Suchen was also looking forward to the third song that Xie Lun drew.

Whether it is "Ten-thirty at the Airport" or "Exaggerated", Xie Lun's performance exceeded Su Chen's expectations.

Sherron does have great potential.

Everyone held their breath and stared at the big screen.

The song title on the big screen kept jumping, and finally stopped when Xie Lun pressed the red button again.

"Digital Life"!

At this moment Sherron had no idea what was going to happen next.

But the corners of Su Chen's mouth rose slightly.

It can only be said that Xie Lun is not very lucky.

"Digital Life" is said by many to be the most difficult Cantonese song to sing.

Of course, among the top ten most difficult songs to sing in China, this song "Digital Life" is also on the list.

I just finished singing "Exaggerated", and I will sing "Digital Life" right after. Su Chen was a little worried about whether Xie Lun could sing it.

This song not only tests the high notes.

It also tests the lungs!

Fans no longer discuss how this song will turn out. They just know it will be difficult.

"When I saw the title of the song, I was already "uneasy"."

"Hahaha! Don't tell me the lyrics of this song only have one or two words."

"Digital life? Write songs about contemporary technology?"

Fans are abuzz.

No one speculated in depth about what the song would be like.

Because now they have figured out the rules and can't guess it!

Don't guess what Father Su is thinking.

Xie Lun followed Suchen into the glass house.

When he saw the lyrics and music score, the corners of his mouth twitched crazily.

"Sure enough, it's exactly the same as "Uneasy"..." Xie Lun's heart beat wildly.

In the process of learning to sing, he encountered difficulties.

The treble is okay.

It's just that my lungs can't hold it...

It seems that I need to exercise well and improve my lung capacity.

But there was nothing he could do now, he could only hold on.

Fifteen minutes later Sherron returned to the stage.

But the first thing he said on stage was: "I'll try this song "Digital Life"... To be honest, I might not be able to sing it well."

Techniques can be quickly mastered through Su Chen's hundred-fold teacher amplification teaching.

But as for lung capacity,

It really cannot be improved and improved in a short time.

So he said he would try it himself.

This is actually true.

Fans were shocked when they heard this.

Interest suddenly increased.

"Damn it!! How difficult must it be to make Xie Lun even say that she can only try this song?"

"More difficult than "Uneasy"?"

"I'm getting more and more curious about what to do."

"Hurry up and sing."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you can't sing well!! Let Daddy Su sing when the time comes."

"Hahaha, I think so too, let Su Daddy sing."

Shi Rang, Matsumoto Aooka, and Kichiro frowned slightly.

They had a bad feeling.

Compared to "Uneasy", they felt that this song "Digital Life" was not simple.

"Isn't it another piece of art?" Xizhiro asked.

He already has a shadow about "Uneasy".

Because I have been watching short videos recently, I often get the "Uneasy" challenge, well, it is very popular...

"I wonder what kind of medicine this guy is selling in his gourd." Matsumoto Aooka became concerned.

After all, this issue is considered a contest between him and Su Chen.

He has already released three king bombs!

If Su Chen can't be suppressed, there really will be no place for this old face.

But judging from the performance of the first two songs, this song "Digital Life" is probably not an ordinary one.

Soon the audience fell silent.

Quietly waiting for Xie Lun's singing.

Sherron took a deep breath!

Then he nodded to the music teacher, and the prelude and melody of "Digital Life" sounded.

Sherron sang a number.

"3 0624700

3 0624770

5 34202 13942


The audience was stunned as soon as Sherron opened his mouth.

Some people opened their mouths.

Some people stood up.

Some people look at each other!

The barrage in the live broadcast room exploded.

"what's the situation??"

"It's all numbers?"

"Digital life, digital life... feelings are all numbers."

"Damn it! Daddy Su, is this a prank?"

"At least you used a few uh-huh-huh words in "Uneasy", but in this song "Digital Life", you didn't even bother to use Chinese characters at all?"

“Can numbers also be turned into songs?”

"I was so shocked."

"Daddy Su: Thinking about the lyrics is too hard on the brain cells! Just don't think about it! Just use numbers."

"I seriously suspect that Daddy Su is showing off and being lazy."

"No doubt! He is just lazy."

Shi Rang and Matsumoto Aooka looked at each other, the muscles at the corners of their mouths twitching wildly.

They thought of a hundred possibilities for this song to be awesome.

I never expected it to be all numbers.

It was really shocking for a whole year.

