Dad: My identity as Qu Dad has been exposed by my daughter

Chapter 221: Glory lies in the ordinary (6000 words)

Xu Sanduo is kind, honest and has no opinions of his own. ReadМ

In the first episode, Shi Jin was handed the good guy card.

His enlistment did not go well.

In the first episode, the character of Xu Sanduo was brought to life by Xu Qiang, and he was paired with actor Zhang Yupei who played Shi Jin.

Xu Qiang was instantly remembered.

"Are you sure Xu Qiang was just a bit player before?"

"Originally I was watching Zhang Yupei, but I was surprised by Xu Qiang's acting skills. Oh my God, he didn't fall behind in the drama with Zhang Yupei."

"It's too strong."

"I was always worried that Xu Qiang would be outperformed by a group of big-name actors. Now it seems that I was overly worried."

"Geng Bo has found a treasure actor."

"How come such an actor has been playing a supporting role for four years?"

"Although gold always shines, in this era where capital is king, the powerful ones are likely to be delayed by a face..."

"Maybe, Xu Qiang's appearance is indeed not outstanding. He is too ordinary, so ordinary that no one can find him if he is thrown into the crowd."

"But it is this kind of ordinaryness that is just right to play Xu Sanduo. If a movie star were to play Xu Sanduo, I would really feel that the drama... would not have that strong sense of immersion."

"I also feel that when I see Xu Sanduo, I always feel like Xu Qiang is acting in his true self."

Xu Qiang's home.

Father Xu was very happy to see that his son did not "finish" the film after the first episode.

And it looks like.

He is indeed the protagonist.

My son has finally made it this far, you son of a bitch...

He scolded the turtle son in his heart, but in his heart he was proud of Xu Qiang. He didn't show it on his face, and just said lightly: "The acting was good... but compared with Zhang Yupei, his acting skills are still far behind."

He's a bit harsh.

But in fact it is just a tough talk.

You must know that he was strongly opposed to Xu Qiang acting in the beginning. He said that Xu Qiang had no talent and would never be able to get ahead in his life.

But now Xu Qiang seems to be on the verge of success.

Kind of slaps him in the face.

Of course he won't admit it.

Xu's mother had tears in her eyes, and her younger sister was already holding Xu Qiang's arm, clamoring for a treat from her brother.

They were really happy for Xu Qiang.

Zhou Yun looked at Xu Sanduo in the play, and he felt that he was very similar to Xu Sanduo.

He's not a guy who's athletically gifted.

The reason why he has reached this point is due to the accumulation of training over time. At the beginning, he wanted to join the school sports team, which was also full of twists and turns.

Later I slowly got better.

"How did he join the army later?" Zhou Yun was looking forward to it.

At this time, the TV has started to play the second episode automatically.

Deep city.

A large flat floor.

Guo Feng, the operations director of Penguin Video, has been paying attention to the playback data of "Soldier Assault".

When the filming of "Soldier Assault" began, he began to contact Starlight Pictures and took the lead in winning the broadcast rights of this drama.

After that, the popularity of "Soldier Assault" continued to rise.

Therefore, as soon as the broadcast started tonight, he stayed in front of the TV and took out his computer. While watching TV, he paid attention to the relevant data trends on the computer.

In Blue Star, the data used by the online platform to judge a drama is multi-dimensional.

On the one hand is the audience rating.

But most importantly, the platform’s internal data monitoring.

Click rate, bounce rate, completion rate and follow-up rate are the four core indicators.

In addition, there are bounce rates, interaction rates, etc.

But the most important ones are the first four items.

Guo Feng looked at the data on the computer, his body trembling slightly, and he was too horrified to speak.

Click rate: 98%

Bounce rate: 5%

Completion rate: 99%

Follow-up rate: 97%

The click-through rate refers to the number of users who click in to watch the show after seeing the page, also known as the open rate. 98% is a pretty scary number.

You must know that before "Soldier Assault", the drama with the highest click rate on the Penguin platform was also 90%!

And the soldiers assault!

It actually reached 98%!

Straight up the record.

Not only that, the bounce rate, completion rate, and follow-up rate are all explosive data that Penguin has never had before.

