Dad: My identity as Qu Dad has been exposed by my daughter

Chapter 373 Is Watson the mastermind behind this?

The female Fujii tree found out that the male Fujii tree became seriously ill after his death. Google search reading

Seeing this, the audience also smelled it.

"So the male Fujii tree has always liked the female Fujii tree, right?"

"It seems like this..."

"Damn it!! This is such a secret love."

"But female Fujii didn't know that she had been loved so deeply."

"Love letters...every one is a love letter written to you."

"I'm already in tears."

As the plot progresses, the movie gradually comes to an end.

And then the mystery was finally revealed.

The schoolmates of female Fujii tree came to Fujii's house, and they brought a book, which was the "Reminiscences of Lost Time" that Fujii tree asked her to help return.

The school girls told Fujii Shu,

A big discovery on the back of your library card.

Fujii opened the book and found a painting on the back of the library card!

That was painted by the male Fujii Shu.

Drawn by you Fujii.

The female Fujii tree felt a strong emotion in her heart and couldn't help but shed tears.

At this time, countless viewers in the theater were in tears.

"You finally read my love letter! But I have left this world."

"So cruel! But so real."

"I have loved you my whole life, but you don't know it. When you know it, I am no longer here."

"What a shame! What a shame!"

"A corner of my heart that had been dusty for a long time was suddenly disturbed."


"Crying like crazy."

"I am reminded of "Sunny Day" written by Su Su: Once upon a time, there was someone who loved you for a long time... But the wind and rain gradually blew away the distance..."

"He didn't have time to say it."

"Maybe! Some people like it... but they really can't speak! It's a pity that they can't speak."

In the novel "Love Letter", the last scene is written like this:

"I pretended to be calm while trying to put the card in my pocket. Unfortunately, the apron I like doesn't have a pocket on the top or bottom."

Want to treasure it!

But found that it cannot be treasured!

Because of that Fujii tree who has liked her for a long, long time!

Already left this world.

In the theater, Ding Yingluo was already crying.

Wang An finally understood why Su Chen gave him the song "Can't Open My Mouth" and told him to release it immediately after the movie ended.

The Fujii tree that cannot speak,

After all, they left each other with lifelong regrets.

He took Ding Yingluo into his arms and looked at his phone. "Can't Open My Mouth" has been released on time.

"Can't Open My Mouth" was written and composed by Su Chen.

Therefore, Kuyun Music took care of it when it was first released and arranged a homepage banner recommendation for Wang An.

Fans who had just watched "Love Letter" came out of the theater and wanted to express their feelings on Weibo.

But as soon as I took out my phone, I received a notification of Wang An's new single.

The following slogan is written on the banner recommendation of Kuyun Music:

"If you can't speak, write a "love letter"

It was actually connected to the movie "Love Letter".

It must be heard immediately.

Of course Bai Ruoxi won't miss it either.

Plug the earphones into your ears, automatically connect to Bluetooth, and click "Can't Open Your Mouth" to play.

"It started not long after I left.

Worrying about how you are doing today

The whole picture is what you think about and you can't sleep

Cute look with pouty mouth

And the sweet smell of you on my body

My happiness is you

Everything you think about will make you laugh.”

A very standard Zhou love song.

My happiness is you, I will laugh whenever I think about you.

Is there such a person who makes you feel happy whenever you think of him?

Bai Ruoxi was immersed in the melody of the song.

She thought to herself that the female Fujii tree must be the one in the male Fujii tree's heart that makes her laugh whenever she thinks about it.

"How hard it is for me without you here

How troubled I am without you

Through the clouds, I try to run towards you

The love I just sent to you is already in someone else’s arms.”

How difficult would it be for Hiroko Watanabe to live without her husband Fujii? How uncomfortable did she feel when she learned that she might just be the replacement for the female Fujii tree?

The male Fujii tree tried hard to get closer to the female Fujii tree.


It was many years later that this dusty mystery was revealed.

Su Chen asked Wang An to release "Can't Open My Mouth" because the chorus of this song slightly coincided with the plot of the movie.

And it’s Valentine’s Day!

Su Chen also wanted to use this song to stimulate those guys who couldn't speak.

"I just can't open my mouth to let her know.

I will definitely protect you and make you laugh

how important you are to me

I regret not letting you know

Listen quietly to your coquettishness

Watch you sleep until you grow old

I just can't open my mouth to let her know.

It's just such a few simple words that I can't do

The whole heart is hanging in the air

I can only watch from a distance

All these can be done

But that person is no longer me."

Bai Ruoxi unconsciously compared the lyrics with the plot of "Love Letter".

