Dad: My identity as Qu Dad has been exposed by my daughter

Chapter 317: I am not afraid of being blocked by thousands of people, I am afraid of surrendering my

The promotional poster of Chen Shu's new album "Stubborn" is quite interesting. Google search reading

Against the heavy black background, Chen Shu poses in a cool and embarrassed battle pose, with a guitar as his weapon.

The guitar is a little shabby.

But behind Chen Shu, a pair of hard steel wings grow.

And inlaid with words:

"The direction against the wind is more suitable for flying."

It fits the album name "Stubborn" very well.

As we all know, Chen Shu has not had an easy time in the past few years of being hidden. Although his contract expired and he got rid of the fate of being hidden, he was still tricked in the end.

He was in a miserable situation.

Fortunately, there was the program "Masked Singer" that allowed him to make a comeback.

Otherwise, the road ahead would still be difficult.

The album promotional poster and press conference news were released, and the fans' reactions can be described as boiling.

"The album poster has already made me fall for it."

"I feel like this album will be a big hit."

"Stubborn... 12 new songs! All created by Su Dad himself."

"Su Dad dotes on Chen Shu like he dotes on his own son."

"Su Xiaoxi: Don't compete with me for my father's love!"

"Hahaha, are you a devil or a showman upstairs?"

Chen Shu's new album launch originally only invited 1,000 fans to attend, but on the day of the launch, many fans came uninvited.

Tens of thousands of fans were waiting outside the venue.

Whether they could enter the venue was secondary.

The most important thing is!

Su Chen, as the creator of this album, will also attend this new album launch.

Zhao Quan personally brought a driver and drove a nanny car to Tomson Yipin to pick up Su Chen.

At the same time, Chen Shu was also in this nanny car.

Chen Shu was personally taken care of by Zhao Quan.

It is conceivable that because of Su Chen, Chen Shu has a very high status in Huanyu Entertainment.

When the nanny car arrived at the launch site.

As soon as the car stopped, a large group of entertainment reporters rushed up.

The driver got out of the car and opened the door for Su Chen.

As soon as Su Chen stuck his head out,

the cameras in the hands of the entertainment reporters were snapping at Su Chen.

The fans also shouted "Su Daddy, Su Daddy".

The reaction was extremely enthusiastic.

If there were no security personnel to maintain order, these fans would have rushed up.

Then Chen Shu and Zhao Quan got out of the nanny car.

Although some people shouted Chen Shu's name, the voice was obviously not as enthusiastic as when they shouted "Su Daddy".

Although Zhao Quan had expected such a scene a long time ago.

But he still couldn't help thinking in his heart: "It feels like Su Daddy's new album release conference..."

From the moment the nanny car stopped outside the venue, the online live broadcast had also started.

The moment Su Chen appeared in the camera, the barrage in the live broadcast room instantly increased.

"My Su Daddy is still so handsome!"

"He is the focus of the audience as soon as he appears."

"My Shu's presence is instantly lowered..."

Chen Shu has actually become very popular after the masked singer.

But walking with Su Chen.

He still became a background board.

There is no way, Su Chen's influence is too great! Chen Shu can't compare!

In the words that fans often tease Su Chen:

Su Dad is the most popular singer among songwriters, and the most awesome songwriter among singers.

Pianist, designer, poet... These many "superpowers" make Su Chen have too many halos.

Su Chen and his party entered the press conference venue, and the invited fans had already filled up.

As soon as they appeared, there was another round of shouting and screaming.

Until Su Chen raised his hand and made a quiet gesture.

The fans gradually quieted down.

The host came on stage.

He briefly greeted Su Chen and Chen Shu.

Then he began to ask questions from the simplest to the most complex.

"It is rumored in the industry that you wrote this album, twelve songs, in only 30 minutes?" The host's first question was a king bomb.

It is also one of the most concerned issues for fans.

"It only took 30 minutes to write them down." Su Chen said it perfectly.

Recently, the news about this matter has spread on the Internet.

Su Chen thinks that it is better to leave a way out for other songwriters.

Don't hit their self-confidence.

"Write it down?" The host is very good at catching keywords.

"Yes." Su Chen said, "Before writing these songs, Chen Shu and I had a long discussion for an hour. Inspiration kept coming out during the discussion."

"So, the idea started from the moment we started talking."

Su Chen hopes to downplay his ability in this way.

"So that's the case." The host said, "But writing twelve songs in an hour and a half is also..."

The word "abnormal" almost came out.

Fortunately, the host stopped and changed his words in a second, "... Awesome."

Su Chen didn't want to dwell on this issue for too long, just hummed.

Of course, the host would not delve into it.

