Su Chen's ambition has never been limited to China or Asia. Google search reading

Under the background of the implementation of the Blue Star Village Cultural Exchange Plan, if you don't move forward and don't actively plunder the market, there is only one solution in the end: elimination!

When Su Chen set his sights on overseas markets.

At the same time, countless eyes were also staring at the Chinese market.

At the beginning of commercial competition, it was a life-and-death struggle. In the end, when no one could compete anymore, a delicate balance would emerge.


Now is the time when competition is the most intense.

So Starlight Pictures can only move forward in big strides.

And in the new year, cultural exchanges between Asia and Europe should be smooth.

America can even complete some signings.

The realization of global cultural exchanges is a matter of time, and it is necessary to plan ahead.

Yamato and Daehan joining the Blue Star Village Cultural Exchange Plan is just an appetizer.

More intense competition is coming.

Thanks to the hot broadcast of "Sherlock", Penguin Platform has won more traffic from Yamato and Daehan, and Starlight Pictures has also become the core competitiveness of Penguin Platform.

Everyone can see that Starlight Pictures, backed by the two big trees of talking pig elbows and squirting squids, is unstoppable in its progress.

And the same!

The identity of the boss who bought Starlight Pictures behind the scenes is becoming more and more curious.

Who can be so closely associated with the big pig's hoof and the squid?

"Why do I feel that the boss behind Starlight Pictures is Su Dad?"

"I think so too! Su Dad is the boss of Morning Group. He has the financial resources to buy Starlight Pictures, which was on the verge of bankruptcy. He also has a good relationship with Pig Trotter and Water Squid... Well, Li Xianyu's comics "Doraemon" and animations of Naruto were also handed over to Starlight. Su Dad also wrote songs for him! Many signs show that Su Dad is likely to be the boss behind the scenes."

"And Su Dad has a history of concealing the identity of the boss behind the Morning Group!! It is reasonable to conceal the identity of the boss of Starlight Pictures."

"But I checked the corporate information of Starlight Pictures... The major shareholder is redundant."

"Uh, the redundant qualifications are not clear? He was just an ordinary executive at the beginning, where did he get such a huge amount of funds? Obviously he is just a nominal shareholder!! There is also a hidden shareholder behind him!! This hidden shareholder is the real big boss behind the scenes."

"But how to check the identity of the hidden shareholder?"

"We ordinary people really can't check..."

There are many speculations about the boss behind the scenes.

Su Chen is the primary suspect.

But the fans can't produce any evidence.

So Su Chen received many private messages from fans asking about this matter, and some even said with great certainty that Su Chen must be the boss behind the scenes.

Some industry leaders also hold this idea.

On this day, Su Chen attended the shareholders' meeting of Huanyu Entertainment as a shareholder of Huanyu Entertainment.

In the past year, Huanyu Entertainment has been performing well because of Su Chen, and its total assets and popularity are basically the same as those of Yamato's AC Entertainment.

Su Chen's status in Huanyu has also risen.

Even the shareholders are respectful in front of Su Chen.

After all, this gentleman is Huanyu's cash cow.

Who hasn't lived a good life because of him in recent years?

He made a lot of money.

After the shareholders' meeting, Zhang Ding invited Su Chen to sit in his president's office.

The two chatted about the future development direction of Huanyu for a while, and then Zhang Ding started gossiping: "Mr. Zhang, you are the big boss behind Xingguang Films, right?"

Su Chen looked at Zhang Ding, "Why are you also following the wind and catching shadows?"

"Isn't it?" Zhang Ding said, "Except for you, I can't think of anyone else who has such great ability to take down the big pig's hoof, the squid, and the comic king Li Xianyu."

"The boss behind Xingguang is my friend." Su Chen said lightly.

"It's still a familiar taste." Zhang Ding sighed, but didn't expose it.

At the same time, he also had a bolder guess.

That is, those friends Su Chen called...

are actually Su Chen himself.

Because these friends are too low-key!

They are unwilling to show their faces.

It's very strange.

But there is not enough evidence to prove his idea.

"Then Mr. Su, please help me," Zhang Ding said deliberately, "Huanyu has always focused on the training of singers. The training of actors is a little weak, so we want to cooperate deeply with Xingguang. Mr. Su, please introduce us?"

Su Chen could hear the hidden meaning.

