The classical and graceful melody and lyrics of "Blue and White Porcelain" touched the hearts of the audience. Reading

The blue and white porcelain it depicts.

The graceful Jiangnan woman written in it makes people unable to stop.

The three words "provoke" inject soul into this song.

"It's so beautiful! It's so graceful and moving."

"I actually heard the feeling of first love."

"Blue and white porcelain, ink Jiangnan, beautiful women...what a beautiful picture."

"I haven't heard enough! Not satisfied! Sing it again!"

"Sing it again!"

"Sing it again!"

I don't know who shouted first at the scene, and then the audience followed suit, shouting together, asking Su Chen to sing it again.

The scene was out of control for a while.

The shouts and screams continued.

Li Zongsheng and Luo Qun were in the audience, and they admired this song very much.

Luo Qun had already praised him before, so he didn't praise him again this time, but said: "It was obviously a competition, but he turned it into a concert."

"I don't think there is any need to vote." Li Zongsheng believes that the audience's voice has represented their choice.

Large flat.

Wutong and others were also moved by the beauty of "Blue and White Porcelain" after listening to it.

Yamato culture was greatly influenced by ancient China.

Chinese elements often appear in their anime.

So when they heard the song "Blue and White Porcelain", their aesthetics were also in line with it.

Although they haven't learned Chinese very well, just listening to the song is enough to make them shout "wonderful"!

"I like the guzheng as the main instrument." Da Mu was the first to speak, "Amazing! It's more amazing than all the Chinese works I've heard."

"Ancient China seems to have been resurrected." Furukawa exclaimed.

Yamato and China have long had records of cultural exchanges. During the heyday of the Tang Dynasty, Buddhism, Tang culture, etc. were all brought to Yamato through "international students".

You know!

China in the heyday of the Tang Dynasty was the world's "holy land for studying abroad"!

The surrounding kingdoms and dynasties all sent people to learn the advanced culture of the heyday of the Tang Dynasty.

It was only when the Ming Dynasty banned maritime trade and the Qing Dynasty closed its doors to the outside world that China gradually failed to keep up with the world.

Furukawa said that ancient China was revived!

The meaning is very clear.

That is, the China with a prosperous economy and flourishing culture finally jumped onto the world stage again.


Perhaps it will lead the world's aesthetics again.

"After the show, I have to listen carefully to every song of this Su Chen." Kanai Taro's interest in Su Chen increased greatly.

He was fascinated by Su Chen's aesthetics in writing songs.

He admired it very much.

Far away in Yamato, the lone wolf Ishida was stroking his cat while clicking on the screen recording just now to replay "Blue and White Porcelain".

Ishida is a weird person.

At the same time, he has an excellent ability to remember songs.

Generally, he can remember a song after listening to it once. He is taciturn and rarely praises other people's works.

If he thinks a piece is good and likes it, he will listen to it repeatedly.

Otherwise, he will only listen to it once.

So listening to it for the second time is his greatest recognition and appreciation of "Blue and White Porcelain".

The two talented women are curled up on the sofa.

Edo Shi and Ono Kiyoko, this is also a pair of strange girls. Yamato's fastest rising lyricist and composer, um, a lyricist and composer combination!

It's very strange, isn't it?

If Edo Shi wrote the lyrics of their works, then Ono Kiyoko must have composed the music.

If Ono Kiyoko wrote the lyrics, Edo Shi must have composed the music.

They also appreciate "Blue and White Porcelain".

But their real focus is on Su Chen.

"So handsome!" Edo Shi said.

"The voice is so charming." Ono Kiyoko said, "I like his voice! It's the voice of my ideal boyfriend. If I can hear him say good morning and good night in my ear every day, I will be so happy."

"So~~~" Edo Shi also looked dreamy, "I want him to hold me to sleep."

At this time, Su Chen on the stage suddenly wanted to sneeze.

He didn't know that he had been noticed by Yamato's second talented woman.

After listening to "Blue and White Porcelain", all the Yamato three peaks couldn't help but praise it.

"The young generation of China is very powerful." Matsumoto Qinggang said.

"This Su Chen has more potential than Wutong ten years ago." Xi Zhilang flipped through Su Chen's personal information on his mobile phone, "He is only 25 years old and has a lot of potential. Shi Rangjun, are you interested in taking another apprentice?"

