Dad: My identity as Qu Dad has been exposed by my daughter

Chapter 215 Why throw it into the water? (5000 words)

Poirot's raised beard in "Murder on the Orient Express" left a deep impression on readers.

So as soon as they see the little man and the mustache, they react immediately.

This man is the great detective Poirot.

What follows also confirms this.

"Of course, we will always reserve a seat for you. Mr. Poirot, I hope you can come to our store often." Mr. Blondine said.

When Ichiro Oda saw the name Poirot, his heart skipped a beat.

It turned out to be Poirot.



For some reason, he instantly felt the urge to finish the book quickly.

Perhaps "Murder on the Orient Express" was too exciting, and it happened to be a case that Poirot participated in solving. So when he saw the name Poirot, he naturally thought that the quality of this new book would not be low.

after all!

He is the great detective Poirot!

When readers see this, the number of paragraphs and comments instantly increases.

Especially in the paragraph where the word Poirot appears, there are 999+ comments. This is the limit. If you scroll down, there will be thousands of comments.

"Ahhhh!! It's Poirot."

"Oh my god, my DNA moves when I see these two words."

"Isn't this going to ignite?"

"It's a series of works! Big Pig Hoof actually wrote a series of works."

"Surprise! What an unexpected surprise."

"I didn't expect Poirot at all...I thought it would be a completely new story."

People tend to see stories about the same characters all the time.

Prefer the familiar to the unfamiliar.

Seeing the name Poirot is like meeting an old friend in a foreign land, and readers are more willing to accompany Poirot on the rest of his journey.

While Poirot was dining, a couple sat down next to Poirot.

The girl's face turned red.

Smile a lot.

This girl is Jacqueline who appeared in the previous article, and the man next to him is Simon.

Poirot overheard their conversation.

Jacqueline mentioned Egypt and Lynette's offer to offer Simon a job.

Poirot's appearance is like a sudden glimpse, and soon the novel changes scenes again like a movie.

Jacqueline and Simon came to find Lynette.

But Lynette, the queen who had her own way of doing things, fell in love at first sight when she saw Simon. She liked the way he looked at her.

Lynette soon married Simon.

The Queen always gets everything she wants easily.

Ichiro Oda saw this slap on the thigh and said, "I knew it would be like this!!! So what happens next is the angry Jacqueline killing Jacqueline?"

"But in this case, the murderer is known in advance. What else does the detective need to do?"

"Unless..." Oda Ichiro thought of his new work "Perfect Alibi".

No way?

The talking pig knuckle... also wrote an alibi?

Moreover, they are suspected of copying me! !

Oda Ichiro's heart tightened.

In his prediction, if Lynette gets married and Jacqueline kills someone, the murder will happen soon.

He wants to find answers.

Read it in one sitting.

However, as time passed, he felt more and more something was wrong.

Fifty pages, seventy pages, one hundred pages...

He found that he had almost finished reading the 70,000 words published, and the murder hadn't even happened yet.

Just one new character after another appears.

Mrs. Allerton, her son Tim Allerton.

Cornelia, old lady Van Schuyler, nurse Miss Powers.

Pennington, the agent for Lynette's estate, Dr. Besner, Mrs. Otterbein, the "novelist", and his daughter Rosalie.

There are many characters, no less than "Murder on the Orient Express", and their relationships are complex.

And these people were planning to travel to Egypt.

Poirot is also one of this group of travelers.

Then the journey begins.

"There will be a murder on the journey soon." Oda Ichiro became nervous at the beginning of the journey.

It's just that he doesn't understand why Big Pig Trotters suddenly introduces so many characters.

It seems that this case is not as simple as imagined.

During the journey, Poirot met Jacqueline, a poor girl who had been abandoned by her fiancé.

It just so happened that Lynette and her husband Simon also traveled to Egypt.

Jacqueline followed them.

Wherever they go.

Jacqueline always miraculously appeared before them.

This makes Lynette and Simon distressed and angry.

"Simon, for God's sake, Simon, what should we do?" Lynette was afraid that Jacqueline would follow them.

Linette found Poirot after dinner.

Hopefully Poirot will help keep Jacqueline from following them.

Poirot refused.

But Poirot really felt sorry for Jacqueline.

Because he knows everything.