She turned to ask Chen Shu, "Why is the new album named Stubborn?"

"Because Teacher Su Chen wrote a song called "Stubborn" in the album."

"This song touched me a lot."

"I feel that it is a true portrayal of my experience and psychological process in those five years."

"It's hard. I really want to break the jar, but the stubbornness in my heart won't allow me to do so."

Chen Shu explained the reason.

The album name was decided by Chen Shu himself.

He hopes!

He can continue to be stubborn.

no matter what happens.

Everyone must raise their stubborn heads!

This is what he wants to convey to his fans.

The host expressed his understanding of Chen Shu's state, and also asked: "Teacher Su Chen, what inspired you to write this song "Stubborn"?"

The host is asking about the source of creative inspiration.

"After listening to Chen Shu's experience, maybe I am a stubborn person myself." Su Chen said, "I also like stubborn people. I hope this song can give more people encouragement and courage."

Su Chen told the truth.

In his previous life, he went from being a singer in a bar to becoming a king, and he experienced a lot of despair along the way.

Without the stubbornness to not admit defeat, it is really difficult to persevere until the end.

"So this is an inspirational work?" the host asked.

"Forget it." Su Chen nodded.

"Then...can Teacher Chen Shu perform this song live?" The host looked at Chen Shu with great expectation.

This press conference was jointly organized by Huanyu Entertainment and Kuyun Music.

The strategy is different from when Shu Wan released a new album.

With Shu Wan's fame, the new album release adopts an unlocking mode, and it is certain that all works can be unlocked through accumulation of popularity and sales.

Although Chen Shu has been in the limelight recently,

But to be honest, there are considerable risks in doing so.

You can set the value lower. However, this can easily give people the illusion that Chen Shu is not very popular.

If you set the value higher, it will be embarrassing if you fail to achieve it in the end.

So Huanyu and Kuyun Music changed their strategies.

Instead of using the unlock mode, Chen Shu performed part of the work on the spot and explained the creative background through Su Chen, thereby throwing out a hook.

Then adopt the package sales model.

In the past, fans could purchase singles individually.

But this time, even if it is a digital album, Kuyun Music has set the requirement that it must be purchased in its entirety.

Therefore, this press conference is particularly important.

"Of course." Chen Shu agreed happily.

Soon Chen Shu arrived at the center of the stage.

The intro of the song comes slowly.

Chen Shu recalled his past experiences.


Not giving in because of the rich woman's money and pressure... That is the stubbornness of a man's backbone and pride!

He did not give up after experiencing many difficulties, but persevered. This is his persistence and stubbornness towards music.

"When I am different from the world

That makes me different

To me, perseverance means using strength to overcome strength.

If I compromise with myself

if you lie to yourself

Even if others forgive me, I can’t forgive

The most beautiful wish must be the craziest

I am my own god

Where I live”

Because Chen Shu poured his own experiences and emotions into his songs, he was extremely infectious.

In addition, the lyrics themselves are also very capable of arousing people's emotions.

When I am different from the world, then let me be different. Persistence for me is to overcome strength with strength. These lyrics can be said to be the spiritual core of the entire song.

The world is rich, wonderful, and diverse.

But it is also conformist, popular, and has a popular value framework.

Every unique individual wants to be unique.

But in order not to look weird, in order not to look too alien, everyone will actively integrate into this "majority framework."

Eventually it became the silent majority.

So what if I am different from the world? Then it’s different! Use strength to overcome strength! Keep your character and courage! Allow yourself to continue to be different.

It sounds a bit rebellious.

But Su Chen believes that

What this lyric wants to express most is: Don’t lose yourself!

"I am my own god!! This lyric is written in my heart."

"Only ourselves can dominate ourselves! We ourselves should only be dominated by ourselves! In the end, we will become ourselves."

"Yeah, we can only be who we are throughout our lives."

"The lyrics are so well written."

"Lyrics recited in full."

"Daddy Su's inspirational songs always give me a kind of upward spiritual strength. I really enjoy listening to the songs written by Daddy Su. I can't help but want to cry."

The live broadcast room was filled with barrage.


Kichiro paid close attention to the press conference.

After all, the new song Tang Hao released previously brought him back to the third position on the creative charts.

So he was very concerned about the quality of Chen Shu's album this time.

Hearing this, he frowned visibly.

"Not bad." He muttered in his heart, "As the title track of the album, it should be the main work, right?'s hard to surpass me with just this song."

He was thinking about it in his mind.

Because the song title "Stubborn" is the same as the album title, Kichiro instinctively thought that this song was the best in the album.

He was thinking this in his mind, and in his ears, "Stubborn" had already entered the chorus.