"If he is willing, of course there is no problem." Shi Rang was moved to take an apprentice again, "Next time I go to China, I must meet this young man if I have the chance."

There is no suspense.

"Blue and White Porcelain" successfully topped the voting list.

Although it is now a full-member voting system.

But when voting, the audience can also choose to rate the song.

What surprised everyone was.

"Blue and White Porcelain" has been voted for hundreds of millions of times so far, and rated by tens of millions of people!

And its score!

It has remained at a full score of 10 points!

"Is this the only song in China that has received a perfect score?"

"That's amazing!!"

"My father Su has successfully reached the top."

"Hahaha, it's finally not 9."

"Perfect in every way!"

"This song deserves such a score!"

"Fuck! 10 points! It makes the music industry tremble."

"Only my father Su!"

Even Li Zongsheng said to Su Chen this time: "When it comes to Chinese style creation! I admit defeat!"

Luo Qun also praised: "The master is the master! You can't beat him."

Huang Zhan was even more exaggerated: "Blue and White Porcelain! The pinnacle of Chinese style! I'm afraid no one will be able to surpass the height of this song for a long time."

Su Chen felt ashamed of this and even said: "Li Lao, Luo Lao, why are you all so arrogant?"

"The pinnacle of Chinese style, I don't deserve it."

Although Su Chen said he didn't deserve it.

But netizens have already added the "pinnacle of Chinese style" mentioned by Huang Zhan to "Blue and White Porcelain".

And this song is also regarded as Su Chen's pinnacle work.

With the victory of "Blue and White Porcelain".

Su Chen's status among the Lao-level song fathers has also been infinitely raised.

Some people even ranked him first among the Lao-level song fathers.

He is called "China's Chief Lyricist and Composer"!

For such a title, there are some controversies.

"I admit that Su Chen is very good! I also admit that he defeated Li Zongsheng! But if you say he is the top songwriter in China, I think he is still a little bit behind."

"After all, in terms of international influence, Su Dae is much inferior to Li Zongsheng and Luo Qun."

"But in terms of strength! Su Dae has surpassed Li Zongsheng, Luo Qun and others."

"Anyway, in my heart, Su Dae is the first! No rebuttal."

Netizens argued endlessly.

And in such a debate, the peak battle of "National Style Ceremony" is coming to an end.

"Congratulations to Teacher Su Chen for winning the championship of this "National Style Ceremony"!" The host Li Qing congratulated Su Chen.

Then it was time to present the trophy.

The award was presented by the leaders of the Chinese Ministry of Culture.

The sense of ceremony was very strong.

It was also very high-end.

After Su Chen received the championship trophy, Li Qing asked: "Teacher Su Chen, are you going to say a few words of thanks?"

Su Chen was invited to say a few words symbolically.

"I was lucky to get this championship trophy, and I'm very excited." Su Chen said, "I'm also very nervous."

"After all, this is my first time on stage to receive an award."

The whole audience was in an uproar when he said this.

The live broadcast room barrage poured out like it was free...Okay! It's really free!

"Lucky!! Su Dad! You can be bolder! Is this lucky? It's just a strong crush."

"My Su Dad is still low-key."

"First time on stage to receive an award? You're kidding! There are trophies on one wall at home."

"Hahaha, Su Dad is right. It's indeed the first time on stage to receive an award!! Goddess Shu Wan helped to receive the trophies in the past. He has never been on stage..."

"Okay!! Isn't this the taste of Versailles?"

Su Chen's acceptance speech was very routine.

First, he talked about his feelings about winning the award.

Then he thanked her in various ways.

"Thank CCTV, thank "National Style Ceremony", thank my father-in-law and mother-in-law, thank my wife Shu Wan, and thank the fans for their love."

In short, he thanked her like this.

"Uh... this acceptance speech is too ordinary, isn't it?"

"Not at all like Su Dad."

"The correct way to open Su Dad: I'm not very good at talking, so I'll sing a song as my acceptance speech."

The audience got excited.

And then they started to cheer!

"Guofeng Grand Ceremony" also has many awards.

For example, the best Chinese music, the best Chinese lyrics, the best Chinese composition...

However, these awards were not announced and presented at the championship night this time.

On the one hand, it is because there is still a selection stage.

On the other hand, the annual "Annual China Music Festival" will be held in late January.

This gala is to present various music awards.

"Guofeng Grand Ceremony" simply grafted the award ceremony onto the "Annual China Music Festival", and the timing was just right.

