The so-called Blue Star Village cultural exchange plan, on the surface, everyone seems to be in harmony.

However, various cultural subjects in the world are fighting openly and covertly in private.

No one is satisfied with cultural coexistence.

Rather, they hope that their own culture can occupy a certain dominant position.

Create a certain influence and pass it on.

Of course, commercial companies such as AC Entertainment and Huanyu Entertainment have not considered this issue from such a high level.

Although they also know that they shoulder the important responsibility of cultural dissemination.

But in fact, their current starting point is to fight and compete for the interests of the company and the group.

And the deeper meaning behind it,

It is a competition between the top leaders of the two music circles and a struggle for status in the music world.

If Huanyu Entertainment can win this battle, there is no doubt that Huanyu Entertainment’s internationalization path will become quite smooth.

Su Chen knew this very well.

Therefore, his help to Huanyu Entertainment has never been greater.

The song "King of K-Song" was naturally chosen as the promotional song for this show.

Not only that, Su Chen also specially wrote the Mandarin version.

Once the Mandarin version was released, it immediately caused an uproar among fans.

"My father Su is really good at playing."

“Is it popular now to have a song with too many words?”

"Daddy Su: One song! I can write the Mandarin version, the Cantonese version, the Yamato version, the Korean version, the English version..."

"Sure enough, a talented person can do anything."

After Bai Ruoxi joined Huanyu Entertainment, her work became increasingly busy.

Now a senior.

She will almost graduate after the Chinese New Year.

But now she basically no longer needs to attend classes at the Shanghai Music Conservatory of Music, but is focusing entirely on her career.

Shu Wan is her idol.

She dreams of becoming a queen like Shu Wan!

Asian diva!

"When can I become like Goddess Shu Wan?" Bai Ruoxi often thinks like this.

I practice my singing skills every day to improve my singing skills.

Of course she also hopes to be appreciated by Su Chen.

But she knew that top bosses like Su Chen were not so easy to get close to. Well, of course she didn't want to curry favor or be a flatterer.

Now I am very satisfied to see Shu Wan and Su Chen in the company occasionally.

On the one hand, she has already debuted as a singer, but on the other hand, she is still the pungent music critic on the Internet: Baibai, Fatty!

After Su Chen sang "The King of K-Song", Bai Bai Pangpang wrote an article called "The Birth of the Music Emperor".

This article takes stock of Qilin Talent's journey from writing his first song for Shu Wan to "King of K-Song".

Excellent literary talent.

Finally came to the conclusion: he is the king! The real emperor of music!

When she saw the Mandarin version of "The King of K-Song" was released, she immediately put on headphones and listened to the song.

But as soon as the prelude started, Baibai Pangpang realized something was wrong.

"Has the prelude changed?" Bai Bai Pangpang was surprised and pleasantly surprised at the same time.

The intro used in the Cantonese version is the intro to "The Promise".

The Mandarin version uses the intro to "Good Intentions".

The reactions of other listeners were similar to those of Baibai Pangpang.

"The prelude is different!"

"So this time it's just the same song title! Are the melody and lyrics different?"

"Damn it!! You can never guess what Daddy Su will do next."

"Dad Su: I don't want to choose a song title anymore! Just make do with it."

"Dad Su: I want to pretend again."

Everyone was amazed.

But as I continued to listen, I found that only the intro seemed to be different.

The melody behind it is almost the same.

Only the lyrics are different and the language has changed from Cantonese to Mandarin.

"I thought that if the song was sung with good intentions,

You will always care more about me

I thought love was a thing of the past

Thousands of words can be said to comfort each other

Looking forward to moving you

The truth is that we are difficult to get along with

Let me write the lyrics

Sing the happiness you want

who has been moved

Only when we break up do we understand

Leaving the rankings will be even more unforgettable”

"It's a completely different artistic conception and feeling!" Bai Ruoxi listened carefully.

She has listened to the Cantonese version many times.

Now the Mandarin version seems to have opened the door to a whole new world for her.

"I've come to believe that there are some people I'll never have to wait for

So I understand why I cry in dim lights

You won't believe how happy you will be marrying me tomorrow

I just want you to understand that I am willing to love, love, love until I want to vomit

That is the kind of suffering that can only be endured by drunkenness and dreaming.

Love is like a tide, I forget who I am

At least you still cry."

Compared to the Cantonese version!

In the Mandarin version, the king of karaoke seems to be more emotionally hurt.

Bai Ruoxi took on the role of Su Chen's godfather of love while savoring this song.