The first broadcast broke the best records of various indicators on the Penguin platform!


The Penguin Platform Operations Group also exploded at this moment.

"99% completion rate! 97% follow-up rate! This drama is simply amazing."

"It's so scary! Is "Soldier Assault" created to break records?"

“It was made to set records!”

"The premiere is awesome."

"It seems to be true at the moment, but I don't know if it will stretch my hips in the future. The place where the first episode left off is really amazing. People can't help but want to watch the follow-up, let's watch it again. Maybe in the third episode, the data It’s not that strong. There are still many dramas that go high and go low.”

"That's right...look back."

Geng Bo watched "Soldier Assault" at Su Chen's house.

Su Chen was very satisfied with Xu Qiang's performance and said, "It's a pity that such a good actor has been playing a bit part for four years."

"I think it was these four years of playing a supporting role that shaped him." Geng Bo said, "The reason why Tang Seng is Tang Seng is not because he went to the West to obtain the scriptures. It is because he experienced ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties on the way."

"That's the truth." Su Chen agreed.

Many people only see the glory of others' success.

But during that bleak period, he had put in more hardships and accumulation than one could imagine.

Just like Stephen Chow, he also played supporting roles for many years.

But even if he was a supporting role, he strictly required himself as an actor.

So he ended up being Stephen Chow.

On the contrary, there are many actors or singers who peaked at the beginning, but no one cares about them many years later.

Su Chen always feels that starting low and ending high will make people feel more at ease than starting high and ending low.

Going too fast is not necessarily a good thing.

Just like running.

If you start with a 100-meter sprint, you will soon be exhausted.

But if you jog at a constant speed, you may be able to run five kilometers, ten kilometers, or even farther.

Slow is fast.

The tortoise and the hare race illustrates this principle very well.

Geng Bo cannot see the internal data of the platform, but he can judge the performance of the show by looking at the number of people and the amount of barrage.

There is no doubt about it.

It's a blast!

"If nothing unexpected happens, "Soldier Assault" will create a subscription myth for the Penguin platform!" Geng Bo was very excited.

When "Tian Long Ba Bu" was first broadcast, it was not so popular.

You should know that "Tian Long Ba Bu" is supported by the super IP of the novel.

It may also be due to the subject matter.

After all, a large number of people do not like to watch martial arts.

Instead, they like to watch life dramas that are close to life.

And it just so happens that "Soldier Assault" is a very realistic subject matter that satisfies people's military dreams, and the content is quite down-to-earth.

There is no lack of light-hearted humor.

It fits the current market very well.

"Soldier Assault" has already started broadcasting the content of the second episode.

In the previous episode, Shi Jin did not intend to take Xu Sanduo.

He left.

But not far away, he heard Xu Baishun scolding Xu Sanduo and beating Xu Sanduo, saying that he could not even be a soldier!

Turtle son!

Shi Jin and Xu Sanduo had similar experiences, and he could understand Xu Sanduo's feelings. Hearing Xu Sanduo being scolded and beaten, he became angry.

So he rushed back.

He grabbed the wooden stick in Xu Baishun's hand.

Xu Baishun's scolding of Xu Sanduo made him feel very uncomfortable. He was so angry that he poured a bowl of white wine and drank it. Then he said his true feelings under the influence of alcohol: "Old senior, your son is not bad!"

"I want him too."

"I don't want him! I have reasons why I don't want him..."

He said that the army had no time, no time for Xu Sanduo to adapt, no time for him to learn.

"He may become a good soldier! But he has to risk his life! If he risks his life, what can he do if he can risk his life?"

Shi Jin vomited out all the words in his heart.

He was extremely depressed.

Because he understood the painstaking efforts of Xu Baishun, the old father, and also understood Xu Sanduo's current situation.

But he had no choice.

After speaking, he sat down, sitting at the far left end of the long bench, and the long bench tilted up, and then he fell and fell to the ground.

He fell.

The stubbornness of the soldier came up.

His inner struggle seemed to have come to an end, "Old senior, Xu Sanduo is handed over to me, right?"

"But you don't want it..."

"I want him!" Shi Jin roared, "I want him! He is my soldier! You beat your son, scold your son, I don't care. Bar Book 69 New"

"From today on, if you dare to beat my soldiers! Call my soldiers a son of a bitch! I won't do it one hundred and eighty times!"

