Yu Tong plunged into And Then There Were None.

Your unique introduction attracted him fatally.

He wanted to read it from beginning to end in one breath.

And this should be a brand new detective series.

Poirot and Sherlock Holmes gave him an excellent reading experience.

He hoped that the new detective who was about to appear would be the same.

What kind of person would this new detective be? I hope he would be like Sherlock Holmes... cool. .

Yu Tong thought to himself.

"Judge Wargrave has just retired. He is sitting in the corner of the smoking room in the first-class carriage, smoking a cigar and reading the political news in the Times with interest..."

"Judge Wargrave recalled the various strange stories about Soldier Island in the newspaper."

The opening introduces a character.

Judge Wargrave.

And this character smoothly leads to "Soldier Island".

Soldier Island is where the next story takes place.

And from the beginning, the island is portrayed as unique.

A gentleman named Owen bought the entire island and the villa on it.

After reading the newspaper, Wargrave took out a letter.

"Dear Lawrence, after many years of absence, please come to Soldier Island..."

In this way, Wargrave and Soldier Island were linked together in just a few hundred words.

Yu Tong's heart skipped a beat when he read this. With his nose in novels for many years, he knew: "One of the victims is undoubtedly."

Continue reading.

He found that the big pig's hoof used the same method to introduce seven other characters one after another.

Vera Collethorn, Philip Lombard, Miss Emily Brent, General MacArthur, Dr. Armstrong, Anthony Marston, Mr. Blore.

Including Judge Wargrave!

A total of eight people.

These eight people have received invitations to Soldier Island.

Some received invitation letters from Owen, some were invited by Una, and some were...

In short, the reasons for each person's invitation are different.

But there is no doubt that they are all ready to go to Soldier Island after receiving the invitation.

"Why invite these people?"

"Who is this Owen?"

"Shouldn't there be ten people? Why are there only eight? Hmm... Could it be that the ninth one is Owen, the owner of this Soldier Island?"

Yu Tong raised various questions.

More and more doubts spread in his heart.

Other readers also had similar doubts.

"So many characters were introduced at once!! This big pig's hoof is going to play big."

"Did you notice that after watching for so long, the detective hasn't appeared yet."

"Yeah. What is this big pig's hoof trying to keep?"

"I can't hold back my curiosity."

Everyone is looking forward to the new detective!

However, their "new detective" has not appeared yet.

Create a sense of mystery that makes people want to stop.

Next, the eight people who were invited to the island met at Oak Bridge Station.

Someone will pick them up here to board Soldier Island.

Eight people who have never met before met.

After landing on the island, the eight people learned that the owner of the island, Mr. Owen, was not on the island.

But everything on the island was arranged properly.

A butler Rogers and his wife warmly welcomed and entertained the eight guests who came from afar.

"Just ten people." Yu Tong's insight was very sharp.

He always remembered everything about the introduction in his mind.

Now the butler and his wife, plus these eight people!

There are exactly ten people on the island!

According to his guess: "If nothing unexpected happens, these ten people will die inexplicably this night or the next few nights! Well... the length should not be too long! After they die! The detective should appear on the scene."

"Such a long foreshadowing, it's really gripping to read."

Yu Tong couldn't hold back.

He felt that the big pig's hoof was too much of a suspense.

At dinner, the eight people found the nursery rhyme.

"It was a little soldier who went out for a feast; unfortunately, he choked and only nine of the ten were left..."

The nursery rhyme appeared again in the text.

It made the fans' hearts tighten.

"Is the murder... about to begin? But, how will it begin?" Yu Tong's interest became stronger.

Dinner is over.

The eight people began to discuss their identities and the invitation letters they received.

Because now all eight of them felt strange.

That is, why they were invited here.

And at this moment, Mrs. Rogers screamed.

She fell down!

Then a terrifying voice rang out in the villa.

"Ladies! Gentlemen! Please be quiet!"

"You are charged with the following crimes:"

"Edward George Armstrong, on March 14, 1952, you caused the death of Louisa Mary Chris"

"Emily Caroline Brent, you are fully responsible for the death of Beatrice Taylor on November 5, 1932."


Ten people present!

Including the housekeeper Rogers and his wife, they were accused of crimes by this voice!

All ten people panicked.

Lian found the source of the sound.

It turned out to be a phonograph!

Everything seemed confusing.

These accusations were true.

Although they tried their best to cover up on the surface, they knew it well.

These were thought to be secrets they had buried deep in their hearts.

But now!

They were all revealed.