"This guy really dares to write." Xizhiro said, "It's obvious that this is a work written casually!! Just write it casually and use it to participate in the show... Who are you looking down on?"

"That's crazy." Matsumoto Aooka said.

In "Top of the Forbidden City", he also produced three peak works, hoping to compete with Su Chen.

The people are nice.

It seems that he doesn't take this matter to heart at all, and he doesn't want to argue with you at all.

Just take out some random works and deal with them.


Matsumoto Aooka felt that Su Chen was dealing with it.

It's so hurtful.

Shi Rang didn't know what to say for a moment.

This series of numbers seems to make no sense at all.

Hmm...Okay, this guy is really showing off, making a fool of himself. After all, so far, he hasn't heard anything as artistic as "Uneasy".

It's so unserious.

The game "King of Karaoke".

Just when everyone was confused, a Chinese lyric finally popped up.

"Full life is filled with numbers

Who really knows what the intention is

Troubles in life are all numbers

Perfect mastery asks who can

Why does 41 pop up when Mingmingzheng 23 pops up?

Who can predict

4:34 Prices surge

Changed to 1004

Get to know each other by number

Your IQ Your net worth

Your body, your everything

There are many strange things between people and numbers

Look how many hostages are trapped in the counting machine."

Finally hearing the Chinese lyrics, all the listeners seemed to be instantly relieved.

Um! !

Although it is a bit lazy, this limit of laziness is still acceptable!

A little bit more normal.

When they first heard the number, everyone was confused. But after hearing the Chinese lyrics, many fans already knew the purpose of the song.

“Is this writing about stocks?”

"It seems so... So, those numbers before were all stock codes?"

"F*ck!!! As soon as you said it, I took a look and it's really like this."

"Speaking of stocks!! It's greener than cheating on my girlfriend these days."

"Green is a healthy color."

"I lost so much that I lost my pants... Big turmoil! Plunge!! Cruel and ruthless!"

"I finally know why Su Daddy wrote this song. It must be that Su Daddy lost a lot of money because of the plummeting stock price."

"It keeps falling."

China's stock market has been experiencing severe fluctuations recently.

Many investors complained, so this song was also considered by investors that Su Chen was keeping up with current events.

The sound of green...

Many people naturally became involved in this song.

Of course, some people have noticed that although the lyrics and melody of this song are simple, there are many high-pitched parts in the singing.

And these high notes are all sung with true notes.

at this time,

The song gets to the part where it really explodes.

"0434 0434 0232 0232

0646 0646 0878 0878

0515 0515 0242 0242

0696 0696 0272 0272


Lyrics return to numbers again!

Each set of numbers is a stock symbol.

Sherren spoke faster!

The numbers were sung like a string of beads.

And the most important thing is that Xie Lun sang this series of numbers in one breath!

And there are a lot of high notes here.

"Isn't this... not ventilating?"

"Damn it!! Finished singing in one breath!! Will my lungs explode?"

"Oh my god! I can't even remember the lyrics!"

"Stop rapping, I feel like I'm going to die just listening to it."

"No need to breathe air!"

"Iron lung?"

"I finally know why Xie Lun said that he might not be able to sing well!"

At this time, fans noticed that Xie Lun's face was red, and veins popped out on his forehead and temples. It was obvious that he was suppressing the song in an extremely difficult way.

Because the pace is too fast.

He didn't even have time to breathe.

"Kneel down!"

"Is this song sung by the devil?"


"It's a little bit difficult."

"The most important thing is, did you realize it!!! In addition to being breathless, this song also has a lot of high notes!"

"You still have to sing high notes without taking a breath! You're a strong man who locks up men!"

Bai Bai Pangpang is a professional music critic.

Regarding Su Chen's works, of course she would not miss any of them.

She was so shocked when she heard "Digital Life" that she even forgot to drink the milk tea she just bought.

She focuses on the high notes of the piece.

And use pen and paper to record and make statistics.

The statistical results stunned her.

The treble intensity of this song is so intense that it’s scary.

G#4, 40 times.

Bb4, 20 times.

C5, 11 times.

Eb5, 1 time.

The most important thing is that I can sing so many high notes without taking a breath, and I still sing them all with my true voice!

Not a single falsetto.

So shocking.

Baibai Pangpang posted his statistical results in the barrage, and the live broadcast room exploded in an instant.

"Damn it!! I thought it was bronze! It turned out to be a king."

"Use the simplest songs to show off the most awesome skills!"

