The title of "Dream It Possible" alone has already filled fans with endless expectations. Read М

The title of Yamato Nami's new song is in English.

The title of Shu Wan's new song is also in English.

Both are queen-level singers in their own countries, and the lyrics and music are also top lyricists and composers.

It is not difficult to think that Shu Wan and Nami are fighting.

"I smelled gunpowder instantly."

"Shu Wan and Su Dad have great ambitions."

"Directly challenge the Asian queen!! Only my Su Dad can be so tough."

Public opinion quickly fermented.

Yamato singer Nami and lyricist Furukawa were also surprised to see Shu Wan's new song reservation.

"I didn't expect Su Chen to counterattack so quickly." Furukawa also thought that Su Chen was responding to "My Love" he wrote.

After all, this song has been interpreted as "My Love", which is too obvious a "provocation" to "My Dream".

Nami has also been listening to Chinese music recently, especially Su Chen's works.

She has a certain understanding of Su Chen and Shu Wan.

"I'm quite curious about this song." Nami said as she clicked the reservation.

Help every dream!

Furukawa also quickly clicked the reservation.

Because they wanted to hear the new work of this competitor earlier, the two of them would check the reservation data of "Dream It Possible" every once in a while.

20 million!

30 million!

50 million!

Eight hours after the reservation activity was launched, the reservation volume of "Dream It Possible" exceeded 50 million.

Unlocked the prelude of this song.

Thousands of fans rushed in to listen to the prelude at once.

The prelude released was very short.

Only 15 seconds!

The 15-second prelude only had a gentle and quiet piano playing.

Although "Dream It Possible" and "My Dream" are two sister versions with roughly the same melody, the difference is still quite obvious.

The melody of "Dream It Possible" is relatively more soothing and gentle.

It sounds quieter.

Furukawa and Nami have very sensitive ears.

As soon as the prelude sounded.

They instantly caught every note.

"Isn't this the melody of "My Dream"?" Nami frowned instantly.

"I made some changes." Furukawa said, "Slight changes make the whole song taste completely different... Could this guy write the English version of "My Dream"? "

Such a thought suddenly popped up in Furukawa's mind.

It is very common in the music industry to write different language versions of a song.

But Furukawa didn't understand why Su Chen did this.

"My Dream" can't beat it.

Just write an English version to beat it?

It's too perfunctory.

For a moment, Furukawa even felt that he was despised by Su Chen.

At the same time, countless fans also heard this 15-second prelude melody.

While complaining about Su Chen's short and weak, they also found that the unlocked prelude melody was very familiar.

"This prelude... I seem to have heard it somewhere before?"

"It's the prelude of "My Dream"!"

"What? What's going on with Su Dad? Did Kuyun Music make a mistake? The wrong prelude was played!"

" @Kuyun Music Official, it's a mistake! Play it again!"

"Listen carefully, the melody is different from "My Dream", so it shouldn't be a mistake."

"What's going on? One song with two lyrics?"

"It's possible!!"

"I'm a little disappointed to hear the same prelude melody, but my curiosity is even stronger!"

"Come on, make a reservation, brothers!"

"Support "Our Dream""

The almost identical prelude makes fans itch, and no one knows what Su Chen is up to.

This curiosity makes fans even crazier.

The number of reservations soared rapidly.

70 million!

80 million!

90 million!

95 million!

When the reservation number reached 95 million, the entire operation and technical departments of Kuyun Music were on high alert.

Especially the technical guys.

The closer the number is to the 100 million required to unlock "Dream It Possible"! The more nervous they are.

Because by then, there will surely be a large number of fans rushing in to listen to the songs.

They are afraid that the system will crash.

Although it is not the first time that Su Chen and Shu Wan have crashed the system, they have also accumulated rich experience in "system crashes".

But they still can't help being nervous!

Finally, there is still a difference of 100,000 reservations!



When the difference in numbers is only 10,000, everyone holds their breath.

Fans are sitting in front of their computers, or holding tablets on the sofa at home, or on the subway, or in a coffee shop, or in the office...

Of course, there are also high-quality employees taking paid shits in the toilet!

Shu Wan and Su Chen's diehard fan, the well-known music critic, "Bai Bai Pang Pang" who weighs only 9 pounds, feels that his heartbeat is about to stop.


