Dad: My identity as Qu Dad has been exposed by my daughter

Chapter 33 Come on Xiao Xi, expose them all

On the other end of the video call, my father-in-law frowned slightly when he heard "Silent Night Thoughts". read

Some doubts and confusion.

The live broadcast room exploded in an instant, and barrages came overwhelmingly.

""Thoughts on a Quiet Night" What kind of poem is this?"

"Never heard of it."

"Li Bai...which poet is this?"

"have no idea."

"Which Chinese master can come out and do some popular science?"

"Do you still need popular science? Just search it on Baidu!"

"I searched... but couldn't find it!! The search results are as follows: Missing You in a Quiet Night; Missing You in a Quiet Night; Ancient Chinese Novel "Sitting in a Quiet Night"..."

"I searched for Li Bai! The winner of the 11th Chang'an Innovation Composition Competition has been admitted to the School of Liberal Arts of Peking University, and is known as a literary geek... obviously not this Li Bai."

"So there is no such poem? No such person?"

"F*ck!!! I remember when Andersen was exposed... I couldn't find this story, I couldn't find this person!"


"This Li Bai is Father Su?"

"Wonima! It's cracking! Dad Su, do you want this..."

"Don't overthink it, okay? It's okay to think about Andersen before, but now you still think about the poet Li Bai. That's enough... Don't you think it's weird that everything is being blamed on Daddy Su? Daddy Su is a human being, but he's not God, how can you do everything? Use your brains."

"It's upstairs!! Please use your brain! Don't tell me, this is all a coincidence!"

"Coincidence is not impossible."

"Then I can only haha... God doesn't create straight lines. There aren't that many coincidences. I think there must be something wrong here."

"Dad Su, what secrets are you hiding?"

"Have you noticed that since Dad Su's identity was exposed, all kinds of gods have appeared. And they are all the kind of guys who can't be found! Damn it!"

"Daddy Su: Recruiting Divine Physique."

"Stop guessing and watch the live broadcast first. Maybe the answer will be in the live broadcast."


Su Xiaoxi was completely unaware of her "exposure behavior".

But Su Chen was sweating a lot.

If one vest falls off a day, soon all my clothes and pants will be gone.

What a headache.

It seems that in the next period of time, at least during the live broadcast of the program, you have to protect your daughter from fire and theft... Fortunately, when I taught you to recite the poem, in order to show off, I said it was written by the poet Li Bai.

Otherwise it's really hard to explain.

As his identity becomes more and more exposed, some people are definitely beginning to wonder if he has super powers, and some even speculate that he is a time traveler.

At that time, I was playing Dafa.

Maybe some mysterious organization is targeting him, arresting him for research and dissecting his brain.

It's scary to think about it.

I was panicking in my heart, but on the surface I was as calm as an old dog.

A calm look.

He did not interfere with Su Xiaoxi's continued recitation of poems:

"There is bright moonlight in front of the bed, which is probably due to frost on the ground.

Raise your head to look at the bright moon, lower your head to think about your hometown. "

Su Xiaoxi imitated Su Chen's behavior before, shaking her head and reciting the entire poem.

Looking very proud.

"Grandpa and grandma, Xiao Xi memorized it pretty well, right?" Su Xiaoxi looked proud. She loves learning. Every time she learned something new, she couldn't help but share it with her parents and grandparents.

"Xiao Xi recited it well." Shu Ping praised on the other end of the video call, "Grandpa has never memorized this poem, but Xiao Xi actually knows it. Xiao Xi is even better than grandpa."

"Hehe, no," Su Xiaoxi said a little modestly, "I can only recite a few poems. Dad is amazing, he can recite many, many poems."

"This song "Quiet Night Thoughts" was taught to me by my father."

Su Chen really wanted to cry.

My dear daughter, can you stop cueing me crazy.

"Right, dad?" Su Xiaoxi looked at Su Chen with her head raised.

"Well, dad is not very good either. Xiao Xi went to elementary school, junior high school and high school, and after college, she also memorized many, many poems." Su Chen tried his best to weaken his sense of presence and pretentiousness.

low profile!

I don’t want to be caught doing research!

I thought I could fool him like this, but it turned out that my father-in-law, Shu Ping, is a professor in the literature department of Shancheng University. His research direction is ancient poetry. I have never seen or read any unorthodox poetry.

