has come to an end.

In addition to the songs written by Su Chen, which were popular and well-known.

Sunflower Choir, Jiangcheng University Choir, and Northwest Research Group are also famous.

Especially the Sunflower Choir, which has a large number of fans.

The Sunflower Choir operates its own official Weibo and short video accounts.

From time to time, some chorus videos are shot and uploaded, and the views and playbacks are very good, which also allows the Sunflower Choir to earn a lot of income.

And the children have basically given these incomes to the orphanage or donated them.

Won a lot of applause.

Of course, they are back on the right track of learning.

These children are all good at learning.

Serious, hard-working, and desperate.

Music and choir are just their hobbies.

Su Chen fulfilled Yao's mother's dying wish and was in a good mood.

After returning to the Magic City, he took his wife and daughter out for a good trip.

At this time, the time was quietly approaching New Year's Day.

Shen Chunzhi and Shu Ping, who had traveled to the Northwest, finally returned home. They fulfilled their promise and returned to Su Chen's home in the Magic City first.

Su Chen found that his father-in-law had lost weight.

As soon as Shen Chunzhi came back, Su Xiaoxi stuck to her, fiddling with Shu Ping's camera to look at the photos, "Grandma, you look so beautiful in this one."

While looking at the photos, Shen Chunzhi told Su Xiaoxi about what she saw and heard during the trip.

Crossing the Gobi Desert and bravely entering the no-man's land.

Su Xiaoxi was fascinated by what she heard.

"Grandma, did you see any wolves?" When Su Xiaoxi heard about wolves, her first reaction was not fear, but excitement.

"Yes, a group of wolves followed our car for a long distance." Shen Chunzhi is still terrified when she recalls it now.

That was in the no-man's land.

What she was most worried about was that the car suddenly ran out of gas.

And then a group of wolves surrounded outside and stared at them.

"Then grandma, did you take any photos of wolves?" Su Xiaoxi became more and more curious.

"Yes." Shen Chunzhi flipped out the photos of wolves taken from the car from the camera.

There were groups of wolves.

There were also lone wolves.

They looked very scary.

However, Su Xiaoxi's eyes lit up after seeing the photos, "They are so cute."

Shen Chunzhi: ? ? ?

Shu Ping: ! ! ! !

Su Chen and Shu Wan looked at each other, their mouths twitching slightly.

"Does our daughter have any misunderstandings about cuteness?" Su Chen was more and more impressed by his daughter's brain circuit.

Wolf and cuteness?

This is not a cub. It's an adult wild wolf, okay?

"From her tone, she wants to raise one." Shu Wan said.

It was the first time that Su Chen felt that his daughter's aesthetics... seemed a little weird!

Of course, these are all small episodes in life.

After Shu Ping and Shen Chunzhi came back, Su Chen and Shu Wan's pressure was much less, after all, they could help take care of Su Xiaoxi now.

But Shu Ping still had work, so he went back to Shancheng after two days.

Shen Chunzhi stayed.

Time flew by and it was New Year's Day.

One night before New Year's Day, Su Chen prepared a table full of delicious dishes. The family watched the live broadcast of the New Year's Eve party while eating, talking and laughing, and having a great time.

As the bell rang.

Fireworks exploded.

Officially entered 2022.

At the same time, the whole world also entered a new era!

The era of Blue Star Village!

The whole country was celebrating.

Singing and dancing, reveling all night.

This time, the bell ringing at midnight was epoch-making. The bell was rang by Huaxia and Yamato, and they joined hands to open a new chapter of the era.

The next day, the two countries held a solemn and grand strategic signing ceremony.

The first agreement of Blue Star Village was signed.

Almost at the same time as the signing was successful, the two countries' networks were connected, and the cultural gap was instantly narrowed.

And for this moment, companies from all walks of life in the two countries have been waiting for a long time.

Countless branches were established on this day.

Countless trade agreements were reached.

The cooperation and exchanges between the two countries, or more accurately, the two regions, are closer.

In the past, people used to call Huaxia and Yamato.

But in the grand blueprint of the Blue Star Village Project, it is to build a community with a shared future for mankind and eliminate national boundaries.

So now Huaxia is called the Greater Huaxia Region, and Yamato is called the Yamato Region.