Zhang Ding wanted to meet the boss behind the scenes.

He pondered for a while and said, "You can talk to Duoyu, and he will naturally report to my friend."

Zhang Ding's suspicion in his heart increased a little when he heard the rejection.

"Okay." Zhang Ding did not ask any more questions.

The two of them had afternoon tea in the president's office.

Chatting about everything.

They talked very little about business matters.

On the same day, Huanyu Entertainment's composition department received a list.

The list came from "Canghai Global Film and Television", the number one film and television company in Yamato, and the task was to write a theme song for a new animated film "Flying Island".

"This is a bidding list." Zhang Ding said.

The so-called bidding list means that the film and television company will send a separate creation invitation to the composition department or lyricist of many entertainment companies.

Prepay a certain amount of earnest money.

Then the film and television company will screen the works received from many songwriters.

The earnest money does not need to be returned for the works that are not selected.

The selected works will be accepted by the contract.

In the final analysis,

you have to stand out from the many songwriters and works.

"I heard that composers such as Ishi Rang, Matsumoto Aoka, and Kichiro have received invitations from Yamato... They have invited Huanyu Entertainment, and it is obvious that they hope you can make a move." Zhang Ding said.

Su Chen thought, why don't you invite me alone?

Don't like me?

Just thinking about it, the phone dinged and received an email.

It was an email from Canghai Global Film and Television.

"Dear Mr. Su Chen, we are Canghai Global Film and Television... Sincerely invite you..."

The email was written concisely.

The attachment of the email contains the story outline of "Flying Island" and some prepared animation clips for Su Chen's reference.

Su Chen took a quick look at the story outline of "Flying Island".

It tells the story that the Blue Star Continent has been polluted and is no longer suitable for human survival. In order to continue to survive on the Blue Star and reproduce civilization, the Blue Star Federation has built a series of flying islands, and people in the new century live on the flying islands.

The animated film has created a magnificent and bizarre new world.

But it is also an extremely cruel world.

People still yearn for life on the ground.

The story evolves in this magnificence and contradiction.

In the end, conflicts and wars broke out between the flying islands, and many flying islands fell to the ground.

Su Chen personally found it very interesting.

At the same time, he also thought of a song "Castle in the Sky", which just fits the slightly sad story atmosphere created by "Flying Island".

Zhang Ding saw Su Chen's smile and asked, "Do you have inspiration?"

"Yeah." Su Chen nodded.

"So fast?" Zhang Ding was stunned.

"A flash of inspiration." Su Chen did not explain too much.

He immediately wrote "Castle in the Sky" and then went to the production studio to make it. The whole process took less than two hours.

Then the finished product was sent back.

Yamato, Canghai Global Film and Television.

The creative team of "Flying Island" is in the conference room.

Music producer Guangyu has just sent emails to many songwriters and companies. He estimated that he would not be able to wait for a response for a while, and was preparing to drink a cup of coffee and play "Heroes of Glory".

However, just as he stood up, the email icon on the lower right corner of the computer flashed.

Guangyu frowned.

He opened the email.

He found that it was an email from Su Chen.

There was also an audio file in the attachment.

"It's finished so quickly?" Guangyu didn't care about drinking coffee.

He remembered that it was less than two hours after he sent the email to Su Chen, and he not only wrote it, but also finished the finished product.

This speed!

Don't be too fast.

"You are worthy of being a master of improvisation." Guangyu sighed in his heart and couldn't wait to put on his headphones.

Clicked on "Castle in the Sky"!

The real name of "Castle in the Sky" is actually "With You", but everyone said it was misnamed because of the movie "Castle in the Sky".

Su Chen simply named it "Castle in the Sky".

I'm too lazy to bother.

This work has many versions, and it is also a good product in light music, and it is also a world-famous song.

After reading the story introduction of "Flying Island" and the movie clips, Su Chen finally decided to submit the piano version.

He thought that the theme of "Flying Island" could be better reflected through the melody alone.

So he did not provide lyrics.

That's why it took only a short time to complete the production.

Guangyu put on headphones.

The soft, ethereal piano sound floated into his ears like a firefly.

Every note seemed to have vitality.

The first impression was ethereal.

Then he felt clean.

Then there was tranquility.

Guangyu felt like he was lying on a lawn, with the breeze blowing, cool and gentle. The night sky was dotted with stars, flickering slightly.