He warned Xu Sanduo, if I want you, you have to fight for your life, and the squad leader will have to fight for your life with you!

One year!

He wants to train Xu Sanduo into an upright soldier!

When Xu Baishun heard that Shi Jin wanted Xu Sanduo, he cried, and cried with tears!

And the plot has developed to this point, and the whole play has entered its first climax and the first emotional outburst point.

We have said before that "Soldier Assault" polishes the characters like a novel.

And Zhang Yupei is worthy of being the actor.

In this scene, he completely brought Shi Jin's "protective" character to life, and also laid the groundwork for his later "good squad leader image".

In the days to come.

His care for Xu Sanduo will make people exclaim: Xu Sanduo got the female lead script, right?

Some people also joked that Xu Sanduo is the only "female lead" in this drama.

At first, he was favored by Shi Jin, then by Yuan Lang, and even the seventh princess Gao Cheng favored him...

Xu Sanduo!

The whole drama!

He is favored by thousands of people.

And these "favors" also constitute part of the full emotional line of this drama.

Seeing this, the barrage has exploded directly.

"This scene moved me to tears!"

"Squad leader Shi Jin saw his past self, so he wanted to train Xu Sanduo into an upright soldier!"

"I was moved to tears! Shi Jin is really good."

"He is worthy of being an actor! He played the inner struggle and anger vividly. He felt pity and sympathy for Xu Sanduo. He wanted to help Xu Sanduo. He really hoped that Xu Sanduo would grow up."

"Xu Baishun's cry really broke my defense."

"Although Xu Baishun had selfish motives, he did it for his son... Maybe his method is questionable, but his heart for his son and his heart to work hard for his son's future really made people cry."

"I miss my dad."

Xu Qiang saw this scene at home and felt very complicated.

Dad Xu often scolded him for being useless and even opposed him to filming, but every time he left home, he would give his mother some money and ask her to pass it on to Xu Qiang.

But he never admitted it.

When Xu Qiang went home for the New Year to buy clothes for Dad Xu, Dad Xu often said: "I look down on you buying these clothes... You don't make much money, why are you pretending to be so arrogant?"

He was very mean.

But Xu Qiang knew that what his father wanted to express was: It's not easy for you outside, so don't buy me things and save money.

But his father always said one thing and meant another.

Every time this happened, Xu Qiang felt warm in his heart.

So he didn't hate his father.

On the contrary, he respected this stubborn man.

Now many people feel that their parents' arrangements for them will make them uncomfortable, and they often use "Mom and Dad are doing it for your own good" as a joke.

In fact.

Parents are really doing it for your own good.

It's just that you don't understand it yet.

People's growth always starts with understanding step by step.

Let's go back to "Soldier Assault".

Xu Sanduo finally got the chance to join the army. Soon after, he and Chengcai said goodbye to their family and boarded the green train.

Xu Baishun and the village director went to see the two children off.

Here, Xu Baishun and a few gangsters had a fight because of a quarrel. Xu Sanduo saw all this on the train and tried desperately to rush down to help.

This scene,

portrayed the father-son relationship quite deeply.

It reminds people of Zhu Ziqing's "Back View".

Have you ever suddenly seen your father's back turning around one day, and at that moment, you felt that he was old?

As the plot develops.

The seventh princess Gao Cheng also appeared at this time.

Xu Sanduo saw the muzzle of the tank's gun pointing at him on the train, and he was so scared that he immediately raised his hands and made a gesture of surrender.

This scene happened to be seen by Gao Cheng.

"That soldier! Put your hands down!"

"What are you doing?"

"Do you think you are very humorous?"

Xu Sanduo and Gao Cheng's meeting did not leave a good impression on Gao Cheng.

Perhaps from this moment on, Gao Cheng decided that Xu Sanduo was a "bad soldier"!

After arriving at the recruit company, Xu Sanduo's class happened to be trained by Wu Liuyi.

Wu Liuyi was from Shangrongshu Village, and was a fellow villager with Xu Sanduo and Chengcai.

But Wu Liuyi didn't like Xu Sanduo very much.