Countless Yamato corporate branches and business divisions have sprung up in the Greater Huaxia Region, and at the same time, companies in Greater Huaxia have also established business divisions in Yamato.

The two sides have formed a mutual impact.

It sounds like it's very fierce.

But in fact, the speed is not that fast. Although everyone has been preparing for a long time, it still takes some time for the cultural wall to be torn down before everyone feels more strongly.

In short.

After this day, a new pattern has opened up.

The world is still the same world.

But suddenly I found that this world seems to be bigger than before.

Everyone feels so.

The most popular industries in a short period of time are tourism and transportation.

Since there is no need for cumbersome procedures, the two places are equal and interoperable, and "cross-border travel" has become very convenient.

China is vast and rich in resources, with profound cultural heritage.

A large number of Yamato people come to travel, and you can see Yamato people in the streets and alleys. The variety of cuisines in Greater China also has a fatal attraction for them.

The Yamato region has also ushered in a peak of tourism.

As a major country of tourism consumption, Greater China naturally brings new vitality and economic growth points to Yamato.

Even Su Xiaoxi, who was only three years old, came back from kindergarten and said to Su Chen: "Dad, when are we going to Yamato to play? Doudou went to Yamato with his parents the day before yesterday. Look, this is their photo, so beautiful."

Cultural differences always make people yearn for it.

"Well, when the "National Style Ceremony" is over, we will go together." Su Chen said.


Then Su Xiaoxi continued to watch TV.

Recently, the TV channels in the Yamato area have also been incorporated and broadcast in the Huaxia area. These programs, animations, etc. have been made into Chinese.

They have two sets of broadcasting mechanisms.

In Yamato, it is still Yamato.

In Huaxia, it is translated into Chinese.

Of course, because of the Blue Star Village plan, Chinese will be the official language of Blue Star Village. I believe that in the near future, Yamato's programs, etc. will be Chinese.

Yamato has also opened a Chinese subject a long time ago.

Just like people on Earth are still learning English in 2021.

Now Chinese is the mainstream.

The animations in Yamato are well-made. Su Xiaoxi enjoys watching them and often complains to Su Chen: "Finally, there are animations that are not for children."

Su Chen: ? ? ? ?

Su Xiaoxi!

You are not right!

It is true that Su Xiaoxi is too...precocious! She is completely uninterested in "I am a Sheep" now. At least she has to start with "Doraemon". She also likes Sun Wukong and Lu Xiaoshu...

Maybe it's because of her strong genes.

This little girl is much ahead of her peers.

There are more animations and they are better. This is what Su Xiaoxi feels most strongly.

And Su Chen and Shu Wan feel most strongly.

It is the violent impact from the entertainment industry.

"AC Entertainment Dahua Xiangjiang Division in Yamato officially settled in!"

"Chiyo Entertainment, one of the four major entertainment giants in Yamato, was successfully unveiled!"

"Aurora Entertainment Group and Galaxy Media reached a strategic cooperation!"

"Well-known queen Gao Meiqi jumped to join AC Entertainment"

Entertainment giants in Yamato flocked in.

In the music industry, Yamato has very obvious advantages.

On the one hand, they developed early, and on the other hand, there are many genres and a hundred flowers blooming. Even if it is placed on a global scale, Yamato music has a place.

This is why Wutong chose to go to Yamato for development ten years ago.

And large entertainment companies like AC Entertainment.

They have a more mature and complete industrial chain and model than Huaxia Entertainment Company. They can create the "Four Great Divas" that swept across Asia, which is enough to show their strength.

Chiyo Entertainment should not be underestimated.

In fact, Chiyo Entertainment has set up sub-divisions in the island areas of China a long time ago and cultivated a group of excellent island musicians.

But later, for some reasons, Chiyo Entertainment withdrew from the Chinese market.

Now it is back.

It is also a force worthy of attention.

Yamato's main music form is called J-

It includes pop, rock, country, dance, hip-hop and other music forms.

It is also a very representative existence in the international music scene. So when people mention Yamato music, they are used to calling it J-POP.

However, Chinese music has not yet formed this kind of representative global music form.

Su Chen hopes that one day, when mentioning China, people all over the world will think of labels such as "national style", "Chinese style", "Chinese music", etc.