In "Love Letter", Bai Ruoxi believes that two people cannot talk. One is the male Fujii tree, and the other is the male Fujii tree's former friend Akiba.

The male Fujii tree did not dare to speak.

But a secret love.

Although she expressed her feelings by returning the book in the end, it was a pity that the female Fujii tree only understood the deeper meaning after many years.

Just like the 365 paper cranes that Su Chen once received.

If the girl had said when she gave him the paper crane, "Go home and open it."

Maybe the ending would be different.

Because I couldn't speak up!

So they missed each other.

Because I couldn't speak up!

It was a regret for the rest of my life.

In the movie, Qiu Ye liked Watanabe Hiroko, but he didn't dare to speak up at first, so that Watanabe Hiroko got her hand soaked by Fujii Itsuki. Only after Fujii Itsuki passed away did he dare to carefully express his feelings to her.

It's just a few simple sentences. I can't do it...

Bai Ruoxi felt that the lyrics were too destructive.

At this time, the comments in the comment section of the song were already blown up.

"Fuck!! Su Dad did this on purpose! After "Love Letter", "Can't Open Your Mouth""

"I feel a sense of regret as I listen to it."

"Yeah... Why were you so cowardly back then? Otherwise, it wouldn't just be "Guest" at her wedding"

"Love Letter tells us not to have a crush! "Can't Open Your Mouth" tells us!! If you don't say it again, the person you like will become someone else's wife."

"So releasing this song on Valentine's Day is to encourage you to confess, right?"

"What else? At the premiere, Su Dad even demonstrated it for you! Isn't it a copycat?"

"I was a little hesitant at first... But now I've figured it out!! I must confess today! Even if I'm rejected, I won't regret it."

Of course, there are many people in the comment section who directly used it as a confession wall.

They said so-and-so, "I like you."

It turns out that

many people only dare to talk nonsense in the comment section.

"Can't Open Your Mouth" and the movie "Love Letter" complement each other.

The song quickly soared on the charts.

The movie "Love Letter" also became a box office hit due to spontaneous praise and recommendations from netizens.

There are two very popular topics on Weibo.

# Collection of Su Dad's Love Words #

# Have you confessed your love today #

At the premiere ceremony, Shu Wan's "love words" and Su Chen's quoted poems were all sorted out by netizens, allowing compatriots all over the Internet to copy their homework.

"Love Letter" and "Can't Say It" gave many people the courage to finally confess their love on Valentine's Day.

Someone left a message under the topic:

"Thank you, Su Daddy!! I succeeded in confessing my love."

"I didn't know what to say... so I learned this song "Can't Open My Mouth" and sang it to her, and then she asked me: Do you like me? And then I said yes!! Woohoo, I'm no longer single..."

"I said: Let's be together. Then we were together."

"I stared at her and said your eyes are so beautiful. She said: Because I have you in my eyes. Ahhhhh!!! Su Daddy was a great help today."

"Hahaha, is Su Daddy the matchmaker?"

Fans posted their own photos of escaping singleness and told their own stories of escaping singleness.

Perhaps it's because the marriage rate has been gradually declining in recent years.

The birth rate is not ideal either.

Even CCTV News compiled the "love words" and "love poems" between Su Chen and Shu Wan.

A collection was also released.

"The list of love songs suitable for confession by the talented Kirin can only help you so much. Hurry up and learn them, and then go confess your love."

CCTV News is very naughty.

For a long time after this day, the marriage rate showed an upward trend.

Therefore, some people commented that: Su Dad single-handedly raised the continuously low marriage rate!

"Love Letter" continued to be popular.

It easily topped the box office champion.

The score was as high as 6!

It was known as the "ceiling of secret love".

The Yamato actor who played the two Fujii trees in their school days also became popular overnight.

People say: Whoever plays the script of the squid will definitely be popular. Whoever sings the song written by Su Dad will definitely be popular.

The script of the squid has become a box office guarantee.

And the actors can become famous after the script becomes popular.

They are really two legendary existences.

"Luv letter", "Love Letter", "Can't Open Your Mouth", and many "love words and love poems", Su Chen can be said to be crazy on this Valentine's Day.

The box office of "Snow Country Lovers" shot by Canghai Global Film and Television and released at the same time as "Love Letter" was squeezed quite unsatisfactory.

Not only that!

Even pre-sale box office refunds have occurred repeatedly.

The quality of "Snow Country Lovers" is not bad, but it encountered the crazy "Love Letter"!

Canghai Universal Film and Television originally planned to extend the screening time of "Snow Country Lovers" to win more opportunities and box office, hoping to wait for the popularity of "Love Letter" to pass, and perhaps there will be a chance to turn things around.

However, just when the box office of "Love Letter" was hot, Starlight Films released news again.