"Daddy Su: When it is as simple as it is, it is difficult; when it is as difficult as it is, it is simple. From great difficulty to simplicity!"

“No one can challenge the series.”

"I know, all the works in "The King of Karaoke" have another name: Never Learn."

"It's very relevant! K-singing! It's not K-singing! It's just being K-sung."

"Dad Su is really good at playing."

“Playing with the music industry ceiling.”


"Look, Xie Lun is almost suffocated to death!"

On stage, Xie Lun was already singing about doubting life.

At the end of the song, he knelt on the ground in order to regain his breath. I exhausted all my strength and drained all the air from my lungs, and finally completed the song at the last moment.

Then he knelt on the stage,

Breathe loudly!

" head is lacking oxygen." I don't know how long it took before Xie Lun finally recovered and had the energy to speak.

The camera moves closer,

Only then did everyone see that Xie Lun was sweating profusely.

I really almost died just now.

The whole place was silent!

So shocking.

After a long time, the host came on stage. She handed a glass of water to Xie Lun and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

"It's not good." Xie Lun said, "I was almost suffocated to death."

"Then please slow down."

The whole place was silent for several minutes.

Just wait for Xie Lun to catch his breath.

Xie Lun's skills are not bad, but the breathless singing style and frequent high notes of this song really made him feel hollowed out.

I don’t want to sing anymore!

But at the same time, after singing this song, Sherron also found that he seemed to have exceeded his own limits.

This is something to be happy about.

After briefly asking a few questions, the host finally turned to Su Chen, "Teacher Su Chen, did you write the song using stock codes because you lost a lot of money recently?"

"Hmm..." Su Chen nodded, "Chenxi Group's stocks are so green."

In fact, I am just a porter...

I just happened to pick this song.

The stock market is indeed not doing well recently.

It's a good time.

Su Chen did not operate stocks himself, but he hired professionals to help him manage his assets, and he also held some stocks.

The recent past has indeed been unsatisfactory.

Green grassland...

The most important thing is that Chenxi Group also fell sharply.

In short, it seems to have entered a bear market recently, leading the decline...

This is the end of the second episode of "The King of Karaoke".

When Su Chen was about to leave, the director found Su Chen.

Originally, Su Chen was scheduled to appear on the last episode of the program as a challenge guest. But the director took into account that Su Chen was still competing with Yamato Sanpin.

So he said: "The next program is December 27th. The fourth program will be in January. At the end of December, the selection of works for the United Music Festival will also end."

"If nothing else happens, the main contributor to the third issue of "Top of the Forbidden City" should be Shi Rang."

"Teacher Su Chen... do you want to perform karaoke on stage in person next time?"

Su Chen frowned slightly when he heard this.

If it weren't for the director's reminder, he really wouldn't have thought of this problem.

If the opponent is Shi Rang.

You really need to produce some absolute king bombs.

It seems good to appear early myself.

"Okay." Su Chen agreed after weighing the pros and cons.

"Then...are you sure which works you want to sing?" the director asked.

"I'll send it back to you." Su Chen said.

He needed to think this over carefully.

And in the next episode of the show, the director will definitely give him some slack. Whatever song he wants to sing, he can definitely get it.

For a programmer, this is all trivial.

After the matter was finalized, Su Chen didn't think much and drove back to Tangchen Yipin.

Ishiro and Matsumoto Aooka, who were far away in Yamato, didn't know what to say for a while.

"'Digital Life' is indeed a very pretentious piece for karaoke." Shi Rang said, "But the song itself... doesn't have much meaning or value."

"So this time, Matsumoto-kun, I think you are slightly better."

Matsumoto Aooka also nodded in agreement, "But I always feel that he didn't try his best..."

"I really want to see him go all out." Xichiro said.

People have already achieved this level without trying their best.

If you use full firepower!

I guess no one can withstand it...

Not even Shi Rang. Xizhilang thought so, his eyes couldn't help but fall on Shi Rang.

Now he really felt that Shi Rang was old.

Shi Rang touched his beloved piano and said, "I'm going to play with him in the next issue. I'm really looking forward to it."

After speaking, Shi Rang sat down in front of the piano.

Play a melody at random.

Both Matsumoto Aooka and Kichiro knew that when Shi Rang sat down to play the piano, it meant that he was under great pressure.

Relief can only be found through music.

And the news that Su Chen is about to appear in person in the third issue of "The King of Karaoke" has spread out for some reason.

all of a sudden,

The whole Internet is in a frenzy.

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