Su Chen even suspected that this was the program group's original plan.

The timing was just right.

Although Su Chen has not received an invitation to the "Annual China Music Festival" yet, it is certain that he will definitely be there this year.

After Su Chen finished his acceptance speech, Li Qing teased, "Your acceptance speech doesn't fit your speaking style at all."

"Then what style is suitable for me?" Su Chen asked back.

He thought, isn't that what acceptance speeches usually say?

Li Qing saw Su Chen taking the bait and said, "Don't talk."

"Don't talk?" Su Chen was surprised, "Am I so cold?"

"Quite high." Li Qing said, "I don't know if it's cold or not, only you can feel it. It's lonely at the top."

"I mean, don't talk, just sing."

A lot of foreshadowing was buried.

Finally, her true purpose was revealed at this time.

As soon as Li Qing said this.

The audience immediately shouted in unison.

"Yes!! Sing!!!"

"Dad Su! Please stop talking! Sing!"

"Don't talk!! Sing!"

"Don't talk!! Kiss me!"

The audience was completely boiling.

Su Chen put his hand on his forehead, "Am I being tricked?"

"Yes!!!" All the audience answered in unison.

"You guys are so confident in trying to trick me?" Su Chen laughed and teased.

"What else?" The whole audience burst into laughter.

Su Chen rubbed his temples, "I really can't do anything about you. You've led the host astray."

"I know without asking! You want to hear new songs."

"Yes!" The audience said in unison.

"But I've already finished my acceptance speech." Su Chen said with a slight smile, "It's not appropriate to give two acceptance speeches after winning one award. I'll sing again when I win the next award. I'll definitely sing next time."

Su Chen wanted to cheat.

Of course, he also deliberately teased fans.

Who asked you to trick me?

As the king of routines, Li Qing tries to find every opportunity, "Are you worried that you will win another prize if you sing another song?"

"That's not true." Su Chen said.

"You have already given an acceptance speech, and it is not convenient for you to sing it yourself. Isn't there a singer?" Li Qing helped Su Chen make suggestions, "Wouldn't it be better to let the singer sing?"

"I've always been curious about how we invited a rock band to our national ceremony... If it's as expected, you invited this rock band, right?"

"How about we listen to the work you haven't presented yet?"

Li Qing was determined to trick Su Chen.

In fact, this is also what director Qi Song meant.

Qi Song hopes that Su Chen will sing another song.

Then the whole program ended in a cheerful and warm atmosphere.

And rock! !

It just happens to be the type of music that creates an atmosphere.

The audience applauded for the hole Li Qing dug.

There were cries of "rock and roll" and the like.

Even Li Zongsheng, Luo Qun and others couldn't help but booed along with the audience.

Because they also want to hear how Su Chen wrote rock music into the national style.

In fact, this was what Li Zongsheng was most curious about from the very beginning.

I just didn’t expect that everyone would decide to win or lose with one song.

Chinese rock music did not appear on stage.

it's good now! ! !

Su Chen was actually asked to "return"!

Li Zongsheng, Luo Qun and others also started to look forward to it.

Li Qing dug this hole very deep, and Su Chen couldn't refuse at all.

And seeing how enthusiastic the audience was.

He can feel the audience liking him.

Anyway, this one is not bad.

"Okay!" Su Chen said, "But this is the only one. You are the host of CCTV, you can't dig any more holes for me."

Su Chen and Li Qing started joking.

Eventually the Dynasty band was invited on stage.

The song they are about to perform is "Dream Back to the Tang Dynasty"!

The masterpiece of Tang Dynasty Band!

Many people thought this 1992 rock song was the beginning of Chinese rock music, but no one thought it would be the pinnacle of Chinese rock music.

This song "Dream Back to the Tang Dynasty" has strong Chinese elements and heavy metal style.

Because of this song, the Tang Dynasty Band was even called the "Tang Dynasty Cultural Phenomenon."


cultural phenomenon!

This is a very solid evaluation.

Even throughout Asia, the Tang Dynasty bands were able to play.


When they heard the title of the song "Dream Back to the Tang Dynasty", the audience immediately became excited.

"Tang Dynasty! Rock!"

"I'll go. When I hear the word Tang Dynasty, my blood boils."

"I am a great Tang Dynasty! There is rock music!"

"Hahaha, everything can be compared to the Tang Dynasty."