"What on earth has Daddy Su experienced?" Bai Ruoxi couldn't understand why Su Chen could always write about love and love songs from different angles.

"Sunny Day" and "Qili Xiang" are so beautiful and pure that they make you want to cry.

And now this sad love song...


So affectionate and sad.

As expected, artists have a rich emotional world.

But he has obviously only been in love once!

Married once!

But I know the various forms of love...

How did he do it?

Bai Ruoxi felt that the more she looked at Su Chen, the more he felt like a mystery.

A mysterious man.

"I want to sing a song to bless us

After singing, I will live alone

I'm willing to try to understand from now on

How lonely one's heart is in a crowded room

Let me die and iron out my beloved's excesses

Once you turn around, you'll find a way out

Made me the ruthless king of karaoke

I conquer the microphone

Unexpectedly, you said it as if nothing had happened

Why is it so cruel?

I want to end with a kiss goodbye

I didn’t expect that you just said I shouldn’t cry and didn’t let me understand.”

After listening to the whole song, Bai Ruoxi suddenly felt that the "king of karaoke" was actually not cool.

Instead, it was lonely.

It was only a long, long time later, when she went back to listen to these two songs, that she learned about the man named Su Chen!

What a foreshadowing laid here!

Now she was completely unaware.

The Mandarin version of "The King of Karaoke" quickly made the program "The King of Karaoke" quite famous.

"How interesting!! Directly the king of karaoke."

"I just want to know if there is Su Daddy in this show."

"Hahaha, me too! It's like listening to Daddy Su singing! I just want to listen to the music emperor's works!"

"It is no exaggeration to say that more than 90% of the songs in my playlist are written by Su Daddy."

"Me too, I feel completely dominated."

"Daddy Su is building a music empire."

Su Chen did not give any response online.

After "The Masked Singer" ended, Shu Wan accepted several international brand endorsements and has been very busy recently.

Fortunately, the filming of "Green Snake" was not delayed due to this.

Everything is progressing in an orderly manner.

At this time, the filming phase of "Sword and Fairy" came to an end.

It was completed more than half a month ahead of schedule.

In addition, the production of the first season of "Sherlock" is about to be completed.

"If nothing goes wrong, "Sherlock" will be able to meet the audience at the earliest in mid-November and at the latest at the end of November." Duo Duo reported to Su Chenhui.

"There's no rush." ​​Su Chen said.

"Why?" Duan was confused.

"We will launch it after Great Britain joins the Blue Star Village Cultural Exchange Program." Su Chen thought that was the best time.

Su Chen has always had an idea for Starlight Pictures. Guwang

That is to build it into an "international major company" like Hollywood on Earth.

Of course it’s not just about shooting action blockbusters.

Su Chen will also add a lot of humanistic feelings into it.

In short, just build it into a world-class film company!

"Then we have to wait until next year?" Duo Duo asked.

Judging from the current development speed, European countries will gradually join this cultural exchange plan early next year.

Launched then!

Starlight Pictures took this opportunity to enter the European market.

"Yeah." Su Chen nodded.

"The boss is wise!" Tuo Tuo complimented.

Su Chen smiled faintly, then changed the topic and asked, "How are you finding your female secretary?"

"Well... I already arrived at my post yesterday." Du Tuo didn't dare to look at Su Chen.

Because he and Su Chen knew very well what they wanted to find this female secretary for.

I was trained by my wife.

"Look at the photos." Su Chen said.

"Ah?" Dui Tuo obviously didn't expect Su Chen to make such a request.

"My boss is very considerate of my subordinates." The smile on Su Chen's face became even wider.

"Uh... ok." Tuo Tuo felt his old face turning red.

Why does it feel like I went home during the Chinese New Year and my old father asked me if I had a girlfriend, and then he said I did. The old father said: Look at the photos...

When I took out my phone and opened the photo album, my hands were obviously shaking from nervousness.

Then he found a photo and handed the phone to Su Chen.

Su Chen originally thought he would choose a female secretary with black stockings and glasses...

But in fact the woman in the photo is slightly fat.

Not pretty.

But the more I look at it, the better it becomes.

"You like this?" Su Chen said deliberately.

Du Tuo touched his head and smiled awkwardly, "A little fatter...feeling fleshy."

"It's very real." Su Chen was almost amused by this guy Du, "I think it will work."

"Huh?" He looked at Su Chen with unnecessary doubts.

"You can get the certificate."


I didn’t expect that it would be so gossipy.