So from a formal point of view, the Chinese music industry will face very severe and cruel challenges in the future.

This makes the weak afraid.

Make the strong excited!

After all, fierce competition will eliminate a group of people, and at the same time, it will also make a group of people successful.

The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit.

This is an inevitable historical law.

In addition, during this period, Su Chen also noticed that the four major entertainment giants in China have been constantly changing jobs in their companies.

They poach people from each other.

Personnel changes are very frequent.

Even in Huanyu Entertainment, many artists with good abilities and potential were poached at high prices, and Zhang Ding was extremely heartbroken.

He even moved out of Su Chen.

But those artists who are leaving said: "There is only one Su Daddy... Can he support the works of all the singers of Huanyu Entertainment alone? It's unrealistic. I have a hunch that he will not easily write songs for me, so..."

After experiencing "National Style Ceremony" and "Happy Choir", many singers think that Su Chen is too high-class.

They can't reach him.

You are not a superstar, and you are not a relative. Why should one of the new five brothers write songs for you?

Many people leave for this reason.

At the same time, many people joined in.

But they were just the opposite. What they thought was that as long as I survived and became familiar with Su Daddy, maybe he would be in a good mood and help write songs.

Everyone has their own choice.

Su Chen was noncommittal.

In short, the tiger called Blue Star Village Project pounced, and the entertainment industry began to shake violently.

In order to develop better in the new era, everyone, whether as an enterprise or as an individual, is sparing no effort.

It's also at this stall.

"The Swordsman: The Unbeaten East" is about to be released.

Because the previous publicity effect of "Laughing in the Red Dust" was pretty good, and the theme song "A Laugh in the Sea" attracted the audience.

Geng Bo did not conduct screenings before the release.

Instead, theaters across the country went online at the same time.

Released at the same time as "The Invincible East" (hereinafter referred to as "The Invincible East"), there is a comedy film "Mr. Funny" that is more competitive.

In Blue Star China, the market for comedy films has opened up.

very popular.

Therefore, "The Invincible" and "Mr. Funny" have also become the focus of this box office battle.

Su Chen had not yet seen the finished film, and since "The Invincible" was Starlight Pictures' first film, Su Chen did not refuse to attend the premiere ceremony.

Not only Su Chen participated.

He also brought his wife and daughter with him.

But fans didn't know that Su Chen came to the premiere as a boss. Everyone just thought that Su Chen wrote the theme song for "The Invincible East" and that's why they came to the premiere.

So everyone was not surprised by the arrival of Su Chen's family.

It even feels logical.

During the fan question-and-answer session at the premiere, what everyone was most concerned about was the screenwriter "The Squirting Squid" and the original author "Talking Pig Knuckle".

"Daddy Su, why don't Squid and Big Pig Hotter come to the premiere?" a fan asked.

"They sent me as their representative." Su Chen replied casually.

"Can you tell us about Squid and Big Pig Hoof, what kind of people they are? They are too mysterious." asked a fan.

"Follow me." Su Chen only answered with two words.



Why do you feel like you have a father-son relationship?

He was a king in his previous life and also made guest appearances in some movies, so he was still able to handle premieres with ease.

After the premiere ceremony.

Soon we entered the screening session.

Geng Bo invited some director friends and some well-known film critics in the industry.

Sometimes a blockbuster movie review is likely to create a great reputation. Geng Bo invited a film critic named "Muyu" this time.

Muyu wears thick black-rimmed glasses.

Seems a bit nerdy.

But when actually chatting with Su Chen, Su Chen found that this person was very talkative. And he is very familiar with domestic and foreign movies and the entire industry.

As we chatted, we had countless treasures.

Su Chen and Shu Wan took their seats in prime positions.

This was specially arranged by Geng Bo.

Su Chen hugged Su Xiaoxi.

Soon the lights in the theater were turned off and "The Invincible" began to show.

The theater instantly became quiet.

Everyone started watching the movie seriously.

Geng Bo sat next to Su Chen, and Muyu sat next to Muyu.

He took out his notebook and a fluorescent pen so that he could take notes even in the dark environment of the theater.

At the same time, this pen also has a recording function.

He needs to record key conversations.