Fireflies were flying quietly.

Everything was quiet and beautiful.

He seemed to be able to smell the fragrance of grass in the air.

A beautiful and leisurely picture unfolded in front of him.

But for some reason, the more he listened to the end, the warmer and more moist his eyes became.

He couldn't tell whether it was sadness or touching.

He only knew!

This was exactly the song he was looking for.

If he hadn't sent out a bidding invitation, he would have wanted to make a decision immediately.

But now the bidding invitation has been sent out. In order to show his support to other songwriters and to follow the company's bidding process, he suppressed his excitement.

However, he still sent the song to the creative team group.

"The bidding song written by Teacher Su Chen!! It's amazing! You guys listen to it first." Then he threw the audio file to the group.

Soon someone in the group replied.

"Didn't the bidding invitation just go out today? Su Chen finished the creation so quickly?"

"Oh my god!! This is the speed of creation."

"Let me listen to it first."

At once, everyone clicked on "Castle in the Sky".

A few minutes later, the group exploded.

"Pure music?"

"Oh my god!!! It was really written in two hours?"

"This is too amazing!!! After listening to it, I feel that our movie is someone else's customized MV"

"I shed tears without fighting."

"Then... do we have to wait for other bidding works?"

Everyone felt that "Castle in the Sky" was irreplaceable.

But everyone also knew that the necessary procedures still had to be followed.

About three days later, various companies and composers sent in their works.

Most works were not as amazing as "Castle in the Sky". Compared with it, they were quickly abandoned.

Only Shi Rang's "Starry Sky" made Guangyu and others hesitate.

"Castle in the Sky" is slightly sad and ethereal.

"Starry Sky" is faintly hopeful and profound.

Both have soothing tunes.

And they are both pure music.

They are both piano pieces!

"Each has its merits, it's hard to choose."

"Why don't we go through the voting process? Whoever gets the most votes will be adopted."

"There is only this way."

Generally speaking, the adoption of music will not go to the stage of voting.

This method will only be used when it is really difficult to choose.

However, the voting was not smooth.

Because there were always people abstaining in the middle.

In the end, the votes for the two works were the same, and no choice could be made at all.

"To be honest... it would be a loss for us to discard any one of them."

"How about we take both songs? One as the opening song, one as the ending song... or an interlude."

"I would like to use both." Guangyu said, "but our budget does not allow it. One is Shi Rang, and the other is Qilin Caizi... The prices of these two are not low! We can only choose one of the two. The budget has already exceeded... and it can't exceed it anymore."

The director also agreed deeply.

Although it is said that only children make choices, adults have to take them.

But money is indeed a big problem!

Don't worry too much.

"What should we do? We can't keep hesitating and deadlocked like this, right?" Someone said.

Guangyu was also very entangled in his heart. After thinking for a long time, he said, "I have an idea."

"What?" Everyone was curious.

"If we can't choose, we can let the audience choose." Guangyu said, "Although this bidding rule is rarely used... there are precedents."

"After obtaining the consent of the two songwriters, the two songs will be released at the same time, and the audience will vote. The one with the highest vote will win."

This kind of gameplay does exist in the bidding rules.

But this involves the face of the creators. No matter who loses, it will have a certain impact on their reputation.

So this method will not be used unless it is absolutely necessary.

"I always feel that this is not a good solution." Someone objected.

"Then can you come up with a better solution?"


Finally, after a period of silence, everyone thought that this was the only way.

So Guangyu called Su Chen and Shi Rang separately.

What he didn't expect was that

the two top songwriters actually agreed at once.

There was no hesitation at all.

"It's too straightforward to agree." Guangyu said.

"They were originally competing for the first place in the Creative Billboard... I guess they both wanted to challenge each other."

"Have we started the first fight between two people in the new year?"

"It's not a question of whether it counts... It's a question of whether we have started it."

"It's a sin."

"But I'm so excited."

"Castle in the Sky and Starry Sky are definitely at the level of gods fighting each other!"

What's even more surprising is that after Su Chen and Shi Rang learned that they were going to compete with each other, they both sent new versions at the same time!

Both of them wrote lyrics for it!

So they wrote instrumental music just to get away with it?

After they knew they had met their opponents!

They went all out!

It's amazing!


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