She also has some matchmaker attributes!

After talking about the business, he left Su Chen's house.

Su Chen went downstairs to pour coffee and found that Su Xiaoxi was depressed.

"Xiao Xi, what's wrong with you?" Su Chen came to Su Xiaoxi, sat down, and held Su Xiaoxi on his lap.

"Dad... the snail I raised died." Su Xiaoxi cried.

Been raising it for two weeks!

Always good.

But he died suddenly today.

Children are like this, they can be sad for a long time because of the death of a snail.

Su Chen still remembers that the first time he faced death in his life was the death of his little white cat...

He was sad for half a year because of this.

So he understood Su Xiaoxi's mood very well. He didn't say anything, he just held Su Xiaoxi in his arms and patted her back gently.

"It's all my fault... I didn't take good care of them." Su Xiaoxi put all the responsibility on herself.

Then I cried even harder.

Then Su Xiaoxi fell asleep without realizing it.

When she woke up again, she had forgotten the sadness of losing the snail.

Because Wang Doudou from the Wang family next door heard that Su Xiaoxi's snail had unfortunately died, he gave his own snail to Su Xiaoxi.

"Xiaoxi... I'll entrust my son to you."

"Doudou, how do you know it's a son? Not a daughter?"

"Well... this... I feel he's a son."

"Okay, I'll take good care of our son."

Su Chen: !!! !!!

Shu Wan: !!! !!!

What kind of lewd words are these.

Wang Doudou, go away!

Don't even think about kidnapping my daughter.


The death of the snail is just a small episode in life.

After handling everything properly, Su Chen finally sat down and started updating his new book "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

"Approaching History" has not been broadcast for some reason.

But the publicity has been overwhelming.

After "National Style Ceremony" and "A Bite of China", the quality of the programs launched by CCTV has obviously reached a higher level.

So everyone is looking forward to "Approaching History".

But it just hasn't been broadcast yet.

I am so anxious.

At this juncture, the big pig's hoof actually launched a historical novel.

"Is the big pig's hoof writing history at this time to take advantage of the popularity of "Approaching History"?"

"Hahaha, very likely. When I wrote mystery books, it seemed that I was suspected of taking advantage of the popularity! But this time, I took it to a new level."

"Now the big pig's hoof has released a new book! And there is a countdown for the release!! I am so anxious!"

This time, Pangu Chinese Network has changed its previous operating strategy.

In the past, when the talking pig's elbow released a new book, it was all top-level recommended positions.

Then there was a reservation collection.

Now there is no button for reservation collection.

There is only a large picture of the startup poster and a carousel picture at the top.

With the copy:

"There are 00:02:19 left before the release of the new historical work of the talking pig's elbow"

It is so amazing!

Not only is there no reservation link.

There is not even a book title.

"I've never been so excited before."

"Yeah!! Can you at least announce a title?"

"There's no reservation for collection now... I have to raise my hand to check the time every now and then. I'm not interested in work anymore."

"Me too! I don't even have the heart to read."

"Operation dog!!! I want to send you a blade!! The kind of machete."

As time gradually approaches noon.

More and more people sit in front of their computers or hold their phones, nervously waiting for the answer to be revealed.

In many universities and colleges.

Students who don't have classes gather in the dormitory.

Then count down together!








A group of people count down there.

It makes the dormitory aunt think that there is a live broadcast of a rocket launch today.

Some people even specially recorded a video of the countdown and posted it online.

Netizens left messages one after another.

"Waiting for the new book of the big pig's hoof! It feels like the New Year's Eve!"

In short, all kinds of ridicule.

Finally, the countdown reached zero!

A huge space-time tunnel emerged from the depths of the entire Pangu Chinese website, and then in the deep space-time tunnel, an ancient and heavy book came through.

The distance was closer.

Readers saw the four big characters on the cover of the book: "Romance of the Three Kingdoms"!

Su Chen had to admit that the website special effects of Pangu Chinese website were getting more and more impressive.

It was like a rare book was born.

The moment they saw the title of the book.

Readers exploded directly.

"Romance of the Three Kingdoms!! It's actually the Three Kingdoms!"

"Ahhh! My favorite part of history!"

"Hahaha, big pig's hoof!! Is there a tomb raider?"

"Lao Cao: I know this."

Three Kingdoms!

Whether on Earth or on the Blue Star, there are a large number of history enthusiasts who like it.


As soon as "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" was released.

The whole network exploded.

"I'm curious about how the big pig's hoof will write a different Three Kingdoms?"



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