But this song "Quiet Night Thoughts" has never been heard of.

He also had no impression of Li Bai, a poet.

So his interest increased greatly, and he asked Su Chen for advice: "Xiao Chen, which dynasty and generation is this Li Bai a poet from? I have never heard of this person's name, nor the poem "Quiet Night Thoughts"."

Su Chen was very messy.

dad! Li Bai is from the Tang Dynasty!

Su Chen wanted to say this, but this was a parallel world. In the past five years, he has read a large number of history books and gained a deeper understanding of the world.

parallel world.

The timeline basically matches that of Earth, with only a few deviations.

The emperors who unified various dynasties in history were not much different. The key figures who influenced history are still there, and the dynasties and their durations are roughly the same.

But apart from the key figures who influence history, the other courtiers, dignitaries, beauties and talents are completely different.

Although there are many great poets in history.

But there is no such thing as Li Bai or Du Fu.

"Dad, Li Bai is not an ancient person... He is my friend." Su Chen began to forcefully explain, "This "Quiet Night Thoughts" is not an ancient poem, but a modern poem... My friend named Li Bai is a lover of ancient poetry and wrote it in imitation of the ancient method. After he finished writing, he showed it to me, and I thought it was good, so I memorized it. It happened that Xiao Xi wanted to learn poetry, so I taught him."

Su Chen said this.

The fans in the live broadcast room were boiling.

"Modern poetry? I don't believe you!"

"It's your friend again! I just want to ask, why are all your friends so awesome and mysterious?"

"It's cracked! You tell me this is modern poetry! Then what era do I live in? Why haven't I heard of any modern people who can write such poems?"

"Forced explanation is the most deadly!"

"I won't believe it even if you kill me, Su Dad, this Li Bai is you, right?"

"Qu Dad, fairy tale king Andersen, pianist, poet Li Bai... Hahaha, how old is Su Dad? Only 25 years old. Tell me how he has so much time to learn all these things to the top level. Please don't talk nonsense about Su Dad, okay. It's not reasonable for someone like Su Dad to know some like-minded geniuses? For example, I like quietness, so most of my friends are also people who like quietness. So don't think about it."

Shu Ping frowned even deeper after hearing Su Chen's explanation.

"You said this was written by...your friend?" He couldn't believe it.

"Yes, Dad." Su Chen looked confident, "Speaking of which, he is still your admirer. Knowing that you have studied ancient poetry and prose deeply, he asked me to make a connection with you and wanted to get to know you and ask you some questions about ancient poetry and prose."

In order to increase credibility.

Su Chen really described Li Bai as a modern person.

First, establish a character.

Interference audition.

"This poem looks simple, but it is not simple. To be able to write such a poem, his insights in ancient poetry and prose are probably not low. I have to meet him. Next time you go back to Shancheng, if he happens to be free, bring him home." Shu Ping was very happy, "Young people nowadays are really not simple."

"Okay, I'll tell him later." Su Chen agreed.

Su Chen didn't want to hide it from his father-in-law.

It's just that it's live now, so it's not convenient to show off.

If his father-in-law asks about Li Bai in the future, he can tell the truth in private, so he's not afraid.

While talking, Shu Wan came out after taking a shower, drying her hair, and changing clothes.

He took the phone and started chatting with his parents.

Su Chen was relieved.

Su Xiaoxi rolled around on the bed, then crawled into her mother's arms and said goodbye to her grandparents.

For Su Chen's well-organized explanation.

The audience in the live broadcast room didn't know whether to believe it or not.

"Dad Su is seriously going to introduce this Li Bai to my father-in-law. Is there really a person named Li Bai?"

"Who knows?"

"Dad Su has confused me."

"Does Dad Su have countless pseudonyms or countless awesome friends? God, please tell me!!!"

"Why are there more and more mysteries?"

"At first there was only one Andersen, and now there is another Li Bai... Will there be another Zhang San, Li Si, or Wang Mazi later?"

"Dad Su's circle of friends is really mysterious."

"I really want to uncover the mystery of Andersen and Li Bai immediately."

"Come on, Xiao Xi! Expose them all!"


PS: I beg all readers to vote for me. As long as there are votes, monthly tickets, and rewards, I am willing to update four, five, six, or seven times a day. I will be as crazy as you are. The author thanks you here.

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