Looking forward to it!

Holding your breath!

Dare not blink!


Before Bai Bai Pang Pang could react, the 10,000 reservation difference disappeared in an instant!

The last bit of gray progress bar turned bright red.

The words "to be unlocked" instantly changed to "unlocked", and the gray play button now became brighter.

Baibai Pangpang couldn't wait to click the play button.

But soon she found out!

The page is stuck!

Please listen!


The system crashed again!

I still remember that when Jay Chou released his new work, Penguin Music also crashed like this.

“You have money but you can’t listen to music anymore?”

"@KU云MusicTechnology Department, can't you give me some help? The system crashes every time! For Dad Su! You also have to strengthen operation and maintenance!"

"Ah ah ah, my mentality also collapsed... I stared at the reservation data for several hours! I finally unlocked it successfully. The result told me that I still can't listen!"

“It’s more uncomfortable than my wife going into the delivery room and waiting outside!”

"I was most worried about dystocia... but it turned out to be dystocia!"

“Crowdfunding will help Kuyun Music strengthen its system!”

Asian queens Nami and Furukawa were also shocked when they saw this situation.

I have never seen anyone in Yamato have their song publishing system crashed before.

After all, there are only so many people in Yamato.

Now I see that Kuyun Music has over 100 million reservations for just one song, and the system crashed in an instant.

Furukawa said: "See you soon."

I really saw the world.

From this incident, they also saw how huge and terrifying the Chinese market is, which contains countless opportunities and opportunities.

It took about fifteen minutes for Kuyun Music's system to gradually recover.

At this time, "Dream It Possible" has more than 100 million views.

It only took a little over ten minutes to unlock and the number of views exceeded 100 million! !

What a departure!

This "interactive method" of new work release is also the first time Kuyun Music has tried. This attempt was successful, and they will gradually extend this to top singers in the future.

This will definitely be a powerful tool for top singers in the future.

no doubt.

"Dream It Possible" successfully topped the list.

And the total playback volume is directly ten times that of "My Love".

This is the power of the "New Appointment" model.

You must know that the most played song "Blue and White Porcelain" before this was only 80 million times, and it still took so much time to accumulate.

This time, through such a reservation event, the sales volume of "Dream It Possible" within 24 hours of its release has been infinitely increased!

So scary.

As the system recovered, Nami and Furukawa also began to play this "outrageous" song.

" will run I will climb I will soar

I run, I climb, I fly.

The past is everything we were don't make us who we are

History determines the past but cannot determine you and me now

so I'll dream until I make it real and all I see is stars

So I will keep dreaming until my dreams come true until I see the stars in the sky

It's not until you fall that you fly

Don’t be afraid of falling anymore until the moment you spread your wings and fly high.”

The melody is not too different from "My Dream", just a few tweaks. What really attracted Furukawa and Nami were the lyrics.

The same song, different lyrics, but the taste is suddenly different.

After the lyrics were changed to the English version, they became more inspirational.

In Furukawa's view, once the lyrics change, the style of the entire song becomes international.

The sense of immersion is instantly strong.

Kuyun Music is very considerate. Based on the original English lyrics, it also provides Chinese translation and Yamato translation.

Select the corresponding translation language and use it to understand the meaning of the lyrics.

Baibai Pangpang put on his headphones as soon as the system was restored and enjoyed the song.

When Shu Wan sang the English version, she changed her mood and handled it more delicately.

Therefore, it sounds slightly more comfortable than "My Dream".

Or maybe this is an English song with its own special effects.

"When your dreams are alive you're unstoppable

When your dreams come true you are unstoppable

take a shot chase the sun, find the beautiful

Wave your wings and follow the sun to find beauty

We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold

We will shine brightly in the darkness and turn stones into gold

And we'll dream it possible

We hope our dreams come true”

I believe this paragraph will be familiar to everyone.

Even if you haven't heard the song.

Have you ever heard someone else’s cell phone ring?

For a long time, Su Chen remembered that the ringtones on his parents, friends or colleagues' mobile phones all had this part.

The melody sounded.

Everyone took out their mobile phones in unison...

You can imagine how popular this song was.