"Me and my last stubbornness

Hold your hands tightly and never let go

Is the next stop going to be heaven?

Even if you are disappointed, don’t despair

Me and my proud stubbornness

I sing loudly in the wind

Crazy for myself this time

Just this time, me and my stubbornness.”

"Stubborn" itself is Ashin's stubbornness towards music.

He once worked as a wall painter and lived a miserable life, but he still had dreams and was pursuing his dreams stubbornly.

Even if you are disappointed, don’t despair!

Because life and life!

There is always a ray of light that is just for you.

Inadvertently illuminate the darkness and haze in your heart.

"Don't be nervous about the people who love me

My stubbornness is kind

my hands get dirtier

The eyes shine brighter

You don't care about my past

Saw my wings

You said that the phoenix can only appear after being burned by fire

The direction against the wind is more suitable for flying

I'm not afraid of millions of people blocking me

Just afraid of surrendering


As the song enters the second half, the chorus is repeated over and over again.

Each time the emotions are more intense.

It seems that a person is getting more and more stubborn! Becoming more and more determined! Becoming more and more motivated!

The Mayday concert scene was the same as Wu Bai’s scene: fans paid money to sing to them.

The song "Stubborn" was sung by tens of thousands of people at the scene.

The scene was very shocking.

Although it was Chen Shu's first time to perform this song, and there was no chance of a chorus scene, the fans' screams and shouts were explosive.

The live broadcast room exploded almost instantly.

"Me and my proud stubbornness!"

“Goosebumps the whole time!”

"Be your best and truest self."

"I will not give up!"

"Come on! Take the postgraduate entrance examination!"

"I wish my company all the best."

"You must find a satisfying job as soon as possible."

"I'm not afraid of millions of people blocking me! I'm just afraid of surrendering myself!! I will stick to my career as an actor! Even though I'm just a bit player now."

"Kyoto University!! See you when school starts tomorrow!"

It’s the same as Su Chen’s inspirational songs in the past.

This time the barrage is also filled with fans’ respective goals and dreams.

They said it in the barrage and insisted on it and worked hard for it.

In fact, everyone rarely mentions their dreams.

Because we don’t know when it started, people with dreams are often laughed at...

But it’s different in barrage.

No one will laugh at you if you say it! Just likes and encouragements one by one!

This is probably what people say: strangers are sometimes the warmest.

The song falls.

The scene was filled with boiling and screaming.

Because this song resonates deeply with listeners.

In Blue Star Huaxia, it was already stressful, but now with the Blue Star Village cultural exchange plan, all walks of life are even more involved to the extreme.

Although there are more opportunities.

But for better positions, more people compete.

This ultimately leads to huge employment pressure!

For Chinese people, it is safest to take the postgraduate examination, the public examination, and establish an establishment.

Some people are under pressure to become grandmas, independent musicians, actors...

No matter what you do!

There is pressure from all aspects.

But everyone is gritting their teeth and persisting, being stubborn and refusing to admit defeat!

Kichiro was also touched by this song.

You must know that when he said he wanted to engage in music, his father, the CEO, blocked him in every possible way.

Don’t you go home and inherit the family business!

What kind of music are you doing?

How much is your crappy music worth?

But he didn't give up under pressure! Instead, he gave up his right to inherit the family business! Under the pressure of severing the relationship between father and son! Step by step we have come to today!

This is his stubbornness and persistence in creation.

"The work is not very good...the spiritual core is too shocking." Until now, Kichiro still refuses to admit that this song is good.

It shows how tough his mouth is.

In the music industry, his tough-talking temperament is well known.

I knew in my heart that I had lost.

But he firmly refused to admit it.

Until now, he has never admitted that Shi Rang is better than him.

I just acquiesced in my heart.

After the fans' screams stopped, the host said: "Listening to a song is like listening to a long life story... and it's like recalling half of one's life."

"Stubborn! I think everyone has their own stubbornness. I hope we all stay stubborn."

After some comments and compliments, the host looked at the tablet in his hand.

"I saw that among the twelve works, the word "Three Kingdoms" appears in the title of two songs. Teacher Su Chen, do you also watch "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms"?" the host asked.

Recently, "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" has created a channel ceiling on the History Channel.

rave reviews.

It’s not surprising that the host noticed these two songs.

"I'm watching." Su Chen said, "Isn't this about writing two songs and interacting with a talking pig knuckle."

"Help him promote his new work."

Su Chen smiled slyly.

Putting these songs related to the Three Kingdoms in Chen Shu's new album was actually Su Chen's intention!

On the one hand, it is to promote "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

On the other hand, Chenxi Group's hit game "Heroes of Glory" also plans to include new heroes related to the Three Kingdoms...


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