Tang Dynasty!


It has a rich and colorful history in Chinese history.

As long as we talk about Chinese history, who can not talk about the Tang Dynasty?

Everyone is curious about what kind of sparks Su Chen will create between Tang Dynasty and rock music.

Soon the entire audience fell silent.

The lights on the stage change.

The song title "Dream Back to the Tang Dynasty" appeared on the big screen!


A big gong sounded.

This rock music kicks off in a grand and solemn way.

The prelude is grand and desolate.

Just like the history of China, the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty, and the vastness and breadth of Chinese culture.

After the gong.

It’s the intro guitar solo.

This guitar solo is very long, just like China’s long five thousand years of history.

The hearing was exciting.

"Chrysanthemum ancient sword and wine

Being soaked in coffee into the noisy pavilion

Aliens worship the ancient moon at the Sun Altar

The prosperous age of Kaiyuan is fascinating.”

Chrysanthemums, ancient swords, wine! These three have a strong freehand flavor in Chinese history.

But these romantic things were soaked by coffee into the noisy pavilion.

The lyrics are worth pondering.

In addition, in terms of singing, Canglang also has an atmospheric singing voice, even a bit of a roar, giving people a strong sense of power and rhythm.

Every sound is like the five thousand years of Chinese character.

Every sound seems to have the charm and elegance of the Tang Dynasty!

The Tang Dynasty is poetic!

The first line of the lyrics already expresses this poetic feeling.

The audience felt refreshed when they heard the beginning of the song.

"Chrysanthemum ancient sword and wine!!! Just this lyric! Give me a poetic and unrestrained Tang Dynasty!"

"The lyrics are amazing."

“Heavy metal paired with Chinese style lyrics!! It’s absolutely amazing.”

"As expected of Daddy Su. It's another brand new style of music."

Li Zongsheng and Luo Qun couldn't help but sit up straight.

Luo Qun knows a lot about rock music.

As soon as he heard it, he knew that this song "Dream Back to the Tang Dynasty" was not simple. "The guitar solo is just amazing."

"The combination of heavy metal rock and Chinese style lyrics." Li Zongsheng looked at Su Chen aside, "Can you imagine this?"

Two completely unrelated elements merge together.

It doesn't even make people feel the slightest sense of disobedience.

This is great.

"The wind will never blow away the everlasting hatred

Nostalgia can be penetrated by flowers

Snow cannot reflect mountains and rivers

The full moon cannot make ancient dreams come true

Destiny is stamped along the palm lines

Tonight, I’m so drunk that I have no dreams.

Follow fate into the myth

Returning to the Tang Dynasty in a dream"


The chrysanthemums, ancient swords and wine describe the poetry and character of the Tang Dynasty, while the romance, flowers, snow and moon describe the prosperity and prosperity of the Tang Dynasty.

This sentence goes back to the Tang Dynasty in the dream.

It's that roaring singing style again.

The place just exploded.

Chinese rock music is actually quite a pity. I thought that the Tang Dynasty bands were just the beginning. Everyone is waiting for one and then.

But there was no more.

So if you want to listen to Chinese rock music, you have to go "archaeologically".

Really uncomfortable.

What a pity.

Some people even say that it was Jay Chou who ended the rock era in China because he set off a Chinese style...

Of course, this statement is open to question.

A benevolent person sees benevolence and a wise person sees wisdom.

"Tonight the moon is reflected in the cup

Men plowing the fields and women weaving the silk road is busy

The bright moon is reflected in the cup tonight

Wuhua Tianbao and outstanding people

The bright moon is reflected in the cup tonight

The paper is fragrant, the ink flies and the poems fill the river

The bright moon is reflected in the cup tonight

The heroic spirit is magnificent"

The heavy metal style and vocals of "Dream Back to the Tang Dynasty" are one of its highlights, and another highlight is its lyrics.

I don’t know if it’s because of the influence of the times.

Nowadays, the lyrics become whiter and less nutritious.

Or it may simply be that the lyricists and composers do not have enough cultural background to write lyrics like before.

No matter which angle you look at it.

The regression of the Chinese music scene is really serious.

Catering to the market is important though.

But we can’t cater to the point of “meowing like a cat”.

Previous songs such as "Two Butterflies" and "Seeking Buddha" were all catered to the market, but others catered to them and became classics.

It’s really worth reflecting on.