Go back and process it.

Write a detailed, engaging, but spoiler-free review of the film.

At the beginning of the movie, Dongfang Bubai, played by Lin Qingxuan, knocks off Linghu Chong's wine flask. Linghu Chong chases after him and asks him to pay for the wine.

This is their first meeting.

Although I have seen this clip in a previous promotional short, in the theater, when everything is connected, it has a different experience and taste.

Then the two met again in the river.

Dongfang Bubai and Linghu Chong drank generously.

It often feels like seeing old friends.

Muyu frowned slightly when he saw this.

"Linghu Chong won't fall in love with Dongfang Bubai at first sight, right?" From the conversation and state of the two, Muyu had a bad premonition.

He glanced sideways at Geng Bo next to him.

How dare he shoot like this?

Not allowed to be scolded by the audience?

As we all know!

Dongfang Invincible is a man.

If Linghu Chong fell in love with him... it would be a cruel fate!

And it’s not written that way in the original work.

Muyu found that from the beginning of the film to now, basically only the characters are right, and the film has changed a lot from the original work.


"The car won't tip over, right?" Muyu became a little worried.

Although Dongfang Bubai, played by Lin Qingxuan, is extremely beautiful, it does not mean that the original author party can accept the drastic and blind adaptation of "The Swordsman" by the screenwriter and director.

While Su Chen, Muyu and others were watching the movie.

Countless fans who are obsessed with this movie also stepped into the cinema.

Because of the early publicity.

There was also Su Chen’s blessing.

Theaters across the country were almost full for the first screening.

When everyone saw the state, eyes, and conversations between Linghu Chong and Dongfang Bubai, they all thought of a terrible possibility just like Muyu.

"Here, why do I feel like Dongfang Bubai and Linghu Chong fell in love at first sight?"

"Do you want to be so bloody? Where do you want me to put Ren Yingying?"

"Don't talk about Ren Yingying... In this version, it seems that Linghu Chong and Yue Lingshan are together!"

"Where is I, Lin Pingzhi?"

"Where is my Sword Manual of Exorcism!"

"Adaptation, such a big change? It's a little... hard to accept."

"Don't make it so melodramatic! In the end, Linghu Chong and Dongfang Bubai are together... I really want to die if that happens!"

"Hahaha, but I think it's quite interesting. Just think about it, when a man falls in love with another man... ah hahaha!!! The talking pork elbow will be pissed to death."

The audience was a little uneasy.

But they still watched it patiently.

After all, they were here.

The main plot of "Swordsman: Dongfang Bubai" is very clear. The whole movie revolves around Linghu Chong and other Huashan disciples who want to quit the world, but they can't quit no matter what.

Instead, they are constantly involved in the disputes of the world.

Dongfang Bubai intends to overthrow the Ming Dynasty. She has her own slogan: "Heaven has given me a great mission and bestowed me with magical powers. The sun rises in the east, and I am the only one who is invincible."

Very domineering.

One night Linghu Chong went to find Dongfang Bubai.

But he didn't even know what Dongfang Bubai looked like.

He ran into Dongfang Bubai who was embroidering a dragon robe with needles, but Linghu Chong was unaware of it. After a fight, he suddenly saw her face: "Girl, it's you. I'm Linghu Chong..."

The two met for the third time.

Afterwards, people from the Ronin Camp came to attack.

Linghu Chong hugged Dongfang Bubai and rolled together.

The atmosphere was ambiguous for a while.

"Oh no, I might have been discovered by Dongfang Bubai. So he sent someone to kill me." Linghu Chong, who was unaware of it, said, "Why not do this, while it's dangerous now, I'll take you out for a walk."

At the end.

Linghu Chong also touched Dongfang Bubai's nose affectionately.

The sour smell of love instantly spread.

"Fuck!" Muyu instantly broke down, "Really... in love?"

The audience's mentality was completely broken at this moment.

"Are Linghu Chong and Dongfang Bubai really together?"

"Fuck!!! Director! You're so brave!"

"So this fucking changed "Swordsman" into a bloody movie?"

The audience smelled the bloody smell instantly.

Linghu Chong and Dongfang Bubai fell in love?

What kind of imagination is this?

Some people even cursed in their hearts.

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