Of course, Huawei's brand image and brand influence have also been greatly improved because of this song.

I went up in a hurry.

"The lyrics are too amazing, right?"

"The same melody, but a completely different feeling! Millions of lyrics!"

"This lyrics only costs a million? It's worth at least 100 million!"

"I want to say...Daddy Su's English is so good!"

“It’s very international.”

"My Dream" has been a huge success, so fans shouldn't be too surprised. But fans were amazed by the divine lyrics of "Dream It Possible".

Especially the lyrics that resonate.

The English version is indeed much better.

In other words, the translator is a translator with tens of millions of levels:

"We want our dreams to come true

I follow me forward and I will spread my wings and fly

Until the moment of fall until destruction

Get out of your own prison like a bird flying freely in the dark night

I know I'm changing, I'm changing

Become more powerful than ever before

The realization of lofty ideals

It always takes countless blood

Don’t be afraid of falling anymore until the moment you spread your wings and fly high.”

Baibai Pangpang listened to the song and couldn't help but hum along with the melody. His English is not bad and he understands English lyrics.

But at the moment she was staring at the Chinese lyrics translated by Kuyun Music.

What a great translation!

"From the bottom to the top

We are like wildfire burning

Never give up, never back down

Strive unremittingly for the rest of your life

from trough to peak

We are like wildfire burning

Never give up, never back down

Don’t be afraid of falling anymore until the moment you spread your wings and fly high.”

Although Chinese has gradually become a popular trend, English still plays a decisive role.

Music around the world is more or less influenced by Western music.

Therefore, English songs always give people a sense of superiority when they are sung.

Their use of strong rhythm will be more obvious.

Take the song "Dream It Possible" as an example. The rhythm is slightly stronger than that of "My Dream", so the emotional rendering will be stronger.

This is why many people think the English version sounds better.

Because English comes with its own special effects!

do not give up! Don't back down! Keep fighting!

This is the precious spirit of the Chinese people.

Everyone has his own dream, our motherland has the motherland dream, and China has the Chinese dream!

On the road to chasing dreams.

Never stop chasing!

"Millions of subtitles man! Thank you thank you!"

"It's really nice and the lyrics are amazing."

"Crying after hearing this!"

"Let's start over again... and listen again! See you at the beginning!"

"We will make our dreams come true!"

"We will make our dreams come true!"

"We will make our dreams come true!"

Fans in the comments section of the song were all saying "we will make our dreams come true" and after listening to it, most started playing it again.

Most people feel that this song is hard to listen to!

No matter how many times you listen to the single, you never get tired of it.

After Furukawa listened to the song, there was nothing much to say about the song. He was already very familiar with it. The lyrics really surprised him.

"If the fit between the lyrics and the music of "My Dream" was 90% before, then the fit between the English version and the current version is 100%! English lyrics! It makes this song amazing! Even internationally, it is A rare masterpiece!”

"The main melody is played on the piano."

"When I listen to the song, I feel like I see a little girl sitting in front of the piano. As the sun goes by, she slowly grows up and turns into a butterfly..."

Furukawa painted a beautiful picture of his imagination.

Nami couldn't help but close her eyes after hearing this.

"So beautiful!" Nami exclaimed.

Nami debuted very early. She was selected by a talent scout at the age of 14, became famous in Yamato at the age of 15, and became a diva-level singer at the age of 18!

The career of a singer is going very smoothly.

Known as a genius.

But everyone who knows her well knows how much effort he has put in, how many days and nights, how many tears and sweat he has shed in order to achieve such an achievement...

Behind the glory.

It was a desperate running and chasing that no one had ever seen.

So this song has a different flavor to her ears.

Music critic Bai Bai Pangpang also listened to this song over and over again. She didn't know how many times she listened to it. She finally started typing the title of the music review article on the keyboard: "Dream It Possible" starts Shu Wan's journey to become an international superstar. .

This song is Shu Wan's first English single.

In fact, from the beginning of "My Dream", Bai Baipangpang saw signs that Su Chen would promote Shu Wan as an international superstar.

And this song "Dream It Possible" is enough to explain the problem.

"This is the beginning of the internationalization of Goddess Shuwan."

"It's such a popular song at the beginning... Hahaha, my appetite has been whetted since the beginning of the New Year."