It is also a love theme, and the script is also written by the squid. "If Love Has Destiny" will be released at the end of February.

Suddenly, Canghai Universal Film and Television was stunned.

"Release two movies of the same theme in one month! Crazy?"

"Is this even going to grab their own box office?"

"Want to suppress the film and television industry!"

"Too bullying!! We... I'm afraid this movie can't turn over."

Canghai Universal Film and Television is a little panicked.

At the beginning of the new year, whether it was the previous "Green Snake", or the current "Love Letter", or "Sherlock Holmes"...

Starlight Films can be said to be a king bomb.

The whole film and television industry has lost its temper.

"Sherlock Holmes" firmly occupies the first place in the hot list of Penguin platform, which is unshakable.

Although it is updated weekly!

"Green Snake" and "Love Letter" both won the box office championship in the same period, and they were so strong that they could not be resisted.

Is there another one to be released now?

And I also heard that "The Legend of Sword" has also been prepared to start filming...

Is Starlight Pictures crazy this year?

All film and television companies are a little panicked.

In the past two years, the music world has been suppressed to a great extent because of Su Chen.

Will it be the turn of the film and television industry in the next two years?

As expected, they are all friends of Su Chen! Every move is made with great skill and quality!

Every company is preparing early response strategies to survive in the cracks of fierce competition.

The week passed quickly.

The third episode of "Sherlock" that has been longing for countless fans has finally received an update.

The suspense about "Moriarty" left in the previous two episodes has made the audience look forward to it for a long time.

Like the original novel, Moriarty always manipulates crime from behind and never does it himself.


In the first two episodes, his name only appeared twice, but he has already become the most impressive character to the audience besides Sherlock and Watson.

It’s not the update time yet, but countless fans have already entered the Penguin platform to wait.

“It’s so hard to wait for updates.”

"I have a feeling...Moriarty is going to appear in this episode."

"Hurry up, hurry up! I can't wait."

"Love Sherlock!"

"I'm here to take advantage of Sherlock and Watson."

"Hahahaha I like Mrs. Fang Dong..."

Time passed by minute by second, and it was finally time to update "Sherlock".

As a die-hard fan of "Sherlock", Bai Ruoxi couldn't wait to click to play the third episode.

While waiting for the update, Bai Ruoxi, who never reads novels, went to watch the original "Sherlock Holmes". Although it was also very interesting, she believed that the adapted "Sherlock" was more relevant to the current era and gave a sense of immersion. Stronger.

The most important thing is that Sherlock is still so handsome!

What girl can stand it?

After reading "Sherlock Holmes", I also read other novels written by Da Zhuti, and suddenly I felt that reading novels was quite interesting...

She was eating potato chips and watching "Sherlock."

To her surprise, the third episode was beyond her imagination.

The plot is compact.

Full of useful information.

In one and a half hours, Sherlock and Watson solved five cases together.

1. The mysterious shoe case

2. The case of the missing banker

3. Death case of famous host

4. Famous painting forgery case

5. Missile defense plan

Therefore, this episode is rich in content, tight in plot, and very brain-burning.

It can be said to be high energy throughout.

Of course, these five cases are not five separate cases, but are controlled remotely by a "bomber" behind the scenes.

Ever since the mysterious shoe case, Sherlock has been receiving countdown calls from [The Unabomber].

Usually [The Unabomber] will tie bombs on people's bodies and talk to Sherlock.

And continue to compress Sherlock's time to solve the case.

This is a challenge and provocation to Shylock!

Five cases were solved one by one by Sherlock.

But the [Unbomber] never surfaced, and after that, the Unabomber never sent any proactive messages.

So Sherlock posted the news on his deduction website.

Deliberately leading out the mastermind.

Sherlock will meet the mastermind at the swimming pool where the victim of the first case, the mysterious shoe case, drowned.

Sherlock arrives as promised.

There he waited for the man behind it.

But I didn’t expect it!

Came to the swimming pool at the appointed time,

But it's Watson!

Seeing Watson appear, Bai Ruoxi crunched the potato chips she had just put into her mouth, not daring to move her teeth.

The barrage also exploded at this moment!

"Fuck!! Watson?"

"Uh... don't tell me that the source of everything is Watson?"

"No way!"

"If the screenwriter dares to write Watson as the mastermind behind the scenes!! I will kill the squirting squid directly!"

"Don't forget... the squid is the one who killed "Sword of Immortal" until there is only one person left in the whole show. He can do anything."

Watson's appearance makes people feel nervous!

A bad premonition rose in my heart.

Doubt, fear, curiosity...

All kinds of wonderful emotions are intertwined in the hearts of the audience.

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