Jacqueline was abandoned.

The man you love most, your best friend.

The pain can be imagined.

Although he refused Lynette's request, he still found Jacqueline out of "friendship" and wanted to persuade Jacqueline to let go of that scumbag.

But Jacqueline couldn't do it.

"Don't let evil enter your heart," Poirot advised.

"You can't stop me..." The little girl refused to listen, "Even if I want to kill her... you can't stop me."

"I want to hurt him... stick the knife into his body, put my beloved little pistol against her head, just move my fingers..."

Jacqueline imagined killing Linnet in this way.

Her anger and hatred were not concealed.

"Will she really kill Linnet?" Ichiro Oda was even more puzzled when he read this.

Although he is an experienced mystery writer.

But he was completely confused when he saw this.

What on earth did the big pig's hoof want to write?

Put the murderer so naked in front of the readers?

This is not a mystery novel!

A barking dog usually doesn't bite.

It's the same in mystery novels. People who say they will kill people usually don't kill people... Crime! It is always completed and ended in silence.

"Is the murder going to happen next?" Ichiro Oda thought to himself.

Continue to read.

However, the big pig's hoof did not meet his expectations!

He actually started to write about Poirot visiting places of interest with everyone, and getting to know and observe more people in the process...

Some details and trivialities.

Just don't write about the occurrence of the murder.

He was getting impatient waiting for the murder, and even began to doubt that after such a big net, it was not Linnet who died in the end?

But... Jacqueline?

After all, Linnet was impatient, and she might kill this annoying friend! Or Simon would kill her.

It was heartbreaking.

Not only Oda Ichiro felt this way, but most readers felt the same way.

"Fuck!! How many words are there? The murder hasn't happened yet!"

"I'm anxious!! But I can't skip. I'm afraid I'll miss some details."

"I admit that the beginning has a tight rhythm, quickly snatching a man, quickly getting married, and quickly embarking on a journey... But after that, what exactly does the big pig's hoof want to write?"

"It's itchy!!"

"This is definitely the mystery novel with the longest foreshadowing I've ever read."

"There are so many characters that I feel a little confused... To be honest, I don't know who is who with many characters now."

"The characters are even more complicated than "Murder on the Orient Express"! There must be more than 20, right?"

"Tell me quickly, who will die."

"It must be Lynette."

"Um... not necessarily, look at the title of the book, Tragedy!! How can one person's death be considered a tragedy?"

"Don't tell me...this is a serial murder case?"


"If that's the case, it would make sense to introduce so many characters."

Oda Ichiro couldn't help but read the readers' chapter reviews and murmured to himself: "A serial murder case? It should be like this..."

The complex and numerous characters made him quickly accept this view.

finally! !

He read to the end of the more than 70,000 words published.

Murder finally comes to light.

Lynette was almost killed by a falling boulder while playing...but luckily she didn't.

The appearance of this scene makes all readers feel nervous.

"It's coming! It's coming! It's finally here!"

"Murder! It's finally happening."

"The killer took action."

Attempted murder.

The murderer was not found.

Many people regarded this incident as an accident, that the boulder rolled down from the mountain accidentally.

However, Poirot did not think so.

He thought it was murder.

Someone pushed the stone down.

Who could it be?

He did not know, but he could rule out Jacqueline, because when the boulder rolled down, she had not yet gotten off the ship.

"In addition to Jacqueline, someone else wants to kill Linnet!" Readers became nervous.

"No way... so many characters, it won't be the same as "Murder on the Orient Express", all suspects?"

"The big pig's hoof should not do this. He won't play the tricks he played twice."

"Then! What will happen next?"

The novel really started to get exciting here.

In the evening, after the passengers who returned to the ship finished their meal, they returned to their rooms.

But Jacqueline did not want to go back.

She pulled Cornelia to drink.

Linnet was tired and wanted to go back to rest, but Simon stayed.

Until later, only Jacqueline, Simon, Cornelia and Fanthorpe were left in the hall.

Jacqueline was a little "crazy" after getting drunk. She blamed Simon and hated Simon. Finally, he excitedly took out a pistol and shot Simon.

But this shot did not kill him.

It hit Simon's leg.

Blood gushed out.

The hall was in chaos.

This was the second "bloody case" after the "attempted murder" of the boulder!