“Su Daddy YYDS”

"Hurry up and praise your wife to the sky!"

"After praising your wife as an international queen, don't forget to praise yourself as an international king..."

The talk of Shu Wan entering the international music scene is becoming more and more popular.

Su Chen neither admitted nor denied this.

Anyway, I'm going to help my wife fight monsters and level up.

This time, "Dream It Possible" surpassed the new work of Nami, one of the Asian queens, and the data was far ahead.

It also caused quite a stir in Yamato.

"The little queen suppressed the real queen!"

"This is unscientific."

"Fight back!"

"Let them see the strength of the real four great singers!"

The first confrontation between Nami and Shu Wan also made Yamato musicians see the terrible potential of the Chinese market, and they were eager to try.

An unprecedented storm is brewing.



A large conference room.

At the beginning of the new year, CCTV reviewed and summarized the performance and achievements of various programs last year, and the great success of "National Style Ceremony" was commended.

Director Qi Song was also rewarded for this.

"The National Style Ceremony has created many records in the history of our CCTV! We are proud of this. But we can't stop here."

"In the new year, we must not only continue the glory of the National Style Ceremony, but also be brave to innovate and strive to create one or two more hit programs like the National Style Ceremony."

The director made strategic deployments for the new year and put forward his own hopes.

After the meeting, Director Wei Lai stopped Qi Song who was about to leave.

"Qi Song, wait a moment." Wei Lai said.

"Director, is there anything else?" Qi Song asked.

Today, he was commended in front of so many colleagues and received a considerable bonus. He was very happy.

"You performed very well last year. Keep up the good work this year." Wei Lai praised again.

"I will work hard to make a good program."

"The National Style Ceremony will still be managed by you. But this program will be in the second half of the year. I hope you can plan another program in the first half of this year."

"Does the director have new instructions?" Qi Song heard the meaning of this.

Let him plan a new program.

That must be that the director has an idea.

That's why Qi Song asked this.

"It's not an instruction." Wei Lai unscrewed the thermos cup and took a sip of wolfberry water. "The implementation of the Blue Star Village Cultural Exchange Plan has changed our China and even the world situation dramatically this year compared to last year."

"Recently, Yamato has a program called "Gourmet" that has become very popular in China after it was broadcast in China. Have you paid attention to it?"

"I watched it with my wife at night." Qi Song said respectfully, "Do you mean that we should also make a Chinese food program?"

"That's exactly what I mean." Wei Lai said, "Food culture is also part of culture."

"Cultural changes are usually accompanied by the renewal of food."

"With the partners of "Gourmet", Yamato cuisine is becoming more and more popular in China... We are a country of food! We must protect and promote our own food culture."

"Go back and think of a few ideas recently, write them into a case and submit them, and then we will discuss how to make this food program."

Wei Lai pushed his thick glasses.

Although he said it lightly.

But with Qi Song's understanding of Wei Lai, he understood that the director meant to make a hit program that was more popular than "Gourmet"!

"Give me three days." Qi Song did not shirk his responsibility and took on the responsibility directly.

The director smiled slightly when he heard this.

His appreciation for Qi Song increased a little more.

After parting with the director, Qi Song quickly devoted himself to the conception of the new program.

There are also many food programs on the market now.

But there are almost no programs that can compare with "Gourmet".

Yamato people pursue perfection in their work, just like their food, which is meticulous.

"Gourmet" presents different food in Yamato from the perspective of a gourmet. It is a food program that makes people want to rush into Yamato's restaurant immediately.

So how should I shoot it?

Also discover Chinese food from the perspective of a gourmet?

Well, it's not very good, there is a suspicion of plagiarism and imitation...

Or from the perspective of a chef?

Film the chef's production process of food?

Or a big star...

That's right! !

Su Chen's image suddenly flashed through his mind.

This man is a "house husband" with great cooking skills.

Perhaps he could start with his private dishes...

Qi Song kept brainstorming.

Finally, he found that filming the process of Su Chen making food might be a good choice.

Food, celebrities, daily life...

It would be very warm.

But at the moment it was just a rough idea. He still needed to consider carefully how to implement it. Besides, whether Su Chen was willing to cooperate with the filming was also a big problem.


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