Everyone was hypocritical and panic-stricken and unwilling to admit it, and it was impossible to admit it. But the fear in their hearts was real.

They were invited to the island for no reason, and now they were accused of crimes for no reason.

The people here!

None of them were clean.

Everyone was wary of the people around them.

"The prison bars have been closed, do you criminals have anything to defend yourself?"

After this sentence, the sound of the phonograph stopped abruptly!

There was a dead silence in the house.

And at this moment, the coffee tray in Mrs. Rogers's hand fell to the ground, making a loud noise, which scared everyone.

Looking in the direction of the sound.

I saw Mrs. Rogers fell to the ground.

"Nothing, she just fainted, she should wake up soon." Dr. Armstrong said after examining Mrs. Rogers's condition.

The atmosphere gradually became weird.

Everyone present had ulterior motives.

They began to suspect each other and discussed in detail how they were invited here.

The final conclusion is:

"Yes! I think there is no doubt that we were all invited by a madman, maybe this is an extremely dangerous murderer!"

The fear and ominous atmosphere gradually spread.

However, at this moment, just when the dinner was about to end, the young man named Anthony raised his glass.

He smiled and said: "It is so helpless to spend the rest of your life in an ordinary and honest way! What if you break the law? Come on, cheers for breaking the law!"

He raised the glass and drank it all.

Maybe because he drank too quickly, he choked on the wine - choked so badly that his face twitched, his face turned purple, and he gasped for air -

Then he fell off the chair and fell to the ground, and the wine glass rolled to the side.


The sudden death caught the people present off guard.

As a reader, Yu Tong's heart also jumped.

"He just died like that?"

"It's too strange to die." Yu Tong frowned deeply, "Is there poison in the wine?"

But no matter what, Yu Tong knew that the madman who invited them to the island had already started to act.

Dr. Armstrong examined the young man's body.

Death by suffocation!

That is, he was choked to death.

"I've never heard of such a death!" said General MacArthur.

"No...normally, people don't die from choking. Marston's death is not what we usually call natural death."

"Could it be...something was put in the wine?"

"It's possible. It looks like a chemical like cyanide. I didn't smell the special smell of hydrocyanic acid. It might be potassium cyanide. This kind of thing works very quickly."

But such a deduction is not very tenable.

Because there was no poison in the drinks of other people.

Was it poisoned specifically in his cup?

Who poisoned it?

The cup was always in front of him...Did he poison it himself?

It's incredible.

"Is there any possibility other than suicide?"

The first night on the island, the first person died.

Everyone on the soldier island was shrouded in a dark cloud.

Very heavy.

No one slept well that night...

Early the next morning, Dr. Armstrong was awakened by the hurried housekeeper Rogers.

"What's wrong?" the doctor asked.

"My wife, my wife is not well, doctor. I can't wake her up, God! No matter how I call her, it doesn't work, and-I think she doesn't look right."

The doctor followed the housekeeper to the room where his wife was.

"He's dead." The doctor gave a verdict.

The dark clouds in the sky seemed to be heavier.

But this was just the beginning. The third person to die was General MacArthur...

But until three people died!

No one knew how the murderer did it.

There was no clue at all.

Some people speculated!

The murderer was "among us".

"I think everyone is suspected, no one is an exception!"

Seeing this, Yu Tong seemed to have realized something.

"Everyone is a suspect?" Yu Tong thought, but it seems that this is different from the previous routine. Now the suspect suspects himself!

"Without the participation of detectives... If nothing unexpected happens, there will be no detective involved in the end."

"So, everyone is a detective this time? And the detectives, as victims themselves, die one by one?"

"So! Who is the murderer? Where is he hiding?"

Yu Tong felt that this story was becoming more and more interesting.

At the same time, other readers also found clues.

"This is a closed island... There are only these ten people on the island!"

"According to the current writing style, there should be no detective involved."

"Fuck! It makes me nervous. Every death is so bizarre... Is there another murderer hiding on the island?"

"Killing people right under their noses is too awesome."

"This time, the big pig's hoof wrote the story by letting the victim act as a detective to investigate the whole incident... What a wonderful idea!"

"I can only admire it!"

"Always brings us surprises."

"According to the current context, I'm afraid these ten people will die! Will the murderer show up in the end? Is it possible... to achieve a counterattack?"

"An unpredictable ending."

The murderer has never surfaced.

In the following time, people on the soldier island died one after another.

Although they had finally formulated a strategy to avoid being left alone. They even searched the entire island.