Phoenix Legend's "The Most Dazzling National Style" has catered to a new level, and the level of brainwashing is suitable for all ages.

But their music is really awesome.

It cannot be written casually.

The lyrics of "Dream Back to the Tang Dynasty" instantly attracted countless fans.

"I fell in love with the lyrics instantly!"

“What outstanding Chinese people, what beautiful Chinese language!”

"I'll give you full marks for the lyrics!"

"The lyrics of Blue and White Porcelain are excellent, but they are completely different styles from Blue and White Porcelain... and they are also super excellent!"

"It's very impressive, isn't it?"

"It describes the prosperous and prosperous times of the Tang Dynasty."

The whole song and lyrics are amazing.

But Su Chen believes that whether it is the lyrics or the singing, it is the next part of the spoken dialogue that is the most peak.

The most shocking.

"Recalling the heyday of Kaiyuan in the past

All friends in the world are glue paint

Infinite horizons, wide world

Ande Guangsha has tens of millions of rooms”

This section of Bai Bai has a distinct flavor of Qin Opera.

In other words, it is simply Qin Opera.

That sense of atmosphere and vigor is fully revealed!

Vast and vast.

Unparalleled magnanimity!

There are tens of millions of mansions in Ande, which can shelter all the poor people in the world with joy!

From Du Fu in the prosperous Tang Dynasty!

In an instant, the pattern and style of the entire song were improved countless times.

The poetry, grandeur and heroic spirit of the prosperous Tang Dynasty are vividly displayed at this moment.

"Qin Opera!! It's actually Qin Opera!"

"I'll go for it! Heavy metal! Chinese style! Qin Opera! Dad Su's integration of these elements is amazing."

"Is this the gods singing?"

"The words written by the gods! The music written by the gods!"

"Listening to your song, I really feel like I'm dreaming back to the Tang Dynasty!"

"Report! People in modern times have traveled through time."

"It made my head fly. It sounds so good. I like it so much."

"Divine Comedy!"

"There are tens of millions of mansions in Guangzhou!! Only Daddy Su can write such a pattern."

"King bomb!!"

"I guess this song is going to win an award too."

Li Zongsheng was so excited that he stood up.

It's like discovering a new continent.

"Blue and White Porcelain" is extremely beautiful, but in fact there is not much innovation in the writing method or the incorporation of new elements.

But this song "Dream Back to the Tang Dynasty" takes rock to the extreme.

In Blue Star China, the development of rock music style is still not smooth.

They say rock 'n' roll is dead.

For those who play music, rock music is now at the bottom of the disdain chain.

However, Su Chen's song "Dream Back to the Tang Dynasty" is completely different from other rock songs.

If I had to describe it in words.

That's shocking!


"This guy has written enough about Chinese style! He has opened a new chapter in Chinese rock music!" Luo Qun couldn't help exclaiming.

In fact, rock music has a large and wide audience.

It's a pity that nowadays people can't produce decent rock music.

And Su Chen took it out now.

This will undoubtedly bring fresh vitality to the market!

Just like the craze of national style brought by "囍" and "东风波".

"I'm afraid there will be another rock craze in China." Huang Wenshan looked horrified.

He couldn't understand why Su Chen could control so many music styles.

And it’s a classic first.

Everything can be done according to Chinese style!

too strong.

Even Wutong and others found it refreshing to hear "Dream Back to the Tang Dynasty".

In Yamato’s D-POP, rock music also plays an important role.

They have always looked down on Chinese rock music.

But the song "Dream Back to the Tang Dynasty" also impressed them greatly.

"This rock song is still very effective even in Yamato." Furukawa praised.

Everyone nodded.

No one raised any objections.

"This guy is really not simple," Damu said. "I thought he would only write about Chinese style, but I didn't expect that he could also write about rock and roll. It's interesting."

"Fate is stamped along the palm lines

I won’t wake up from my dream tonight without drinking.

Follow fate into the myth

Returning to the Tang Dynasty in a dream"

The song gradually came to an end with the repetition of heavy metal texture.

Fans couldn't stop listening to it.

Densely packed barrage.

All the comments were the same sentence!

"Rock ceiling!"

After the national style ceiling of "Blue and White Porcelain", Su Chen has another rock ceiling.

Even fans describe him as: ceiling maker!

??6000-word chapter, please give me some recommendation votes and monthly votes.



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