After Jacqueline injured Simon, she was stunned and had a mental breakdown. Cornelia and Fanthorp took Jacqueline away from the scene.

Fanthorp placed Jacqueline in Miss Bowles' room and went out to find Dr. Besner.

Five minutes later, Besner and Fanthorp returned to the hall where Simon was. .

The injured Simon was carried to Dr. Besner's room by the two to treat the gunshot wound.

At this time, Simon suddenly remembered something, Jacqueline's gun! The gun fell to the ground with a snap from Jacqueline's trembling fingers. Jacqueline kicked it away and the gun was kicked under the bench.

He was worried that the gun would be discovered.

It would implicate Jacqueline.

He didn't want Jacqueline to be charged with intentional injury.

So he asked Fanthorpe to get the gun back.

However, when Fanthorpe came back, he brought bad news.

The gun!

It was gone!

Readers' hearts were in their throats when they saw this.

"Holy shit!! The gun is missing?"

"Taken by who?"

"The murderer... isn't going to use this gun to start killing people, is he?"

Oda Ichiro's nerves became tense.

coming! !

The main event is finally here! !

It’s so hard to wait for me.

But so far, the only one with a mystery element is "Attempted Murder on the Rock"!

This murderer! !

I can really stand the loneliness.


Who will suffer first?

Simon spent the night in Dr. Besner's room.

Jacqueline was accompanied by Miss Bowles.

The next morning Poirot was shaving his face.

His good friend the Swiss Colonel found him.

"What's wrong?" Poirot saw from Colonel Reese's expression that something had happened.

"Lynette Doyle is dead - a bullet went through her head last night," Colonel Reese said.

What Jacqueline had said immediately came to Poirot's mind: "I want to put my beloved little pistol against her head, just move my finger..."

Su Chen is a "highly skilled" fragmented dog.

The chapter ends abruptly here.

Oda Ichiro was so angry that he wanted to smash his cell phone!

Readers also went crazy at this moment.

Completely crazy! !

"Damn it!! It took so long to wait until the case happened! You're gone."

"I have the dragon-slaying sword in my hand. Kill all the broken dogs in the world."

"Count me in as Yitian Sword!"

"The Ruyi Golden Cudgel joins the battle."

"Jacqueline's pistol disappeared, and then Lynette died like this? Was she shot? Could it be that Jacqueline killed her?"

"If so! Then the plot of this book is too simple. You have to believe Big Pig Hoof. He wouldn't write like this."

"If it was Jacqueline who killed him! I'd really eat shit."

"So who is the murderer?"

Su Chen broke the story here, and readers began to guess the plot behind it.

Yamato mystery writer Nomukkaho is also reading "Tragedy on the Nile".

The reading stopped abruptly.

She really wanted to fly to China to find this pig knuckle and eat it.

So hateful.

It's not just about whetting your appetite.

After feeling dissatisfied, she looked down at the notes she had taken.

She has a habit of reading.

Take notes as you read.

Write down the plot.

Note down the characters and their relationships, as well as important time points, etc.

Since there is no follow-up content, I will analyze it myself.

So he began to look for clues and thought about what the next plot would be like from a writer's perspective.

Who will be the murderer.

After analysis, he saw that many readers in the book review section were speculating that Jacqueline ran out of Miss Bowles' room at night to kill Lynette.

She had a strong opinion about this.

So reply in the book review area.

"Those who say Jacqueline is the murderer, use your brains. Have you read the book carefully? It is already written in the book that Miss Bowles gave Jacqueline an injection of morphine. And Miss Bowles stayed with her all night. She There is no sufficient alibi to commit murder.”

"As for Simon, not to mention, he was shot in the leg, and it is impossible to go out to kill people. There is also a sufficient alibi."

"The murderer will only be someone else."

"I think Pennington, Lynette's estate agent, is the most suspect. Because it involves Lynette's personal property and Pennington's personal interests."

"Fanshorp is also suspected. He said he didn't find the gun. What if he lied? Not only did he find the gun, but he also kept it himself..."

"Or the black waiter! He happened to bump into this scene...but he didn't seem to have any motive for murder."