In the end, they did not find anyone else on the island.

They took defensive measures.

But the deaths did not stop.

Unfortunately, they choked, could not wake up in the morning... accidentally choked off their heads... Fenglai had nowhere to hide...

They died in the order and manner of the nursery rhymes.

Choked to death, stung by bees, could not wake up in the morning...

"Fuck!! They were killed one by one according to the nursery rhymes!"

"How did the murderer do it?"

"I'm sure! The murderer is one of these ten people! Excluding death..."

"But there is no flaw at all."

Readers were puzzled.

They could only read on impatiently.

Read to the end!

It turned out that the last person on the island hanged himself!

He had completely lost the courage to live.

Because at this point, the murderer still did not surface.

Everyone died!

No one survived!

"So there really was no detective?"

"So who is the murderer?"

"I'm so confused..."

"Everyone is dead!! How can we play this?"

"It's a complete mystery!"

"So readers need to reason by themselves? Deliberately not writing a detective! Then... let the readers act as detectives for everyone?"

In fact, Su Chen didn't think of this.

It was the deputy editor Qinglong who suddenly came up with this idea after reading the manuscript.

Freeze the last chapter of the novel!

The postscript chapter is to explain the whole story.

But Qinglong froze it!

It made the readers feel itchy.

"Fuck!!! Freeze the last chapter!! This is fucking bullshit."

"Still soliciting continuation with prizes at the end!! Me!! Okay!! Open ending, right?"

"Fuck open ending! There is no ending at all!"

The readers were almost crazy.

But such an operation really made people feel itchy. In a short period of time, countless people posted public submissions. Reasoning about the whole story.

It triggered a wave of reasoning among all the members.

"Why do I feel... I'm going to be killed by the murderer after reasoning and reasoning."

"I have this feeling too."

"It's an experiential way to read novels."

After collecting countless submissions.

Qinglong just opened the blocked chapter.

The truth is finally revealed!

It was a self-narration!!

From Judge Wargrave's self-narration.

"The murderer turned out to be this judge?"

"How is it possible!"

"He is not the one who died in the end!!!"

In the readers' speculation, the murderer must be the one who survived to the end. But in the original text, the one who survived to the end was not the murderer.

So more people speculated that there was an eleventh person.

But when the mystery was finally solved, it was not the case.

It was a judge who died halfway through!!

Dead person!

How to complete the next murder?

This is quite contradictory!

It is illogical.

But in this postscript, a perfect explanation is given.

It turns out that the judge had planned everything long ago.

"The plan is simple. I have to pretend to be dead. This may make the murderer panic. In any case, as long as everyone thinks I am dead, I can move freely in the house and secretly observe the murderer's actions." This is the plan he deliberately told Dr. Armstrong.

It seems to be for tracking down the murderer.

In fact, it is for his next murder plan.

The idea is quite meticulous and ingenious.

"I am determined to create a mysterious murder case that no one can solve!"

"Until now I understand that an artist will never be satisfied with just creating art. He longs for his art to be favored by the world. This is human nature."

Then he talked about how he committed suicide after killing everyone.

"After I write this murder idea, I will go back to my room and lie on the bed. My glasses are tied with a rope that looks like a black string. It is actually a rubber band. I will use my whole body weight to hold down the glasses, put the rubber band on the door handle, not too tight, and put the pistol on the rubber band."

"I wrap the handkerchief around my hand and pull the trigger. My hand falls to my side. The gun bounces towards the door under the action of the rubber band, is blocked by the door handle, and falls off the rubber band to the ground..."

"I will lie upright on the bed, and the bullet will pass through my forehead, just as other victims have recorded. The autopsy cannot determine the exact time of my death."

"All they can find are ten bodies lying on Soldier Island and a mystery that no one can solve."

The novel ends here completely!

Readers suddenly realize!

"Fuck!! This design is too brain-burning."

"And it makes sense!"

"This kind of story!! It's very difficult to create! Not everyone can write it."

"All dead! No new detectives!! There's no way to urge the sequel now."

"Fuck!! This is the bad taste of a big pig."

"I killed all the people! You have no reason to let me continue to write mystery novels?"

"It's really crazy!"

The comment section of "And Then There Were None" exploded instantly.

The ingenious story design conquered all colleagues who write mystery novels.

"The King of Mysteries!"

"It has to be the Big Pig's Hoof!"

"He started the era of mystery novels! He also bid farewell to mystery novels with this book!"

"So what will the Big Pig's Hoof write next?"


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