He was straightforward. He didn't like Xu Sanduo's relationship with his fellow villager.

After joining the recruit company, the first sentence Xu Sanduo learned was Gao Cheng's: "You are a mule or a horse! Pull it out for a walk!"

There is no doubt that the clever Chengcai is the horse of the recruit company.

And the wooden Xu Sanduo is the mule.

Xu Sanduo had to practice a long time to turn backwards.

As Shi Jin said, the army did not have so much time for Xu Sanduo to adapt.

The recruit training ended soon, and it was time to divide the company and class.

Xu Sanduo boarded the luxury bus.

He was very happy.

Because from this moment on, he was a real soldier.

However, people on the same bus kept getting off, but it was not Xu Sanduo's turn.

Until finally, Xu Sanduo was the only one left on the bus.

The bus took Xu Sanduo to the barren grassland.

It turned out that he was assigned to the fifth squad of the third red company to guard the training ground.

The fifth squad of the third red company was an abandoned and forgotten class.

This is a paradise for bad soldiers.

Hell for good soldiers.

There are only four people in the fifth squad of the second platoon of the third red company.

The four people are very lazy and spend their days in a daze. The dormitory is a mess and they no longer look like soldiers.

Seeing this, the audience held their breath.

"Has Xu Sanduo been abandoned after being assigned to such a bad squad?"

"He was assigned here! He might as well feed pigs. Xu Sanduo is useless."

"In fact, I had a feeling that Xu Sanduo would not have a good ending. But I didn't expect it to be so bad."

"I remember that there are usually 5-10 people in a squad? A standard infantry squad usually has 12 people. There are only 4 people here... It's not even the size of a regular squad. Xu Sanduo is really miserable."

"I'm starting to doubt my life."

"I thought Xu Sanduo would be a winner after joining the army, but I didn't expect the screenwriter to keep writing so much pressure. So how did he become the best soldier in the end? Don't tell me he became the best soldier here."

The audience sympathized with Xu Sanduo.

It was a bit hard to let go.

However, Xu Sanduo's performance in the recruit company was indeed not very good, and he also offended Gao Cheng. It was not easy for him to get along in the army.

The instructor handed Xu Sanduo over to the squad leader of the fifth squad.

Li Meng was responsible for taking Xu Sanduo to the training ground to familiarize himself with the environment.

Li Meng had a dream of becoming a writer.

So he started to talk about his ideals with Xu Sanduo, and he said: "I want to write a 2 million-word novel about life."

Because Li Meng was so good at pretending.

For a while, the comments were dense.

They typed out the names of the novels written by Li Meng:

"Soldier Assault"

"C Language from Entry to Abandonment"

"Java: From Entry to Death"

"30 Times of Confidentiality Rules"

Li Meng and Xu Sanduo got along well, and he then asked Xu Sanduo: "Did the instructor tell you that this was a glorious and arduous task?"

Xu Sanduo nodded.

Li Meng wore a military coat, his left hand on his waist, and a cigarette between his right fingers. He looked like a leader pointing out the country, and said with great force: "Glory lies in the ordinary, and difficulty lies in the long process. However, we will definitely be able to use our limited lives for unlimited careers."

Li Meng was just pretending.

But Xu Sanduo seemed to listen very seriously.

It is hard to say whether Xu Sanduo was influenced and inspired by Li Meng's words when he paved the way later.

After the instructor left, the squad leader Lao Ma told Xu Sanduo that they also issued guns here, but there were no bullets. It also gave Xu Sanduo an idea, otherwise he would get sick if he stayed here.

Grassland Class 5!

No matter how you look at it, it is a soldier's hell...

Here, a group of thousand-mile horses will also be useless.

"If I were assigned here, I would go crazy on the spot."

"In a place where you don't have to train and can't practice design... What kind of military service is that? You might as well be a doorman! A security guard!"

"Ahhh, you've finished watching three episodes?"

"I haven't seen enough."

"How will the plot turn next?"

"Will squad leader Shi Jin find a way to transfer Xu Sanduo away?"

"That must be the case! Shi Jin dotes on Xu Sanduo so much! When the heroine is in trouble, Shi Jin must be a hero to save her, right?"