"Tim Allerton has a close relationship with Joanna, and perhaps their relationship may also be involved in the murder. In short, except for Jacqueline, Simon, Dr. Besner, Miss Bowles, and Cornelia, everyone else is suspected! "

Nomukaiho's comments were liked and recognized by many people.

"I'll go!! Nokaho has also become a reader and fan of Big Pig Trotters?"

"The big pig's hoof card."

"The analysis makes sense. It is absolutely impossible for these people to be the murderers. First, rule them out as suspects. I also think Pennington is the most suspect."

In the following time, many readers continued to dig deeper into the subsequent plot.

It's just hard to make a convincing prediction of the killer.

After reading it, Oda Ichiro also sighed, "It's really not Jacqueline...because Jacqueline's desire to kill was too obvious."

After reading Nomukaiho's comments, he couldn't help but reply with his own speculations and opinions later.

"The general direction should be like this." Oda Ichiro said, "But I think there are some obvious foreshadowings in the book."

"The gun is gone. Where did it go? It is very likely that Lynette was killed by Jacqueline's pistol. And the murderer will take this opportunity to frame the blame on Jacqueline. How to complete the frame-up? I guess! The gun would sneak back into Jacqueline's room, or into his bag."

"In this case, the story will be interesting."

Su Chen wrote until night.

Finally finished the whole book.

He read readers' comments for a while before posting.

He read the comments of Oda Ichiro and Nomukaiho.

"That's a pretty accurate guess..." The corners of his mouth raised slightly.

After taking a look at the book’s data, I saw that the rewards have already exploded.

Two thousand gold alliance!

It seems that although the outage makes people hate it, the more they hate it, the more rewards they get. Because everyone wants to reward it, maybe the author will add more... (I understand, everyone understands).

Monthly tickets, recommendation tickets, fan list, best-selling list...

All lists!

"The Tragedy on the Nile" firmly occupies the first place.

Su Chen is so numb from being the first.

"Let's post it all at once." Seeing so many rewards, he uploaded the second half of the book without any hesitation.

It was already eleven o'clock in the evening.

But as soon as the new chapter was uploaded.

The entire Pangu Chinese website exploded.

"Oh my god!! The Nile has been updated again!! And it's 70,000 words again!"

"140,000 words a day!! I'm so awesome."

"Update directly to the end?"

"It seems so!"

"Ahhh! I just want to sleep! How can I sleep now? Pull my boyfriend up to watch it with me."

"I envy those who have boyfriends."

Many people had already gone to bed that night, but they all got up again.

Ichiro Oda has the habit of creating late at night.

He just opened Word to write his updated chapter, but "The Tragedy on the Nile" was updated!

How can I still have the mood to write?

In a mystery novel, the excitement and climax are when the case happens and when the case is solved... To be honest! Linette's death! He hasn't satisfied him enough.

He was like being cursed, and he wanted to know whether the next plot was the same as he guessed.

"I won't write anymore!" After a struggle, he made a decision, "I'll stop updating... It's just one day anyway! It doesn't matter if it's one day, right?"

"Or I'll read it faster... I can still catch up with the update."

"Besides, I read the new work of the big pig's hoof to learn, and readers can understand..."


As long as you find a legitimate reason for yourself, you can do anything.


Ichiro Oda stopped updating.

Hono Nomuka also faced the same problem.

So she stopped updating too.

In addition, there are a large number of authors and readers who sank into the "Nile River's Exquisite Murder Case" in the middle of the night.

Just as Hono Nomuka guessed.

Poirot also proved that Jacqueline and Simon were not suspected with the same inference!

But Ichiro Oda guessed wrong.


It was not sent back to Jacqueline.

Instead, it was thrown into the water.

After it was salvaged.

It was indeed Jacqueline's gun...

After inspecting the crime scene, Poirot found that Linette was shot while sleeping, with no signs of struggle.

And what's even more strange is that.

In Linette's room, on the white wall, a big "J" was written with reddish-brown liquid.

"J" is the handwritten subtitle of Jacqueline's name.

It is obvious that the murderer wanted to frame the murder on Jacqueline.

But in this case, the gun thrown into the water can't be explained.

If Jacqueline was to be framed, the gun would have been in Jacqueline's room or bag, but now it was thrown into the water.

This does not conform to the logical chain.

"Why throw the gun into the water?" Poirot was puzzled.


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