"This is likely to be written like this in a cool novel. But this is a TV series, a TV series close to reality... As a squad leader, Shi Jin doesn't have that kind of power, right?"

"Then what will happen in the end? How did Xu Sanduo become the king of soldiers from the fifth squad of the grassland? "

"Update quickly!!! Update quickly!! I don't want to wait a moment."

"Just experienced the peak of life, and immediately entered the trough of life."

"Isn't life like this? Ups and downs. When you are proud of your success, it means that you are about to go downhill. When you are extremely desperate at the bottom, it is very likely that things will take a turn for the better."

"The bumpy growth path of the king of soldiers."

"It seems that Xu Sanduo will also have to go through 81 difficulties before he can get the true scriptures."

In the three episodes, except for the part where Shi Jin agreed to accept Xu Sanduo, the rest of the plot is a bit depressing for Xu Sanduo.

The difficulties he encountered are clearly presented to the audience.

It's not a refreshing point.

But it definitely has a strong resonance.

"Seeing Xu Sanduo is like seeing myself. When I first started working, I was like this too. I was repeatedly rejected in interviews... It's so real."

"My nose suddenly felt sour."

"Shi Jin's words have already foreshadowed: Xu Sanduo must risk his life!"

"The foundation is too weak. When I started my business from scratch, it was basically the same situation... I always felt that nothing was going well."

"Xu Sanduo has reached the bottom! Next episode!! Let's get excited! Xu Sanduo!"

There was a time when the useless style was very popular in online novels.

And the core of the useless style is the growth of the protagonist.

From a small person to a big man who can smash the stars with a wave of his hand, it has filled the audience's expectations.

At this moment, the plot setting of "Soldier Assault" has achieved such an effect.

It makes people unable to stop.

The ending has been told to the audience at the beginning of the first episode.

Xu Sanduo!

He will grow into a soldier king.

But now Xu Sanduo's situation is quite bleak. How will he get out of the predicament? He is not a particularly smart person...

How will the screenwriter make it right?

Curiosity drove everyone to discuss it enthusiastically.

Zhou Yun was deeply moved after watching "Soldier Assault".

Xu Sanduo is not himself?

But he felt that his starting point was higher than Xu Sanduo.

But he is also experiencing a low point in his life now.

"Can't admit defeat." He said to himself.

He was warning himself, and it seemed that he was also saying it to the virtual character Xu Sanduo.

"Glory lies in the ordinary, and difficulty lies in the long." Zhou Yun repeatedly savored this sentence.

He even secretly decided to take it as his motto.

Now he is stagnant in training, but he must go on firmly and persevere, and one day he will come out...

He likes this drama.

The characters in it are very real and cute.

Shi Jin and Xu Baishun, they all have touching places.

And Xu Sanduo, let many people see themselves.

Just as Shi Jin saw himself in Xu Sanduo.

Geniuses are rare in this world.

Most people are ordinary people.

They will encounter situations similar to Xu Sanduo's current situation.

"Soldier Assault" is different from the previous military dramas. It does not have fierce battle scenes. It tells the story of Xu Sanduo from a perspective that is close to reality.

The characters' personalities and emotions are handled very subtly.

In fact, in this drama, the shadow of Forrest Gump in "Forrest Gump" can be seen everywhere.

Forrest Gump, Xu Sanduo.

Perhaps they are essentially the same kind of people.

But they seem to be different.

After three episodes, the popularity of "Soldier Assault" has ranked second on the Penguin platform, second only to the urban drama "Spring in the Siheyuan" which was broadcast two weeks earlier than "Soldier Assault".

"Spring in the Siheyuan" tells the story of several families in a Siheyuan in Kyoto in the 1940s.

The full sense of nostalgia evokes countless people's memories.

The quality is very high.

It is very popular.

But careful viewers soon discovered:

"The popularity of "Soldier Assault" on its first broadcast is close to that of "Spring in the Siheyuan"! It's terrible."

“It took them two weeks to prepare, but Soldiers Assault did it in one day?”

“It is estimated that after the fourth, fifth or sixth episodes are aired tomorrow, Soldiers Assault will quickly top the charts.”

“What a blockbuster drama.”

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